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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1990)
Co-ed Summer Housing Summer housing at Triangle Fraternity. Laundry facili ties. air conditioning, spacious rooms, and more. For information, call Scott at 436-0134 or Chris at 436-8783. 180 Houses For Rent 2219 Potter. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, basement, parking, near campus, S600. 475-1579 or 466 1168. PMS Co 2311 U St. Five bedroom, two bath house. $500 Phoemx Properties 489 0621 2434 W. Very nice four bedroom, 1 1<2 baths, full base ment, close to campus, $525 475-1579,466-1168. PMS Co. Friday & Saturday Bobby Curious CAMPUS CLOSE HOUSES 322 S. 27th, 5 bdr , 2 baths at $650. 3202 S St 4-bdr.. 2 baths S550. All c/air, iaundry hook-ups and parking. 488-6736. Four bedroom, summer lease or longer, real nice and clean. $550/month, 2314 Holdrege 475 1579, 466 1168. PMSCo House available for the summer near campus. 475-1579. PMS Co. Houses available with all the extrasl Near UNL. 3-6 bedrooms, available mid-May, summer only or longer. 423 ’535 Large 4 bedroom, 2611 R, available 8/15. $560 489 6948 Large, 5 bedroom, 2 bath. $650. 322 S. 27th 435-3033, Available June 1st. Near campus, 1 and 3 bedroom houses 476-7774. Three bedroom, very nice, wood floor, close to campus, available May 14 $450 Short or long term lease 477 5432 190 Apartments For Rent •"Brand New*” Pine Tree Apartments Available May 1 and August 1. Two bedroom S390 410, Three bedroom with two baths S510 525 Garages, security building, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, range, ceiling fan, no pets, minutes to UNL. First and Adams 483-6057, 483 1130 2301 A ST 1 bedroom with balcony S270. 475-7262 2740 R St. Nicer 1 bedroom, at $225 and 2 bedroom at $295. Laundry, air, garage. 488-6738. 640 S. 20th 2 bedroom, balcony, $374. 475-7262. Walk to Campus Spacious one bedroom, all appliances, patio, short lease, no pets Available May 19,2223 Vine $285 476 3403 Century Realty Commercial Department, Inc. 111 ROURBON JJ STREET11 Alij»ator Records Presents A. C. Reed & his Spark Plugs ^ Fri. and Sat. fj April 13th & 14th t1200 N. 70th] I Call Us! 475- 7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus Open 11 a.m. for lunch 476- 0787 11th & Cornhusker ^ Harper Schramm Smith Qr " SUPER SUNDAY LARGE ONE ?axs TOPPING PIZZA CDCPIAI GOOD SUNDAY ONLY bl hv/IAL DRIVERS WANTED | $5-$7 PER HOUR I___ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON BASK IN THE SUN BY WILLOWHAVEN’S POOL! Air conditioned; balconies; super clean. One and two bedroom apartments. Quiet, relaxing atmosphere. Close to campus; summer leases. 476-6200. Joseph E. Kean Company 474 1666 Close to Campus 2333 Lynn, 1 bedroom all appliances 2343 W, 2 bedroom, washer and dryer hook ups Summer leases available. Zimmer Management 475-0180. Conversion Sharp' Sharp! Duplexl One-bedroom, second floor. Window air, close in. Only S285 with all utilities paid. Cherry Hill Management 489-3387. RENT ME I! I I'm yours for the whole summer @ only $230/month. I'm clean, cozy & conveniently located at 1626 D Call me at 476-3967 for an introduction. Heather Ridge P.S. My tenant will be back for the fall semester, but let’s make the best of it for 3 months. xoxo Secret Probably the best kept secret in town1 One bedroom in newer complex. Close to campus. Central air, plush carpet, fan shower Short-term lease possible Only $300 with most bills paid. Cherry Hill Management 489 3387. _ SUMMFR LEASES 640 South 20th, swimming pool. 1 bedroom $289 and up; 2 bedroom $339 and up. 475-7262. Summer Lease 521 N. 25th. $34 5 2 bedroom, air. free cable. 435-7928 Duplex Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom, 1 1/2 baths fireplace, kitchen with appliances wash9r/dryer, available in May. 1417/1419 N. 20th. 402-292-7686. East Campus - 3600 Huntington Brick 4-Plex, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, balcony, central air, appliances, laundry, parking. Summer and fall leases, 489-9916. Efficiency apartment. S300/month, all utilities paid 1133 D St. 475 5275. Newer 2 bedroom near campus $325 423-3237. One bedroom apartment at 743 New Hampshire. 477 6021. Summer Rates Nice 2 bedroom with balconies from S325 per month. 1 bedrooms from $275 477-0837 or 474-0483 SUMMtK HA i to OCVHN MAT ■ NEAR DOWNTOWN, ACROSS FROM GOV'S HOUSE NEWER BRICK BUILDING * One bedroom * Laundry * Central air ' Quiet S255/mo. good through 7-91 (15 mos.) plus gas electric. Deposit split two mos CAPITOL VISTA APTS. 1425 "G" STREET 488-6889 for more information. Take over lease. 2-bedroom, fireplace, large kitchen, 2736 Q Available May 1,475-4863, S390. 194 Homes For Sale One bedroom Georgian Place condo, 534 square feet taxes-S602-year, $44,600 488-1765 r-1 1355a --i 88888 18889 A 0*0*0*0*T 826 "P" V In the Haymarkct *1® <P Friday the 13th at 9:00 P.M. ^ 13(f Shots 4a 013 Minute Drink Specials^ O Dance to The Shivers Fri. & Sat. Night 4* in the Upstairs Bar! O ■* 99<f Blood # ■f Pitchers *■ o . . o ^ Watch the movies, drink the fun. jt Have the madness creep within your body. ^F^ i—\ AU right here at M.R. Ducks! A Sfirv/iu# n , | J iff* mwie&w j f M « ' emm w am, ( A ,...lrW' •V THIW Of V»MT •y CMMfc£D PM? VW cWUfc#D toJDfc vnu it>\&. ACROSS 27 S F tourist attraction 1 When Irish____ Are Smiling “ 5 F estive response 9 Ory founded in 31-Islands off 1920 the Irish coast 13 rold-up furniture ^ province of 15 Colleen s name China 17 Wild flower of 34 Be hot under the songdom collar 18 Fencing stance 35 Copper-alloy 19 Material In T coating Williams's roof 37 One of the 20 Some tic-tac-toe leagues Abbr winners 38 ■*-Takes Is 21 Gluck works Love," 1987 22 Prepare corn for song eating 40 Handle, in old 23 What plungers Rome go for 41 River of France 24 It's sometimes 42 European last capital r w 44 Down Under metropolis 46 -Cologne 47 Like Swiss cheese 48 “Liltom" author 50 Penn etc 51 Teaching deg 54 Type of reaction 55 Shunned, in a big way 57 lll-at ease feeling 58 Five-liners named for an Irish county 59 Electrical resistance measures 60 Faculty functions 61 "Of-1 Sing" DOWN ^1 Give out 2 Cosmonaut Gagarin 3 Hibernia 4USN policemen 5 Ship's stabilizer 6 Desi Arnaz autobiography 7 Subtraction word 8 Lemon's end 9 Jimmy Dorsey song hit 1941 10 Canaveral, once 11 Ogof "Finian's Rainbow " e g 12 Part of the eye 14 Attack time 16 Former Third Ave trains 21 Sphere 22 Rowdy behavior 23 Marriage announcement 24 Middle East fiddle 25 Where an 6l6ve studies 26 Type of club 27 Chili companion 28 Other, in Oise 29 Man with an easy life 32 Aptly named novelist 36 Old radio show, with "The" 39 Young AWOL's of a son 43 Sea between It ana Yugo 45 "Give me a straight-no answer!" 47 Root words 48 Entertainment industry initials 49 Reaction of surprise or dismay 50 Peau de (wedding-dress material) 51 Do aquatints 52 Hockey ploy 53 Warehouse gds 55 Diner order, for short 56 -for tat Edited by Eugene T. Maleska .1 57 ffiHg ■ |JW~ Kg j^j|'