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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1990)
Classified 472-2588 64 Printing 70 Religious 72 Rentals 2 Appliances 74 Social Services 3 Bicycles 76 Travel 4 Books 78 Tutoring 5 Clothing 80 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers a Furniture Garage Sales 10 Wise. For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments 110 Announcements 14 Photo Equipment 120 Greek Affairs 16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Government 18 Stereos/TVs 135 Meeting Others 19 Ticket Exchange 140 Personals 20 Vehicles 145 Lost A Found 148 Wanted ■■■■■■■ 25 Automotive 150 Child Care Needed 28 Beauty Aids 160 Help Wanted 30 Bridal 162 Work Study Jobs 32 Counseling 164 Summer Jobs 34 Floral 36 Health & Fitness 38 Insurance ———— 40 Instruction 170 Roommates 42 Job Placement 175 Rooms For Rent 44 L«»qal 180 Houses For Rent 60 Misc Services 190 Apartments For Rent Precnancv 194 Homes For Sale 62 Pregnancy 198 Vacatjon Rentats $2.50 per day for 10 words on Individual student and student organization ads. $3 00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads $.15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday'/. 3 Bicycles Raleigh Grand Pnx, 1988. Excellent Condition, $200 obo. 477-0387, leave message. Schwinn 5-speed road bfce, good shape $55,423 0449. 10 Misc. For Sale Stop at One More Time (or Formals-both vintage and current styles We also have lovely wedding dresses, bridesmaids dresses. 850 N. 27th, 474-2065 Open every day. Cuff s lor Pocket Lighters' 140 N. 12th, Cliffs for Pinning Cigars1. 140 N. 12lh IS Stereos/TVs Jamo professional Hi-Fi speakers 1 1/2 yrs. old. New S1300, asking $650 obo. 435-9429, ask for Matt S. or Jay 20 Vehicles For Sale 76 SAAB for sale $1000 obo call evenings after 8:00 p.m. 786-2173. 1974 Mercedes 230. best otter. 474-1716 or 483-1691. Cad'llac Fleetwood Brougham 1982 diesel, excellent condition, $4500 423-0449, Cars bought for cash. Best prices given up to $1,000. 437-8031 days. 423 5036 after 6 p.m. For sale: Honda Elite Motor Scooter 1X50, takinq bids, call 467-4611. 22 Adoption _ ADOPTION California couple with adopted son and lots o* love to give desire to adopt newborn. Happily married, financially secure Led us help you through this difficult time. Legal/ confidential. Expenses paid.all Janet collect anytime, (707)833 1230 Happily ever after, days filled with laughter, a warm and loving mom and dad, all your wishes can be had Loving couple unable to have our own child want to channel our love and devotion into raising your baby. Financial security and loving dedication promised. We know that we can help make your difficult decision easier if you call us. We'd liko to provide the happy beginnings you desirr for your child. Expenses paid. Call us collect, evenings and weekends. 212-243-2621. Loving California couple and 14-month old daughter. Emily, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Cali Kathy oollect anytime at 213-643 5643. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explorethe protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee tor our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children s Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 60 Misc. Services NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES Millions availabe in financial aid. Computerized match ing. Cali 475-2058 for information. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 ...and you wont make a lot of money. But youll get experience and free pencils! Positions are available for news reporters, sports reporters, arts and entertainment re porters, copy editors, photographers, artists, and editorial cartoonists. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan office. Room 34, Nebraska Union. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertain ing to the same. Will Let \our Career Soar As a Continental FLIGHT ATTENDANT you career 9 s will soar with a starting salary of $14.00 per flight hour In addition to the 83 hours guaranteed for Reserve f light Attendants, you will also receive unique travel privileges. QUALIFICATIONS: • ( ustnmrr Senicr Experience • Between 5*0" and 6’2" (without shoes) • At least 20 years of V • Weigh in proportion to heigh • A ISgh School Diploma or equvalem • Vision correctahle to 20/30 or better (2 or 4 year collegr degree preferred) • Eluent in Spanish or French t phe> All applicants must be willing to relocate to one of the following lo cations: Houston. TX. Denver. CO. Honolulu. HI Los Angeles. CA; Newark. NJ; Cleveland. OH or Seattle. WA For further information, please send a letter requesting an appli cation to. Continental Airlines, Att: Flight Attendant Recruiting PC). Box 4748, Dept. COL, Houston, TX 77210-4748 r: I CONTINENTAL «Bai«igBKBnM ■anMHMBMnfiaHflnNflSSBMflBBHHHnHHBHHBHBHBI 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes ~~H!NZ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE 475- 2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes, newslet ters, brochures, mass mailings and more. Copy service - reductions and enlargements. Needed it yesterday? Fast, affordable, professional typing and word processing. Call Kris at 435 0178. Resumes by Waumta Watt. Please call 467-1011. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union TYPING Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street 476- 8973 All papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Reports, LongiShort Term Projects, Letters/Envelopes/Resumes are profes sionally done. Service: Prompt -Rates: Great 110 Announcements THE PINK COUCH: HOW TO MAKE FRIDAY THE 13TH SAFE1 MEET US FOR C APPACHINO AT THE COFFEE HOUSE, 1324 "P" ... AND LEAVE JASON AT HOMEI SAME PLACE SAME TIME Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club Picnic Tuesday. April 17. Meet faculty and club members. Tickets available through Friday at Dr. Johnson's office 314B Filley Hall. Appearing Thurs. April 19. S p.m.-12:30 a.m.. Street Legal at The Pla-mor Ballroom 6600 W. O St.. Lincoln. 475-4030. ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS MAJORS: Be sure lo pick up a copy of CBAWARE in the Business College. Bootleg last Rock show Sunday. April 15. Bee. Nebr. (10 miles north of Seward) Earth Fair Bo apart of it!! Interested student groups pick up applica tions at either CAP office, or in the Ecology Now office, Rm. 345 NE Union. Easter basket and balloons delivered by Easter bunny to your sweetheart on Easter Sunday. Call R.C. Burgess 466 8071._ EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE April 15, 10:30 a.m. COHNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th WELCOME HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytme from Minneapolis. Denver or Chicago tor no more than S229, or from the East Coast for no more than $160 with AIRHITCH, as reported in Consumer Reports, NY Timas, or Let's Go* For details call: 212 864-2O00 or write AIRHITCH, 2790 Broadway, Ste. 100, New York, NY 10026 ____ HOW SMART R U? Mensa qualifying test. Saturday 10:30 a.m., Anderson Public Library, More info: Carol 476-6377 INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS MONTH VISITING EXECUTIVES PROGRAM College of Business Administration Presents Mr Kent Sterett Quality Control Expert, Union Pacific "Quality: The Competitive Advantage" Presentation at 11:30 a.m.. Monday, April 16 CBA Auditorium ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME It's time to make a difference!!! THE CBA STUDENT ACTION COUNCIL is back I • Lasting peace, is it imminent or centuries away? Baha i Association discussions Fridays at 7:30pm, Mam Cam pus Union. Music more alternative than the B 52's"'' Tune in to the weekly international dance party WORLD BEAT Friday afternoons 4-6:00 p.m KZUM 89 3 FM Hear the latest Afro-Pop, Indi-Pop. Acid House. Dance Hall, Zydeco. Brazilian music. Hybrid French Pep, Polka Rock, Dub, Steel Bands and MORE! 474 5086 Scholarship Available $500 Scholarship offered by DPMA-Cornhusker Chapter for Corrputer Science Major (or equivalent). Junior standing or above Minimal requirements. To receive application, contact DPMAScholarshp, Bo» 80724. Lincoln NE 68501 or call 402-473-0357. SPRING BREAK DAYTONA 1990 A Two Hour Video See What You Saw or Soe What You Missed. $17.95 plus $2.00 handling and shipping 1 800-633-1639 STUDENTS FOR CHOICE Monday, April 16th Nebraska Union Voter Registration T-Shirts- INFO UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Awards Banquet, Saturday, April 14th Dr Stub bendieck. a UNL Prof of Agronomy, will be (he keynote speaker Aisotfjov. Kay Orr will be speaking For ticket info, call 435 8360 120 Creek Affairs AOII and BUD present our annual basketball tournament HOOP IT 90 Everyone Welcome April 21st APhi Open Deadline today at 4 p.m. Don’t miss it!! ATTENTION Applications for managing, layout, copy, ad sates, ad layout and photo editors are available at 332 Nebraska Union. Applications are due April 20, at 4:00 in 332. Contact Laurie Hokom at 436-6210 for any questions. Congratulations to Bill M. for being selected Innocents Outstanding Seniorl The Men of AGS Crick (APhi) Congratulations on making JV Cheerleading. We're all so proud of you. Love, The Alpha Phis Delts Thanks so much for the "Simpsons" party. It was a GREAT time! Love, The Alpha Chi's P.S. Loved the cups tool Laura V. (AOII) Congratulations on your Fulbright Scholarship to Germany! Alpha love, your sisters 130 Student Government Student Government 4 Appointments Board Opening * Be a part of the board that appoints students to 26 campus wide committees. Application and a copy of the appointment list available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline « 4:00 p.m., Friday, April 13th. 140 Personals Scammers, Go Benji Go-E.T. E.T. E.T. Lincoln High, huh7 Maybe a limo after lent?-and then I kicked Tiffany. Scammer (the original) _ P.S. No, not the finger again. Smooth Thanx for such a great six months. I'll love you always' _ Eh Dr Bart Congratulations on your great |ob offer. You deserve it! Thanks tor all your help and words of wisdom. Good Luck. Your, Tutoree Chuck. Happy Birthday I Remember the parks close at mid night. Dawn and Colleen P.S. Congrats on Med Schooll! Sam-I-Am, Good luck this weekend We know you'll do great! Lundette & Blondie Eleni, Bon anniversaire! Have a great 20th! -Cindy 145 Lost & Found Found: Keys in Andrews comp, lab, Vail and sailboat chains, 472-5671, HEt PI! I left my computer disk w/all my semester's work on it at the Union Computer Lab on Fri April 6. The title of the disk is Thesis." If you picked it up, please cal! me at474-5049 REWARD!! Lost pair of blue wire-rimmed glasses. If found call 436 9113. 150 Child Care Needed Dependable person needed to care for two children. 11 and 9,for the summer. Hours are from 9-5 Monday Fnday Car is needed, references required. Call Dana at 471 2244 (daytime). Live in mother's helper at a Connecticut! beach town Approximate dates June 20 to labor day. Salary $125/ week Call Sally Geisler after 6 pm NY time, 212-472 2091. NANNIES Year-long child care positions--Easl Coast. Airfare, good salaries, benefits Screened families, fun group activi ties. PRINCETON NANNY, 301 N. Harrison #416, Prin ceton. NJ 08540; 609 497-1195 Summer Nanny Family seeks loving, reliable, energetic non-smoker, with driver's license, to provide live-in child care and house for three children Maiority of summer by the beach. Write with expectations, past experience, refer ences and reason for wanting position. Varod, 7 Carriage Court, Marlboro, NJ 07746. 160 Help Wanted ENHANCE YOUR EDUCATION AND PAY FOR IT AT THE SAME TIME! *** This is an antry level position The ideal district manager candidate will be self motivated, have good public rela tions skills, and enjoy working with youth Great hours, usually startmgby *30 p.m. daily with up to 35 hours per week Competitive earnings including bonus plan, vaca tion, and holiday pay. You'll need your own vehicle Mileage paid Applications will be accepted at the Jour nal/Star office, 926 P St.. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday, April 13th AA Feed Servioe Corporation, Crete. NE manufacturer of liquid livestock supplements, part-time help needed in QAlab S4/hour, 20-30 hours/week Previous lab expe rience helpful but nof necessary. 826-2171,9am-5pm. Full and part time marina and food service |Obs available at Branched Oak Lake Please call for interview 783 3311. General farm work, full or pari time 785-5935 or 785 3235, no calls after 9 pm. Grounds Keeper Ameritas Lite Insurance Corp. has an immediate opening for a temporary grounds keeper This position involves lawn care, mowing, and weeding. Hours8a.m -2:30p m Monday through Friday, May 1 through Aug, 31. Candi dates must have a valid driver's license Qualified appli cants may apply between 8:30 a.m,-4:00 p.m Amentas Life Insuranoe Corp., Human Resources Dept , 5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510. EOE AA HALF TIME CAREER COUNSELOR NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Half-time, 11-month appointment (7/1/90-6/31/91), to till half-time leave of director. Counsel students one-on one and facilitate workshops in career decision-making, choosing a major, resume writing, interviewing and |Ob searching Assist with career center programs and pro| acts Bachelor’s degree required, graduate work pro tarred Familiarity with careei assessment instruments and computer systems desirable To apply submit appli cation letter, resume and list of referenoes to Nancy Cookson, Personnel Officer, Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versify, 5000 St Paul, Lincoln, NE 68504, by Monday, April 23 Direct phone inquires to Bette Olson, Director of Career Development. Active sports oriented person needed for full time sales position. Retail experience required. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-FISHERIES Earn $600+/week in cannery, $8.000-$12.000+ for two months on fishing vessel Over 8,000 openings. Start June 18th. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For 68 page employment booklet, send $6 95 to M 8 L Research, Box 84008, Seattle, WA 98124. 30 day, un conditional. 100% money back guarantee INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for older adult morning and afternoon fitness classes. Experience preferred, but will train. Call Lifetime Health. 471-7575. INTRAMURAL STAFF ASSISTANTS Applications tor Intramural Staff Assistants will be taken through April 13, 1990. Interested students can obtain application forms at 55 Campus Recreation Center. Staff assistants are the on-site supervisors of intramural ac tivities, Starting wage (Fall, 1990): $4,60-4.80/hour. In quiries’ 472-3467. Knoll s Country Club Applications lor full-time summer lifeguarding positions, with current lifesaving certificates, and bartend-ng posi tions are being accepted at the Knoll’s Country Club, 2201 Old Chaney Road, 423 2843 ★ Looking for a fraternity, sorority, or student organization that would like to make S500-S1,000 for a one week on campus marketing project. Must be organized and hard working. Call Amy or Jeanine at (800) 592 2121. Male or female clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in person. Mike’s O Stieet Drive In, 22nd and O Nanny Opportunities $150 to S400/week. Join the only successful nanny network and experience growth with a great family in the east. For details call Arlene 1 -800-443-6428 One year minimum. Part time loading position. Apply at Coca Cola. 643 S 25th. Drug screening required. Part-time delivery person needed, 1:30-5:00 p.m. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab 125 S. 9th St. Part-time Grounds keeper tor rental houses near city campus Pruning, spraying, weeding, seeding, general plant care (no mowing) now through fall. 477 5049 leave message. Retail Sales. Part-time now. full-time summer. Four Seasons Paint, 200 N. 66th, 464-8808 Sears Automotive Sears needs tire and battery installers Summer hours needed Apply: Sears. Gateway, Monday, 10-7; Tues day Friday, 10-4. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. Spaghetti Works Now hiring for all kitchen positions: dishwasher, salad preps and backup cooks Apply in person Monday-Friday 8-10:00 a.m, 2-4:00 p.m. 228 N. 12th. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS Male/female Outstanding Slim down camps: tennis, danoe, slimnastics. WSI. athletics, nutrition.dietetics Age 20+ Seven weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chusettes. Pennsylvania, California Contact Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood me re, NY 11581. 1 800 421-4321 CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, wateiskiing, gymnastics, riflerv. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding Also kitchen, office, maintenance Salary S900 or more plus R6B Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple. Nfld , IL 60093 708-446 2444 Child Care-Full Time May 29 August 10, one 8 year old call evenings 423-4919. Lifguard. male counselors, maintenance Paid positions, great experience. Camp Carol Joy Moiling. RR1 Box 40 C. Ashland, NE 68003. 402 944 2544 Part-time help needed 18* years, flexible hours Apply at Little King's, 1311 O Street, between 2pm and5p.m Summer Camp Opportunities Boys counselors still needed tor YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln. NE 68508 (402) 475-9622 UNIQUE SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Best east coast girls summer camp has counselor open mgs for skilled candidates in the to..owing areas Tennis (males.females), Gymnastics. WSI. Sailing. Surfing, Waterskimg, Arts and Crafts. Dancing. HorsebacJi riding (females), drama/musical comedy (male female). Call Arlene NOW) 1-800 443-6428 Must be available 6-24 through 8-21. 170 R<x>mmates 2 temale non smokers. 2 bedroom. 2 bath duple* be tween campuses W/D. AC, $133 and 1/3 utilities, avail able May Call Theresa at 475 6046 Do you have a TV VCR A a boss stereo -call usl We neod you- $115/month, call 476-8115 Female roommate to share 2 bedroom home Close to East campus or Wesleyan $175 plus 1/2 utilities 489 6464. 464 9300 Female roommate needed. 3-bedroom apartment, 475 3476 Vale roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment at 534 N 27th S'. $125month plus 1/2 utilities 488 9092 (day). 474-0162 (alter 6:00). Male roommate needed tor summer in nice house near ?6th A Holdrege $140 plus utilities Call 475-2752 or 436 9880 Non smokma female roommate wanted to move in May 12 15 $150/Dep + 1/2 utilities Call 475 8064 and ask tor Ange Responsible male roommate to share nice, large 3 bdr apt at 15th and F. $ 165/month Jett 477-4450 Roommate needed tor 3 BR house. Bedroom has tire plaoe. 435-2570. $165 175 Rooms For Rent All utilities and cable paidl Clean and sharp Kitchen, lounge, and laundry tacilitie* 1144 F, $165. 47 7-5617 Girls, reasonable summer housing in a tratermty. Call Jett at 436 7986 SUMMER HOUSING At Acacia tratermty Men only Air conditioning, kitchen and laundry facilities, tree parking $25/week, double $40/week, single For more information call Dustin at 4366126 or 436 €160