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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1989)
SUIT from Page 1 harmed or oppressed in treble dam ages.” PAY from Page 1 the lower cost of living in Nebraska means that low salaries don’t have a great an impact as in other areas of th< United States. “I know a lot of people feel thai there isn’t enough money in it,’ David said. “(But) I wasn’t expect ing to buy a car on my salary 01 anything.” A former art graduate teaching assistant who spoke on the conditior that her name not be used said that a low salary was only one of many problems she encountered. “I felt TAs were taken a little bil advantage of,” she said. Although she said she enjoyed teaching, she said she felt graduate teaching assistants often were asked to teach classes that no faculty mem bers wanted. She also said that at one time she had 91 students and taught more classes than some faculty members while receiving a $5 an hour salary. Trying to earn extra money in another job was “basically impos sible,” she said, because of the lack of time she was left with. Also, gradu ate teaching assistants aren’t sup posed to have other jobs, she said. “It was kind of a Catch-22 be cause I needed to get some teaching experience,” she said. “But in order Erlich wants a permanent injunc tion requiring Pfanner and the regents to reinstate his voting privileges in personnel matters and to pay for his attorneys fees and costs. Hrlich also wants general damages from Pfannei and in his official capacity as deemec by the court. I > According to a 1987/88 study done by UNL... Among eight peer institutions, UNL ranked 7th in overall stipends 8th in physical science area stipends 5th in agricultural stipends Average UNL stipends ranged from $ 4,523 in education "It will lakecombined efforts from both universities and government $ 6,185 in engineering ' L-—. ' to do that, I had to be happy with what they gave me.” Yost said he will have a better picture of how UNL ranks nationally for graduate teaching assistant sala ries in January or February. A study of graduate salaries currently is being conducted by UNL in cooperation with the National Council of Gradu ate Schools and will be finished by that time, he said. The study will involve about 75 Andy Manhart/Daily Nebraskan schools and will include not only graduate teaching assistant salaries, hut also graduate fellowships and postdoctoral salaries, Yost said. “It will provide helpful informa tion as we strive to strengthen our competition for graduate students at UNL,” he said. “It will also be a service at a lime when there is con cern about the availability of high quality graduate students committed to entering the academic profes sion.” ’Tis the season to save up to $80 on ArtCarved gold rings. Choose from a selection of men’s Jj and women’s styles that’s jjS§gj both a comfort and a joy. ^©3 quality, ArtCarved is hard to beat. Be cause each | and every ring is care fully crafted and backed Rife by a Full Lifetime Warranty. Order your — ^ college ring now, save up to 180, and don’t pay another dime till March. Ask how you can save on gold acces sories, too. AR1CARVED \ COLLEGE JEWELRY fi _City CampusDec. 7 & 8 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Location Date Payment Plans Available iliTbrigf^ I Panel to discuss farm bill at seminar A panel will discuss the pro posed 1990 farm bill at the Decem ber seminar of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Great Plains Studies. The group will discuss the bill at 3:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at St. Mark’s on-the-Campus, 13 th and R streets. A. L. Frederick, a UNL profes sor of agricultural economics and former director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, will be one of the panelists. ” Beginning midnight Monday, Dec. 4 7:55 a.m. - Tree reported vandalized near Burr-Fedde halls bus stop, $250. 8:35 a.m ~ Telephones reported stolen from Neihardt Residence Complex and Avery Hall, $80. 1:07 p.m. — Bicycle reported stolen near Hewett Center, $300. 1:13 p.m. - Hit- and-run, non-injury accident reported in Area 10-20, 14th and W streets, $500. 1:40 p.m. - Hit-and-run, non-injury accident reported in Area 22,10th and V streets, $300. | 3:22 p.m. - Two-vehicle, non-injury accident reported in Area 7,10th and T streets, $275. 7:13 p.m. - Money reported stolen in South Stadium, $8. CENTER from Page 1 and “it was hard but we man aged,” Johnson said. “We were very fortunate we had no instrument breakdown,” she said. “It all came out fine.” The employees’ morale is good, she said, because they know the move is temporary. No students or faculty members have complained about the move, she said. Students are directed by health center employees to the different lab location, she said. Ojikulu said the renovation was necessary because the old heating and cooling system was inade quate and made parts of die build ing too hot. The pharmacy, especially, he said, had problems maintaining the right temperature for medica tions. Chase said the new part of the health center had air conditioning put in several years ago, but the current renovations mainly will be in the old part of the building. Some of the work on the second floor will overlap with the new air conditioning, he said, but will “upgrade” the system by making it more efficient. “This hopefully will bring the whole building up to the standard needed,” Chase said. Lincoln Jewelry Where big gifts come in small packages. Diamond Earrings 1/3 cl. $295.00 1/5 ct. $195.00 Diamond Pendants 1/10 ct. $89.95 1/5 ct. $195.00 Just around the corner.,.244 N.13th (13th & Q) 1M-F 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat. 10-4 TOTAL HAIR DESIGN Stop By Or Call For An Appointment 475-5550