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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1989)
aiMMiWfc--I „■ . WEATHER: INDEX News Digest.2 Tuesday, mostly sunny and mild, high of 60, west Editorial 4 winds 10 to 20 miles per hour Tuesday night, Sports.7 some clouds, low of 30 Wednesday, cloudy and Arts & Entertainment.9 cool, high of 50. Classifieds.11 Universityof Nebraska- Lincoln Vol 89 No. % Student press battles for rights to police logs i mf Lee Rood § j|l| T S. sludent newspapers at I tempting to report crime on B"' •campus are becoming vic I tiros of the universities they attempt | * to cover, according to the Washing D.C.-based Student Press Law ter. ^^^Jdany universities have been for K^^lflding access to campus police logs, |Ad withholding or omitting public ^formation about crimes that in volve students, said law center Direc I wF Mark Goodman. Goodman said he receives at least two complaints a week from student newspaper representatives who say university officials use privacy laws to withhold such information. “It’s a tremendous problem, and unfortunately it seems to be getting worse,’ ’ Goodman said. Goodman said the university offi cials use the Buckley Act -- a law aimed at protecting students’ rights to access files schools compile on them — to suppress the information. They use the act’s privacy provisions to prevent campus police from releas ing information about crimes involv ing students, he said. However, Goodman said, no court in the United States has ever accepted the withholding of police records or any other public record because of the privacy provisions of the Buckley Act. Nonetheless, student newspapers that do not have the money or the time to challenge universities in court of ten are victims of the Buckley Act, he said. “The Buckley Act has incredible potential for abuse,” Goodman said. Campus police have taken on the role of conscience for the commu nity, he said. “They arc making editorial deci sions (to release public information that) editors at campus newspapers should be making.” John Goebel, University of Nc braska-Lincoln vice chancellor for Business and Finance, said he thinks “it is important that the press be given appropriate information.” ‘ ‘We rely on the standard required by law and the judgment of the people involved,” when releasing UNL po lice records on crimes involving stu dents, said Goebel, who oversees the UNL police department. Goebel said he has never received an official complaint from the media that UNL police have withheld public information. When asked if the UNL Police Department has ever withheld information from the student press, he responded, “I certainly would hope not. ’ ’ UNL police Lt. Ken Caublc said, “sometimes we will keep things out (of incident reports) because they will create more problems” on cam pus. UNL police will not disclose in See PRESS on 6 i uemana increases iJHC extends hours of AIDS counseling By Jennifer U’Lilka jStaff Reporter ^1^Ml__ 0 11 he University Health Center 1 will reschedule times for free | * AIDS counseling to make the U Counseling more accessible to stu dents, according to medical director Dr. Gerald Fleischli. Phyllis Mostrom, coordinator of the sexually transmitted diseases program and an AIDS counselor, said the health center received “a slight increase” in calls concerning AIDS *jT counseling after the Lincoln-Lancas f“fUcr County Health Department ran advertisements about it. She said problems occurred with the increased amount of students requesting counseling because the C&unscling times available were not convenient for students. Fleischli said the problem wasn’t the amount of times available but that the times weren’t convenient for the increasing number of patients seek ing counseling. Previously, counseling sessions were offered between 1 and 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. “Apparently, this was a time when lots of students have classes,” Fleischli said. He said new counseling times will be available to students within a day or two. Moslrom said the health center will extend hours for AIDS counsel ing, see if they are used and possibly open more times later. If the new limes still arc inconven ient, she said, students can use the free AIDS testing offered at the Lin coln-Lancaster County Health De partment. Mostrom said the nurses at the health center have been trained to give counseling along with AIDS testing. Students who use the free AIDS testing must attend a one-hour coun seling session to determine how m uc h the student is at risk of contract ing AIDS and what support systems arc available. Nurses explain what the tests will do and My to educate the student about discrimination and other con See AIDS on 6 i Lack of personnel leads to Physics 261 restrictions f-. By Cindy Wostrel Staff Reporter Students who were turned away from second semester’s Liberal Arts Physics 261 may :* have to take the class during the ' summer or next fall, said the vice tj chairman of the physics department. William Campbell said excluded | students probably cannot get permis * sion to enroll in the class next semes ter. The Department of Physics said that of the 98 students who registered for the class, only 40 were accepted. “We simply don’t have the per ; sonnel to solve the problem,’’ [ Campbell said. Liberal Arts Physics 261 is de * signed for non-majors and is non math based. One possible reason so many stu dents were turned away, Campbell We simply don’t have the personnel to solve the prob lem.’ — Campbell said, is that only one section of the class was offered in the fall this year. See PHYSICS on 6 • 1 • Parking committee discusses I offering discount bus passes r By Doug Isakson [I Stiff Reporter 1 ---- rrio help solve parking problems I on campus, the UNL Parking Advisory Committee Monday I discussed a plan that would save i 1 money for students who purchase | yearly bus passes instead of parking I permits. Committee member Gary Thalken proposed the plan in which a student could purchase a UNL pass, similar to a parking permit, and re ceive a discounted bus pass from StarTran. Though this plan has not yet been discussed with StarTran officials, he said, the money from the special passes could be given to StarTran, which could in turn issue discounted bus passes to holders of the permit See PARKING on 6 „ Eric Gregory/Daily Nebraskan Michelle Boerkircher, a sophomore in general studies, takes a little time out to daydream and soak up some sun in front of the Coliseum Monday as temperatures climbed into the high 60s.