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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1989)
Dorothy Lynch celebrates 25 years of homestyle taste and few changes By Emily Rosenbaum Senior Reporter Yes, there really was a Dorothy Lynch. In the 1930s, Dorothy and her husband Art operated the concession area at the American Legion Club in St. Paul. And Dorothy served her special homemade salad dressing. Now that same dressing is avail able in 22 states and the manufacturer is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Dorothy Lynch Homestyle Dressing. Dorothy’s dressing became popu lar in St. Paul and in neighboring communities and grocers started re questing bottles for their shelves. At first, the Lynch’s put their BEACHES DEC. 7, 8,9 IN THE NEBRASKA EAST UNION THURSDAY AT 8 PM FRIDAY AT 7 & 9 PM SATURDAY AT 8 PM $2 STUDENTS WITH ID $3 NON-STUDENTS jet JOFF! WITH COUPON dressing in ketchup bottles and then eventually used the bottle that the dressing stili is found in today. The Lynch’s manufacturing plant con sisted of a two-room house in St. Paul and a staff made up of a delivery man whose route system took the dressing to Norfolk, North Platte, Lincoln and Omaha. In 1964, the Lynch’s began to look for financing to expand their opera tion. They approached several pos sible investors, including the father in-law of the man who eventually bought out the Lynch’s. Mac Hull was working as a lawyer when the Lynch’s approached his father-in-law about financing their operation. Hull was asked to serve as a legal advisor to the meeting and became interested enough to make an offer to purchase the rights to the Lynch’s dressing. He bought them out and has been the owner of Dorothy Lynch dressing ever since. Hull formed Tasty Toppings, Inc., in Columbus which distributes the dressing. The dressing is manufac tured in Duncan. Hull marketed the dressing, keep ing the same name Dorothy had used - Dorothy Lynch French Dressing. He was forced to change the name later because of Food and Drug Administration regulations which stated that the dressing did not have enough oil in it to be called ‘ ‘French and in 1964, “Homestyle” replaced “French.” Hull said the recipe for Dorothy’s dressing hasn’t radically changed since the 1930s, but “it’s been modi fied enough to make it shelf stable.” Dorothy claimed the dressing’s recipe as her own creation, Hull said, but he’s not certain exactly how she came up with it. “I think she took three different recipes and combined them,” he said. “She was a very creative lady. ” Over the years, he said, others have approached him claiming the recipe as their own, but none have been able to prove it. As for Dorothy, according to Hull, she died in 1975 and her husband retired several years ago and now lives in Arizona, Hull said. LINCLIVE from Page 9 Jazz/Blues: Tonight, Jazz Underground will play finger-snapping and toe tapping good jazz at the Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St. Thursday through Saturday, A.C. Reed and the Sparkplugs will play at the Zoo Bar. A.C. Reed and the Sparkplugs play straight-ahead Chicago blues featuring Reed’s gritty humorous vocals and riveting saxophone so los. Man, can he blow a horn. Monday, John Hammond will play acoustic blues at the Zoo Bar. John Hammond received two ovations from a standing-room only crowd at the Zoo about a year ago. Hammond is regarded as one of the best solo blues artists in the world today. Performing Missis sippi delta blues is a way of life for Hammond. You can hear his pas sion for it in his voice and sec his love of it in his eyes. Onstage there’s only one word for him: “intense.” He begins by stomping out a steady rhythm on the wooden floor with his boot. And then he starts up on the guitar, sliding up and down and all over the place. Then he howls and growls sad and aching beautiful lyrics and he wails through the harmonica mounted on the rack around his neck. And he doesn’t let up. All night long. Tuesday, Joe “King” Carrasco and the Crowns will play at the Zoo Bar. Rock: Wednesday and Thursday, J.J. and the Blaze will play at Chester field’s, Lower Level 245 N. 13th St. Friday and Saturday, Bobby Curious will play atChestcrfield’s. NIGHTMARE from Page 9 effectively highlights the mood of each song. The album also contains several anthems to the fight for racial equal ity and personal dignity, such as “The Black and the White’’ and “E.C ” “Snitride” contains 11 different songs, meaning different in terms of musical style and editorial content. The sheer variety of songs on this album makes it an interesting and exciting album to listen to over and over again. And it proves the Night mares are not in a rut. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $3.00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Two words included $2 50 minimum charge per day on individual stu dent and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submined free of charge DEADLINE: 2 p m day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. FOR SALE 12 Speed Italian Racing Bike, 23 Inch Motta-cost $850, sell for $375^489-9085 15" Goodyear Wrangler Radials. Enkei Chrome Rims Very Low Mileage. $360ForSet. Call Greg at 474-7748, Leave Message. Car Alpine Disc Player with Pre-Amplifier. Booster & Amplifier with four 101 Bumper Woofers. 5450/obo. Call 790-7421. Leave Message Cliff's for Ushers and Wedding Giftsl 140 N. 12th. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $10-$l 5 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union rVALENTINO’S DELIVERS TO GOODS When you’re ready for pizza...take advantage of these delivery specials: $q gg * Two medium cheese pizzas only • I * Large single topping pizza and four Cokes only *9.99 99 * Medium single topping pizza and two Cokes only U. ‘Additional toppings extra Can 467-3611 *5S5t:lSS;SSS::S3Sr Restaurant ★ Other menu item* available * I licit DlOTlt OtOp \A/ltil PlZZcl LANGUAGE.' Sweaters that sizzle with warmth for those cold December nights. When you select one for a holiday gift, we ll wrap it absolutely free Select Sweaters Guys & Gals Up to 1/3 off! East Park Plaza 466-3164 Hours: M Sat: 10-9 Sun: 12-5 Kimball Organ, Singer 700, Perfect condition. 12 elec tronic rhythms. $995. 467-4744. MEN: Ladies gold Sefco Watch, like new. $60. 474 1063. Cliff's for Imported and Domestic cigarettesl 140 N. 12th St. ____ Onkyo TX-C70 receiver, Onkyo DX-1700 CD player, and 2 Boston Acoustic A150 speakers. 4 1/2 year warranty left. 477-0360_ Queen Size Waterbed. Best Offer. Dan, 421-3816. Sofa/sleeper, excellent condition, cheap 1988 Honda XL50 scooter, excellent condition 2140 N. 58 St. VEHICLES FOR SALE = 1985 Mazda RX7. Excellent Condition, Loaded. Must Sell. 477-0950 1984 Dodge Colt, 4-door. 4-speed. Excellent condition. Must sell. $1,800 obo Chris, 475-3138 1980 Honda Prelude, runs great. $1700 o.b.o. 475-1882 afternoons. 1979 VW Rabbit, no rust, excellent condition, great college car, 477-8715. 1978 Chevy station wagon, V8. $500, 467 5024 1970 MGB needs little work. $1200 O B O. 489 7329 AFTER 8-00pm SERVICES = PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced Lessons can include use of gunr. Zager Studio 423-2709. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 TYPING&_RESUME5i^ AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING A WORD PROCESSING Resumes, termpapers; masters; doctor ales, books, misc typing, laser;le'ter quality printers, copier, dictaphone Near UNL campus. Affordable professionalism Call 435 AVIS CAN'T TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- NO TlMEIII We can handle all your basic typing needs at COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET Carolyn's Typing Service All typing needs done promptly 423 8791. How to write your own RESUME in a personal, proles sional manner Critical do's and don't. Step by step concise detailed procedure, plus 15 excellent examples $6.95- Resumes, Box 3048, Kearney, NE 68848 Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $10-$1 S plus tax Daily Nebraskan ______ basement ot the Nebraska Union Typing over 20 years experience 488 0414 after 6pm and weekends WORDS ETC. Prolessional Word Processing Service Resumes - Reports Letters Laser Printing - Copying 1637 P Street Pickles Plaza 476-2039 ANNOUNCEMENTS = "Missing Movie at 7p m , Nebraska Union,Wednesday Decerrtier 6 Sponsored by Amnesty International For Human Higntt Week ** ALPHA ZETA ** Meeting Wednesday December 6 at 7 p m. in East Campus Union. Actives and Initiates are required to attend QUESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS about DEAD WEEK policy’ Call the ASUN 24 hr, Hotline 472-2581 and we II check it out lor you ic ‘DANCE-A-THON* DECEMBER 9TH NOON TO MIDNIGHT CPN FOODSERVICE AGS Utile Sister Christmas Celebration: Wednesday. December 131 Dinner at the house at 5:30 p.m. and caroling at 6:30 p.m., with gift exchange following * AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Thursday December 7 7 p.m.-Union Meeting * ARE FINALS GETTING YOU DOWN? Then Take a Break with SAA* ALL FRESHMEN STUDY BREAKI Dec. 6 7-8p.m. - Wick Center ATTENTION AG STUDENTS ASUN Senator/Constituent meeting Thursday, Dec. 7 9:00-11:00a.m. East Campus Union Voice any of your ooncerns to student governmenl representatives BEACHES IN DECEMBER The next best thing to being there Come see the movie "Beaches" December 7 at 8 p.m. December 8 at 7 6 9 p.m. December 9 at 8 p.m. $2 Students w/ID, $3 non-students Look for $1 off coupon in Wednesday s paper UPC Sighis and Sounds Bench Press Contest Saturday, December 9 Wiegh ms start at noon, Campus Recreation weight room. For more information, call Mike, 474-7710.__ CLASSOF 93 Have a break on us I Dec 6. 7:00-800 Wick Center Sponsored by Student Alumni Association Free T-Shirt to all who oomel DECEMBER 6 WHO DECIDES HOW YOUR DOLLARS ARE SPENT? Dr Jamas Griesen. (Vice Chancellor tor Student Affairs). Julie Jorgenson (ASUN-CFA) and David Whitaker (COLAGfH will be the speakers tor the ne*1 Grape Vine Lectures senes, Wednesday December 6. 3:30 p m. in the Crib Don't miss it' Formerly. Who Dr Who. now The Dead Man s Dance playing one night only, 11-1. The Board walk, 104 N 20. * FREE SCROOGED Starring Bill Murray December 10th 7:00p.m. East Union FREE POPCORN AND ADMISSION UPC-Kaleidoecope and Viaual Arte FREE! For a great study break (hat doesn t cost anything, come watch the 2nd Ai nual Win, Lose or Draw tournament on Wednesday at 7 30pm in the City Union. Sponsored by the Nebraska Union Board GVMMEESA GVMNASTS Movie Nite 7:00 10:00pm City Union Room Posted Wed -Dec. 6th * Human Rights Week December 5-10 * Human Rights Week Wnte-a-thon Saturday. December 9, 1-4 p.m. At the Centrum Sponsored by Amnesty International Interested in becoming a member of MORTAR BOARD? Information sheets are now available at CAP-City, CAP-East, Culture Center, and 124 Administration. They are due 1/26/90 INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADLINES Tuesday, January 16, I990 is the entry deadline tor the following intramural activities: men's and women s bas ketball. co-rec volleyball, and chess, participants are strongly encouraged to enter early at the Campus Rec reation Cer.ter. 472 3467.