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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1989)
I EARN BETWEEN I $800-$1000 BY CHRISTMAS! We are looking for articulate, self-motivated indi viduals to contact our Fortune 500 clients, estab lished customer base by phone. We offer: • Flexible, self-determined hours, 2 eves,plus Sat. • Paid training • $5.50/hr guaranteed • $8-$9 realistic earning potential • Two Blocks from campus / Free parking • Professional atmosphere • Advancement from within If you possess these qualities and are looking for an opportunity to increase your communication skills and control your earnings potential, contact Mr. Franklin, I 476-7625 I ft I Mil I1B ■Hill ■■■! ■■■■■! iiiimmmimiiiwiiiii ■niwMTinomii New from Coors! KEYSTONE ^ 1Q Regular or Light, warm case.q) BUDWEISER ..Regular or Light, warm case... $9.49 COORS LIGHT 16 OZ.warm casc....yi. $9.88 I PABST BLUE RIBBON. ... w arm case... _$6.29 | BUSCH .warm case .$6.99 Jfc ALL 4 PK. WINE COOLERS 44 I $2.99 | Cuervo Gold Tequila.750 mi.$8.49 Andre Champagne.750 mi.$2.29 Phillips Schnapps.Peach or Peppermint, 1.75.$8.99 ...and much more thru 11/8/89 Hotter 27th & Vine _ 477-7516_ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON “Ok! Now don’t move, Andy!... Here comes Mom!" Make extra $$ Need AVON reps on campus. Patty 483 7645 or Janioe 477-4998. Part-time doctor's office, Experience preferred. Nalbar Vision Center. 3200 O, Suite A. _ Part-time help needed, shipping assistant, from 12:30 4:30pm M-F. 475-4033, ask for Mike Salting. Part-time waitery, Fridays 4 Saturdays, good wages plus tip parties. Ask for Mick, 488-0929. Part-time, temporary Christmas hours. Jewelry sales at jewelsry store located at the Centrum. Evening, day or weekend positions available. $3.55-$4/hour. Call 464 0771 to set an interview. _ RENT EXCHANGE Exchange 21 hrs. per week for free rent, working at The Rogers THouse, Bed 4 Breakfast Inn. Some morning hours plus Thursday 4 Sunday nights. Waitery experi ence helpful. 476-6961._ _ Runza Drive-ins Now hiring 11th 4 Cornhusker, 33rd 4 Highway 2, West 0. The quality our customers have come to expect has made Runza a leader in the fast-food business through out the midwest. Many of our stores our within fnre minutes drive from eitner the Downtown or the East Campus. We have excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available (days or evenings) We offer: ‘Competitive starting salary-44/hour for lunch hour help. ‘Flexible scheduling ‘Great working environment ‘Opportunities for advancement Apply now at any of our area locations. SPRING BREAK 1990- Individual or student organiza tion needed to promote our Spring Break trips Earn money, free trips and valt .ble work experience APPLY NOWII Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800-327-6013. Students needed now, part time phone work. Evening houis. 467-4314 Students with Agricultural Background needed to work Sales and Marketing on a part-time basis. Now through April through 1990. Excellent Sales Training and Com missions. Send Resume to Sales Manager, P.O. Box 6664, Lincoln, NE 68506 _ TECHNICAL ASSISTANT/DATABASE MANAGEMENT UNL's Telecommunications Center is looking for a Freshman or Sophomore to work part time. This person would enter and maintain information in a computerized management information/billing system. The candidate shoulo be contort able working with a personal oomputer and be able to work a minimum or 20 hours per week. Beginning wage: $4.00 per hour. Applications are available from the receptionist in 211 Nebraska Hall. TELEMARKETERS PART TIME EVENING A SATURDAY TELE MARKETERS. $175 HOUR ♦ COMMISSION. WILL TRAIN. RELAXED ENVIRONMENT. ROYAL CARPET CLEANING 464-7900 Tony and Luigi’s Part-time, Full-Time Salad and prep positions. AM only. Apply to a Manager $4.25 and up. 5140 O Street 466 Wanted 1 Bass and 1 Alto to Sing For A Wedding on December 31. Pay Negotiable. Call John. 464-5788. Evenings. Thursdays ill ~l Starting at 7:00 (Prices gc up on the hour.) 15# Draws 30# Well Drinks 50# Bottle Beer Celebration, 1033 "O" SL ROOMMATES_____II Female Need* 2 Roommates for Large House. $ 165/mo. 3429 D Street. 435-0300. Female Roommate Needed. House'Close to Campus. $116/mo. 476-0956. Female Roommate Needed. Close to campus. $132/ mo+1/2 Utilities. 475-1497. _ _ Male roommate, nonsmoking * serous. Can move in today. At apt. close to East Campus. $14/ 50 ♦ 1/2 utilities. CaN after 6:00, 464-9366. Needed: Responsible Roommate for Large 2 Bedroom, $ 160/Month, Including Utilities. 475-7136, Leave Mes M»»____ Responsible female roommate wanted^ Large 2 bdr apt $125/mo. ♦ 1/2 utilities. Call 477-2624. Close to city campus. Responsible female roommate wanted. Non smoking $235 + 1/2 utilities. Call Cindy 464-1455 or 471 7777. Roommate to share nice house dose to campus. $175 Utilities paid. Steve. 477-1646 Roommates wanted: 1900 B. St. $125/month, utilities paid 476-2583 Student roommate needed, $200 + 1/3 utilities Very nice house, 464 9569. HOUSES FORJRENT-_=~ 34th 6 Q, 3 bedroom with garage. Appliances possible. $440. Call Gail, 421 -1767L_ 5 bedroom/3 bath, available Dec. 1, $650. 2304 U St. 476-1579, 486-0061 APARTMENTS FOR KEN I “$180~$455-Nice furnished efficiencies. 1 and 2 bed rooms. Duplexes and townhouses. Close to downtown. Call for more information at 477-3648 or 423-5800. 1430 S. 9, 2 bdrm. duplex, 1 large bedroom. 1 small. New carpet, linoleum & paint all the way around, very clean. Off-street parking, $250<month. 477-4495. any time or 475-0947 after 6pm. 2814 Everett. Small, cozy 1 bedroom, low utilities, and nice neighborhood. $255 ♦ deposit ♦ utilities. Call Jody 435-4464 leave message, 464-9796 or 4352168 (work) 618 S. 27, large 2 bdrm. duplex, washer. 2 car garage, use of basement, backyard, S375. 477-4495, anytime, 475-0947 after 6pm. Close to campus apartment for rent. Newly renovated, one bedroom, off street parking, appliances, and avail able early November $200 per month ♦ utilities. 488 2088._ Close to Campus Large one bedroom. Lots of room Clean. New decor $280. Cherry Hill Management. 489-3387 Close to East or City Campus Unique. Exceptionally nice. Clean. One bedroom with lots of extras $295. 475 1041 or 489-3387. Close to UNL, moe 7 BR apt. a/c, no pets, 423-0389 Great Grateful Dead Sale Thru Sunday M |/SIC I C I r T s 1401 o St East Park ^^47^06^^46^27^^^ HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Avo. ‘Great one and two bedroom apartments available. ‘Close to East Campus CALL TOOAY 466-8611 (Leave Message) Joseph E. Kean Company, 474-1666. Near campus, newer 2 bedroom, $335,475-3055 or 489 2203.__ NEW APARTMENTS 3-Bedroom 2-Baths Ceiling Fan, Microwave, Laundry Hook-up, No Pets. $525 2540 W Street. Available December 1. 483-6057 and 483-1130._ REDUCED FOR WINTER 2 BEDROOM ONLY 1329 South 14th $250 Ok. Fashioned Charm/Campus Close ONE BEDROOM ONLY 931 Oak $250 Newer/Campus Close Call Keith at 489-0621 Studio Close enough to walk to campus. New decor. $260. Cherry Hill Management 489-3387. Take over lease 2 bdr. apt. dose to campus Wood floors, french doors, built in china hutches $320 ♦ deposit 4 electricity. Heat, water, garbage paid. Call Ange or Mree 475-8064 after 6pm. Unfurnished large rustic basement apartment. $200 + utilities. 476-6910. 467-4891. LOST & FOUND_~ LOST: Silver chain-linked watch, Friday at the Pla-Mor Ballroom. Reward. Please call 436-6207. WANTED BACKTRACK RECORDS 3833 S. 48th 489-3817 Buying, selling records, tapes, compad discs-cheapest posters in town. ADOPTION. ~ We have seven adoring nieoes and nephews whom we love very much. We want desperately to adopt a now born to shower with love, affection and all that life can offer Expenses paid, legal and confidential Call collect anytime 212-724-3347, ADOPTION. We are a happily married, lovina couple who can't wait to give hugs, kisses and all our fove to a very precious new-born We have a beautiful home, backyard and a large loving extended family awaiting our little bundle of joy. Expenses paid as legal, call collect anytime. 718-541-5066 PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protedion and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 SOCIAL SERVICES_~ FREE PREONANCV TESTING Confidential counseling available Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B 1 475-2501 ______ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483 2609. MUSIC ~ COMPLETE MUSIC SHOW! Mobile D.J. Sounds and Live Enterlainmentl The party starts when you call. Dr. Demol 466-3656 Jim's Journal by Jim X ^ lot of CAtckiK^ up td fro* X just did*'* *e«l l»|tf d°in^ a*y of ;f 1bd*y So I etched TV Qvxd bobbed * }toy ^*r A\r fct**T©* to play ^it« ttov fko'foc* +** * rubbt? b*ll) ACROSS 1 Arab garment 4 Midler or Davis 9 Charges 13 Swallow greedily 15 Yearned 16 Latin I verb 17 City on the Oka 18 Across Prefix 19 Very small creature 20 Swift dog 22 Tanker 23 Byelorussian capital 24 Dahl or Francis 25 English county 28 Word of apology 30 Attu native 31 Monster 32 Harvest 36 Large amount 37 Donizetti heroine 38 "Das Rhemgold" role 39 Route 40 World-turner 41 Measure of flow of light 42 Island near Naples 44 Silly 45 Defective cars 48 Ruth's mother-in-law 51 Glory 52 Of farm management 56 Other, in Oviedo 57 Resident of 14 Down 58 TV science program 59 Horse color 60 River between Argentina and Uruguay 61 Overcharge 62 Associate 63 President called Old Eight to Seven 64 Santa Fe-to-Taos dir DOWN 1 Excited 2 Slayer of Hamilton 3 Opposite of aweather 4 Mehta s need 5 Light brown hues 6 An American festival 7 Incline 8 Begley and Asner 9 Features of 6 Down 10 Rousseau novel 11 Consumed 12 Cubic meter 14 Site of first get-together that led to 6 Down 21 Clue 22 Hockey great 24 Region 25 Moist 28 Lamb coverup 27 Escape hole 29 Alengon is its capital 31 Reputation 33 Writer Bombeck 34 Capital of South Yemen 35 Window part 37 Swiss mountains 41 Draw 43 Hill dweller 45 Arrowsmith's first wife 46 l aud 47 Rivera product 49 Crest on a range 50 Namesakes of Mrs Chaplin 52 Actress Nazimova 53 Satellite 54 Lendl of tennis 55 Babka. e g 57 Detached Prefix Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE