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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1989)
WEATHER: ^ INDEX Wednesday, flurries in the early morning becom- News Digest.2 ing partly sunny and cold with brisk winds, high Editorial.4 35 to 40, northwest winds 15 to 25 miles an hour, sports 7 d°Udy with K08; l°w Arts & Entertainment..... 9 in low-20s Thursday, mostly sunny, high of 40 classifieds 11 Vol. 89 No. 7 tudent volunteers ght to keep vehicles orn residence lots isa Bolin Reporter hile thousands of fans fight to find a parking space be fore the last two Nebraska football games, student volun will fight to keep unauthorized from parking in some resi hall lots. Draper, president of San Hall at the University Nebraska-Lincoln, and Kelly president of Abel Residence said they have decided it is time the precious parking spaces for. students said they arc upset football fans illegally park in designated for residence hall ‘It’s difficult for us to be everywhere at the same time. The volunteers helped us out as well as them a selves.’ m -Fuller■ .... Draper said UNL parking officials $aid the only additional thing stu * dents could do was to monitor the lots I themselves. So they did, before last %tturday’s football game against Iowa State. Wade, Draper and three other stu dents, Jim Hansen, Michelle Paulman and Dan Koehler, blocked Off the entrances to three lots to non permit holders from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday. Draper, a freshman political sci ence major, said residents living in Abel-Sandoz. always have had a prob lem with unauthorized vehicles park ing in the three Area 2 lots assigned to residents. The lots, located east of Sandoz, on 19th and Vine streets and on 21st and Vine streets, are designed to gyjaccommodate about 616 vehicles, psaid Wade, a sophomore biology E||major. Because the lots on those streets are shared with Area 1 permit hold ers, parking spaces are limited to the more than 1,500 students living in Abel-Sandoz, he said. This problem increases considera bly on home football game days when visitors, East Campus students and commuter students all want to find a space close to Memorial Stadium, Wade said. Draper said her biggest concern is for the students who do not attend the games. Students wanting to leave campus must wait until after the game starts if they want a parking space when they return, she said. Ron Fuller, UNL parking staff assistant, said the lots are enforced 24 hours a day. But parking officials only can issue citations for cars ille gally parked in these lots because the lots are not designated tow-away zones. I nose parked on campus who qualify as visitors can write off up to two parking citations, Wade said. This basically gives people a free place to park during football games, he said. Saturday, UNL parking officials supplied the group with four police radios to use in case they had any problems, Draper said. Although a few motorists who were turned away were upset, the volunteers didn’t experience any severe problems. Draper said. The group actually received a lot of posi tive feedback, she said. Wade said the group was kept busy monitoring the lots. Wade said he and Draper turned away about 20 cars from the lot cast of Sandoz. He said he even had to chase a couple of cars that tried to sneak into the lot Hansen, a sophomore advertising ; major, said he-and Koehler turned away 50 to 75 cars at the 21st and Vine street lot Draper said monitoring the lots was successful and spaces were avail able after the game started. Draper and Wade said they are looking for more volunteers for the last two games. Fuller said this was the first time anything like this had been tried and he encourages other residence halls to do the same. ‘‘It’s difficult for us to be every where at the same time,” he said. ‘ ‘The volunteers helped us out as well as themselves.” David Fafttoaon/Daity Nebraskan Doctor’s Touch' Doc Leupold, of A.A. Leupold and Sons. Lincoln, paints the final strokes onto the hand railing between Westbrook Music Building and the Lied Center Monday. AS UN to review Reunion beer plan By Jana Pedersen Senior Reporter The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska will reconsider a resolution today that would support efforts to sell beer in the Reunion. On Oct. 18, ASUN approved the resolution and then voted to send it back to committee after some sena tors expressed concern that it wasn’t worded clearly. Since then, College of Business Administration Sen. Bart Vitek, who introduced the resolution, said the Campus Life Committee has re worded the resolution “to strengthen some of the language and to make it more clear.’’ Changes include the addition of a clause stating that more than 50 per cent of University of Nebraska-Lin coln students are of the legal drinking age, Vitek said. He said the committee wanted to emphasize that if students of legal drinking age who live on campus have a place to drink on campus, they would not have to drink elsewhere and drive home. A separate clause outlines that fact, he said. The clause states that allowing the sale of beer in the Reun ion, a place to which students can walk instead of drive, promotes “responsible drinking.” Another clause, staling that UNL officials allow the sale of alcohol in Nebraska Union and Wick Alumni Center for special occasions, was not included in the revised version of the resolution, Vitek said. He said it was left out, even though he thought it was “pertinent,” be cause senators voted to remove a similar section in the original ver sion. Vitek said he thought senators would be satisfied with the second version of the resolution. “I don’t foresee any problems,” he said. “The original did pass, so I’m pretty confident this new resolu tion will pass.” Reunion owners are applying for a license to sell beer in the food court area. I- Plates stolen | from vehicles I in UNL lots From Staff Reports_ TTl ifteen license plates were re li ported stolen Monday from cars JL parked in University of Ne braska-Lincoln student lots, according to UNL Police reports. One plate per car was taken from vehicles parked in the.following student lots: Area 1 at 18th and R streets, Area 1 at 17th and R streets. Area 2 at 17th and R streets and Area 3 near Harper Schramm-Smith halls. The Area 1 lot, at 18th and R streets, was hit the hardest with 10 plates re ported stolen. , . . The thief or thieves took both Ne braska and out-of-state plates, said Sgt. Mylo Bushing of UNL Police. Bushing said UNL police are investi gating the thefts. New council to advise Gnesen By Jana Pedersen Senior Reporter Following the example set by the Busi ness Services Advisory Council, UNL Chancellor Martin Massengale has set up a council to advise James Griesen, vice chancellor for student affairs, on student serv ices at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Student Services Advisory Council is made up of four faculty members, three stu dents and one representative from the Ne braska Alumni Association. Coby Simerly, chairwoman of the council, said the group will try to fulfill guidelines established by Massengale and also work on its own ideas. According to guidelines, Simerly said, the council will advise Gnesen on policies related to student services, review student services procedures, and assist in developing a periodic review process for student services policies and procedures. At UNL, student affairs involves student life outside the classroom, including admis sions, scholarships and financial aid, multi cultural affairs, housing, career planning and placement, and other areas, according to infor mation provided by Griesen’s office. The Student Services Advisory Council could offer advice on student policies in any one of these areas. For example, Griesen said, when debating proposed changes in the student code of con duct, he will receive input from the council and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska. The idea for a student services council arose from discussions with Massengalc, other vice chancellors and members of the Faculty Sen ate, Griesen said. “I think it became obvious that we have an area of campus where the faculty wasn’t very involved,” he said. Griesen said several advisory committees currently exist on campus for different branches of the university. “We had covered everything but student services,” he said. Griesen said he hopes the Student Services Advisory Council will be able to involve fac ulty in the decision-making processes of the student services area in the way that other committees like the Business Services Advi sory Council have involved faculty in other areas. John Goebel, UNL vice chancellor for busi ness and finance, said that in the 1 1/2 years since the Business Services Advisory Council was established, it has been “invaluable.” “It’s very, very satisfying to have a groupof knowledgeable, well-informed people to gel a reaction to changes,” he said. Goebel said the business services council has six voting members and advises him on issues such as computer sales and physical plant services. Simerly said that when the Student Services Advisory Council met for the first time last week, members outlined two areas they want to address: involving faculty members in accom plishing student service objectives, and work ing with Griescn to identify issues and prob lems on campus. AS UN President Bryan Hill, who serves on the council, agreed that increasing faculty in volvement in the student services area will be a priority for the group. “We’ll be trying to gel the faculty more See COUNCIL on 6