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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1989)
T8f iod UJtko'n you r finals and remind your roomies not to hang out in their undies. LjM|8 sister Lov8 L|sa T°rh0ennratul£dionsDon making it for tour years. For most i nil aood luck in the real worldl For the others, is ,oulD.,tBwhm FFSsONALS F°W*ye Been fog'slit A and A Hail. Its Only Just 80$Je Have Tne Rest Ot Our Lives Together, You and I Onvou Mean So Much To Me, I'll Never Let Go. For One Day We Will Both Realize, Our Arguments ^*With You^Louisiana. and I in North Carolina, We Will ^ . p r ■ nvQ To A T0St. Wo-M Wm Individually, Well Win As A Team. You and i Rich e Forever At Our Best Good Luck This 3urr"r Love You. Kim ^ Tharps 'or making this a good year I will never 'orget the laughter, shopping and all nighters Here s to an oven . Maureen Kittv Jon. Dan. Barb. JharKs to' everything. Don t go craiy with newt year * cr6W Curt Chris A Pher. From the Iirst moment you caught my eye across the -rowded classroom, I knew you were stoned I* only I knew 'her what I know now. It s going to be a long, long summer Love. Banana Carmen.. /netle. and Katy Vcu re ail so wonderful ! can't think ot anyone better iochinq i ooier or fantastic than the three ot youl (Is that enough?) 3ob B and Dave T.• Congratulation* both of you on your Graduation! I've •moynd working with you A I'll mi»» ON alotl Jodi B-G Mai To me hast pal I avar had (R>g gesture). 1 cant wait tor our « ceilnnt adventure Ju»t promita m» you will gel ihosn r aaty wiper* fued Hey. don't tret over your Imal* i ve got i ee Greenwood pnmed and reedy, M Deeds. She la send* her love XXOOXXOO LiM D . Vou re going to conquer thi* tall If* been worth it, yum yij” d iiher sit in the dark and eat Sugar Rabie* eiih you ih.m anyone else William Ram ’wet (jm, iV i a ’ ike a nap’ ON Fame and Fortune*' Rut -iirer' its go to DetO* lor legal counsel TRES A‘ • "v roommate past, present K luiure. hank 1 • ■ tu On i SA QOO VI S ■ Tha O Hourke* Queer AMY JO. ANDREW. LISA A SCOTT. Good luck on Imala. Don t stay up to late, d ma«e» ut worry and tee need our iieeptlt II you need * warm nelto or |ual a hug let ue know. Love A Kiaaea. Mom and Oad Snar r u \M leqgiila slammer* Sam the SPE man, • r ervou* breakdown*. R ! M .n o'the M.1.1 • i"-h ivyard* we won ’reshmen dorm primer*. Met i ey 'ever .REM, Club Car pool, cardi ).*"* i'e pi "i*. RIM Good luck al George'own I «> i m y, ,(u .ery much. love. Jane Craig. 1 -1 it li ons, graduate* You are Imally going to o ’e > a ere to the big J. I You II love ill Your Si* 8tu*a i »s 'or the brew* You alwayt have been the riuyer Bud Cud . ’ ««n such.i ple<i»ure working and knowing you. a , y the be«tll Barb Jay (Beta Sig). K.y.°«dPh,GUy'b,ttb,0'h,r' Th*nk*' Listening, My Love, Melissa (Phi Mu) Cam (Marilyn), S.Tv5Sl,yS5SI,n?j e » wondertiiL star tilled romantic, warm lu/zy summerl m such a ierkl' Denise and "I'm so tall" Elaine Harper 10(mchers): nes lets b.^nnaCBhyei,r 'hank* ,ha "»"» BR A Stash. Kirstm (TriDeltt, dont know’” Mike Su bromers°An09^ersBOb' *"* Jane' anda" ^ De"J Bark in November I was welcomed to the Junoie now _m corrupted tor life My social life thanks you my GPA r ^en lChc •19°' ° 4UR' 8,111 Sal°on, <h« he.,Stable chicken po*. Eemmine Violents. my name is Kim Sour h°.n 1 ha,° R 1 W harmony and cruising 0 Street, what s this rash. Stand Daybona. every night at ORourkes. etc ad nauseurn What would i do without Delta Nu .uv. Twist (MTV Queen) Jason A big old ring would sure no a nice surpuse i Take a hint). Love Leslie GATOR xtapa Awaitsl cove. Gator Anne, Happy Graduation' Now that you have normal hair ' you should have no problem out there the real world! n9!?, *Vi!h* 900d ,,m®s we v0 had like drift man a hefVfi'*,a dou9h. Bnggmg, Andy the bagger studying Chemistry at Gifrnos. the Mustard Votxle, the cosmic space egg, driving to school silly string tight in the hall. Cynthia and the light, road trips, car 'ag. and don t torget not 'o drive too last for conditions' Love. Eve Shawnbo, Congratulations lor becoming a new Phi Mew IVe had the best 5 months ever Love Horse Mark G, Si* years at UNL And this is your lirst’ Oh Myl Loren M . Thank you very, very, very muchl The Chicago Bar Owners To my Favorite Actuary, Now that you re rich, how about dinner’ I love yal The Pooh Abuser SMITH 8 1 hanks lor the BEST year ever, you ladies really are the greatestl Smith 8 kicks *‘‘l Pam Barb. Congratulations on your giaduation and good luck in l ,«w School I hope i gat to see you mote this summer. Good luck on Imals Heme Dn Art Start ; HANKS FOR A WONDERFUL YEAHH Tracy - I iust want you to know ., Lon • I'm looking tor a rematch in Pooch Maureen • I've got a question, Michelle - "Can wo make a deal about my goal, I only need 900 '; LeAnn i m sorry she s not in the otlice right now, Jodi • You re 'ot so bad even though you are married; Colleen • The Rurger King Queenl; Kerry • Stop that annoying laugh'; Enc Art, Chris, what is your name9; Bari Wnat can I say9, Loren Royal Grove. Chicago Bars, you are a nound', Karla ■ just how small are your teeth?, Kristie Well, what do I do9, Todd • Pat, no Dave, no what is my name9, Rhonda • I want it al"; Jon - Remember to vote. Bob Kerry 'or Presdent in 1996; Mark • An artist to the end. Amy let's just say it s our Tittle" secret, Carmen - Schiests what a love goddess, Renae Sure, O.K.. line. sure. OK, line: David ■ What can I say but Thanks tor a" •he tun-suess tilled days You're a true triend. I'll miss all ol you and keep in touch. Questions. Comments. Criticism. Bob B. TRACY (DDD)! A tew memories trom the past: Can we tind cute boys ton.ght9 (No Schmucks); Priming at Econolodge (..what more could you want9); Riverboat (any bruises9); It's |ust a halt mile (I had such a good lime ); Rubber checks (Dad9); One ring phone cal's (imagine that); Flying saucers (oh Kimmie); Best Friends (Tracy, you re the greatest!) We luv you1 Good luck in Law School' Kay B. Kimmie, 4 Hackey ON Ad Staff, Thanks for a great yearl You all did a super job and made my |ob easier.. .sometimes Just kidding! Best of luck to all of you and keep in touch. David Anne, Congratulations on our One Year Anniversaryl Morton Sean Tony, and Lvnelle: Adormie stud, ulratboy god. and an off-campus treak, WHAT A GROUP I Next year the Dean swill truly rule the campust Come on down Shamust Don't worry, Duros, we II let you hang around us tool JUST KIDDING! Love ya all and good Tuck on finalsll Sis A Cuz A C . Noah, Sean and Mo (The Brothers), Colorado bulldogs, Mosali, tequila slammers. parties at any place, trim hunts, chasm and chicks with cash. I he last live years have been the best. Go west this summer it's been lun, but i gotta run. Reilley Bob and David. am gomg to miss you. It has been a privilege to be your tnond Be happy, prosperous and well. I truly love you both. Barb Brent Good luck on your finals. Roger Todd S , vOU'RE FIREDI Jon D. Bob, What a yearl It's been great working with you and I think we certainly made our mark. Best of luck in N.C., but don't forget about us In the midwest. To think, we hated each other at one timel David Kris & Trisha, My personals are as original as my AM messages so Good Luck on Finals. C. Sue. I think you're one hell ol a woman. Good luck with finals. Chris C. Dear Spineless Wenches (Rho Delts). Once again your arrogance has (ailed to amuse us. Have you forgotten our party last year? Maybe T. Wade would like to see the party pics. No, they look too good in our trophy case. Next time show some pride while deliv ering your worthless tabloid (don’t mail it). With loving compassion, The True Greeks Thadder, Happy 13th Birthday I Todd To my tittle Lou (Iske), Thanks for being a friend! You're great. Good luck in Wyoming with Steve and the job. Keep in touch, I II miss you I Love ya. Bob IS THERE A NEED? I CAN’T STAND IT! Barb B-L. Congratulations on your Graduation and good luck at P.T. school I Love. Jodi B-G. 0o' This coupon is worth 4'0 $20.00 Ns,! on your 1st and 2nd plasma donations (within 6 days). g Earn cash while you study. For more information call the "Friendliest Staff in Town". LINCOLN PLASMA C ■ XABI I 126 North 14th Suite #2 A7A oooc I Too 4 Wally's 4 Zoo Bar) H # THE FAR SIDI By GARY LARSON • ' *• ‘ ChfOftK t* by Ummtui S»nrj.. 41 • I _ J OJ "Nothing yet.... How about you, Newton?" ... .... £Redken laboratories. Inc 1988 Not all hair stylists work behind a salon chair. Your creative talents can take you center stage as a platform artist... a presenter at trade shows.. .a stylist for photo shoots Our professional styling instructors can teach you all about the fine art of hair design using the Scientific Educational Systems from Redken >•"*<. lOU.*tOSAi For more information, call today. e It UtMlS BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed cfjfuck in m noopiz *^3Y AN ARRANT P'ACA OF SPACA UTTAR OPUS LAY PAAP. HU HBfiRT HfiO SlOmP. WeAlHINbPULSe f&rrOPOR... ML NwemTeNT Hfi ORteViNU FRIZNP5 HOWVe* HAYB NO !P€A WHAT YOU 5MRr»tAPen shoulp haw ouessep OeveRAL MtNMO AOO : _ w Hes mm one of those mar pemh, our of Bow emms " --* - rmrs/m/ UNCONSCIOUS ANP UN AHA AMINO ' WHY, M/6~ M/S.. ) ACROSS 1 Set firmly S Architectural feature 10 Map as a mummy 14 Like the Anoenl Mariner 15 Wild goat of Asi Minor 16 Cilium 17 Order 18 Desperate 19 Pisa s river 20 Sibelius s Suite 22 Berlin's namesakes 24 Wairus s nteriocutor 26 Close 29 Lhasa i Tibetan uoqj 30 Final state ot 4 Down 34 Cosset 35 Military vehicle 3 36 Pilsener e g 37 Port of N Chile 39 Old dress 41 Bomber Gay 42 Mexican snacks 43 Sort of sortie 45 Musical dir 46 Actor Terence 47 Of the ear 48 Micirr, : county 49 Musician ' mer 52 siano otf Sonora 55 Breathing tube 59 -St awrence i B S s nome 60 Wine valley 62 City on the Nile 63 Destiny of the Doll 64 Ornamental case 65 Kush, Asian range 66 Nurtured 67 Tear 68 -purs " Gounod aria Edited by Eugene T. Maleska down ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i |ce or SIX follower ■ FIEITIE S —OFiTSTaTR ■ 2 Lar9e ceramic OlvtL E oWSgtllN E I 3 Fly high eImIiIrateBprelate 4A(;hrogpoa N JJ LILT I [NTS BT A r 5 inventor Nikola AiLTElSMP ATI R^MP 0 F LJp 6 Small grebe Y|eJeHBW Ti L|d|eJ 7 Sendai sash ■ SITIAICfK SMSjP A RIEISM 8 Choice breed ol IBs H TRHBBT R aMH sheep jA THE NjSMCjA N T E RM 9 Put forth effort S N E E R|T E aMsTE RES10 Moderator T E n'dIIC A rTvTeMd A r A 11 Reserve ni Himiif NOG L E sBHIMFr E R 21 ££££t0 mm lLlS' BEtuM Pliny 23 Obscured 25 Grass for cordage 26 Items in a toff's attire 27 Afghan city 28 Neighbor of Carthage 31 Polis meeting place 32 f-rozen 33 Hold forth 35 Manhattan College student 38 Altered, as a metal 40 Contradicted 44 Giotto fresco, e g 47 Elaborately embellished 48 Painter Andre 50 Coloring solution 51 Choice coffee 52 He wrote The Rosary in Rhyme' 53 Jewish month 54 1 runk or clay 56 Director Vidor 57 Mahler's Das Lied von der 58 Gehrig and Pmielia 61 Word play