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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1989)
— Lincoln's Dealer You don't need richpaients togetacar for graduation. No money down, no payments for 90. days. That's what Nissan wants to give you for graduation if you have: 1. No adverse credit 2. A valid social security card 3. Proof of graduation from an accredited 4 year program 4. Proof of employment, or future employment, and evidence income level Then you may qualify for any 1989 Nissan car or truck without calling home for help. fKHoain) Lnissanvolvo. 125 No. 21st St. • Lincoln, NE 68503 (402) 434-7000 L—'■ y."^-rr-—r-r—1—hriu w:: tafl SUMMER IN EUROPE FROM *336 Each way on discounted scheduled airlines to Europe from Omaha. Call 800-325 2222. SERVICES GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO _ 423-2709_ TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL • SALES - SERVICE RENT-TOOWN BLOOM'S 323 North 13th S*. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES America's Oldeet and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price • Students Discounts RESUMES 10% Off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6738 3701 O §«' #B-7 GRADUATES!!! Get the "Leading Edge" With A PROFESSIONAL Resume ! Job Search Materials 8 Counseling Costello 8 Associates. 483-7011. $5 Student Discount, This Week Only. PROFESSIONAL RESUMES Written - Typed - Printed _483 0001_ Resumes Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax. Dally Nebraskan, basement of the Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street. TYPING Will type anything. Term paper, theses reports, etc. $1.00/page. 435 1465. RIDES NEED A RIDE? Leaving May 12 tor Quincy, Illinois - driving a Mazda pick-up if you have extra baggage. Call Harvey, 472-3287 or 470-2766, evenings. ANNOUNCEMENTS 2.A..6....8. Buy a new Chevy when you graduatel S40C OISCOUNTI Only 5% DOWN I Low financingl No payments for 90 DAYS. Graduates of two and four year programs may qualify! 466-8726, after 6PM for more by mail I CHEVROLET ANDGEO__ EXPERIENCE SUMMER ADVENTURES with Campus Recreation: NEBRASKA BIKE TOUR May 19-21 OREGON BIKE TOUR June 16 30 NEBRASKA CANOE TRIP June 17 NIOBRARA CANOE TRIP June 23-25 LEARN TO ROCK CLIMB July 5-9 BACKPACK N.W. NEBRASKA July 15-18 UTAH’S GREEN RIVER EXPEDITION July 15-26 BLACK HILLS ROCK CLIMBING August 11-13 FAMILY CANOE/CAMP TRIP August 11-13 TETONS BACKPACKING August 11-20 DISMAL RIVER CANOEING August 18-20 NEBRASKA CANOE TRIP August 26 Sign up at Office of Campus Recreation 1740 Vine, 472-3467!!!!! ~~r Bra|dfinally found the perfect jobl It wcu'dbea great job for Jgu.^ndJ would even fit into your busy schedule. Give me a can ax xne ua uy Polls. 489-9000. Lorj Breakfast, Barry’s and Bed. . „ You get out of bed and come to Barry’s andwe II serve Breakfast. 8 11 AM during tinals week. Barry's Bar & Grill. 9th & Q._ Hire Your Own PERSONAL TRAINER . Losefat, generallitness. conditioning, muscle tone * nutntion guidance. Call Tim at 42 M 657. LATE NIGHT AT NEBRASKA T-shirts on sale Monday at the Union.___ O’ROURKES Open > AM Finals Week RENT A SUMMER ADVENTURE! EQUIPMENT FOR ALL YOUR OUT DOOR AND CAMPING NEEDS: TENTS SLEEPING BAGS CANOES COOLERS STOVES LANTERNS AND MORE) OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION 1740 Vine, 472-24671111 _ Special Scholarship search services Are being offered for graduating law or medical students. Write to Heartland Scholarship Service, ?06 Fourth St. Friend. Ne 68359. Please include your name, address phone number. _ _ X X Spiritual Meditation-information and instruction this Tuesday eve. Learn the science of the Inner Light & Sound from Joanie Soloman, Nat. Rep. of Kirpal Light Satsang. Free of charge, all are welcome. Ulysses S. Grant died before he had a chance to eat Breakfast al Barry's. Don't make the same mistake. 8-11AM, during finals week, Barry's Bar & Grill, 9th & Q. Will pay 30% of cover price for most paperbacks used in Lit. classes. PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE. 206 North 13th. BelowDouglas 3 Theaters GREEK AFFAIRS "Mary" Happy 20th Birthdayl "Paco Buried in Studies? Uncover yourself and come to Barry's for Breakfast 8-11AM Finals Week. Bairy's Bar A Grill, 9th A O. Congratulations to the New Officers of Beta Sigma Psi Little Sisters President- Melissa G., Vice President- Angie F„ Social- Jill A„ an« Stacy H„ Rush- Shawnda H„ and Laura FT, Intramurals- Melissa C. Secretary- Brenda P.. Treasurer- Lea N. John P., Congratulations on being appointed to Health Center Boardl The men of Sigma Ni KD Room #215 Yall (Amber!) have been the best roommates ever! (Little bit o sarcasm cornin' at ya'I) A-take care of Turk and "your boy". ( engaged?! Norn re "bonding" for us I And last but not least A-keep yo ear dose to the wall neirt semester, "Muffy." Love and Sarcasm, C Men of Beta Sigma Psi, We wish you the best of luck on your finals I Love, Your Little Sisteri Nobody ever lost a Rhodes scholarship who ats Breakfast at Barry's. 8 11 AM Finals Week. Barry's Bar A Grill, 9th A Q. * * O’ROURKES Open 8 AM Finale Week r r ^Available i Secure a summer position today - Start after finals!! I I • Earn up to $3,000 this summer I I TMI Corporation is looking for students with a sense of style, with an energetic approach to opportunity in I contacting our Fortune 500 clients by phone. We Offer: • Flexible, self-determined hours • Located two blocks from campus • Paid professional training • Experience in the communications field For a personal interview contact Mr. Adams Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. at 476-7625