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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1989)
Bill that imposes due process on NCAA hearings advances By Jerry Guenther Staff Reporter The Nebraska Legislature voted 27-0 Friday to advance a bill that would require the National Colle giate Athletic Association to use due process when disciplining Nebraska colleges and universities. Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha, sponsor of LB397, said the bill is designed to ensure that NCAA offi cials conduct fair hearings when they consider penalties against individu als or colleges. Because the NCAA is a private institution, Chambers said, it does not have to follow the U.S. constitutional guarantee of due process. “The only way you can get at the conduct of private individuals and private associations is by means of state statues,” Chambers said. Under LB397, if the NCAA would fail to use due process when it im poses a penalty against a university, the university could lake the NCAA to court to recover damages. The amount of the damages the university could collect would be based on the amount of money the institution earned in that athletic event the previous year. “This bill goes beyond just assur ing the right to due process," Cham bers said. ‘ ‘ It actually creates a cause of action for the university and any body who is harmed. It sets a measure of damages that gives some guidance to the courts.” Chambers said that when the NCAA put the University of Nevada Las Vegas on probation in 1977, one of the lower courts found that that the NCAA used an investigator who showed “obvious bias” against UNLV men’s basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian during the investigation. The NCAA had placed UNLV on two-year probation and ordered the school to disassociate itself with Tarkanian. A similar occurrence could happen in Nebraska if the state docs not have a law which guarantees the right of due process, Chambers caid. If LB397 becomes law, Nebraska w ill become the first state to have a law' that requires the NCAA to use due process when imposing penalties against colleges or individuals. Organization fights for rights By Lisa Donovan ScTOW Rcpwiy sy ^ " Amnesty International. a worldwide human rights move ment, is hying te> re-esiafcdish a group at the Ifniyersity of Ne braska-Lincoto. Mtor b^ni dormant for almost two years. Jay Ovmovhch and Matthew Mnlford, political sci >••: enoe graduate students, have dcr;. Sided to get the organization back [ m&M&m UhB*.' 'v v rl * According to Ovsioyitch, * Amnesty International has been a : recognized campus organization $ since its inception at i}UL> m > ' “But & jnst kind of died off after awhile,” be said, Ifbe two have been working ; with Lincoln’s Amnesty chapter to re-energize die campus organi zation. '* ^ Defined as a group that is con cerned with the denial oi individ ual human rights. Amnesty inter national employs letter-writing campaigns as a means of releasing “prisoners of conscience' ’ Ihe individuai organ*zatioas around the world concentrate on cases (rf fetHiian rights vioiatkms in places other thmthar own con - iioeut. Members write ictlcars or send food rations to prisoners as a means of support. They also make pleas to governmental officials to release prisoners. These ^‘prisoners of com science”., include anyone Cron* Soviet dissidents to vktimsuf tor ture in thud-world countries. ! . , Amnesty International began ? m 1% I under the auspices of Brit ish lawyer Peter Beriesoo. His. ooe-ycar letter-writing. campaign In end violations or human rights snowballed.. By the cod ot 1961,dozens of organkatkas had formed and the movement had become perina aenk ^ . / 5 By establishing the organiza tion on campus. Ovsioviteh said* UNi/s educational value is en hanced because Amnesty Intema tionaJ informs people whafs going on around the world and it gives people a chance to help oth ers. ""You can make a difference right here on campus.” Ovsio vitch said. Many tunes cue country ca»T talk to another country because of polHkal interests but, He said, individuals can. For example, it would be diffi cult for the United Slates to take a stand against the British for their dealings in Northern Ireland. : If individuals of the country write letters, then a person can help a situation without necessar ily hurung the state. ? : Ovsiovitcb and Muliord said they want a kg of pccfrie widt differed backgtxginds to jom j Amnesty at UNL. ""Wc don’t warn « w just be puli-sci students or jwa grad stu dents,” Muliord said. "There's a rich wdi to be Upped.” Ovsiovitch said about potential members of Amnesty. The first meeting will be Ouirs day night at 7: $0 p.m. tn 538 Old fitfpr HaU. Besides a pre.-.c Ma rion, there will be thro.' short films nude by Amnesty International Faculty members praise pay raise efforts By Eric Planner Staff Reporter Last year’s pay raise and the pros pect of another raise this year have revived faculty morale at the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln, according to four UNI. faculty members. “The actions taken by the Legis lature and the governor had a big effect on faculty morale,’’ said Wil liam Lewis, chairman of the depart ment of mathematics and statistics. Faculty in the math department have more energy, arc more willing to take on projects and have doubled their efforts as a result of the pay raise, he said. “There’s a real enthusiasm to be deserving (of the raise)/' he said. Lewis also said ihc raise was “a big boost” for retention of faculty and in hiring. The math department is hiring four people this year, he said. Last year’s raise and ihc prospect of another raise this year makes it ‘‘dramatically easier” to hire fac ulty, he said. Lewis said Nebraska has the ‘‘capacity and will” to support fund ing for pay raises at UNL. But it is necessary for the Ne braska Legislature to continue fund ing pay raises for faculty members “to show that last year was no fluke,” he said. In December 1987, University of Nebraska President Ronald Roskcns proposed a five-year plan that in cluded raising faculty salaries by nearly 35 percent over three years. Under this plan, faculty members would receive an 11.25 percent raise in 1989-90, and an 11 -percent raise in 1990-91. The NU Board of Regents re quested a 12.5-pcrcent raise in its budget for 1989-90. Gov. Kay Orr asked for a 7.5-pcrccnt raise in her budget request. Lewis said the governor’s pro posal is “stable and solid.” But, he said, a 7.5-pcrcent raise would not be as significant as the one the faculty received last year. He cited a year in the administra tion of Gov. Bob Kerrey, when fac ulty received a 12-pcrcent raise. That i year's raise had little effect on faculty morale, he said, because in the years ( immediately before and after it, raises were 0 and 2 percent. Peter Bleed, associate professor of 1 anthropology, said faculty members want to be at UNL. He said they are not “moneygrubbers,” but need “a fair recompense.” Glenn Froning, professor of food science and technology, said faculty morale was improved by the salary package last year. At this point, he said, “everyone is looking posi ively” to next year for a raise. “We have to keep getting after it. hough,” he said. Robert Diffendal, president of the acuity senate, said the faculty salary ncrcascs are important because rais ng faculty salaries to a U vel compa ablc to peer institution gels more iifficult each year it is delayed. “The longer we put off salary aiscs, the more difficult it will be,” oe said. Getting raises this year will .unbe easy, he said, since many other •roups are vying for money from the Legislature. Diffendal said he doesn’t want faculty to “trot off somewhere,” it they do not get significant raises. Faculty shortage expected TEACHERS from Page 1 The report indicates that “the problem of faculty salaries looms large” in the College of Business Administration. Salaries also are comparatively low in the fine arts areas, and the science departments may have problems meeting start-up costs for future faculty re placements. The difficulty in hiring new faculty will come at a lime when student enrollments begin to climb. Even though the number of Nebraska high school graduates has decreased over the pastdccadc, the report indicates, the number of freshmen at UNL has remained fairly constant because more high school graduates chose to attend UNL. This trend will further increase UNL’s need for additional faculty, Furgason said. “The public doesn’t understand and know it, but guys like me have sleepless nights be cause of it,” he said. Furgason said problems universities face because of money shortages also make aca demic careers less attractive for college gradu ates. “Budget cuts and crowded classrooms cause many students to say ‘To heck with it, I’ll go into industry,”’ Furgason said. We need to convince bright young people that teaching is a good career for them.” The university needs to send a message to both the Legislature and the public that Ne braskans may have to pay more taxes to keep UNL faculty salaries competitive for the fu ture, he said. “You can’t wait until the crisis hits, or you’re right in the middle of it,” he said. 50 march for National Trio Day; organizers unhappy at attention TRIO from Page 1 Robertson said this service provides stu dents with academic, career and personal counseling. It offers tutoring, instruction in English and math, and academic advising for undeclared students. Charlotte Walker, a UNL graduate who participated in the march, said the tutoring programs and words of encouragement she received from Trio at UNL helped her make it through school. ‘‘Without them, I wouldn’t have made it,” she said. “I hope that legislators arc aware that it is a beneficial program for minorities or other poor people. It ensures hope for the future.” She said the program at UNL helps bring camaraderie among blacks and teaches people to socialize. Rosetta Howard, a sophomore broadcasting major at UNL, said she participated in the march because Trio gives a sense of moral support to disadvantaged and minority stu dents. “It’s great for students that arc first-genera tion college students,* ’ she said.4 4 It opens a lot of doors.*” Clause removal pleases presidents HOUSING trorr. Page 1 _ bul wants to make the contract an' ‘awareness Rhonda Lynn, incoming president of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, said the clause would affect fraternities more than sororities. M “No one really voiced any concern, she said. “The guys were more concerned about it.” Griescn hasn’t discussed the contract. cnangc wun sorority presidents, Lynn said, anu will probably bring it up at a meeting this week. Brunz said he thinks the contract was meant for fraternities, because sororities already have alcohol restrictions and visitation policies that are more strict than the contract. Gricscn said a copy of UNL’s visitation policy will be attached to the new contract. The deadline for signing the contract is April 3, he said. . Faculty * Staff * Students You Are Invited MAC FEST! Georgian Suite 2nd Floor, Southeast Corner Nebraska Union March 2nd & 3rd 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Items on display will include: Macintosh llx Macintosh SE/30 Apple CD Rom I Apple Scanner j