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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1989)
Summer Camp Staff Resident job includes assisting with planning and implementing outdoor programs and lifegucnJing at qirls camp near Nebraska City. Lifeguard certification or WSI required. Musi be 19 or older with CPR. Caf! Debby at Homestead Girl Scout Council. 402-476 7639 for application. Housing is provided. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at Camp Lincoln/Camp lake Hubert Minnesota resident summer camps. A strong commitment to working with children required, along with activity skills and teaching experience. Specific job information and applicat’ons are available at the Student Employment Office - 120 Administration Building. Sign up. in advance, for personal interviews to be held on campus Wednesday, February 8th and Thursday, Feb ruary 9th. 1989. WANTED: Structural Engineenng Graduate student for part-time work. R.O. YOOKER INC 477-7640. ROOMMATES _ Female roommate to share house next to UNL. FP A microwave, $160. utilities paid. 423-153$. Need M-F tot 3-bedroom duplex. W/d, fireplace, dish washer, $130 ♦ 1/3 utlities. Close to campus. Available now. 474-4088 or 435-2965. Responsble, non-smoker, preferably female Ask for Scott or Leslie, 435-3282.__ Roommate needed asap. $185, no deposit . Cable, close to campus. 475-7870. ROOMS FOR RENT ~== 1144 P. Large room, walk-in closet, utilities and cable paid. Kitchen, lounge, laundry. $165 Sharp and dean' 477-5617. HOUSES FOR RENT~J==:=== 2424 W. Ideal for students. Very mce. 4 ♦ bedrooms. Two baths, large garage. 464-0780.488-0061._ 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS 4-bedroom, $475/mo. Close to UNL. 423-1535. _ 4-bedroom on edge of Campus, 1300 No 21st Street. $500/mo. 464-0780. 488-006T_ Five bedrooms, between campuses, near shuttle but Central air, dwhwasher, microwave, overhead fans. $625/month. 423-1535. APARTMENTS FOR RE^f 1-bedroom apartment, S215 483 4456. 1425 North 17th. One bedroom apartments, unfur nished, all utilities paid. 0*f-streei parking. $265/mo. call 475-1946._ 2203-2223 Vine One bedroom apartments. $280-$290 All appliances, laundry, parking. 476-3405 Century Reality Commercial Depart man? Inc. Apartments A Duplexes for Rent FURNISHED, UNFURNISHED SECURITY BLDG. CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN: 502 So 12th, new microwave with one year lease. Efficiencies. $186, $195 $205; 1-bedroom. 5250. Also 1600 square foot of commercial area, 1st floor, 502 So 12th at $5 square foot Call: 476-1142, 474-3365, 447 5706 or 423-5800. 64P So 12th, large efficiencies, $215, includes heat, 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes. 1615 Garfield, $350, 477-9671. 636 So 27th, $350,435-5540. 2125 A, $360, includes hear. 477 0704. 3535 Vine, 2-story, 1 1/2 baths, $490 includes heat, one bedroom $300. 466-1653. DUPLEXES: 2-BEDROOMS. 6619 Colby, $325. 423-5800. 1912 North Cotrer. $325, 423-5860. 1920 North Coiner. $325, 423-5800. Call for any units, 423-5800 or John Keane, Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. BARGAIN CONSCIENCE RENT STARTING AT $261 2-bedroom apartments, clean and spacious, laundry facilities, well maintained, close to campus and down town. Children welcome. Call now to see if you qualify. 475-6144, 8 am to 5 pm, M-F. Sorry, no pets. HUD HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. 'Comfortable 2-BR available now. 'Close to East Campus. 'Oh-street parking, laundry facilities. ‘School term leases available. Cell today 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. Lane, 2-bedroom apartment. $235/mo. Heat A water pa I. Call Kris, 435-8684._ NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434. 435 0351.____ One bedroom in 4-plex, 27th A W. Clean, $200* 464 8984.___ REMODELED Two bedroom mobile homo with washer/dryer. $275 ♦ deposit. 2525 Cleveland. Call for appointment. Deb 786-2877._ SAY NO TO COCKROACHES 1 -bedrooms A efficiencies, $200and under. 2-bedroom, $300 and under. East Campus. Near South and South - east. Call Kim, 477-0491. _ Studio apartment, 1133 0. $300. utilitw* paid. 475 5275. E5ffTfSUNP" Lost: Brown leather calendar/planner, in CQA on Tues day. January 31 Reward if found, call 467-5245. ADOPTION ADOPT. LOVE AND LULLABIES AWAIT YOUR BABYI Musical young professional couple, in love with life and each other, yearn to shower your infant with joy. love and financial security. Devoted relatives - and loads of loving cousins'- ready to welcome a precious newcomer. Ex penses paid. Please call Judy and Michael collect, anytime: 212-874-9444. ADOPTION IS THE OTHER CHOICE Please let us hefct. Devoted, financially secure couple has endless love to givea newtoom. Expenses paid. Call Jill and Bruoe collect anytime to talk, 516-898-8843. ADOPTION Loving couple eagerly wishes to share their warm, caring I tome and a lifetime of love with a newborn. Legal, confidential, all medical expenses paid. Please call Ro* and Peter collect 718-499-6186. ADOPTION: Give your child a wonderful future. Loving couple wish to adopt an infant. Call Terri (402) 488 4739 Happily married and financially secure couple wants to adopt a newborn. We will provide a loving homo environ ment and every advantage. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Call collect, 0-212-€01-8126. SOCIAL SERVICES ~ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. - First come, O First served £ Vi § K-Swiss Classics & Gstaad shoes®® Nike, Tacchini & Prince Clothing £ I Best MlMtlon and Prica | Racquatball ft Tannia I Call Us! 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus Open 11 a.m. tor lunch I 476-0787 11th & Cornhusker Harper Schramm Smith -, QC 16” PEPPERONI 3> / -?cl PIZZA AND FOUR i "A 16 oz. cokes SPECIAL Additional Toppings $1 05 I Expires 2-20-89 SPRING BREAK 89 LAST CHANCES 1lve~~Stto) CALL TODAY! \ ■I Don T WANT TO BE STUCK IN Lincoln! J SOUTH PADRE ISLAND mm$l49T STEAMBOAT *m*213T DAYTONA BEACH trm*M MUSTANG ISLAND tun*136? HILTON HEAD ISLAND *m*10T DON'T WAIT 'TIL IT'S TOO LATE! CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911 * 0Depending on break dates and length of stay $100.'.' UN&E.LIEVA&LE. SPECIALS! iPnLY at aJc.5Te.Efic.LPb Fooo rud • pe.iNkl jEV^l^Y=r=^ v »ce 1801 A WEDDING RING4 4 SPECIALIST A ^ Wholesale Prices ^ ♦ Newest Styles ▲ Custom Design y Shop and compare ♦ but see us last. • 3111 "O'1 St. 474-6044 ] ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ YHI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I* IttO Chronic* FosIutm ~ | Of*r>bM*d »y Un*—I hr—t Syn— ^ | ‘"That's flne,’ I said. ‘Good nose/! said. But no, you had to go and hit the chisel one more time." BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed mm you \ i'm KIUP SIR / ZSfi ZSA 6AB0R TM PON ALP / H£RB im TRUMP. ,{ THBLASTOF ^-1/— ' \MY SOUR y /17s p** PON'T THINK THfj \ &VT MU. CHflNbe MY / A MNP AWT I *M/LK R6NT comoL<\oone'? y 130V. 6MB MYCAtfPAO 1 nm m M3, mip vw71 A CRtSPNeW POLLAR ^A / WKNOW WfSFLACS I COUP Be RRAL QUALITY ( IF IT HAP 300 MORC / V FLOORS 10 7MY 5TVCK POWLP vmrj MAIN tmMil'S SKULL. fT MAKBS SeNX IN ACOSMIC SORT of my .S0P06S 5HOOTTNO mmmrwms TWO STUFF UP , every wee* ^ °o„ /. ^ ACROSS 1 Southern Slav • Addis 11 Sword cases 13 Emote 15 Barracks gag 16 Obviousness 17 Ending for super 18 Strength 20 Bank book abbr. 21 On a cruise 23 Carry on 24 Prop for Chaplin 25 Zoo attractions 27 Summer on the Seine 28 Lope and pace 29 Commemora tive pillar 31 What Junior runs 33 River basin 35 Shards 37 North or Hardy 40 Rub 41 Alias 43 Conductor Koussevitzky 45 Honey factory 40 Terms of a sale 47 Tumult 48 Keelbiil 49 Frocks 52 Day, in Durango 53 Annuitant 55 He lives for love 57 Prayers 58 Results when juice is reduced 59 Finnish bath 80 Abounds UUWN 1 Selects 2 Withdrawal 3 Lout 4 At the peak 5 Norse god • Stop, to a sailor 7 They’re taken at Vegas 8 “We-the World” 9 Symbol of minimal help 19 Stresses If Islamic sect 12 Fifth Avenue sight 13 Starters 14 Sorts 19 Gear for an aquatic sport 22 Menhaden 24 Egg inspector 20 Frederick Douglass was one 28 Manxmen 30 Eris’sbrat 32 Greek ar 34 Blackboard adjuncts 35 Black eyes 30 Eugene O’Neill heroine 38 Metal used for points of gold pens 39 Selfish ones 44 Coochie coochiegirl 42 Hafez al-, Syrian President 44 States, to Stephanie 46 Scene of the action 49 “Winter’s Tale” lord 50 Issue forth 51 “-achieve greatness Shak. 54 Houston inst. 56 Sterlet delicacy Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE aajMgMiim ul 1 wna LIMSIA TM qmiTm O p E , g s E NISMW O V E s| ] I D[ E| T|Q|N| A|T |EM 0|e|s|e{r|t| tmnmmsiiwm > ■ h E 0 Q E|S 0 N Els BIEITIS] > m#W#i¥EA' 1 A1 e R rE sKsbi^r • rTlglwlsieMIIqIw]ymh|e[b|T| j