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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1988)
SEARS Needs part-time auto oenter sales cashiors immediately. Flexfcie hours are needed. Part-time tire installer and lube job, flexible hour* also. We also have many Christ mas sales jobs available. Liberal company benefits include: immediate discount privileges. Apply Sears Gateway. Mon. 10-7, Tues-Fri. 104. EOE/M/F The DRAGON PALACE in East Park is now hiring part time cashiers. Flexible afternoon and evening hours available. Apply this week in person. _ The Plump Tomato Pizza Co. Part-time help wanted, apply at the Reunion Food Court. TRAVEL FIELD OPPORTUNITY Gam valuable marketing experience while earning money and free trips. Campus representative needed immediately for spring break trips to Florida and South Padre Island. Call Echo Tours at 1-800-999-4300. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers is hiring full and part-time positions. Day shirt starts $3.75. night shift based on previous experience. We offer meal discounts, paid vacation. Apply in poison 2-4 at location nearest you. 14th & Q, 930 North 48. 2615 South 48. Working couple needs an experienced baby sitter to care to. one mtant in our home. The hours: 3:30 to 10:30pm Tue-Fn. Call 423-4403 anytime, must be 1Byrs. of age and provide references. ROOMMATES Female roommate needed. $100 ♦ 1/6 utilities. 477 4750. _ Female to share 2-BR Apt. at11th*E. $17b+t/2ut. 476 3032 (Days)_ _ Male, nonsmoker. 2 bed room apartment. $148.50. 1833 Washington. Work number, 475-1209 Hours 8:30-5.00, Kent. _ Roommate for large 3-bedrcom, between campuses. $125 + 1/3 utilities. 477-9474 after 600. Roommate wanted, female. Chateau properties Call 464-8270. Roommate: Female, Non-smoker. House 5 min. from campus $175 mo.4-1/3 utilities, deposit. 435-5069 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bash Riprock's 12th &Q Upper Level 435-BASH_ This Wednesday’s Band BAD i FUN 1 bedroom, $200. 1742 X St. 435-7191. Please leave message. _ 1541 Wittier. Nice garden-level 2 Bedroom apt. Between campuses. $300. 475-1579 & 488-0061._ AI utilities paid, studio apartment. 1133 D Street. $300/ mo. 475-5275._ Duplex for rent. Large. 2-bedroom, newly remodeled. Between Campuses, porch, shower/tco, central a*, off street parking. $350mo. ♦ utilities and deposit . 464-4414 Lovely apartments. Unfurnished: 2 bedrooms: 1615 Garfield $325 (489 2395); 2125 A. $340, including heart; 3535 Vine 2 story $400, One bedroom: 3535 Vine $298. Duplex $350. Furnished: 502 So. 12. 1 bedrooms $268, effioervcie* $215,221 (474-3365) ;648 So. 12. efficiency $215. includ ing heat. _ _ Need resident manager at Vine and 502 So. 12. Cal 423-5600. Near East Campus/UNI Place Unfurnished lower level, huge, no smokers, deposit, 1/2 utilities, garage. $250. JoAn weekdays 476-8910, weekends 467-4891 Newer 1 and 2 bedroom $260 to $350. 539 N 24th. 423 1029,477-2177. Newer 2 bedroom, near campus, $32 5'month 489-2203 Utilities Paid 2201 A Remodeled efficiency, shower, laundry, coty, only $200 month total. Call Kim, 421-1871 LOST & FOUND LOST: Brown Ray Ban preecription sunglasses. Arch. HML 10/28. Please cell Kim 474-4880. 476-2373. ADOPTION ADOPT—FROM YOUR HEART TO OURS... LOVING. SECURE. HAPPY HOME AWAITS YOU PRECIOUS NEWBORN. EXPENSES PAIO. LEGAL. CALL SUSAN AND STU COLLECT, ANYTIME 516^88-6077. ADOPTION Make someone you love very happy. We yearn to adopt your baby and provide a loving family and the opportunities you would if you could. After seven years with no baby to love your baby would make uur family complete Expenses paid. (Mease call Michele and Marty collect. (516)623-3256 ADOPTION: YOUR BABY'S LIFE WILL BE SECURE AND FILLED WITH LOVE. Happily married, financially secure couple unable to have children, hope you'll call collect. Legal. Expenses paid. Lynn and Marlin: (212)362-6884. Let us give your baby afl the advantages you would if you could. We are a young Christian couple who have been trying to have a child, but after 6 years we still don't have a baby to kiss and hug. We are a full time Mommy and loving Daddy who live in a beautiful home on a tree lined strew with a big back yard. We have lets of relatives who cant wait for the new arrival. Expenses paid, call Karen and John collect 718-356-3903. SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. THE FAB SIDE By GARY LARSON *— _===-_ ~.i BLOOM COUNTY_by Befke Breathed - BtoSHMEAL. ALBERT 60LPMAN MtfTES A MMAPRYOEOUA CANP1PATE. mhats THE PEAL f~ May the PAm-METTM PANIC t 3 I 8 ? ! I Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Lighthouse 7 Sandbank 12 Obliteration 13 Old chap 15 She wrote "Angel of Light" 18 "-a penny 19 Planter 20 Do a buck-and wing 21 Booty 22 Early railroad tycoon 23 Trick 24 Dlisseldorf door 25 Chair parts 26 Writer Francis or Roger 27 First prime minister of Ghana 29 Happening 30 Involve unfavorably 33 Part of a door frame 36 Aircraft engine enclosure 39 Color modifier 40 Eyes amorously 41 Likely 43 Fish often seen in pools ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE f ATcTcTTmnTTHTl I aim e f 1 c h [ptltAlRlSMOp ? alls HOP [AItItI llcMDIL111 IBTRET I Hj E|C| T|o|w|E I DM s[t| R|0 0 E AI N| TIS |m NIEI Q| A1TI 7 O N fmilliiIiBBllil i n|ampin c e tAli)Tc]jMATQlotNtYHBT F £ Ptl Ft A f S Hp^t a[y|a WJffs HAD I El e|t! U|Pl I iP|oUa M I E N S ■■ctRfellBiimM o ^ tJHH fs|C H EIm|EBBr e|a C TOlRlSl | Tj Al CI 1 W A181m c B HI EI Wl c | S i M 1* I * I Bw I1 l"l 44 Schoo! dances 45 Eastern bigwig 46 Suffix with provident 47 Wernher von -, rocket engineer 48 Originate 49 She wrote ••Villette": 1853 52 Stow in a ship’s hold 53 Huarache 54 -Park, Colo. 55 He wrote "The Crisis": 1714 DOWN 1 Him or her 2 Farm tool 3 Race place 4 Remorseful one 5 Killer whale • A part-time employee 7 Frowns 8 -out (sank a putt) 9 Yerby's "An-of Sanctity" 10 Begum's spouse 11 Cos, e.g 14 Sanity 15 Leave at the church 16 Shaping in a preliminary way 17 Tired 22 An Andy of the comics 23 "Myrrha” composer 25 Author Godden 26 French brutes 28 Irritates 31 Serenity 32 "Bullets” in poker 33 Impassive 34 Hebrew scrolls 35 Expand, in a way 37 Of layers 38 Didactic letter 40 Emulates Pericles 42 Sapota or senecio 44 Demonstrate as true 45 Trade center in India 47 Fruit decay 48 Book by Bjomson 50 Legal thing 51 Vespertilio I “1 Hour*: 440PM-1AM Morv-Thr*. 4:30PM-2AM Fft 11AM-2AM S«L 11AM-1AM Sun. I l—J. ! Call Us! 475- 7672 1 611 N. 27th Main Campus I Open 11AM for Lunch Everyday! 476- 0787 11th 4 Cornhusker Belmont Harper-Schramm Smith 476-9944 1415 South Street South Area 466-2377 2933 N. 48th Uniplace 489-9631 4728 Prescott Collegeview i TWO i 12” Medium Pizzas for! the price of a 16" Large.. Offer not good with other offers or coupons. Expires 11-19-88 | Good at listed locations. Fast, Free Delivery™. a mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m '$c6o"j INCLUDES TAX 1-12” Medium Cheese pizza pius one topping, j Otter not good with other otters or coupons. Expires 11-19-88 Good at listed locations. Fast, Free Delivery™. Additional toppings available at additional cost. ^ mi MU an mm a®* —> mm m m ^NEED CASH? I Highest $ paid for used records, cassettes A compact discs! S 14th & 0 St. East Park nazal ; 477-6061 464-82/5 1 LAST CHANCE !| STEAMBOAT *COLORAD O* VAIL/BEAVER CREEK #C O L O R A D O• WINTER PARK *C O L O R A D O* KEYSTONE #C O L O R A D O* TOLL FRBS INFORMATION AND RBBIVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 H. or conun our local Suncnau campur reoretenutlve or your favorite travel agency