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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1988)
I :--. INDEX WEATHER: Tuesday, mostly sunny, News ;.? high 65-70, winds S at 10-20. Tuesday .X night, partly cloudy, low 40-45. Arts?Entertainment 6 Wednesday, mostly sunny, high 70- Classifieds.7 November 1,1988__University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 88 No. 46 UNL charged with sex discrimination By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter nhe Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education has reo pened a complaint against the Univer sity of Nebraska Lincoln which alleges that dining facilities for male and female athletes are not comparable. The complaint states that male athletes are served in the more contemporary Hewitt Cen ter, which was completed in 1985, while female athletes have training facilities in the Harper Schramm-Smith Residence Complex. Brad Munn, affirmative action/equal em ployment opportunity officer, said in a press release that the complaint was filed about three years ago when the federal government had no jurisdiction over programs not receiving fed eral funding. The case was reopened as a result of congres sional action this spring which mandated that any program or offering by a federal contractor must comply withcivil rights legislation, Munn said. Title IX of civil rights legislation slates that programs for men and women athletes must be comparable. Three investigators from the civil rights office visited UNL recently, Munn said, and interviewed members of the athletic depart ment and himself. There have been several routine compliance reviews at UNL during the past decade and each lime the university has “fared extremely well,” he said. This is the first on-site investigation from a specific Title IX discrimination charge, he said. Munn said he doesn’t anticipate any prob lems, at UNU Munn said he expects a decision on the case next spring. Phony VNL band members soliciting candy door-to-door uy nranaon Loomis Staff Reporter Door-to-door candy salesmen in Lincoln are posing as volunteers collecting mon ey to buy new uniforms for the Uni versity of Nebraska-Lincoln Com husker Marching Band, university officials said. Jay Kloeker, assistant director of the marching band, said the UNL School of Music has received at least two calls in the past week from per sons asking about the legitimacy of the uniform drive. He said he has not authorized a fund raising drive of any kind for the band. “If anybody does come around,” he said, “they are definitely not a part of university bands.” Kloeker said when the band docs purchase new uniforms, all funds come either from the music department’s tax budget or from indi victual supporters. “We never do any kind of door-to door sales at all,” he said. Bob Bruce, UNL director of uni versity information, said he periodi cally receives complaints that door to-door salesmen are claiming to represent the university. He said the university never authorizes door-to door sales drives. Bruce said a group selling discount coupon books and claiming to repre sent the university several years ago was identified and asked to “cease and desist.” Klocker said people claiming to represent the marching band once sold light bulbs door-to-door, but were never caught. Bruce said the university has asked the Better Business Bureau to look into the current claims. “At this point, that’s the extent of the contacts we’ve made,’’ he said. Good News publicly apologizes for printing anti-Semitic picture By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter The UNL Good News pub licly apologized Monday for a picture appearing in last Wednesday’s edition that offended a University of Nebraska-Lincoln pro fessor who said it was anti-Semitic. “We fullv and sincerely apolo ilize,” said Nels Forde.publisher and acuity adviser of the Good News. The picture, which illustrated a Halloween story, showed a man with twisted features. The words above it read “The Eternal Jew” in Dutch, according to Louis Leviticus, a pro fessor of agricultural engineering. Leviticus said the nosier was used by the Nazis in the Netherlands dur ing World War H to make Jewish Ic look bad. s a child, Leviticus said, he grew up with the posters glaring down at him, and *he posters became a symbol of fear. Forde said newspaper staff mem bers did not know what the wads said, since none of them can read Dutch or Hebrew. “It was done in innocence and ignorance,” Forde said. Forde said the picture came from a Halloween book and that “it was a bad choice.” “We wish to fully apologize for that picture and any expression of anti-Semitism it conveys,” he said. “We are in no way anti-Semitic. “I want so badly to make amends for any feelings this man (Leviticus) has suffered. Words can't convey it,” Forde said. Forde said the newspaper will print a full retraction in its next issue. US, won't see abortion pill yet By Uavid Holloway Senior Reporter Some experts say anew abortion pill, called RU486 will not reach the United States in the near future. C.J. LaBenze, an obstetrician {gynecologist at Women’s Services in Omaha, said he didn’t think a company will try to promote the drug within the next five years because of negative side-effects. LaBenze said the side-effects of RU486, developed in France, in clude hemorrhaging and pose a certain amount of risk of infection. He said having an abortion at a clinic poses less chance of infec tion than tfllrino thr» iu»u/ nill Jan Kennedy, director of Planned Parenthood in Omaha, said various anti-abortion groups will threaten to boycott any U.a. company that considers distribut ing the drug. Joellen McGinn, a pharmacist at University of Nebraska-Lincoln Health Center, said any company that tries to introduce RU486 in the United States must be well cstab lished in order to take the pressure from anti-abortion groups. Kennedy said the new abortion pill is the future of abortion prac tices. She said the pill will change the public's idea of abortion be cause it allows women to get rid of the egg in the early stages of preg nancy. "The pill will stop the kind of picketing and harassments that happens outside abortion clinics," Kennedy said. "Women will be able to gel rid of the egg in the privacy of their own home." LaBenze said he thinks women will still want to go to clinics be cause of the low risk factor. LaBenze said RU486 is an anti progestrone. He said progestrone is a female hormone that prolongs piv^nuiivj uiiiv ai;u auuvvo uiv tus to grow. He said the anti-pro gestronc pill causes the wall sur rounding the embryo to shed. If the pill is taken shortly after inter course, he said, it prevents a fertile egg implantation. LaBen/e said a woman must take the pill two to three days in a row and the abortion begins on the third day. He said the pill is effec tive 42 to 45 days after a woman’s last period. LaBenze said the only way women can get the drug in the United Stales is to buy it on the black market “The (Friod and Drug Admini stration) is making it illegal to bring RU486 into the U.S., La Benze said. “The FDA has not even been approached by a company in the U.5. to put the product on the market.’’ Kennedy said the drug is avail able in Europe. He said that in creases the chances the drug will be accepted in the United States. “The drug will be available in me u.s. legally or illegally, Ken nedy said. “Women have always been able to get a bold of such drugs.” La Benze said it could take an other five to 10 years before the drug enters the United States. “We’ve got groups that are still against birth control pills,” La* Benze said “It will be a long time before a pill such a RU486 is ac cepted in the U.S."