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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1988)
DAILY NEBRASKAN CAMPUS NEWSPAPER THE PUBLICATIONS BOARD IS THE ADVISING BOARD FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THIS BOARD HIRES THE EDITORS AND ACTS AS THE PUBLISHERS FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION ANO A COPY OF THE APPLICATION CONTACT STUDENT GOVERNMENT 115 NEBRASKA UNION Nominate your favorite T A for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assis tant Awardl Forms available in 1223 Oldfather. Deadline: April 1, 1988. GREEK AFFAIRS it Shelia Wetonk - K0 Congratulations on being elected President of NU Madall Love. Your Sisters A delayed reaction. Congratuiatons Spav and Christy who were pinned Monday, February 22. Way to bel Love. KAPPAS Support the PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE -io.n Kappa Della on March 13th. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Government Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 8 6:15 p.m. Student Union Get psyched 11 PERSONALS James S.. God is love, love is blind Ray Charles s blind. Therefore, Ray Charles is God. _ _ Joe B. K.T., Have a wonderful 20th Birthdayl Colleen Delts, You guys are great, but we will get you bach, better watch your composite. _ Thetas Krause. I LOVE YOUI HOT LIPS in jean jacket. Side Track 2-27-88 Got My #? Skirt A Scarf, ^ ANNA-1 LUST FOR YOU AND WOULD LIKE TO MARRY YOUI! CON TACT ME AT THE DAILY NEBRASKAN --1 AM A ONE OF THE PHOTOG RAPHERS. PLEASE CONTACT ME SOON - - I'M REALLY DESPER ATE!!! DAVID H. v_y Remold, Roses are Red Violets are Blue You're 21 So go get Drunkl Happy Belated Birthday, you' little Bro UNL Women's Swim Team, Congratulations on Big Eights. I knew you oould do it agamT __ Liza in CA Donna and Kendra WA* Vt^FTIl*PPy Blrth<*ay arwJ t,av* a dig ol a dayl WA LOVE TURNEO REVOLTING. STIFF K. Buethe Saturday was your Birthday One year lo wait We ll celebrate plenty. Partying is our Faith. Soak and Beck P.S. Don't get Quick HELP WANTED SUMMER JOB INTERVIEWS: Average earnings $3,1 Oa Gain valuable experience in advertising, seise and public relatione selling yellow page adver tising lor the Nebraska Telephone Directory. Travel opportunities. Expense paid training program in Chapel Hill, NC. Looking lor enthusiastic, goal-ori ented students lor challenging, well-paying summer Job. Sign uploririterviewswithUniversityDirectories at the Off ice ol Scholarships $ Financial Aid by March DANCERS WANTED Topless or non-topless. Earn upto$6 OO/hour part-time. Must be 18 or older Call 474 6469 alter 1200 noon Experienced sales help needed tor Lincoln's new 61 TV. Pari and full time. Send resume to 941 0 Street, Suite 902, Lincoln NE 68508 EOE. Graduate Assistantshp available for 1988-89 in the Academic Success Center. Qualifications; math/sci ence background. GPA about 3.0, tutoring experience, empathy and good communication skills, rick up appli cation at 7005 Selleck by March 14. CAMP COUNSELORS - Male/female - Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Campus: Tennis, dance, slimnastics, WSI, athletes, nutrition/dietetics. Age 20+ 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOTon COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massa chusetts, Pennsylvania. No. Carolina, California. Con tact: Michele Friedman, Director. 947 Hewlett Drive. No. Wood mere. N.Y. 11581,800-421^321. Hardee's Parttime position now available for all day parts. Pay be performance. Employee benefits. Apply in person at 2504 O' Street. LIFE GUARDS 4 SWIM INSTRUCTORS needed for Spring and Summer sessions. Must have current life saving certification. Apply at the Northeast YMCA. 2601 North 70th, 464-7481. Lincoln's newest restaurant and lounge-Bash Riprock's is now aocepting applications for servers, bartenders, kitchen and delivery drivers. Apply in person at 12th 4 Q Street. Glass Menagerie Upper Level. Wednesday Tuesday. 2-8 pm. Need people to train for water aerobics instructors. Call Rhonda at 475-5686 or 435-1324 on Fnday, March 4, Monday 7. Needed, waitress. Experienced only. Apply at Kuhl's Restaurant. 1038 O Street. 476-1311. Part-time Biding Clerk: have own transportation, aver age 20-25 hours per week, good typist and corrector experience. Business major advantage; mornings or afternoons during school year. Summer approximately 30 hours (flexible). Immediate opening. Salary: above minimum wage. 476-1608 Mr. Hamilton for appointment. Responsble. personable weekend help wanted. Apply at The Antique Market, 48th and Old Cheney Road. M W-F SCHLOTZSKY’S Great part time |ob. Flexible schedule, raise in pay after training, free uniform, V2 price meals. Apply in person. 200-5.00 PM weekdays. 12th 4 P Street EOE SPAGHETTI WORKS Now hiring lunch waiters/waitresses Hours; 11am 2:30pm, Monday Saturday Minimum3shrfts. Also must be able to work summer. Apply in person Monday Friday, 8-10am, 2-4pm, 228 N 12th. Speaal Events photographers needed tor Fnday and Saturday evenings. Need 35 mm SLR camera and car Call The Picture Man 475-8242 afternoons. WANTED: Person for general farm work Part-time now. Full-time for summer 785-5935. Call 6 p.m -8 p.m. ROOMMATES 1 male to share 3-bedroom house. 2 blocks from campus $120+ 1-3 utilities. Call 475 4500. 477-0702 Female roommate wanted. Very close to campus S117.50. Call 474-2387 M/F roommate needed $106 rent ♦ 1/4 utilities One Block from campus, washer/dryer, cable WHAT A 3ARGAINI 435-3150 around 6 pm Too mates wanted. 19th & B, $125-'month 476-2583 To^mmate wanted: 54th and Adams Microwave and filing fan. 1/2 rent plus utilities. 464 8396 or 483-7885. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE STUDENT GOVERNMENT DEBATE TODAY in the Nebraska Union Crib 2:30 p.m. ACTION—VOICE Sponsored by ASUN ROOMS FOR RENT F. Kitchen and lounge privileges. Everything is newl $15Q/month. All utilities paid 475-0884 423-9800. HOUSES FOR RENT AVAILABLE MOW! 2 BEDROOM WITH STUDY AND DISHWASHER FOR $345. GARAGE OPTION ALSO. 2912 EVERETT. 423 1535 _ Beautiful 4+ bedroom home. Ideal lor students. 621 N. 24th. $55Q/month. 475-1579 488-0061. JOIN FORCES WITH YOUR FRIENDS THIS SUMMER AND -STEAL” THIS BEAUTIFUL 6 BEDROOM FOR $555. NEAR UNL AT 702 N. 3G!h. ALSO - A 4 BEDROOM FOR $425. 423-1535. We love students I Three Bedroom at 1404N.24th. $345/ month, 423-1535. APARTMENTS FOR RENT -640 SOUTH 20TH — 1 -bedroom, new carpet, $285; 2-bedroom, ns* carpet, $305. Furniture extra. Pool. Summer leases. Laundry. Bus line. 475-7262. __ 1821 ”F" sharp, 1 bedroom, large kitchen, shower, $225, nopetsll 423-4000. 2252 W Twobedroom. Lowutilities. $315 +deposit 467-3702. 483-5723. __ Efficiency apartment. 14th & E. $175/month. 474-5830. leave message. HEAT PAID 1940 Dudley. Large one bedroom. Dishwasher. $255 ♦ deposit. 467^3702, 483-5723. NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new. 2 bedroom, from $335 a month. 474-1064, 477-4434. One bedroom also available. $275. No Rent Until March 15 1121 N 28th. One bedroom, mini-blinds, all kitchen appliances, swimming pool, no pets. $285 with heat paid 475-3504,489 3387 Cherry Hill Rentals._ One bedroom, clean, A/C. $200. 27th 'W 477-1961 Leave message Two coeds to sharj very nice, newer home completely furnished including laundry. All utilities paid Very accessble to campus. $250 each. Send references to P.O.Box 85182. Lincoln. NE 68501. Available March 1. I 99< I WEDNESDAY Everything— all drinks AND pitchers from 8-12 Wed ■ ■■ a <^eldEr ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Y < JEWELRY®uautyoiawomb* T WEDDING RING I SPECIALISTS J Newest Styles A Large In-Stock Selection I NO GIMMICKS wk 1/4 Carat Diamond Solitaire Starting at $195.00 jT Lowest Possible Prices Everyday j> 474-6044 3111 BLOOM COUNTY_ by Berke Breathed . , ...50 OUCH/ WHAT'S The OUCH/ EMEROENCY f BREAK SUMER'S RIPPEP HELLO f I YOUR HAMBURbER YOUR COMtNS UP... MY KNEECAPS 9// KNOW MEATKX) PATTY f NECK f 1WAYEP $n? OFF. THEY'RE. EMERGENCY THAT , MY LEES ' BEHINP THE HOTLINE !rT \ WC6/.. L TOILET. . no' \ ■ ' ■)/,. \ KMmXM. HCT)> I— —iUI-_USl__I BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed RBRTTT iwm I ■ r I" ■■ —>——— WOMEN WHOLE OPEN 1 yew i poors fob you / WHO'S ANXIETY. ..WHOLE CHOOSE THE THEBb r PUPPY BOY / WINE BT PINNER / iPR0(X&6IVE WOMEN WHOLE TAKE UdOMEN ' x HANP BNP LEAP N YOUTHPOUW LOST & FOUND adoption _ ADOPTION Give your baby a chance to have a lovely home filled with lots of love, warmth, laughter, security and unlimited opportunities. Expenses paid Please cal collect evenings, weekends (212)78/-6507. ADOPTION: A wonderful life awaits your baby. Hapoilv married oouple promises to give your newborn lots of love, devotion and the besi of everything. Lovely ctty home, weekend beach house, and private schools await the most precious baby in the world. Please call coded anytime (212) 754-7885. Expenses paid, stridly lea a I and confidential. ^ SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helpma hand. Call usl 483-2609. u § monday is... © duffy’s § COMEDY WORKSHOP © young comics, take heart ! 0 our stage is open and t awaiting your debut^ © © © © A'J © co<** _ _ ^b®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA at ni/33 1 Provencal love song 5 Porch for Pericles 9 Dugout 13 Athenian commander 14 Walked on 15 Idle 16 Scents make sense to him 18 Feminine of lui 19 Concurrence 20 Pantry 22 Capp s Hyena 23 Obtuse in the extreme 24 Cloistered head 27 Anagram for tribes 28 -Filippias, Greek town 29 Sty inhabitant 31 Of an antiseptic 34 Gore relative 36 “Como esta-?” 38 Nottingham nurse 39 Solid: Comb, form 41 Ornithological facial spaces 43 Homily on Sun. 44 A young cow 46 Hit the Iditarod Trail 48 Less befogged 50 Duche >se, e.g. 51 Gat 52 Kind of carrier 56 Town on the Adda 57 Librarian’s bane? ! 59 Units 60 Ireland’s * Lough 61 Result ... retK me -Burns 63 Homophone for 62 Across 64 Legal paper DOWN 1 Supporter 2 Oboist Goossens 3 Loot 4 Actress in “She”: 1965 5 Small opening 6 Align 7 Cart attachment 8 Confuses 9 Dislike i racK event for those less hirsute? 11 Irritates 12 Torpid 13 Paley’s favorite inits. 17 Largest Japanese island 21 Not pro 23 Hinder 24 Connectors 25 Tempo 28 Like those in 10 Down 27 Ulan 30 Canadian physician of fame 32 Curare cousin 33 Wag jd tssay s Dig brother 37 Set apart 40 The old sod 42 Follow 45 "Gigolo” author 47 Part of H S.H 48 Green: Comb, form 49 -Leoni, Italian sculptor medalist 50 Admired 52 Tip-top 53 Church section 54 Sustained strife 55 Due follower 58 Manganese, eg