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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1988)
Consistency helps gymnasts By Lon Griffin Staff Reporter Fewer falls and more consistent performances helped the Nebraska women’s gymnastics team score its highest point total of the season on its way to defeating Northern Colo rado 185.90-175.10 Saturday night at the Bob Dcvancy Sports Center. Nebraska’s women’sgymnastics coach Rick Walton said he was pleased with the meet’s outcome even though the Comhuskers could havcscored 188 points if they hadn’t fallen during the balance beam and floor exercise competitions. Walton said Nebraska showed the type of consistency it needs if it is to succeed during the Midwest Regional competition April 9 at Norman, Ok la. He said the key to Nebraska’s success was that the Huskers went out and tried to make things happen. Walton said a change in the lineup also benefited Nebraska. He said he rested freshman Lisa McCrady, who has been suffering from shin splints, in the all-around competition. Walton said the move paid off, as Nebraska’s Jcaneanc Smith, Michele Bryant and Crystal Savage swept the competition. Northern Colorado women’s gymnastics coach Brian Muenz said his squad also showed consistency even though it was defeated by more than 10 points. He said he was proud of the Bears because they performed up to his expectations. Muenz said he was impressed by Nebraska’s performance. “I think Nebraska is an excellent team,” Muenz said. “I think they are a lot belter than what they arc stand ing in the rankings right now. But I think it is going to show up in region al. They are going to show how strong they are.” Nebraska overcame two falls on the balance beam and two subse quent scores of 8.65 and 9.0 by relying on a 9.45 score by Tami Bair. Smith defeated Bryant, Mary Occl and Bair to win the vault with a 9.5, and Bryant defeated Smith, Burdette and Northern Colorado’s Karin Burget to win the uneven bars competition with a 9.45 score. Occl then won the floor exercise with a 9.6, the highest score of the competition. Smith and Bair tied for second with 9.5 and Bryant finished third with 9.3. Nebraska’s next meet is Friday in Tuscon, Ariz., facing Arizona, Utah State and Cal State Fullerton. Butch Ireland/Dally Nebraskan Nebraska’s Crystal Savage competes on the balance beam. Huskers sweep oears back to N. Colorado, chalk up 10-0 record HUSKERS from Page 10 run on Schalk’s wild pitch. Left-handed-hitting designated hitter Joe Federico continued Nebraska’s onslaught in the fourth inning by connecting on a one-out, solo home run 350 feet over the left field fence. The home run was his second of the season. Northern Colorado scored its only run when designated hitter Joe Mas troni connected on a sixth-inning solo home run off Phil Goguen. Husker pitcher Joel Sealer earned his second victory against no defeats by pitching three innings and allow ing no runs on one hit. He struck out four. Goguen worked the fourth through sixth innings, and Dale Ki staitis pitched the second. The three combined on a two-hitter. Colletti, now 1-1, got the loss. Sanders said the Huskers, rated No. 28 in the Collegiate Baseball ESPN national rankings, have played well during their carly-scason win streak. “We’ve won 10 games we should win, and that’s a positive,” he said. “It’s a positive. We’re beating the teams the way we should and getting a lot of players involved.” FOR SALE CIGARS FOR PINNING Cliff's Smoke Shop , 140 No 12th Street NEW LOCATION 476-0119 CONDOMS OLTRA THIN-RIBBED Order 24hrs.aday. 1 doz.$8 00,order 3doz .$24.00, get 1 doz. free. 12 doz.$60 00. Next day FREE SHIPPING in unmarked mailers. Place your confidential order now! 1-800-545-4141 Ext. 300 Maetercard/Visa accepted or mail your order with check or money order to: LAKE MEDICAL PO BOX 17517 Milwaukee. Wl 53217-0517 Used Minolta plain paper coper. $100. Daily Nebraskan office 472-1769. Ask for Dan. Used Olivetti electronic typewriters. $450 See Dan at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska U non. 1400 R Street 472 1769 VEHICLES FOR SALE '75ChevyCaproe. New brakes, new battery, runs great. , Call after 600. 483-0477___ l 74 BMW 2002, excellent performance, must sell. $3,500 or best offer. 475-0403 _ SERVICES Danielson Floral Co. 127 South 13th 476-7602 Flowers for every occasion. Quality Service. We Deliver! No-cost stop-smoking program. Call 464-1072. after 500 p.m or weekends. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 i 1 '~i TYPEWRITE RS WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL- SALES -SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING & WORD PROCESS ING Resumes, term paper s/masters/dod rites. books, misc typing, laser/ietter quality printers, copier. Diclaphone. Near UNL campus Experience the professional differ ence Call 435-AVIS.___ TYPING & RESUMES EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111. 1919 So 40th 469-WORD WORD GRAPHIC / RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET. $1S ♦ TAX. | DAILY NEBRASKAN. ROOM 34, NEBRASKA l UNION 8 AM -6 PM, MONDAY-^WOAV. J WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes. Reports, etc. 469-WORD _ WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz. 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality work Reasonable prices. COPY SERvICE-reductions and enlargements. _ PERFECTWORD TYPING SERVICE Reasonable rates—quality service. Call Connie at 466 8751 after 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION* MEETING Tuesday, March 8, 5:30 p.m. Henzlik Auditorium -Herb Shimick, Stale NE A President will speak on current and state education legislation and issues. -The Outstanding Teacher's College Educator will be selected. UNL STUDENTS Show your support lor your university! The bill to increase faculty salaries irill be debated thie week in the legislature. Call or visit your state senator in support ol (acuity salary increasesll SINGER/SONGWRITER/ KEYBOARDIST Rick Kelley performs Mowtown/Beach Music Thurs. March 10 7:00pm East Union UNL Students Free (w/ID) Nonstudents $1.00 Sponsored by UPC-East/Kaleidoscope PADRE AHEAD! Pre-trip planning meetings are Wednesday and Thursday at 7:00 PM and 950 PM in the City Campus Union (room will be posted). You MUST attend 1 meeting. Any problems call 472-1700. Sponsored by UPC East Mam Events Stand up and make your voices heard! Tell ASUN what you think of today! VOTE ARF Vrite- Jacques/West. President/1st Vice; Write: Fynbu. Ind Vice. If elected we will dismantle ASUNMi FRESH TOBACCOS Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) 476-0119 INTRAMURAL WRESTLING The intramural wrestling tournament (men's and women's) will be held Monday. 3/7 through Thursday. 3/ 10 Weigh-ins for weight classes 98bs-158lbs will be held Monday. Weigh-ins for weight classes 167-unlim ited will be held T uesday. Check the event flyer or with the Campus Recreation Office for details. Competition will be held in the Coliseum. 472-3467. PEK JUMP ROPE FOR HEART 3-15-86 evening. More information: 472-3882. Need heip with taxes7 Come to Beta Alpha Psi's VITA LABS Mondays 5-7 pm East Campus Tuesdays 2-4 pm City Campus SONIA JOHNSON will speak on “Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Libera tion” tonight at 8 pm m the Nebraska Union- room to be posted Free to all Call 472-2597 for more information. INTRAMURAL FLOOR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT The intramural floor hockey tournament entries are due in either Campus Recreation Office, Tuesday. 3/8. Sepa rate Men's. Women’s and Co-Rec tournaments will be held. 472-3467. _ The Anarchist Relief Front (ARF) challenges VOICE and ACTION to an informal debate on March 7th, 9:00 PM. at the Selleck Snack Bar. We invite the Daily Nebraskan and any concerned students to cornel ATTENTION The Yell Squad will be holding clinics at Devaney Sports Center, Track area. Monday, March 7 at 3.30pm. Jon's Notes Make Mid-terms Easier. I This semester Jon's notes are offered m: " | Anthropology 110, all sections History 100 & 101 (Esposito) Art Today 389 History 101 & 201 (Sherwood) Classics 180, both sections Zoology 112 (Leman) Criminal Justice 101 (Eskridge) __ We’ll type papers also. Jon’s Notes Upstairs in the Nebraska Bookstore Open Monday-Friday 9:00-4:00 _476-8006 VOTE UAQpU QTU ASUN STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS 800 AM TO 800 PM POLLING SITES: NEBRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS WALTER SCOTT ENGINEERING CENTER NEBRASKA UNION EAST CAMPUS STUDENT I.D. 8 PICTURE I.D. REQUIRED TO VOTE.__ ATTENTION CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Early Registration Meetings Wednesday, March 9. 1988 Freshmen meet in Room W347 NH Upperclassmen in Room W357 NH time: 5:30 PM Mech Ag Club is sponsoring tour of National Crane in Waverlv. Wednesday 3-9, 6:15 p.m., room 112, Chase Hall. New members welcome. Last Chance For Spring Break 881 Limited space re mains at South Padre. North Padre, Daytona Beach, Fort Walton Beach and Steamboat. Colorado lor skiing. Hurry, Call SunchaseTourstoll tree 1-800-321-591 Uor reserva tions and information TODAY. Credit cards accepted ATTENTION GENERAL STUDIES Students, Faculty. Staff, and Advisors: There will be an Open House. March 10, from 2-4:30 pm. in 33 Administration. Refreshments Come get acquainted. VOICE Stream - Wupper • Showalter The ONLY Party Standing For.. -SPECIFIC reforms of student lobbying! -SPECIFIC reforms of the ASUN appo.ntments board' FAIR PRESENTATION on our slate and beyond' If you want real leadership, real proposals, and A CFIANGE. VOICE IS THE CHOICE llll AMATEUR NIGHT $50.00 • 1st place: $25 00 - 2nd place Every Thursday night at the Happy Hour Lounge, 17th 4 0 Street Sign up by 10:30 pm. VOICE Stream - Wupper - Showalter A New approach for a troubled system MONDAY EVENING MARCH 7 Dialogues in Christian Faith IS THERE ONLY ONE CHRISTIAN LIFE-STYLE?" 6:00-7:00 PM Selleck Hall - Athletic Dining Room Cather/PoundNeihardt - Cather TV Room Sponsors: Housing/Residential Education UMFfE-Linooln Government Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday. March 8 6:15 p.m. Student Union Get psyched!! 1 Don't judge a book by its cover! Low prices born here but raised elsewhere. See the rest but shop the best. TV’s, clothing, furniture household goods and more. Shop COMMUNITY THRIFT 1745 "O" Street the Italian masterpiece place 435-6000 477-6661 14th & Superior St. 11th & “G” St. Harper/Schramm/Smith UNL Campus 475-4070 483-2881 44th & “O” St. 4120 So. 48th St. open seven days a week/all day delivery «JVkJ Dine In, Carry Out or call for delivery with minimum purchase within service area. Homemade Pasta! J*vw*s! Enjoy two orders of Fettucini with Basic Red ^ ^ » Sauce and meat plus four pieces of garlic cheese jk v vl I rolls. Add a salad for $1.55 each. " j One coupon per order please.Offer Expires 3-20-88 plus tax » 435-6000 477-6661 475-4070 483-2881 j 14th & Superior St. 11th & *‘Q"St. 44th & “O” St. 4120 So. 48th St. * i Harper/Schramm/t>mith^lJNL£amj>u>^ ^ ^ ^ I Cheese Steak Hoagies! • Two cheesesteak hoagies with thinly sliced steak, ® ^ Qil sauteed onions & swiss cheese served on an VfP 4^ v/U | Italian loaf. Additional toppings 3(K each. J plusux ! One coupon per order please. Offer Expires 3-20-88 | 435-6000 477-6661 475-4070 483-2881 » 14th & Superior St. llth&“Q”St. 44th & “O" St. 4120 So. 48th St. i Harper/Schramm/Smith ^JNL Camjnia^ ^ ^ J Large Pizza for a <f.\ ! MEDIUM PRICE | As many toppings as you like sized for a large § pizza, at the Medium price. »: One coupon per order please.Offer Expires 3-20-88 ^ 435-6000 4776661 475-4070 483-2881 * 14th & Superiors!. Uth&“Q''St. 44th &‘‘O 'St. 4120 So. 48th St. | ^^Harper/Schramm/Smith ONL ( amptis