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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1988)
Hollywood: Hardly a dream mecca L.A. from Page 10 next night it will be Allah Harley, a Muslim biker sushi disco. The bars close at 2 a.m., but you can drink all night if you ask where the “outlaw” clubs are on a particu lar evening. These clubs serve drinks until dawn, let minors in and lack a legal alcohol license, so they are often located in out-of-the way, hush-hush places like aban doned warehouses. The outlaw club of the moment is Ground Zero, an ultra-chic haven for punk ers that was recently featured in People magazine (it’s not THAT secret after all). Ground Zero’s portable decor includes numerous slide projec tors that flash scenes from old camp films, pictures of Patti Smith and tabloid headlines all over the walls. Television sets showing Nazi films are everywhere. Every thing vibrates here, thanks to the cacophonous industrial and elec trogothic dance music the DJ spins. Other hip-at-thc-momcnt clubs include White Trash A-Go-Go, situated in a man-made white cave that actually drips water. At White Trash and Scream, a portable club that features live punk bands, you’ll see performances of every thing from thrash versions of bad Bee Gees songs to outrageously awful ‘performance art.” For a good laugh, check out Rockers, a predominantly gay club that prides itself on not playing disco. Gays grooving to Sonic Youth and X has to be seen to be believed. You can’t possibly visit L.A. without going to the beach. Venice Beach is so sexually phantasmago ric it looks like a living Fellini iilm. Bag ladies, bikini-clad girls on roller skates and iron-pumping body-builders mingle together, thinking nothing of their exhibi tionism. Forget about Disneyland. The truly amusing sights of L.A. can be seen without driving all the way down to Anaheim. We’re talking . . restaurants? Yes, L.A.’sgcnuine cartoon characters can be seen at two Hollywood eateries that must remain anonymous. One bills it self as a “performance art dinette and juice bar” and sometimes books local performers like cult figure Glen Meadmore, an indus trial schlock-rock poet who sports a 6-foot-plus frame, numerous fright wigs and claims he likes to lick little boys’ toes on stage and stuff chicken heads into his nether regions. Another unusual eatery advertises the fact that it’s an “all you-can-eat lesbian restaurant for wimmin who prefer to eat in a non male-dom mated atmosphere .” With all this sin snaking through its reprobate valleys and beaches, it’s no wonder Los Ange lenos worry that their sunny para dise may soon erupt and fall off into the Pacific. But as long as there are people who wish to escape the bad weather and middle-class banality of the rest of America, there will be a Los Angeles. Courtesy of American Cheese, Im CHARTROOSE^I CABOOSE Eat in FAMOUS STEAKSANWrtCHBJ LinceirsOwi or >-s Famous , Carrv Out “hot Philadelphia » 475-3015 Corner of 15th & “O” SI. steak sandwich Delivery Coming Soon (limited area) We Proudly Support the Big Red Card The only Chartroose in Town COUPON | 50e off I Half-Fare Sandwich with purchase of reg. fry and Ig. drink _EXPIRES 1/31/88 COUPON $1.00 off Round Trip Sandwich with purchase of I reg. fry and Ig. drink |_EXPIRES^ 1/31 /88 _ ¥xir Basic Problem: jap— ^yk*2~****^ DECISION ANALYSIS Rama # The TI'74 BAS1CALC'M is a BASIC calculator that’s also an advanced scientific calculator. In effect, it’s two calculators in one. In its BASIC mode, you have direct, two-keystroke access to 41 BASIC commands, as well as 10 user-definable keys which can make doing your coursework a basic snap. Switch to its calculator mode and you’re armed with 70 scientific functions to help you easily solve those tough technical problems. And the large, color-coded keys, QWERTY keyboard and separate numeric keypad make it easier to « 1 The 77-74 BAS7CALC: Thf BASIC language programmable calculator from Texas Instruments The mathematics and statistics cartridges are two of five optional application software available . - I use than any other programmable calculator. Your BASICALC specs: • 8K RAM expandable to 16K RAM. • 113 BASIC keyword set. • Optional software cartridges for chemical engineering, math, statistics and finance. • Optional PASCAL language cartridge. • Optional printer and cassette interface. Stop by your txxikstore and see both sides of the Tl-74 BASICALC for yourself. Either way, it’ll blow you away. Texas^* Instruments ,M Trademark nt Tcxax Inuiuments Incorporated i WKH Tl