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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1987)
\ Insipid "Pick-Up Artist is worth turning down By Geoff McMurtry Staff Reporter “The Pick-Up Artist,” (Dou glas III, 5:15, 7:15, and 9:15 pm.) Molly Ringwald was one film away from major superstardom. Robert Downey was one or two big roles away from nationwide name recognition. Dennis Hopper was a respected cult figure. Writer/director James Toback, cinematographer Gor don Willis and most of the crew were well-known and rcpected in the film industry for the work they’ve done. Movie Review If “The Pick-Up Artist” doesn’t close soon around the country, that’s all over with. Aside from a lame premise, lacka daisical direction, and a limp, aimless plot, this tilm had a lot going for it. Excellent acting, and....uh, well, Dennis Hopper. Robert Downey is Jack Jericho, a guy who spends every waking mo ment thinking up slobbering and superficial pick-up lines to try out on each and every reasonably good-look ing temale he encounters during the course of his average day. In his spare time, he s a grade school gym teacher. A success rate of one tor 30 or so doesn't seem to faze him in the least, so he scores about every day or two. One of these simple conquests is Randy (Molly Ringwald), who holds out for several seconds before giving in. However, (amazing surprise plot twist) she won’t give him her phone number for his list, so he still pursues her alter the fact. It also turns out her drunk father, the famous ex-gambler (Dennis Hopper), owes the Mafia loads and loads of money (yet another amazing plot twist, and dam near original, too). She’s working double shifts in her job as a museum tour guide so she can donate the extra money to her local off-track betting service in a vain, honorable and myopic effort to save Dad’s miserable existence. Along the way we get to see what a great guy Jericho really is, caring for his ancien t grandmother, and warning her to beware of sleazy guys on the make. That is, we get to see what a great guy he is when he’s not out telling some girl she looks like an old painting and has an “awesome name.” We also get to go to Atlantic City, N.J., and find out what a truly great gambler Randy is, and, dam the plot twists, Jack, too. Unfortunately for the audience, this provides the con flict that kept the film from ending after 30 minutes. Jack and Randy try to overcome their attraction for each other, but they can’t, and both are afraid they are just too darn dangerous for each other. “We’re both have too much gambler in us,” one says. “Maybe you could gamble on me,” says the other. “Let’s trade lines and stretch this scene.” says one or both or someone just offscreen. Yup, a tour guide and a gym teacher — radical gambling loons. If any of this sounds interesting at all so far, I apologize. “The Pick-Up Artist” bungles a rather difficult premise, which al ready has been done anyway. Most of the central plot seems lifted from an MTM Productions film of a few years ago called “A Little Sex,” which was infinitely superior to this. The sus penseful climax is lifted from Altman’s “California Split,” and while not as technically interesting as that film,’The Pick-Up Artist” does manage to come off as being just as meaningless. “The Pick-Up Artist” is a fine example of Hollywood formula filmmaking at its worst. The “message” of this film seems to be that all men are untrustworthy, irresponsible, worthless phlegm. Downey’s character is a vacuous sleazebag, Hopper’s is a helpless drunk, and most of the others are unthinking, ruthless thugs. On the bus to Atlantic City, a woman eludes a leering drunk, then tells Randy about the varied abuses of her many hus bands, boyfriends, etc. Randy asks why she puts up with it, and she replies that men arc fun to be around. Randy ponders this, then agrees, but insists they have no value beyond that. While it would sound like a nice twist to aim misogyny back at males, and it may be true that men are irre sponsible, worthless phlegm, this cel luloid slagheap is far too insipid for even the most adamant feminist to bother with. Any point Toback may have been trying to make got lost long before anyone else in the film realized what it was. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included $2 50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE 1 p m before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR SALE USHER S GIFTS CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 14 No 12th Street_ 476-0119 GRETCH DRUM set Zildan-Fabian $2 000 value sale 1 2 price $1000 488 1286 19 COLOR RCA TV and a 17“ Zenith $75 12 B/W $20 467-5189 _ 1982 750 YAMAHA Virago, black 6 000 mi. excellent condition, many extras Mus*. sell 476-0140 YAMAHA R 70 reviewer, paid $430 asking $250 Turn' table $50 tg dorm size refrigerator. $70 ALL NEGOTI ABLE 423 5591 after 5 PM ★ Su nonth old day bed White with brass topping Asking $150 or best offer Call nights 474-0514 _ 1 REE OLD Gold shag carpet —32 sq yd 488 6306 after 4 PM __ OWN YOUR OWN PARTY ANIMAL! AKC colored bull ternors 488 6580 HM and Apple software, very reasonable 474-4178 MOTEL TV LIQUIDATION 140 Sylvama 19 color TVs Solid State/$139 each ALL TRONIX 8 TV *364 So 33rd 2X1 No 33rd AUDIO-VISUAL VIDEO 2X1 Nn 33rd 3219 So 13th ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices Open 7 days a week Free parking 650 No 27th___ 474 2065 POCKET CIGARETTE LIGHTERS CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street 476-0119 _ IBM PC SOFTWARE 100 s ot programs available Only $4 95 each CALL tor tree catalog 466 3588 TANDY 2000 computer includes punter and Tandy software 474-2447 _ __ UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history ot UNL as it happened' See UNL s giowth as reported by the dailv Ne braskan UNL s official newspaper lor 86 years THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE perfect tor anyone with an interest in journalism or Nebraska history Only $3 00. available in the Daily Nebraskan ottice. 34 Nebr Union. 1400 R Street AUTOS FOR SALE 74 BMW 2002 Just overhauled engine Sumool. sport tire body good AskinQ $3 300 Call 476-2181 FOR RENT 335 N 18th, 2 blocks Irom campus 3 bedioom. base ment api $360/mo utilities paid 421 1328. 489-8620 SPACIOUS TWO bedroom Garage 33rd and Vine area 3 unit budding. No pats 4664X28 CLEAN TWO bedroom, newly remoceled appliances, shower, parking, yard, bus 19th 6 Sumner $295 475 6669 NEED PRIVACY7 Large temodeled efficiency, unlur mshed/turnished, $185 00 plus low utilities, near capital 476-7416 ___ TWO BEDROOM apartmenl lor rent 800 H and 3031 Q with fireplace, $315 00 plus deposit, no children/pets 467-3145 or 488-7^56 , ONE BEDROOM 46th & L . $240 plus utilities. 483-1337. leave message 2504 VINE nice. 1 bedroom, new carpet, most utilities paid $290 2222 VINE large 2-bedroom. 2 bath, most utilities paid Available now __ STUDENT SPECIALS 3233 T , newer, 2 oedroom house, $290 Call 488J>738__ 1- BEDROOM 2540 S Heat paid $200 3179 R $200 4908 Lowell Heat paid $250 1020 C $200 2- BEDROOM 4909 Lowell $300 1948 OK $300 (Fireplace! Call Kim. 421 1871 or 489-6258 EAST CAMPUS One-bedroom one block from campus in brick 12-olex1 Laundry facilities and of -street parking Call Megu Cor poration. MF 475-8407. 467-1579 JONES APT 477-7262 640 S 20th — 2 bedroom $300 and up 2301 A 1 bedroom $240 2312 S 14 1 bedroom $265 with fireplace 945 D 2 year old complex close to downtown 2 bedroom unit. $3/5 low utilities Consolidated Realty. 476-0086 HELP WANTED CHESTERFIELD’S Now hiring part-time day broiler and pantry positions Ajijjly in person or call for interview 245 N 13th 475 PART—TIME HELP, m wood working shop Must have experience, or classes in wood working Alsoyard help to work all day Mon and Fri Construction ana rough car pentry experience helpful Need immediately Apply Lin coln Lumber Co 932 N 23rd__ LEARN A NEW TRADE ANO EARN A WAGE TOOI Immediate opening for trainees to enter graphics data nn the Fnnmeennn Denarfment xrnmnuter «v*tem Finer lence in manual engineering dialling Experience in com outer aided engineering drafting desired Applicant should nave good math skills Those selected will earn and learn from 4pm -2 30 a m . Monday-Thursday at a rate of $4 75 hour Position has NO benefits Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addi tion to City/Co application Closing date 4 30pm Fri day. September 25. 1987 Apply at City/Co Employment Office 555 S 10th Street. Rm B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 ._EOE/AA_ INTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED The Intramural Program is in need of UNL students to officiate in its soccer program No previous experience is required although it is helpful Games are played Sunday through Thursday Starting minimum wage S3 65'hour DANCERS WANTED, top pay Call after 12 noon Must be 18 or over 474 6469 Happy Hour Lounge 1705 0 St PART TIME UNDERGROUND sprinkler installers and pointers No experience necessary work around school schedule $4 50 hr 466 0894 _ FOOD SERVICE WORKER Part-time Evening shift $4 49 hourly Contact Lancaster Manor 471 7101 Tor additional information and appoint menl EOE/AA CUSTODIAL HELP NEEDED Supplement your income Part-time early or late evening hours Work a little or a lot Reliable, hard-working men and women needed Must be a minimum of 16 years of age Schroeder Building Services 4033 Progressive Ave 4M 8308 Apply between 9 a m and 4 30 p m_ DATA EDIT OPERATORS. Donnelley Marketing, an operating unit of the Dunn and Bradsfreet Corp . is an innovative company which compiles and maintains a current, comprehensive data base of names and address into into We are looking for individuals who have good leading comprehensions and a strong desire to achieve high pro duction standards Minimal typing skills are required We have full and part-time openings on our second shift Excellent benefit package offered Apply in person 8 AM to 4 PM. M-F. at Donnelley Mar keting 809 P St., Lincoln, NE 68508 Equal Opportunity Employer _ STUDENTS LIVING in Sf Lincoln Z s Sandwiches has 11-2 lunch and some evening openings Apply at S 56th & Hfway 2 location._ SCHLOTZSKY’S Great part-time jobs Flexible schedule Raise in pay after training Free uniform Half-priced meals Apply in parson 2-5 PM at 121h 4 P or 54th 4 0 KFC is now accepting applications tor day and evening positions Apply at any of our live Lincoln locations TEMPORARY POSITIONS for Animal Lovers Dependable and enthusiastic phone operators needed for Capitol Humane Society phone-a-thon Help a worthy cause and earn extra income during the month of Sep tember Mon -Sat. 800-2 30 or 4 00-9 00 474-6076 _ WANTED — Live-in attendant for handicapped $550 a month, free room and board Experience in nurses aid required Call 466-2126, ask for Paul PRAIRIE LIFE CENTER Now accepting applications for part-time employment Afternoon ana evening hours available Apply in person — no phone calls 1305 S 70th MICROCOMPUTER ASSISTANT Assist faclty/staff/students with microcomputer prob lems Gain experience with new computer software and hareware A minimum GPA of 3 0 and experience with IBM-PC software is required Salary starts at $4 25/hr and 20 hrs /week Apply at 326 Administration during business hours or call Paul Menter at 472-5761 toi more information WANTED TEMPORARY part-time people to conduct market research by phone Morning and afternoon hours available No experience required $4/hour paid weekly 2930 N 33rd 467-5433 Ask lor Byron EOE_ FARM AND construction worker wanted Farm exper ience preferred Ashland area To apply call 483-7278. evenings NURSING ASSISTANTS Part-time positions All shifts available $4 30 hourly Benefit package Contact personnel office at Lancaster Manor 471-7101 for additional information and appomt ment EOE/AA_ ★ BARRYMORE'S is accepting applications for waitresses Must be able to work noons Apply at 124 N 13th EXPERIENCED DELIVERY drivers wanted full and part time $3 75 an hour plus mileage, bonuses, and tips Must have own car with insurance and good driving record Apply at 230 N 17th, Pi//a Shuttle__ SEARS — needs part-time tire installers 8 AM-1 PM hours Apply Sears Gateway Personnel Dept Mon 10-2. W 8 Th 12-4 Equal Opportunity Eroployer/M/F_ WEEKEND FEMALE CUSTODIANS Cleaning positions available in Women's Residence Halls Rotating schedule with weekday afternoons it desired Apply in person reception desk 1100 Seaton Hall. City Tamnaic FARM HELP wanted tor fall harvest Afternoons, even ings. and weekends, experience necessary 786-7257 WANTED BARTENDERS and waitresses, good starting pay in high energy club 464-1492. part-time and full time NEED CASH? We ve raised our rates and donating plasma is an easy way to earn money while you study We re conveniently located downtown next to Ted & Wally's New plasma donors this ad is worth $15 on your first visit LINCOLN PLASMA 126 North 14th Street Suite 42 474-2335 2 hours free parking — Park n Shop WANTED AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets Western Extra Northwest Bumps etc Up to $350 each 800 255-4060 __ WANTED FOUR tickets to Ancona State game Call 475-7035___ NEEDIMMEDIATELY Biology 101 Tutor Onceortwicea week Call 472 8624. ask for Karen STUDENT GOVT. ASUN - STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION THE COMMISSION WILL BE APPOINTING A STUDENT-AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE. DUTIES WILL INCLUDE ESTABLISHING THE RULES. CONDUCTING THE ELECTIONS AND ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 30TH UN L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 5:30 - TONIGHT NEBRASKA UNION — CITY CAMPUS ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION ANO AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION BLOOM COUNTY_ HUH f kHA-f THtS CAN'T 0€ --> 7W BACK happening.. HOf* in me ^ 7mamse h/J&imk mapon ' ^ twremb.* _by Berke Breathed WHV, me NO, BONBHCAP. ^ whou jwno mats me JfSL. M3 just poem yom thfppt ****! K"* I r^\ \ r* m. It's Here! 99* Wednesday at Lincoln's New Premier Night Club EVERYTHING just 99« 99* call drinks 99* imports 99* blended drinks 99< jce cream AND drinks The Mingles DASH FOR CASH CONTEST i NO COVER! 4 “Sure The Extra Money Is Nice, But That's Not Wh^lDo It." Ido it because I know that it saves lives. That's why I donate plasma Millions of people all over America rely on plasma products to stay healthy—or to stay alive! That's a good enough reason for me. But I sure can use the extra cash, too. Up to $132 a month) That’s how much you can earn donating plasma in safe, easy visits to University Plasma Center. Call to day to find out just how easy it is, and to set up an appointment university Plasma Center Associated Biosclence of Nebraska, Inc. 1442 0 Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone 475-8645 a BONUS! On your first visit with this ad. WEEK | 1 I 2| 3 I 4 I 1st visit In a calendar week *10 *10 *10 *10 2nd visit in a calendar week *20 *20 *20 *20 Donor Referral *3 *3 *3 *3 Weekly Totals ~ ~»33 ~»33 ~*33 ~»33 Example amount you can HOO earn In each calendar month IOa> Associated Bioscience Inc