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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1987)
WEATHER: Thursday, mostly — l%7 ^ I sunny and cooler. High in the mid- V ^B ■ News Digest.Page 2 70s. Thursday night, mostly clear I ■ ' \J ■ I Editorial.. Page 4 and cool. Low in the mid-40$. Fri- ■ I I Soorts .Paqe14 iMenraskan i Stl^SSnbtl^^ University of Nebraska-Lincoli*i "Ml1111111111^^ Women faculty salaries below males By Kim Beavers Staff Reporter Although women faculty members increased from 162 during 1985-86 to 202 last year and make up 32 percent of new faculty members this fall, their salaries still fall below those of men at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. According to a 1986-87 report from the UNL Faculty Salary Study Committee, UNL has made no prog ress in the salary differences since 1983. Several faculty members say they do not sec overt sexual discrimina tion. “1 don’t think there is a conscious discrimination with men on the UNL staff in terms of women,” said Mau reen Honey, associate professor of English. “The faculties of all departments dominated by men mean there is an automatic knowledge and familiarity with things they do and the way they do them,” Honey said. “We arc in a sexist society and, yes, it does affect the whole process.” One reason for the increase in women faculty members is that women arc setting their sights higher, Honey said. But discrimination remains, Honey said, “and we, as women, need to keep chipping away at it.” According to “UNL Faculty: Sal ary and Tenure Data,” in 1985-86, men made $37,034 on a median scale. Women received $28,856. The difference in pay at the level of full professor was $987; at the associ ate professor level, $2,375; and at the assistant professor level, $1,335. In 1986-87, women made $1,238 less at the full professor level, $22 more at the associate level and $698 less as assistant professors. Jim Lewis, Faculty Senate presi dent and associate professor of mathe matics and statistics, said he thinks it is in the best interests of the university to hire more women. There are one woman and 38 men in the math depart ment, Lewis said, and female students need female role models. Women students need inspiration to attend graduate school, Lewis said. Watching and learning from women faculty members might encourage students to work for higher degrees, he said. Lewis said the math department at UNL has three vacancies to fill for next year, and the one woman in the department is part of the hiring com mittee. “We feel it’s important to at least gel one more woman on the staff, and we are willing to not just look at the applications of the women that come here and fill them out, but to go out and look for qualified women,” Lewis said. Honey, who is also chairwoman of women’s studies, said there is an overall pay difference at UNL. “This is a school that pays all of its faculty members less, not just women,” Honey said. “We are in the bottom of the Big Eight schools con cerning pay. There are very minimal raises at the university. Former Gov ernor Bob Kerrey tried to balance the budget by taking away from our sala ries, and that hurt some of the in comes here at UNL. But women with equal experience are still paid less.” Helen Moore, chairwoman of women’s studies last year and associ ate professor of sociology, said cer tain fields have more women, but that could be part of the salary problem. “What I find happening is that I’ve seen women primarily being hired in fields for women such as social sci ences and humanities,” Moore said. These fields pay less than areas in math or science, she said. Brian Barber and Tom Lauder/Daily Nebraskan Poor ridership threatens night service to East By Joeth Zucco Staff Reporter AS UN President Andy Pollock said that if the night bus service loses money this fall, it will be discontinued next semester. Pollock said the new night bus service is falling short of expected numbers. He said ridership was predicted at about 1,116 stu dents per week, according to a poll con ducted last year. During the first week of the service this fall, total ridership was 144. The second week’s was 205. “We have to be optimistic and wait right now,” Pollock said. “If it doesn’t improve, then we'll have to sit down and talk about it” The service must increase its ridership by six limes to pay for itself, said Dick Rohde, general manager of Lincoln Transportation • System. An average of 50 people ride the bus each night, Rohde said, and for AS UN to break even, ridership must increase to an average of 336 each night. LTS charges AS UN $84 a night for the service, Rohde said. The 25-ccnt fare is used to pay the charge, he said. Pollock said the $20,000 for the service comes from the All-University Fund, a phil anthropic fund. Rohde said ridership may not be as high as expected because of scheduling. The bus runs from 7:04 a.m. to 10:35 p.m. At night, one bus runs between campuses every 20 minutes from 6:35 to 10:35 p.m. The bus makes six round trips each night. Pollock said the service was advertised with a half-page advertisement in the Daily Nebraskan, notices on the information kiosks and the general bulletin board, fliers in the residence halls and at Freshman Fri day, and a banner board on the Nebraska Union. Pollock said he also talked to profes sors who teach night classes and advisers on East Campus. The advertising is paid for by ASUN, which will be reimbursed by the administra tion, Pollock said. Residents spruce up rooms By Mitchell Meyers Staff Reporter When Ann Weikcrt and Amy Schut/ moved into Ncihardt Residence Center at the begin ning of the semester, there were two beds, two dressers, a bookshelf and a closet. “It was motel hell staring me in the face,” Schut/. said. Weikcrt, a University of Ncbraska-Lincoln freshman theater major, and Schut/., a fresh man biological science major, said they couldn’t handle it. So, like many residents, Weikcrt and Schut/ renovated their room to create their own home. They built a frame that reaches across their room and suspends their bunks above the two dressers. They set up their stereo, hung up posters, lit candles and threw their clothes on the floor. They added a refrigerator. On top, they scattered children’s bookss fingernail polish and the whole gang of Muppct babies from McDonald’s Happy Meals. This is home. Because home is comfortable. And for Weikcrt and Schut/, comfort comes from expressing themselves through their be longings. Although they have different majors, the women have similar artistic interests. Between the two, a collection of authentic movie posters Student Senate meeting and strange yet colorful drawings decorate the walls. “Everything I own is here,” Weikcrt said. “Every part of me is on this floor.” Jay Svanda, a Schramm Hall resident, likes expression and comfort too, but he didn’t just bring the comforts of home with him. He built them. Svanda, a senior electrical engineering major, toted in carpeting, wood paneling and electrical gadgets. He has turned his plain room into a posh apartment. Fully carpeted, the room is 17 by 19 feel and divided into three sections by wood-paneled partitions. One partition near the entrance separates the closets and personal items from his living room. The living area has two couches, two coffee tables, a television, a stereo, a VCR, two beds, a ceiling fan, Svanda’s computer cabinet and a refrigerator. Another partition between the living room and the north wall closes off a smaller area enclosing the residents’ desks, one on each end of the room. Svanda said he has spent about $250 to $300 on materials such as paneling, wiring and lumber. He built all the partitions and bunks him.iclf. In the living area against the cast wall, his VCR, TV and stereo arc lilted in a wooden entertainment center built by Svanda’s father. The remote controls for the entertainment center rest on a conventional rectangular coffee table. Svanda’s bunk is suspended above, sup ported by a wooden frame which reaches from the floor to the ceiling, across to the opposite side of the room, and down the other wall, where his roommate’s bunk is suspended above one of the couches. The refrigerator is built into the partition separating the living area from the study areas. A single dimmer switch controls the wall lamps on each end of the partition. On the partition, around the corner from the refrigerator, is a con'rol switch for the ceiling fan in the living room. His other gadgets include four telephones, a police scanner and the pager to his car security system. Glenn Schumann, assistant director of hous ing/maintenance, said maintenance personnel arc happy to cooperate with students who want to fix up their rooms. “We like to work with our residents as much as possible. It’s fun to watch them make their rooms into their own personal domains,” Schu mann said. See ROOMS on 3 ASUN to investigate CBA drop policy By Lee Rood Staff Reporter ASUN members formed an ad-hoc commit tee Wednesday night to investigate College of Business enrollment policies because senate members say the college may be mistreating students. Senators Brad Katz and Nancy Hove brought the bill to the senate’s attention after discovering that even though business students with necessary prerequisites are promised courses, they arc being denied those courses. According to the bill, Gary Schwcndiman, Dean of the College of Business, has publicly stated that all students enrolled in CBA who have the required .prerequisites will get their business classes. Still, the college is systematically dropping these students from classes. The senators also said many students arc not aware that if they register for a business course and do not fill all the requirements, they will be dropped later in the semester when they will only be able to recover a portion of their tuition. The College of Business Administration is the only college to systematically drop students if they do not fill all the required prerequisites. Katz and Hove said because of the difficulty in obtaining business courses at the University of Ncbr&ska-Lincoln, some potential students arc going to other institutions. The committee, to be comprised of two ASUN senators, one member of the Student Advisory Board, one student-at-large, one CBA faculty member and one administrator, will be appointed by ASUN president Andy Pollock. The committee is expected to investigate the current business course prerequisites, the prioi ity system of enrollment, and the Administra tive drop procedure. The committee will report its findings at an October 21st meeting.