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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1987)
Classified 472-2588 - NEED CASH? We've raised our rates and donating plasma is an easy way to earn money while you study We re conveniently located downtown next to Ted & Wally's New plasma donors this ad is worth $15 on your first visit LINCOLN PLASMA 126 N 14th St Suite #2 474-2335 2 hours tree parking — Park n Shop RUNZA DRIVE-INN 13TH & E is now hiring tor day help 11 00 a m.-2.00 p m. or 11:00 a m -5 00 p m We otter above competitive wages and flexible scheduling. Please apply in person 2:00-5T)0p m IMMEDIATE FULL and part time opening in broiler and pantry Day and evening hours Experience preferred Chesterfields, 245 N 13th. _ _ HIRING FLAG FOOTBALL OFFICIALS tor youth games Pay rate starts at $5 50/game YMCA will tram new officials Game nights Monday, Tuesday. Thursday evenings CaII YMCA Youth Sports 475-9622 TACO DEL SOL Now hiring part-time days Apply in person at 10th and Cotnhusker or 70th ana Van Dorn 9 00-11:00 a m or 1:00-4 00 pm.____ BUSING PERSONNEL needed. Fast-paced food corp in downtown Work noon hours and on weekends Apply in person at the Atrium, lower level, 1200 N St ALL AROUND person that knows construction Flexible hours, own transportation, preferably pickup $5 50/hour Need experienced, sell-motivated self-supervised in dividual 488-4228 SITTER NEEDED for two girls, my home Two weekends a month from 6 30 a m to 3 30 p m Own transportation 476-7760 after 3 00 p m WANTED nieeu pdii-ume umuidic m my nume vvuuiu duc^i someone sharing responsibility with a friend Tuesday thru Friday 11 30 to 5 30 p m Call Day 483-4116 ask for Susan Nioht 477-2273 WANTED 2 season football tickets together Call collect after 7 00 p m when you have the tickets. 291-8420 BASS PLAYER and singer wanted for ROCK band 435 3569 _ WANT TWO football tickets, one male one female together (pieterred) Sept 12 UCLA game Call 476^9173^ NEED TWO married student season tickets 423-670C after 5 30 or 402-331-1214 |= ' INTER-CAMPUS BUS NOW WILL RUN BETWEEN CAMPUSES FROM 7:05 AM TO 10:35 PM - TOKENS AVAILABLE IN THE NEBRASKA UNIONS - QUESTIONS CALL ASUN-STUDENT GOVERNMENT _ 472-25«! NIGHT BUS SERVICE YOU CAN NOW TAKE THAT NIGHT CLASS ON THE OPPOSITE CAMPUS. THE BUS WILL RUN TILL 10:35 PM TOKENS AVAILABLE IN THE NEBRASKA UNIONS QUESTIONS CALL ASUN-STUDENT GOV ERNMENT 472-25S1. THE RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND DIRECTORS FOR THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES: PUBLICITY PROGRAMMING RESIDENTIAL ENHANCEMENT FOOD SERVICE TASK FORCE CALL THE RHA OFFICE TO APPLY 472-1095 ASUN UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT THE FOLLOWING CAMPUS WIDE COMMITTEES NEED STUDENT REPRESENTATION ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES: STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATOR-GRADUATE COMMITTEE FOR FEES ALLOCATION SCHOLASTIC COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON NEBRASKA UNION BOARD PARKING ADVISORY BOARD TEACHING COUNCIL RECREATION ADVISORY COUNCIL STUDENT EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONVOCATIONS COMMITTEE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE GRADING COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION ABOUT EACH POSITION ARE AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 10TH ASUN STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUPON BOOKS PAPER MONEY AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION A8TUDENTS NEW AND OLD Are you looking to get involved in Student Government and legislative Lobbying? ASUN s Government Liaison Committee is now accepting new members Applications are available in 116 Nebraska Union JOIN NOW'" AN,\OU!VCtM ENTS Complete Bed (any size) *139.95 FREE gift with any complete bed purchase. CAP RAILS $9/pr. MATTRESS PADS $9.95 each SHEETS $19.95 CONDITIONER $3 WST0"o B E D shoppe "CALL US BEFORE YOU BUY" 2541 Randolph Lincoln 475-4949 S ★ ★ ★ ★ F.A.C. Live jazz, free hors d'oeuvres, drink specials Fridays 5-7:30 PM — The Clayton House, 10tn & 0." ACCOUNTING MAJORS Beta Alpha Psi Come to Pledge orientation on Tuesday, September 1st, 7:00p.m. in the City Union Requirements 3 0 GPA overall, 3 2b in Accounting Must be enrolled or have completed Accounting 314 _ ★ ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SOCIETY Meeting, September 2, 6 PM. City Union Room will be posted. All new members welcome __Refreshments! WELCOME BACK members of PHI CHI THETA First meeting is 6 00 PM, September 1 in Union UPC CONCERTS AND COFFEEHOUSES Come to the first committee meeting Sunday. Aug 307 00 p m In the Nebraska Union Room to be posted New members welcome AGS Little Sistei MANDATORY MEETING 8 00 PM Tuesday, September 1 Study Break to follow at the house Dress informal Call Brad K if you cannot attend_ _ ★ ★ GET HYPNOTIZED Jim Wand at the East Campus Union Wednesday. Sept 2 at 8 00 PM DALE A CHIP THE COMEDY STRIP For birthdays, stagettes or any occasion Fun, unique Call 475-0906 You grin and we'll Bare it" RELIEVE TENSION jim Wand-hypnotist teaches tension relieving techniques September Z, 8 00 p m , East Campus Union. LEARN NEW STUDY SKILLS Come to the East Campus Union Wednesday Sept 2 at 8 00 p m to see Jim Wand - hypnotist at work' SUNDAY AT ST. MARK’S, 13TH A R: Eucharist at 8 30 and 10 30. cookies in the courtyard, picnic plans for pm — hope to see you ★ APPLICATIONS for the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available in the CAP office. ASUN and in 1223 Oldfathei WORSHIP AT CORNERSTONE (UMHE) Sunday. August 30 10 30 AM — Fellowship Flour 11 00 AM — Service in Song The Rev Jim Newton. Celebration Shop.Dallas. Texas WELCOME NEW YEAR PARTY Sunday. August 30th CORNERSTONE (640 No 16th) 4 30 pm — Munchies'l 5 00 pm— Getting to know you/us 6 00 p m — Barbeque Dinner -UMHE The Disciples ot Christ, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, and the Presbyterian Church (USA) WELCOME TO ALL PROBE MAGAZINE is looking for a staff for its Fall issue Editors, writers, photographers, advertising manager and sales staff are needed right away Probe is a College ol Business Administration publication with a distribution of nearly 7000 Application forms are available in CBA 240 today Hurry-oeadline is Friday. August 28th NEED A PART-TIME JOB? Then plan to attend the 3RD annual UNL part time JOB FAIR 9 00 a m -12 OOp m and 12 30p m - 2 00 p m September 3rd at the Nebraska Union ROOMMATES NON SMOKING FEMALE student to share house near East Campus and UNL Shuttle Serious student with good housekeeping habits, please $155/mo plus equal snare ot utilities and garbage 464 5226 WANTED RESPONSIBLE roommate to share an apart ment $185 a month utilities included 1432 B St. Apt *2. 475-3005.__ FEMALE SHARE mobile home North 1st and Corn husker Hwy $180 plus 1/2 utilities A/C parking and othei extras 435 3051 oi 435 6801 ROOMMATE 1531 DStreet $165/mo 2-bedroom.brick 477-4280 MALE ROOMMATE needed All furnished all utilities paid $160/mo Call John W before 2 00 p m . 477-9553, after 3 00 p rn 479 5400 (work) M/F ROOMMATE to share 4 bedroom house 2839 R Street $93/month plus$7 00utilities Call 475-2179 Ask for Steve AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $147 a month 4220 Randolph Contact John at 483 6432 NEED 4 ROOMMATES IMMEDIATELY Large house near campus, own room, m/f, prefer stu dents $100/mo plus deposit, plus utilities Call 476 1836 after 5 00 p m MALE STUDENT is looking for same to locate and share apartment. 435-6142.__ WANTED, MALE roommate to share house at 28th & Y $135/month plus utilities Call Ross, 435-8696 or 472 3439. Keep trying._ ★ NEED ROOMMATE to share house $125/montli plus 1/3 utilities Near downtown. Call 476-8477 RESPONSIBLE. NON-SMOKING female $140 plus 1/3 utilities Call 477-3592 MALE,NON-SMOKER Share3-bedroomhouse Washer, dryer off-street parking Five minute walk to main cam pus $120 plus 1/3 utilities Call Dan or Andy at 475-0804 Available immediately _ NEED ONE non-smoking roommate to share house — 12th and W ashington $165 per month (include utilities) Call Jim 435-3221.__ SEEKING RESPONSIBLE female roommate to share house close to UNL PETS OK' $225/utilities paid Call Bonnie for details 435-3283 _ _ NON-SMOKING FEMALE needed to share townhouse Own bathroom and bedroom w/fireplace $125/mo plus 173 utilities. 435-4380 _ TWOROOMMATES needed$115month plus 1 /4 utilities 2141 N 58. 467-1552 Call evenings_ RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE tor 2 bedroom apaitm nt close to campus $145 plus 1/2 utilities 474 7727 even ings PERSONALS _^ Super Fectz Freight and OAKTREE (alias wimpy and sadpunk) Remember it's a study bin not a place to lay sod, so get working Besides you can't hang with the packed fudge on this campus Dennis Happy 18th Birthday little Brother _Love. Your Big Sis Dawn M Hope your first week went great' You re in for a big surprise this weekend'7 Love. C C Ty. Happy Bnthday to the sweetest guy I have ever known and will always love and keep dearest to my heart __ ___Love, Vic l ady in Red I helped you find drop/add Thursday and liked your smile Would like to meet you again Respond via personals CAMMY HUDSON Happy 18th Birthday! __ Love, Jett Stacy Here s to a great vear and a great friend Now quit acting so la-dee-da-dee J.B L Friday, Carried a box for you across 17th to Pound odd vator shoulda gotcher name Meet again? RVP » CBN J W (ADPi). Happy 21st B-Day. and I know |ust the way we can celebrate "it." WRK (Dick Munch) SERVICES ~ REX ROBINSON S Mobile Music for weddingrecep tions and private parties For bookings call 435 42b3 or 477-4820 PARKING SPACES available $15 a month Call or stop by Hoppe Manufacturing 421 N 9th, Lincoln, NE 68501, 475-4202 between 8 00 11 00 a m EXTRAMONEY is nice, but you can help people too1 Donate plasma for up to $120 a month First donation in a calendar week $10. second donation in same calendar week $20 (Monday-Saturdayl New donors receive $2 bonus on first donation with this ad UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience of Nebraska Inc Lincoln Nebraska 475 8645 Effectivejjntil further notice AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING A WORD PRO CESSING specializing in resumes term papers thesis, misc Compare costs, services, and hours open Editing, Notary, Dictaphone Near UNL mam campus 435 AVIS Affordable Professionalism__ FREE PREGNANCY TEST Confidential counseling available Call tor appointment Lincoln Crisis Center. 475-2501 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 CHILD CARE tor NE home lootball games Ages 18 months to six years Call 476 3800 weekdays for more information Gingerbread Cottage DAY CARE during FarmAid and Football Saturdays CALL 464 4560 GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488-9294 Fight Inflation! With our discount card, get 10% off goods for the first semester from the following merchants. *A Tasteful Affair "The Big Red Shop •Big A Auto Parts *Club Car Bar •The Closet & Grill •Dirt Cheap ‘Freewheelin' Cycle •Globe Dry y Cleaners ’Grandpa's Ribs *Herms Liquor F<iggins •Kuzu's Kebobs ‘Michael's Flowers ‘Nooners ’Onstage Shoos •Pontillo's ’Skylight Bistro •Taco Bell ‘Vanity ‘Best Shot Waterbeds SINGLE A PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential information call Nebraska Children s home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses, Term Papers, Etc. Quality Work, Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE — Reductions and Enlargements ★ RESUMES BY ANN We know what personnel directors look for in resumes Start your career with a professional resume — one that gets noticed in a stack ot 50' Affordable fees, quality profiles 464-0775 MISCELLANEOUS ★ APPLICATIONS tor the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available in the CAP office, ASUN and in 1223 Oldfather LOST & FOUND LOST Class ring — sterling silver ruby, engraved on the ring were, Lourdes High School, 198U a toot with wings, and a knight Any into please call 467-2252 alter 6 pm_ _ _ REWARD FOR return ot blue billfold and burgundy covered checkbook Lost Mon near Avery Hall Call 472 8266 _ PAIR OF light brown eye glasses lost August 25 $25 Reward Please call 466-387T or 464-0288 GREEK AFFAIRS^ CONGRATS TO the Shining pledge class ot Alpha Chi Omega L Adkins, S Kirklm, H Tropp, K Adams, L JacoDson. C. Hortley, S Anthony, M Shagrve, A Fergu son, J Bauman. L Matthews, L Higgins. A Blatney, D Kern. L Morris. L Boohar, M DLoughy, S Spanel. S Brown, C Staroscik, C Ebeltoft, L Crokie. S Kenney, S Tallman, M Redick, L Hokom, J Kirch, L Scritsmier CONGRATULATIONS to the '87 Fall Pledge Class ot Acacia Fraternity* Craig S . Eric C . Jon C , Mike D , Dan H., Paul M . Greg t. Jett W , Jett S Matt P , Eric W , Ken R John S . Scott G Ray S, JedP , Bill M Mark N , Derek H , JoeP . Andy V . Jerry C , Scott Z , Ron V . Jon H . Jon W Best of luck throughout the semester Acacia Actives AG MEN Little Sisters meeting Sunday, August 30. at 8 00 ■ SUNDAY I ’ 9 45 am CHURCH SCHOOL B a 11:00 am WORSHIP M 1 WEDNESDAY S H 7 30 pm PRAYER SERVICE ■ l^tj^ndSOUT^TRE^i CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW PLEDGE CLASS OF THETA XI. J. Albright, N Andre, S. Eggebraaten, B Eis, J Howe, E Hinz, P Ketcham, T. Kuzefka, T. Martinez, B McDonald, T. Miller. M Nelson, C. Novotny, B Roh, M Schmidt, T Sears, J Sheets, T. Wright. Have a great year _The men of Theta Xi DELTA GAMMA is proud to announce their 1987-88 pledge class Rory B, Jackie B., Kim B, Vikki B., Vicki B , Stepn B . Sarah C., Susan C., KarriC., Christina D , Aimee G Kim H . Betsv K,, Debbie K., Tammy L , Kris N , Christy 0., Heather 0 , Michelle P Perky P., Debbie P , Madri S Monica S . Kris S, Cathy S , Kim V , Susan W , Tara Z. SIGMA NU FRATERNITY IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR FALL PLEDGE CLASS: Frank A.. Scott B , Pat C., PaulC , Joe C., Rawi D . Tim D , Rob D , Tom E , Kyle H., Jon H., John H , Jeff H . K C. K , Gregg L , Chris L , Wade M , Mike M , Dan M , Jeff N . John 0 , Kevin 0 . Rich 0 , Brent P„ Todd P . Chris S . Craig S , Ron S , Paul S., Matt S , Kelly T., Toby T , Chris T.. John U., Mike W , Pat W., Rob W, Andrew Y CONGRATULATIONS. GREEKS: Apply for greek yearbook staff Applications available in Greek Affairs Office 332 Nebraska Union Due, Sept 4at400 p m CONGRATULATIONS to all fraternities and sororities on their pledge classes Have a great year. The men of Phi Delta Theta CONGRATS A - PH I Pledger1 J Becker. J Brown. M Bundy. S Cooper, K. Cull. D Downing, C Francis. J Frazier, C Geyer. L Hermansen.D Hittle.B Hornstem.K Kunze, M Lambert, P Long, S Miller, J McWha. J Peeks, K Peterson, J Philby, S Quick. L Skeech, D Timmerman ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE _J| featuring the 'l U ? c — ^ best “Hot Phllly ^ “ CUD Steak Sandwich" t-J [13 west of the Poconos c E 2 r — -j £ 3 _ _ _ Downtown 1321 ‘O' St. r “ 1 — 3 East Park Ptaza r — t CUD 1101 Arapahoe C Z D Check oul our low bar prices C U 3 and our big screen T.V. C Z1 £ Z (downtown only) T Z D :Er.r-Coupon-irrtj «i * it 1 _ 31 Buy any Steak Sandwich \ c = 3 : z and get an equally priced I ^ □ - -jl Steak Sandwich Free. * c Z 3 Z • Add'l Ingredients extra ! C Z D Z * Expires Aug 29, 1987 JcZ3 Z must present coupon c - 3 ^nnlnnlTiwf* CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS ) They eat their words 11 Director Vittorio De IS Detestation 1C Dutch spread 17 Crayfish, eg. 18 Bill section 19 Mind-boggling times 20 Rock group, with “The” 21 Holdback 23 Let bait bob 25 Punch line 27 Pass* 28 “Evita” role 39 Top-drawer 32 Ticks off 33 Unorthodox believer 35 Viaud’s nom de plume 37 Guarantee 38 Migrants from Wis. to Ind. 42 Declaim violently 44 Infant in his or her first month 45 Karpov gambit, e.g. 47 Fall faller 49 Immediately 50 Structure 51 What Aaron wielded 52 Turf 54 In (secretly) 5C Moisten timber 58 “On Your Cl Global area C2 Three-time N.L. M.V.P. C5 State founder M Financial departments 67 Time frames 68 Grayish-brown hues DOWN 1 Marathon, e g. 2 Cantabrian river 3 Bellows 4 "Lou Grant” role 5 Dance, eg. 6 Insect’s receptacle 7 Methodology 8 Baseball situation • Samoff’sorg 16 Telegraph 11 Cult member 12 Conceive 13 Dental concerns 14 Restructure 22 Publishers’ output 24 Double-dealer 2<-canto 28 Soror’s letter 29 Biddy 31 Bank claim 34 Slavs and Croats, e.g. 39 Hebrew seven week period 39 Strummer’s instrument 49 Robert of “Quincy, ME ” 41 Baste 43 Flap 44 Steno’s companion 45 Mr. Spock’s side arm 44 Thin plate 48 Bizet opus 54 Word with moon or land 53 Colo, college 55 New Testament book 57 Soviet news org. 59 Robert 44 Snippiness 43 Constellation or screw pine 44 Kook