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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1984)
Thursday, November 29, 1S34 Dally Ncbrcskan PCG3 0 r EtaMom dkeetF FelliiM n m n u m i Vcssznr.zrs aboard Frcdcrico FcIEri'a crdse eHs, t2s Gloria N., eail on ttia eve cf W 1 la "And &a 8h!? Ealij Oa." - Eight Italian films to be shown Federico FcUIni's "And the Ship Sails On," currently at the Sheldon Film Theatre, opens a festival cf films titled "Recent Italhn Cinema: 7Q3-1E03." Felllnfs "And the Chip Sails On" will run through Saturday, Dec. 1. Show are at 7 and 9:16 p.m., with a matinet at 3 p.m. cn Saturday. The remaiaiit ceven films include:' A Jc1;j of Dectiny" by Una Wertznuller, "La Nult de Varer.nes" by Ettore Cede, "Beyond Good and Evil" by Lilians Cav&ni, "Ebcli" by Francesco Rosi, "The Lot Woman" by Marco Ferreri, ."The Meadow" by Paolo and Vlitotlo Tavi- ani, and "The Eyes, The Mouth" by Marco Bdlocchlo. Th3 festival's flirts will bo screened at the following Umo: "La Nuitt da Varennes Dee. 5 at 9 p.m.; Dec 7 at 5 p.m.; Dec 8 at 1 p.m. "Eboli" Dec 6 at 9 p.Kt; Dec 7 at 7 p.m.; Dec 9 at 1 p.m. The Last Woman," Dec 7 at 3 p.m.; Dec 9 st 5:15 p.m.; Dec 10 at 9 p.m. "The Meadow" Dec 7 at 0:15 p.m.; Dec 8 at 6 p.m.; Dec 9 at 7:15 p.m. - "The Eyes, The Mouth" Dec 8 at 9:20 p.m.; Dec 9 et 3:1 5 p.m.; Dec 10 at 7 p.m. Review by Beth Wllfcelm Daily KetmVia Staff Beportcr Before viewing Federico Fellinls "And the Ship Sails On," currently showing at the Sheldon Film Theatre, the audience receives some valuable advice: Suspend adult lclc for two hours, "simply let the images on the screen flow . . . and be beguiled by the wonderment of the spectacle." If followed, the audience makes thb film an enjoyable experience. Federico Fellini, a celebrated Italian director, and hb 1D33 offering open an eight-film series titled, "Recent Italian Cinema: 70s-'80s" to be shown at the Sheldon. As the film opens, the Gloria N., an" enormous luxury liner, b departing cn a special voyage. The year b 1917. and the "beautiful people" of th? upper class have gathered on the ship for a funeral The EdmeaTetua, the diva cf the opera set, has passed awry. In her will she requested that she be cremated, and her ashes scattered near her birthplace, the bland of Erimo, with her colleagues and friends in audience. Members of the "beautiful crowd" take themselves a little too seriously when performing, which in the end not only displays the characters' talent, but their incredible arrogance as well. AJournalist, Orlando, guides the viewers through the Journey with plot explana tions. He tells the purpose and destination of the voyage, gives brief biographies on the passengers, and throws in soma trivial, but related gossip along the way. Orlando provides a great deal of humor during the film. That b an oversimplified synopsb of the plot of "And the Ship Sails On. If the viewer vbhes to delve in a little further, there are as many possible subplots as there are characters. But dent plan on diving In too deep, because Fellini doesnt develop them beyond the obvious super ficial appearances. He feels that if the film can't stand on its own, he has somehow failed in hb effort. Thb film stands on its own. Despite a lack of subtitles, "And the Ship Sails On" b an enjoyable film. It provides a humorous and occasionally serious look at a society that exbted years ago, through one lavbh scene after another. "And the Ship Saib On" runs through Saturday, Dec. 1 at Sheldon. 1 v Vv reveals his basic best Photo Courtssy cf AJ Recsnfs' Review by Randy Wymcre . . D&iSy Ne&raskan Stiff Eeporter If there really b a formula for making hit records to be heard continuously on the radio and MTV, Bryan Adams has perfected it, packaged it and delivered it to us just in time for Christmas. With hb fourth LP and the first one in nearly 2& years the Canadian has skillfully mixed drums, keyboards, gravelly voice and simple love lyrics to come up with Reckless. Clearly hb best record to date, this one shows us nothing new or daring, just a lot of straight ahead rock V roll with a couple of bal lads thrown in for balance. With the placing of the material, Adams has reaffirmed the theory of love being a double-edged blade. On the first side we are sub jected to the "boy-bnt-love-fun" edge with songs like "One Night Love Affair," "Heaven," "Some body" and the smash "Run To You." All cf the lyrics run along the lines of discovery and happiness with only "Run To You" hinting at the possibility that Mr. or Ms. Right may not be that at alL It's when we flip the record over that the harsh realities of relationships really sink in. "It's Only Love," "Long Gone" and "Ain't Gonna Cry" are testimony to the fact that what ever comes up will more than likely crash to the ground and burn. ; "It's Only Love" features a duet with what has become the most over exposed voice in contem porary music since Phil Collins, one Tina Turner. However, the combination of Adams and Turn er along with Adams band makes for a terrific number that scorches its way across the needle. Adams does hb part to pay homage to hb barroom beginning, with "Long Gone" featuring a spiced-up bluesy groove. . Nope, nothing new here. But what we have b awful good. Shorts Thirty-four artbts will dbplay floor of Lincoln General 4 and sell their work at the Lincoln Arts in General will be open to General Hospital Auxiliary's an- the public Saturday from 10 am. nual Arts in General show Satur- to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10. day and Sunday on the seventh am. to 4 p.m. i ifTniinl2. - zrv ii leasiires ' ' )i It Corner of 10th and O St Free Parldng in Rear OPEN i Friday and Saturday . f j 6:00 to 10:09 p.m. . -.. iFcoiunng PASTA SPECIALTIES, HOMEiADE BREAD j j ! end DESSEBTS, end FRE WINES cf RsmoncHs Rates. j nr. '-.jrt v t V t'jFlr -to Jl r v Y& H M PIT "! 6 mttJ I ZZ1 Lj vA Li 'iALJ.-X I . N . , ,r-i ( o Ki n I fJ A L , 1 1 j Czt a FREE liter cf Coke! V 1 i W 1 Some things just go hand in hand with good times. Pizza for ona And, when RS you've got the urgo for pizsa, Valentino's delivers the best deal in town. Of dei up one of our temptingly delicious legendary pizzas, and we'll throw in a liter cf Ccca Cola on the house. Delivered direct to your doer. Fast and FEEE! go ahead and be a part of it! Take us up on our mouth-watering . good times special Gall us now, and then enjoy. Ofer expires December 17, 1834 Campus Delivery Only mm u noiarego 437-S311