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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1984)
Camps open as eager season ends ByJefJ Korbelik Although the Nebraska basketball season ended in March with the loss in the second round of the National Invitational Tournament, the coach ing responsibilities of the Nebraska staff have not ended. With recruiting done, the 1934 Nebraska Bas ketball School opens for five weeks of intensive basketball. Here, youths will learn the defensive and offensive schemes of Nebraska basketball from Coach Moe Iba and his staff. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1757 $2.50 minimum charge perday on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum charge perday on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY AS SUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSER TION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion FORD PINTO $800 One Owner. 475-2583 after 6 p.m. Doug H. 1981 Dodge Omni Air, Radials, 4-speed ' Excellent Condition Great Gas Mileage'!! Call 483-4S29 alter 5:00 p.m. r L 2-bedroom duplex, fenced yard, appli ances, water, trash pick-up provided. Near 20th & T, available August 1. $275 plus deposit. Call 91 3-862-1 725 or write Owner. 5460 S.W. 53rd St. Topaka, KA 66505 Completely furnished apartment. Stu dent cr employee. 20th & Hoidrege, $180. (Utilities paid) Parking. Ph. 435-5354. it NEED SUMMER HOUSING? APARTMENT FINDERS can hjp you! 43S-3535 a service of Joseph Kean Company. SPECIAL SUMMER LEASES WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summer tan by our pool! 1320-1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy efficient, close to either campus, carpeted, all appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit, no pets. 478-62S0 Manager Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1833 The Centrum V ? CS T ii H (r&Kii " V o V V 'Corner i I C& S th 1 The school's brochure points out the staff will be present each day dur ing the five weeks of camp. Assistant coach Randy Cipriano said the staff considers it to be one of their coaching duties. The school concentrates on "a lot of fundamentals of basketball, and pro vides an opportunity to meet a lot of people," Cipriano said. Compared to schools in other states, Nebraska's basketball school is much better, he said. "We are much more or ganized, we play a lot more basketball and it gives the players a chance O ft O U -l f- i t - i "1 r- STUDENTS Summer Work. Decent Pay. Help protect Nebraska's natural resources. Call 476 2060 for personal interview. CUMSINO THE WALLS? Climb rock instead. With the Office of Campus Recreation Basic Rock Seminar, June 13, 14, 15-17. Includes an evening lecture and an afternoon instructional session prior to the weekend. Sign up ssadline613. For more info, contact the O.C.R. at 1740 Vine. 472-3467. GO SOAK YOUR HEADI On the Upper Niobrara canoe trip. $45.00 includes almost everything. Hurry- sign up deadline extended to Monday 64. For more information stop by the Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine, 472-3467. WORSHIP AT WESLEY HOUSE (UMHE) Sundays, 10 A.M. 640 North 16th Street Welcome On Thursday, June7, 1984, 3:00 p.m. in Administration Building 308, the Central Planning Committee will hold an open hearing on the' naming of the proposed Performing Arts Center made possible by a grant from the Lied Foundation. A 5-Day Stop Smoking Clinic will be held at the University Health Center June 3-7. It will be from 7-9:00 p.m. in the Health Center Conference Room. For information call 472-5050 between 7:30 4:00 daily or come to Room 106 in the Health Center. Summer Worship at UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 10:00 A.M. 1510 Q St. 477-3937 Come join us! 1 Need male non-smoking roommate. Move in ASAP. 41 34 Y Street, $95.00. Call Jim 467-3779 or 466-0009. k-k-b-kir-h-tr-tctctfh-b'tctr-tr-trli-tc . LET'S GET PERSONAL! I SAY WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WANTING. TO SAY THIS SUMMER IN THE PERSONAL SECTION OF THE CLASSIFIED ADS. RM. 34 NEBR. UNION. Deliver newspapers Tuesday & Friday mornings to circulations boxss around campus this summer. must have own car must bs a UNL student must ba available to work from 7:30-9:30 a.m. Applications available in room 34, Nebraska Union. Daily U I I H to play in the (Bob Deva ney) Sports Center," Cipri ano said. The first camp began last Sunday and ended Thursday. That camp and the final week of camp are for boys entering the fourth grade through boys entering their senior year in high school. The second week of camp, Sunday through next Thursday, is for elementary and junior-high-school-age kids. The following two weeks are comprised of team camps. Class C and Class D high schools compete during the second week and class A and B the third week of Male, 22, with newly acquired B A in economics, seeking meaningful andor summer employment. Also nave inter ests in political science, geography, his tory and meterology, as well as film and popular music. Can type. If vaguely in terested, Call 475-4209. What have you got to lose? SINGLE & PREGNANT? Consider adoption. For confidential pregnancy counseling call Nebraska Children's Home. 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING AVAILABLE TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N. 13th 474-4136 PARKER TYPING SERVICE Betty Parker 5200 Boeckner Avenue 483-7057 Professional, prompt attention to your manuscript. Typed to your spec ifications. All pages proof read. Minor corrections and editing by experienc ed teacher with MA in English. 4Cline He'' ' tv f J I I Shopping! : I The Centrum J ! - I June. For team camps, each school must have a minimum of eight play ers, although the bro chure recommends 10. A member of each school's coaching staff must ac company the team. The' team camps are more competitive because a coach will bring his top six or seven players, Cip riano said. The camp is not run only by Iba and his two assistants; they receive outside help. Nineteen coaches from various Neb raska high schools and junior colleges help with the camp. Also, one coach from Wyoming and one FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S 1 200 "O " Street CLOVE CIGARETTES CLIFFS 1200 "O" Street SHADE SALE!! selective -styles 40 off!! JWmt ,:re ik 7 it V ACROSS 1 Trcuter's specialty S Mites 19 Third parte! a rhyme sch2cs 14, e.g. 15 Seascaps artist: 1870- 1$ Cry of sudden dismay 17 With 24 Across, an adage 13 Becomes a blowhurd IS avis S3 Duo after em 21 Particolored 22" Out," Carol Reed film 24 See 17 Across 27 Trinity figure 23 Have, relevance SI Glitter S3 Pola of silent films 37 Stout 3 Correct a test 43 "Delta cf Venus" author 41 Strict precision 4IErid3cf Perseus 47 Rubberoecker inN.Y.C. 43 Tropical bird 3 Annie's exclamation 1 Dance step 3 Tops S3 Pay dirt 3 Lyricist Lorenz CI Gymnast Ccrnanici 63 Name of three English rivers CI Doing nothing from Iowa will help this summer. The extra help lets the school provide a 10-to-l player-to-coach ratio. Although 05 percent of the athletes who will come to the camp are from Neb raska, Cipriano said, some will come from nearby Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. People may wonder if the camp may serve as a recruiting tool for Neb raska, but Cipriano said there is "nothing like of fering players free school ing if they come to our camp." The individual camps and the team camps cost mi. C H: in rr ;i mm i 5 IJMS "THE PM THIS WEEKEND DANCE TO "THE rail" FRI.&SAT. Vz PRICE DRINKS 8-9 US MB ALS S3HSUiT COrUBT i:J A m IVA1E3B. Presented by Waterbed Liquidation Center & Odyssey Imports 340 W. CORNHUSKER CROSSWORD PUZZLE E:sd by EUGENE T. 11KIM&IU 63 "I am , Egypt...": Shak. 3 Presidential giveaways 7 Indemnifies C3 Handel opera 3 E. Field's "The Sugar plum " 1 Joshua's comrade 2 Byrdbook SAprllljcke 4 Mild reproof 5 Milieu Gov. Cuomo's predecessor 7 Tilled Texas acres 8 Horse and carriage 9 Oxford section 1 Heart-shaped 11 Quaff for a special day 12 Dumb one of comics ISToisrrole 21 Barber, Miller etal. 23 Bruce of films ' 13 Columbus List. 23 Causa to turn turtla 23 Crccua, e.g. S3 O'Neill heroine 31 Unccsrcd 32 Mingle-m&ngla 53 Every four years, e.g. 54 Creation at Cremona S3 Hamilton bill 1 a 3 4 j i 7 I i" jt ti U II I ! lL S3"" "" """ " i i ""13" j "" "" S3 Ln T" "i.4f ..u-j -LI J JLLLL J j i. . j i i j 31 H 4 hi ' I 4i i ; 1 mmm, ... . .. y I l i i j .44 " " 4 I " T mmm . .! l S I .L-LJlnill. rjii j J ; j f ; j Lj ! ; : I i ill Mil. ill each person $155. The junior high and elemen tary camps cost $85. The fees cover room and board for the week and admi nistrative costs. There are a lot of rea sons for the players to participate in the school," Cipriano said. "There is the basketball aspect, sum mer vacation or just meet ing new people. But most of them come to play basketball." Com. fa. 4 The Centrum NEW" NEXT WEEKEND ' MONDAY DIME DRAWS PRICE DRINKS 8-10 . 53 One concern of theE.RA. 42TrS--yfcy Euripides 43 U.S. radio station in Berlin 4$ Dixplusuzi 43 Actress Farrow 43 Uses up 31 ZcrJuYs oppsite Z2 Butdser-s&'Cp wares 3 Rollins ston 54 Hive member 55 Intuit S3 Drop In th Vegas bucket 57 "Mary little..." 2 Senator's O.K. 3 Prone Pcg-o8 Dally Nobraskan Friday, Juno 1, 1984'