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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1973)
. . 7 ' , r': ! , u i 4 The lingering summer has ended. And in this time of brown fields and grey skies, which heralds the coming of winter's desolation, John G. Neihardt has died. It somehow seems fitting that winter delay its arrival until his passing, and the snow flurries be nature's last service to her aged poet. Don't play with your future! By now you realize that good jobs require training. In this day and age, you have to make your own breaks. You have to find what's right for you, and that requires a decision. Don't play tic-tac-toe with your future. It could be very costly. Computer programming could be your field. It's a fieia that's constantly growing and consistently offering more and better opportunities. Computer programming requires desire and ability. You supply the desire and we'll supply you with a test that determines if you have the ability. If you do have the ability, we can train you in as little as four short months in either our Omaha or Lincoln school. Evening programs are also available. Both schools are eligible under the federally-insured Student Loan Program, and approved for Veteran's Training. Clip the coupon. Send it in or call Lincoln 477-9844 today. It could be the wisest move you ever made. ELECTRONIC COMPUTER PROGBAMMING INSTITUTE 1320 N Lincoln, Nebraska Phono 477 8944 Your og Please sond rno your free booklet and day and evening classes information. Nume Address City State. Nebraska Free University I'hiimiii" ileitis iNulrilioiislv Mrs. Vernon (Anne) Dunn Monday, November 5 7:00 p.m. Open Door Health Center 26th & "Y" Preparation of whole meals-would like to emphasize a meatless diet-demonstration rather than lecture is involved. Dentil and lhiiis-A Workshop Marily Anderson Tuesdays, November 6, 13, 20 7:00 p.m. Centennial College The subject will be covered on three consecutive Tuesday nights. We will have two speakers, November 6th and 13th and a film November 20th. After each of these formal meetings there will be small discussion groups. The discussions will deal with the emotions, theories and thoughts we have on the topic. Death and Dying directly involves all of us. A tentative goal of this workshop could be to achieve a better awareness of life through a better understanding of death. (, ..ilar Kirk Orr Tuesday, November 6 8:00 p.m. Union (room will be on the Daily Events Calendar) This course will bo dealing with Beginning Classical of Folk Guitar. Come to ASUN office Room 334 Union to Register. Questions? Call 472 2581 Poet leaves memories, hope John Neihardt was one of those few human beings whose life spanned one time to another, and who had the depth of feeling and the power to transmit this wondrous experience to his fellow men. john michael o'shea distant thunder It was through his shining eyes, which refused to dull from age, that the past was Questions on quality of stereo riii)incnl liirvcl ICS U'U'visions? The Consumer Aids Group has answers to your questions in the most recent Consumur Guide to Buying. Stop in at room 1 1 7 Union, for more information made less distant. And his memories of the triumphs, horrors and courage, became our memories as well. In an age devoid of both gods and heroes, it was he that reminded us of the great kindness, endurance and nobility of Mankind, the "stuff" of the human spirit. I will miss the white haired little man with his gleaming eyes and lyrical voice. But unlike many who leave, Neihardt left much of himself behind, both in his writings and in each individual's memory, and it is through these memories we need not teel quite so alone. In a poem written long ago TTF V l p Li jJJJ, JUL JJL ,LJ jH A BO 11PT17MTTT, yK J!ji n ILL N Mjt HPnnTTTTfT TUrn"P kfcT 1 m.mtm, m. - - m1 .u. LINCOLN'S ONLY SELF SERVICE AUTO CENTER FEATURES 15 Discount on All Parts in Stock. 'Fix it yourself and know it's done right!'' PIT STOP GARAGE 1 1th & 'B' Street 475-7269 titled "Let Me Live Out My Years", Neihardt referred to death as "the grisly thing", but I recall him saying several years ago that his feelings, had changed. "I have a kinder way of looking at death, much kinder. I think it will be a very beautiful experience: '"All the living things, with roots and leaves, with fins or legs or wings, were bowed beholding; and a sudden change came over them, for all that had been strange between them had vanished. Nothing was alone, but each one knew the other and was known, and saw the same; for it had come to pass the wolf and deer, the bison and the grass, the birds 1 f and the trees, the fishes in the streams, and horse and man had lost their little dreams and wakened all together. ' ("Song of the Messiah", from A Cycle of the West) "And that was heaven, they lost their little dreams and wakened all together. That is what w(. tire striving for today and we never quite make it. But when at the moment of love, when two people lose their little dreams, and waken together, that's it. And that's what we're striving for in society and we're not making it, and having trouble, lots of trouble. Maybe someday we'll do it. We'll lose our little dreams, and waken all together." Oil Change $6.15 Includes 5 qts. oil Oil filter Grease V? hour Hoist Rental Tool Rental Sun's Infared Engine Analyzer Available. Also: U-Fix-lt Literature and Always Someone Around to Help. Hours:Mon-Sat 7:30-1 1PM Sun 9AM-10PM pago 5 monday, novemher 5, 1973