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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1970)
Intramural board suspends Phi 'Gams Continued from page 1 members, Niemann, the referee who was assaulted in the Oct. 5 game, to vote on the suspension question. The Council's constitution reads: "In the event a regular member (of the Council) is an interested party to a protest . . . an alternate will be appointed to take his place at the meetings." Niemann said he attended but did not vote at the first Council meeting. He said he did vote at the second and third meetings, and no alternate was ever chosen to attend any of the meetings for him. When asked if his voting violated the provision of the Council Constitution, Niemann replied: "That's a good ques tion." Freed said he will appeal the case to the Office of Student Affairs by early next week. However a spokesman for that office, Dean of Student Development Russell H. Brown, said an intramural case conflict had never been ap pealed to him before. He said he will probably appoint a committee of students to in vestigate and make recom mendations in the case. Cur rently the University Is without a Dean of Student Affairs. Intramural Director Ray Chatfield commented: "If we let things like this incident slide past, the whole intramural program will suffer. We have to put a stop to this abuse of referees." The year's suspension Is not toosevere.Chatfield asserted. "You play not as an in dividual but as a team. The team managers have the responsibility to control all their players." Intramural rules have been altered since the two PGD in cidents. Concerning disciplinary ac tion, an organization will be given one year's probation "for striking an official or other unsportsmanlike conduct (fighting, abuse of an official, threatening an official, etc.)." If another offense occurs dur ing the probation, the organization will be suspended for one year. The intramural department is also changing its system of assigning referees to football and basketball games, ac cording to Chatfield. In the past a team was responsible for securing a referee outside its own organization to officiate a game. This practice often led to conflict since teams would re tain the same referee for an eft tire season. In the future, Chatfield said, the intramural department will assign referees at random to basketball and football games. Calendar Friday, Nov. 20 ' Intar Varsity Christian Fatlowshls, 7:4 m 12:30 and 7:30 p.m. Nafcraska Union. Moalom Student Association, 12:X a.m. Union NU CoHaga o4 MadMrw Interview, 10 an. to 5 p.m. Jan and Java, "Black Jaefc," 3:30 p.m. South Crib, Union Free Speech Movement Dance, I p.m. Union Week-end Film Serieai "Grand Prix," 7 and 10 p.m. SmaH AvdMorlom, Union Coffee House, "Fats and Dave," I p.m. Harvest Room, Union Dance Concert, I p.m., Women' P.E. buHdlng Saturday, Nov. 21 Cornhutker Football: Nebraska vs. Ohlanoma, 1:30 p.m., Memorial Stadium Resident Dance Company, 0:30-10 a.m., 10:30-noon Women's F.E. Butldktg Film: "Fire BuM," 7 pjn.. Sheldon GaMery Week-end Film Series: "Grand Prix" 7 and 10 p.m., Union Sunday, Nov. 21 Film: "Fire Bulls," 7 p.m., Sheldon Gallery Week-end film series: "Grand Prix," 7 and p.m., Union Block and Britllcfinalists liamcd Alternatives for CO's Continued from page 8 in volunteer programs to be equivalent and acceptable because they feel that this would not be fair to other men in the programs who volunteer to serve and then get drafted when they get out. The fear is that an awareness of this situation will create tensions between the CO and non-CO volunteers. Draft officials are definitely concerned about the possibility that there may be insufficient jobs to meet the flood of CO registrants resulting from this Summer's Supreme Court rul ing which extended recognition for CO status to non-religious moral objectors. The rate of new CO classifications doubled in the first month following the court decision and doubled again after Tarr Issued his memo clarifying the standards for CO registration. But the increase is almost negligible when compared with the potential onslaught of COs which could result from a Supreme Court ruli nff - whlrh upholds the right of COs op posed to a specific war on moral grounds to perform alternative services. When one asks the question about the possibility the Court will rule on at least three cases this term which confront this issue the response one gets indicates that many people in national headquarters feel that this would be a death blow Nebraskan Want Ads FOR SALI NEW MOBILE HOMES XtxtOi Complete S4.S00. 1460 complete t5,9S. 14x0 save 11.000 discount. tlxSt parked nice, air S3, 500. Bob Carroll Home Sairs, 2543 Cornhusker Highway, 44. ?8I, 12-strlng Martin guitar, like new, approx. 4O0 or best oftw. 30 04 bolt action j- 145, miJ)i after a: 00 p.m. 5 Chevy SS 3v turbo automatic steer Inq. buckets, 475-S360. 199 Impala custom sport coupe like new. Conoco Station. J7th a, . Fur coats, raincoats, dresses, blouses. skirts. Call 477-3723 after 3 00 p.m. Pertesonic rwmt to reel tape recorder. SI35.00 or best offer. Tapes Included. Call Chad 4S4-KM3. Cralo spool type tape recorder, good condition, 12$. 00. phone m-UU. Sony TC3tt THREE HEAD TAPE DECK, 3 speeds, sound en sound, echo effects. Best offer, 433-394 after 1:00. Mlscetlaneeos FOR RENT Apt. en campus, 17th I 1,1 rooms. tS. Heat 4 weter. Furnished. 423-233. WANTED Oris to share house near University. Call 475-11)4 after 7:00 p.m. Sewing and Iterations, Call Fat Moors) 799-241 J. Four piece Instrumental am band, F.A.C. and private parties. MO. 00. Dale 4(9-1234. Seminar on Buddhism with America's foremost authority. M. ledanaoa, Tues day, November 24, 1-4, Ballroom. Need a ride to or near Minneapolis en November 34, 25, or 16. Shore ex penses. 433 4127. "ifcA AND THE FKIUHTt-NED NSi BH ASK AN "Sermon Sunday, II a.m.. Unitarian Church, 4300 A. Charles S. Stephen, Jr Minister. ALL ADS MUST BR PREPAID. M per word and I JO day minimum, COEHNER on SUNDAY ... 20 minutes wst-Bmtfs RED BARN. GOEHNER en FRIDAY . . . 30 minute west-Bartlett'S RED BARN. Attention Students I Excellent typist, ex perlenced In typing college peper. available anytime. Material furnished, Reasonable retes, Callt Par Austin, 423-5215, to the system. Tarr admitted, "We haven't figured out what we would do if the Supreme Court upholds selective Conscientious Objec tion. We really haven't given serious consideration to preparing for it ... we would probably be caught completely by surprise." Five University of Nebraska coeds have been selected as candidates for the title of Miss Block and Bridle for 1971, Jer ry Dearmont, Block and Bridle Club representative announced. Women students vying for the title will compete on the basis of votes they receive dur ing the Club's annual ham sale which began November 10 and will conclude December 18. The winner will be revealed at a ceremony in January. Miss Block and Bridle candi dates are: Terry Bedient, Brad shaw; Janet Hagan, Oconto; Ann Paulson, Valley; Marilyn Shipley, Valley; and Susan Vierregger, Springfield. LEADERSHIP K0N0R OPPORTUNITY APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN f OR NAVY R0TC (Marine Option Available) Freshmen men with at least eight semesters left are eligible to apply for. and enter the Navy ROTC College Program beginning second semester 1971. Interested students should apply for information, testing and interviewing at Rm. 103 MOrN Bldg., City Campus between 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM prior to the deadline of January 29, 1 97 1 . One college does more than broaden horizons. B? sails to them, and beyond. Now there's a way for you to know the world around you first-hand. A way to see the things you ve read about, and study as you go. The way is a college that uses the Parthenon as a classroom for a lecture on Greece, and illustrates Hong Kong's floating societies with a ride on a harbor sampan. Chapman College's World Campus Afloat enrolls two groups of 500 students every year and opens up the world for them. Your campus is the s. s. Ryndam, equipped with modern educational facilities and a fine faculty. You have a complete study curriculum as you go. And earn a fully, accredited semester while at sea. Chapman College is now accepting enrollments for Spring and Fall 71 semesters. Spring semesters circle the world from Los Angeles, stopping in Asia and Africa and ending in New York. Fall semesters depart New York for port stops in Europe. Africa and Latin America, ending in Los Angeles. The world is there. Theway to show it to inquiring minds istherck And financial aid programs are there, too. Send for our catalog with the coupon below, s. s. Ryndam is of Nether lands registry. flSI WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT Director of Student Selection Services KJJp Chapman College, Orange, Calif, 92666 Please send Information about your program : IMt4ltftll Mr. Mis Mr. StwoVnli'Mamt Ffif" Initial Nam o School ' 'Cimauf AtiJi iil Aim Cod I In nooi Appro. 6PA 64 4.9 6v4 I am intttstd In Fall SptingQ 1 I would to talk la a tiDrcsantatlia el WttRLD MPUS AFLOAT Finl NanlJ"""" Horn AuUiaiS"""-"" 1 blitsl 1 tiv 1 Wo " Aim Coo WCABU FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 201970 THE NEBRASKAN PAGE 9