The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1969, Image 1

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VOL. 93, NO. 31
AWOL soldier blasts army, may face prison
Editors note: Paul Smith is a pseud
Every year about 50,000 U.S.
servicemen decide to bid farewell to
arms. Some 600 of these have sought
asylum in Sweden, Canada, the
Netherlands or France. Others go
"underground" in the U.S. Most are
returnprf to "militnrv pnntrnl" cnnnop
or later and face imprisonment or
other punishment.
Paul Smith is one of these young
men. He enlisted In the Army early
in 1968 and after completing a one-
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Tiemann will I
I seek 2nd term I
Gov. Norbert T. Tiemann toss
ed a football to the NU
homecoming queen Saturday
afternoon and then at a post-game
reception he officially announced
his candidacy for re-election in
The Republican governor made
his announcement at the Quality
Courts Motel before about 700
people, including many of his 1966
Tiemann, 45, said his ad
ministration had lived up to 1966
campaign pledges. He cited
enactment of a fair and equitable
tax system, state aid to schools,
the merger of the University of
Omaha into the state system and
advances in the state
Departments of Administrative
Services and Institutions as signs
of what his'administration had
done. If re-elected, he looks forward
to progress in the highway
systems, coordination of educa
tion and more intertwining of
federal, state and local pro
grams. He is seeking another term
because the problems and op
portunities of state government
are a challenge to him, Tiemann
"I strongly believe that we
should continue the programs
commenced in this administra-
tion and move forward in the
areas which are vital to the pro-
gress and prosperity of-
Nebraska," he said.
The governor promised to con-
duct a vigorous campaign in all
parts of the state. He has already
opened his series of "town hall"
meetings considered by his
friends to be an effective cam-
paign vehicle.
Tiemann is the second man to 1
enter the Republican
gubernatorial competition for the I
May, 1970, primary election.
Retired Navy commander and
Kearney State College political
instructor, John D. Langford.
announced several weeks ago he
would run. Langford is attacking
state spending and taxation
policies, which he considers ex-
cessive. I
In the 1906 primary campaign
Tiemann rose from a political 1
unknown for most Nebraskans to
the Republican candidate who
drew 42 per cent of the vote. .
In the general election the
former president of the Com-
mercial State Rank at Wausa I
drew 299,245 votes compared to I
1116.985 for Lt. Gov. Philip C.
Teaching program is
'open to suggestions'
by Sara Schwleder
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The student teaching program is
evaluated day by day, and is com
pletely open to suggestions, according
to Dr. James May, director of student
Suggestions from students are
"There are a lot of things that could
be improved in the student teacher
program," noted one student teacher.
"We need more classroom experience,
for instance. One semester is not
The student teaching program con
sists of one semester during the senior
year when the student teaches under
actual classroom conditions. The stu
dent teaches half a day.
In contrast, the University of
Nebraska at Omaha has a program
University Moratorium workers will
turn their attention this month from
marching to canvassing residential
areas In an attempt to sway the
"silent majority."
Volunteer canvassers are now being
sought to go door to door distributing
unti-wnr pamphlets and talking about
the war on Nov. 13 and 14, according
to Mike Shonsey, local committee
chairman. Orientation sessions for
canvasser are scheduled for
Wednesday and Thursday of next
"We're trying to reach the 61 who
still back Nixon," Shonsey gald,
referring to polls showing the
president's increased popularity after
his November 3 speech. The speech,
Shonsey said, "showed the same old
brand of politics, the same old solu
tions," that got the U.S. Involved in
the war.
In an attempt to expand on last
month's program several other events
are being planned. A teach-in on Fri
day afternoon, group discussions and
programs throughout the city are now
being organized.
"In the Year of the Pig." reportedly
one of the best recent anti-war movies
will be available for showings
throutrhout the week. Thursday night
it will be shown in the Union
Ballroom. Churches and living units
are also planning to use the fkm.
in which the student teacher spends
a full day for a full school year
teaching a class.
"I definitely think student teaching
should last all day," said student Judi
Riggs. "The teacher has more of a
chance getting to know her students
and could care about them more."
The University student teaching
program has botli a half-day and a
whole-day approach to student
teaching, but the half-day percentage
is far greater than the number who
teach a complete day.
However, the whole-day approach
is limited to a few students in a
special experimental group.
"We're making minor changes in
the wake of real and authentic reasons
to make larger changes," noted May.
"The nature of education is such that
It takes time for people to change.
Broader and more drastic changes
will be put Into effect when someone
gives us sufficient reason to change."
May emphasized, however, that
minor changes are taking place.
For example, the Teachers College
is trying to get student teachers Into
the classroom before their senior
Education 31 is using "pre-student
teaching." The students go Into the
classroom and observe the class in
stead of trying to learn teaching
methods from a book.
An experimental program called the
Teacher Advisory Preposition
Program (TAPP) puts sophomores
into the doss for two hours each day
to observe and assist the teacher. Ten
students are Involved in the program
and will continue with It throughout
their junior and senior years. They
will have the same cooxrative
teachers throughout the program.
Student teachers feel they lose con
tact with the classroom situation dur
ing three undergraduate years away
from the actual teaching situation.
Most of the student teachers in
terviewed thought TAPP was good
because students didn't have to wait
to get into the classroom until their
senior year.
On the negative side, some pointed
out that sophomores in the classrooms
do not teach, contending that actual
teaching experience is most fruitful.
A frequent comment was that TAPP
was much too limited with only ten
students participating.
May said that If TAPP was ex
panded drastically that the
schoolchildren might suffer from all
the confusion.
The schools are merely a backdrop
for the student teaching program,
May explained. Schools must cater
first to schoolchildren and then to
student teachers.
year tour of duty in Vietnam and
returning to an Army desk job in
Nebraska, he decided to go Absent
Without Official Leave (AWOL). Now
he is being sought by Federal Bureau
of Investigation agents, and if found
will face possible life imprisonment.
"I dediced that I was tired of being
a phony in uniform. I was tired of "
playing their game. I didn't believe
in what I was doing," he said in
a recent interview. Smith added that
at first he felt it was his obligation
to serve in the Army but "after
several months of active duty my eyes
were opened to the immorality and
the unfair practices of the military."
Reasons for leaving
Nearly all of the dissident
servicemen say they must leave
military life for reasons of conscience
or because of personal or family pro
blems, or trouble with superiors. Last
summer the first of the dissenters to
return from overseas was given a
four-year sentence at hard labor and
a dishonorable discharge. The rigidity
of the penalty has kept many others
from returning. However, more leave
every day.
"In the Army I could see around
me a complete negation of what I
had been taught. There is no freedom
of choice. If a man becomes
dissatisfied with his job and asks to
be transferred, he is threatened with
being sent to an infantry unit.
"In Vietnam I saw that the luxuries
of life were attained by the brass
gun rules
set in dorms
With open season der-bired on
pheasants it is not uncommon to see
undergraduate hunters toting shotguns
between their living quarters and
their cars on the weekends.
University policy has established
rules for the storage and use of
firearms in the dormitarios. but there
is no overall regulation f o r
Miss Rachel Jensen, secretary of
Interfraternity Council, explained that
some, but not all, houses have policies
similar to those enforced in the
Ely Meyerson, director of the
University Housing office, said that
dormitory students may have
firearms, but may not keep weapons
in their rooms. Central storage rooms
are provided.
Meyerson added that students are
not allowed to clean or load guns
in their rooms. This is an Inconve
nience, but it Is done for the safety
of all students, he continued.
Students are allowed to check'
weapons out at night if they plan early
morning hunting.
Some dormitory students have ask
ed that rooms be provided in the
dormitories for cleaning and main
tenance of guns, he said. This idea
is currently under study.
while enlisted men had only bare
necessities," Smith continued.
He said that what he learned in the
Army was what made him quit the
"While in Vietnam I realized that
So I told him
That he'd better
Shut his mouth
and do his job
Like a man
And he answered
Listen, Father . . .
The Great Mandclla
all wars, especially this one, are in
humane. I don't believe in killing. I
couldn't go on pretending I did.
"I thought for a time that leaving
the Army would be the last thing
I would do. I would be losing all
military benefits, particularly those
relating to continuing my education,
but finally I saw that no matter what
consequences or punishment I would
face, I had to take a stand." Smith
He has been told that the F.B.I,
is now looking for him, and that unless
he turns himself in, he will be ar
rested. He said friends have suggested
giving up with the hope of facing
lesser punishment. Others have
counseled him to keep traveling and
lose himself in a large city.
No longer running
"I am no longer running. I've been
from coast to coast. To run now will
be foolish, because sooner or later
I will be caught. If I went to Canada
or Sweden I couldn't come back to
join the movement or help free my
brothers now in prison on similar
charges. However, if I gave myself
up now, I would be defeating my
purpose. I would be going back to
the Army when I had to leave the
Army," Smith answers.
"I'm not going to run but I'm not
going to wait either. When it comes
I'll be ready for it. I have finally
taken a stand. The worst they can
do is shoot me," he said.
In San Francisco he met with a
psychiatrist who determined that he
was not without motive for going
AWOL and the Army should consider
that. '
if he is tried for desertion, Smith
plans to seek a discharge from the
Army on the grounds that he is
unsuited for military service.
'i am ready to go to jail if 1 have
to. When they (the military) catch
me I will show respect to them as
long as they respect me. My only
regret is that my parents don't un.
dei'stand my motives." he added.
"I am now doing what I think is
right for me. not what somebody else
thinks is right for me," Smith said.
Charity concession stand
shut down by campus police
The Farmhouse-Gamma Phi Beta chanty
concession stand existed for about two hours
last Saturday. But no popcorn, or candy or
pop was sold, because campus police ordered
the stand shut down before the first customer
was served.
Dave Malone, chairman of the Farmhouse
concession committee, said he believed that
William Fisher, the Athletic Department Busi
ness Manager, told police to close the stand.
Fisher confirmed that "the Athletic De
partment" requested the concession stand be
kept from operating. Fisher explained that,
"the Comptroller and University authorities
have given us permission to evict anyone sell
ing concessions on University property before
or during a game."
The Athletic Department operates the
concession stands within Memorial Stadium.
Malone said that Farmhouse and Gamma
Phi Beta had obtained permission from the
Office of Student Affairs to locate their stand
on the mall west of Bessey Hall just opposite
the stadium. Malone explained that officials
told him they would allow the sales because
the proceeds would be donated to the Lincoln
Indian Mission Center.
"We can't allow even charitable organiza
tions to sell," commented Fisher. "If we let one
church in, we'd have to let 50 or 60 churches
in. Regardless of their purpose, competing
stands just wreck business for the Athletic
Fisher said he believed the only purpose
of the Farmhouse stand was "to destroy our
Fisher added, "You're not helping our
team by competing with us, you're just hurting
Ron Eaglin, Student Activities coordinator,
said that he did give permission to Dave Ma
lone to put the stand in front of Memorial
Stadium. Kagiin also sent a note to University
Business Manager Carl Donaldson to obtain
official approval.
But Baglin was ill last Friday and does
not know whether his office ever received a
reply from Donaldson.
"But 1 told the boys (from Farmhouse),"
said Kaliii. " to tell any campus police that as
far as Student Affairs is concerned, the booth
was a'l right."
Malone added that Student Affairs in
fr rmed him no permit would be needed to
carry on sales because it was for charity and
none was ever obtained.
The concession stand had operated Friday
night in front of the Gamma Phi Beta house
and made about $50. No one questioned the
operation of the stand that evening..
Some members of the concession booth
were angered about the manner in which they
were told to disband. They said that the cam
pus police approached them twice. The first
time they were told to leave, and the second
time they were informed that they were not
leaving quick enough.
Malone said he went to talk to Fisher but
Fisher would not talk to him.
Fisher recalled that "a boy did come to
talk to me, but there was nothing to talk about.
We have our orders."
Dan Goodenberger, president of Farm
house, said that the food which was to be sold
at the stand was donated and consequently,
"the only loss we took was that we had very
little to give to the Indian Center."
Goodenberger added that the concession
stand offered to give the food away rather than
have it wasted, but campus police refused.
One plus one plus one equals wizardry
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Peter, Paul and Mary are numerical
Each performance is proof that one plus
one plus one doesn't equal three persons. Nor
does it equal one group.
What it docs equal is the audience, each
in a one-to-one relationship with three.
And each performance is an exacting
answer to the question of how PP&M have
lasted nine years. The answer is not simply
in the large crowd that supplied a truly
thunderous ovation, but more in the number
of individuals who stayed for over an hour
after the performance. Stayed to talk, and
listen and embrace and even just to touch
three performers who fast become friends.
Peter, Paul and Mary, (and Dick) worked
their wizardry with numbers that reduced
differences, multiplied joys and divided dis
tances. And to each they added the prime
element of their individual style, a style that
is both undefinable and timeless.
If their impact could be computed, it
vvould have to be figured on the basis of many
diverse elements. But it is all reduced to one,
the one member of the Pershing audience that
was there 7500 times.
"So if you take
my hand my son,
All will be well
when day is done,
day is done, day is done
tzaB y A'l
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Hi .
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