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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1967)
f8 f .1 M ; -.1 Monday, November 13, 1957 University of Nebraska Vol. 91, Na 37 f - New Training Center Receives Approval To Acquaint National Businessmen With Nebraska Firms. Resources A unique Nebraska training renter for national business executives who win work in Latin America received un animous approval from the Board of Regents Friday. In addition to training the executives, the center will also acquaint the national firms with Nebraska and its resources, the director of the University1 Latin America program said. 'You can well imagine the impact -of this on the busi ness of the community and state," said Dr. Robert Es-quenaa-Mayo, director of the University's new Institute of Latin American and Interna tional Studies. A FIRST The center, the first of its iind in the nation, according to Esquenazi - Mayo, win "'bring high executives -of American firms here for four weeks of study at the Nebras ka Center.'" HAPPY GAIL SKINNER . Morgan: Larger, This year's Faculty Evalu ation Booklet will go on sale this week, according to Tom Morgan, chairman of the ASUN Faculty Evaluation committee. Morgan said the exact date of publication will depend on the rate at which production is completed. He expressed bis hope that the booklets would be ready for release Wednesday. Publication of the booklet is scheduled to coincide with student registration for -second semester. Faculty evalua tions included in the booklet can aid students in register ing for their coursework, Mor gan explained. PUBLICATION LARGER The booklet can also be of value to students having an evaluated instructor, be pointed out, because it can aid them in understanding his presentation and demands. -Git 0k y 1 .fv- f. V: ; ' r . ; - The East Campus facility Is scheduled to host four of the seminars of 15 execu tives each in 1968. 'The executives will be get ting background on language, history, customs and forth," he said. FIVE OR SIX Although the Univer sity staff -on the project will vary, Esquenazi-Mayo esti mated that five or six mill handle the first seminars. He indicated that the University could provide well-qualified experts in all areas of study. -We saw the need for this." he said, '"Some firms have tride this on their own with out much success. They have trouble finding qualified peo ple to instruct." Some of the nation's larg est firms are interested in sending executives for train ing before they -occupy posi tions in Latin American .4.1 , y , , . beams after being named Homecoming Queen. New Evaluation Booklet More Comprehensive This year's publication is considerably larger and more comprehensive, Morgan said. Over 200 of the 600 full-time faculty members are eval uated nearly double, the number covered last year. Evaluations of each instruc tor were written from ques tionnaires distributed by teachers on a volunteer basis. The committee revised "these questionnaires to a great ex tent in order to gauge other aspects of a teacher's effec tiveness besides his class room presentation. With the aid of the Univer sity's computer facilities, the committee was able to anayl yze four basic areas about each teacher: h i s presenta tion, testing and examina tions, assigned material and other general information. BEGAN IN IKS The history of the faculty evaluation idea extends back to 19C5, lie aai, vara ASUN branches or subsidiaries, Esquenazi-Mayo said. SELF-SUPPORTING The seminars will be self supporting, he added, since the firms are willing to pay the cost -of the training. Edward Lumsden of Mexi co City, Mexico, was ap pointed as coordinator of the seminar and to make .ar rangements with firms inter ested in the program. With degrees from Colum bia University, Lumsden has background in Latin American affairs, having served as director of Latin American operations for Time-Life Inc.. from 1952 to 1964. University faculty and guest lecturers will develop inten sive study programs on Latin America in the areas -of cul ture, history, geography, an thropology, art. language, ec onomics and political science. University of Nebraska's President Kent Neumister and Vice - President Larry F r 0 1 i k initiated a faculty evaluation committee in ful fillment .of a -campaign prom ise. Several attempts to launch the program were made in the early part of that school year. Committee members distributed questionnaires in bulk to the general student body and these students were asked to evaluate their in structors on a voluntary ba sis. "Morgan said the returns from this approach were small, making it impossible to draw definitive -conclusions about the evaluated instruc tors. Later in the year, the committee adopted question naire distribution system sim ilar to the present one. SALES UP Questionnaires given out in the classroom in the spring of 1966 became the basis lor last fall's booklet. Photo fcy Han Ladely. STUDENTS RALLY . . . "with blazing homecom ing fire. Aznavour To Sins Charles Aznavour. French actor, songwriter and singer, wiD present a concert Nov. 14 at -B p.m. at the Nebraska Theater as a part of the Speaker-Artist Series. The ar tist combines "the song-writing ability of Irving Berlin, the comedy of Buster Keaton and the searing vocal inten sity of Edith Piaf ," according to Life magazine. The magazine added that Aznavour is the latest in a noble line of French perform ers for which there is no American equal the itinerant music hall star who puts -on a one man show in a series of one-night stands. The actor first appeared in the United States in 1963 at Carnegie Hall, where he per formed b e f 0 r e a sell-out -crowd. Since that time he has been invited to return several times to San Francisco, Bos ton, New York and Los An geles. Record albums of the songs that Aznavour writes and sings are available in the United States. He has also ap peared in two films which have been released in this -country -"Shoot the Piano Player" and "Tomorrow is My Turn." The great demand for the booklets depleted the initial printing in a matter of hours, Morgan said, adding that fi nal sales topped the 750 mark. This year 1,250 booklets will be issued in a single printing. As faculty members adjust to having their presentations evaluated, support for the booklet should grow among instructors, Morgan said. The booklet will be sold in the Nebraska Union for 50 cents. Film Po! poised For Haez Concert ' 'Masculine -Fcmitie" , 1 1 ie UnioD foreign film sched uled to be shown Nov. 15 has been postponed for the appearance of Joan Eaez. The film will be presented Hov.ZL IDA Approves Open A resolution nrovidins for a public forum on dormitory open houses and coed visiting was approved at the Inter Dormitory Association Coun cil meeting last week. The panel Is to consist of people who are considered experts on the open bouse is sue and the feasibility of hav ing coed visitation in the dorms, according to IDA Vice President Dave Sbonka. pro poser of the resolution. Sbonka said both adminis trative officials and students would participate, and that the forum would give dorm residents an opportunity to ask questions. VOICE OPINIONS "The forum will also give students a chance to voice their opinions to the adminis tration," said Shonka. "'If the Regents and admin istrative officials are aware of the feelings of students, perhaps it will pave the may for future reforms," said Mark Cave, a Cather repre sentative. No date for the forum has been set, Shonka said. Speakers, Display, Tea For International Week International Week, planned as a program to encourage international imderstanding, will be conducted Nov. 13-1SL People to People and the Ne braska International Associa tion N1A) are co-sponsoring the event - Proponents of International Week hope that it will create a unique experience for Ne braska students in that it will make them more aware of the diversity of world cultures, according to Pam Cot, presi dent of People to People. The week opens Monday with a fashion show in the Nebraska Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. Foreign students win be modeling the clothing that is predominant in their re Baez Advocates Peace In Her Songs, Actions Bv BARB MARTIN Junior Staff Writer Folksinger Joan Baez, who will appear at Pershing Au-' ditorium Nov. 15, at p.m. has received almost as much publicity for her pacifistic stand concerning the Vietnam war as for her success in the field of music. Although Miss Eaez is an advocate of peace, her ef forts to establish her prin ciples have resulted in a campaign against income tax. The singer refuses to pay that part of the taxes assigned to her which she feels would be used to support armed troops. She announced that she pays only 28 cents of each lax dollar. Last year the gov ernment responded by seiz ing the remainder of the tax balance from her savings. Miss Baez is also the found er of the Institute for the Study of Non-violence, a school in Carmel, California, that features seminars on pacifism. D AB CONFLICT The singer made national headlines last August when she was barred from a sched uled concert in Constitution Hall by the DAR. The or ganization refused her per mission to perform in the building near the White House due to the tax problem. President of the DAR. Mrs. William H. Sullivan. Jr... in dicated that Miss Baez should not be allowed to use prop erty supported by Federal taxes since she had refused to pay a portion of her own taxes. Miss Baez contacted the De partment of the Interior and received permission to per form at a free concert at the JSyJvan Theater, near the House The council also considered a resolution introduced by Tom Eriggs requesting AWS find an alternate method of enforcing AWS rules. Student assistants in wom en's residence halls are re quired to enforce AWS rules, said Briggs. placing them in police role instead of an ad visory position. "AWS Is an organization completely apart from the Housing Office." staled stated Briggs. ""and AWS is infringing on the dormitory staff by reqiuring student as sistants to e 11 f r c e AWS rules." COUNSELOR Briggs thought that some one other than student assis tants should enforce AWS rules because tbe student as sistants" job is to be a coun selor to the students." Shonka suggested the IDA representatives from women's dormitories -question the turis dent assistants on the prob lems they encounter in en forcing AWS rules. The Council discussed whether IDA should join the spective countries. AH of the foreign countries represented on campus will be repre sented in the fashion show. SPEAKERS G. Robert Ross, dean of student affairs, and Adam C Ereckenridge, vice-chancellor and -director of international programs, will speak during the evening program. A culture display wiD be presented Tuesday from $ a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Nebras ka Union. The display win consist of a large number -of artifacts from the various countries. National costumes, painting, pottery, and jewelry wiD be included in the display. Miss Cot said. Washington Monument. Ef forts by the DAR to cancel the appearance were unsuc cessful, and Miss Baez per formed before an audience of ,30.000. During the concert, Miss Baez said. "The main point where the DAR and 3 differ is that they feel the nation comes above all. The whole problem is that 123 nations feel the same way." STARTED WITH FRIENDS The folksinger first received recognition as a performer when a friend invited her to sing at the Newport Folk Festival. Miss Baez per i A 1 j 111111 n inirni'.ii n-mi.n nniiiirn 11 11 ill 1 1 mil- ill linn rtMM SINGES JOAN BAEZ Pershiug Public Foru National Association of Col lege and University Residence Halls. BENEFICIAL Brian Ridenour, EDA presi dent, said membership would be beneficial because EDA would have access to files of other dormitories is the ca tion. Activities Cliatirman Jerry McCrery reported on the Faculty Fellows program which be said was working very well in Cather HaH Under the program faculty members may come to the floors and associate with stu dents, be said. McCrery explained that "many faculty members dont know bow students feel a many Issues and really are interested" APPOINTMENT Ridenaur appoinled J a a Steffensem of Sandoz as IDA scholastic chairman. The president also appointed two uon-dorra residents to the Coed Visitation Commitlae. The appointments went to Sid Logemann ((Sigma Na frater nity) and Doug Peters (Beta Sigma Psi fraternity). "People to People and N1A are striving for a personal level to be developed between American . and f oreign stu dents and have instigated tws programs to further this pur pose d nrin g International Week, Miss Cot said. Wednesday a social bour tea win be held in the Union from 2 pjn. to S p.m. The lea win provide a casual at mosphere where foreign stu dents and Americans can communicate on a personal level, Miss Cot said. In addition to the tea, all living imits have been urged to invite a foreign student at a dinner guest sometime dur ing International Week. formed before 13,000 people, including representatives of several major recording com panies. Although the companies of fered contracts, Miss Baez chose to work for Vanguard, a minor label at that lime Since then Vanguard and Joan Baez have both become in creasingly well-known. Harold Davison, of Folklore Productions, who compiled a character sketch of the sing er, emphasized in the sketch that her choice of a compara tively unknown record com pany is characteristic of ber attitude toward herself and her career. will be beard Kok. 25 Auiiitoxium '$ ' 1 r ! 4 . i I f