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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1967)
Wednesday, October 25, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 I; ? over ecommen S? R ds n J, . i ' K I yy .V I Itir.,,,!. in,,,.,..- mi iiniir-i.i m. r -1. ., iM.n ltMr. J Photo By Mike Hay man SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN of South Dakota initiates Vietnam Week with a Monday afternoon speech. l 11 jT mm Chancellor s Committee To Study Student Rights Chancellor Clifford Har din's committee on student rights postponed its first meeting until next Monday because three members were absent Vice Chancel lor G. Robert Ross, said Thursday. The committee, composed of two students, two faculty members and two adminis trators was created by the Chancellor to study the problems of implementing the student Bill of Rights. Vice-Chancellor Merk Hobson and ASUN Vice President Gene Pokorney were in Ohio. Ross said, while the AS'JN President was escorting Sen. George McGovern who was visiting the University campus. The group tentatively plans to meet every Mon day, be said. It is not. work ing toward a specific dead line, but the Chcancellor in dicated the urgency of the matter on his meeting with them. GO BIG RED Thaw kMHt mica apnlr a aB akuv allied ndvertfehw In the Daily Wakraa kam unndcrt raw f w war owl minimum xbarae af Mr aar namMta tnaartina. T plaoc kMMlfM asvartkmnaat call tbr Untaaiaitr iaarma al CTC ZM aat aak ler mm Italia abraa ap allloa ar mf in Sanm al ta the KcbrwikM tlnton. The nlaaatfMKl aWInc innaaam maintain :t0 i 1:10 kaannna hotrrm. 4'leaat attempt ta alaaa All aomrtlMmeat nart I am HELP WANTED Wmt wanted lft-24 tor part ttmt mark. 2.7 par hour. Apply neat at mil houttl Bt. or phone 4BP-W473 Mon.-nat. Onivenltr (irl to babysit ami do lumt houMwork. Two kidi 6 8. 3:16-6:16 weekday. Vicinity 24th A Sheridan. 423 $ini after 5. 3li. RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES TtTLL OH PART TIME. APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN. DIAMOND tffWS. 14Mi and M. 477-lWKI FOR INTER VIEW. OPENING BOON. Buabora wanted Great hour, (nad food. Contact Mm. Moore. 435-T1M. Jaeed bread? Dintrlhute Paycheflellr poat nt, elr. Write to The Joyne Jttme :o. Lt 734. Bay St., Ban jFraneiaito. Calif. M10. FOB KENT Jr, C -1 hedraom lumwhed apartment. $7. utiiitipa mitt Am-m. fOR SALE VI Cuniaro. mountain green with blank mterinr. Muat aell tor Ileal olter, 476-1219. evemnfla and weekend. 1M2 Atiitla-Haaley Slkal Deluxe. Hue j verythinir but hanitnp (Mt eondUioa ; Call 43MT717 or 4SHHW alter 4 p.m. ) fERSONM. aWBTONAl.TTY POSTERS PSVCHA USI.C POSTERS t BITTONS If we abao't nave litem, then you dm-'t want tnani Send tor aamplee and liaL laAIMM WTTEKI-'IA'b GIFT SHOP, a Caiiajh, Uenvau Colorado KfJM. 1 in 1 1111111 If the committee does not reach general conclusions within a month, it will probably '"issue a progress report to the Chancellor," Ross added. He said, '"From my own perspective, 1 think the committee should look at the Bill of Rights in terms of its becoming University policy. But our attention will not be limited only to that." Although the Bill will be of primary concern, the group will not hesitate to look into other issues of stu dent rights not covered in it Ross said. Looking at the Bill itself, he pointed out some contro versy may arise over the wording of certain articles. "Some raise knotty ques tions by inference," he said. The article giving stu dents the right to free dis cussion and participation in Creativity Presented Challenge for Creativity will be presented by AWS Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Westbrook Music Building, according to Jane Sitorious, committee chairman. The program is being held in conjunction with the AWS Focus on Coeds, a week of programs de signed to broaden the coedb' cultural perspective. Dr. A. Robin Bowers ' from the University's Eng lish department will be mas ter of ceremonies for the special program. Entertainment will in clude a performance by the Three Day Eyders a folk Ringing group and an Or chesis act. Orchesis, a mod- SALE Clearance Starts Mon. Oct. 23 Fall Sale an many paper and office supplies. Paper Backs Large Disc. Campus Bookstore nth & r the classroom, "might tend to restrict the teacher's freedom to act" something the University has avoided in the past. He singled out the article asserting the student's right to be free from University discipline when prosecuted for an jff-campus action as another area of possible con cern. He said these and other questions "are going to de mand some serious consid eration." The committee will re port directly to the Chan cellor, Ross explained, but the conclusions will also be of interest to faculty, stu dents and the Board of Re gents. Student leaders have al ready discussed the Bill with the Regents, he said, and the Board thought the Chancellor's proposed com mittee was the appropriate way to proceed. Challenge By AWS ern dance group will repre sent the physical education department. The group is supervised by Mrs. Dorothy Hughs, assistant professor of physical education. Unimines, ' a panomine group, will represent the speech department. The newly-formed group is un der the 'direction of Mr. Stephen Cole and is from the University Theatre. Miss Sitorious said that the University of Nebraska Lab Band, under the direc tion of Dennis Schneider will represent the music department. The Lab Band is a group of 15 or 20 mu sicians and specializes in jazz. SALE HQ rhon Order, rMetiie! By DAVE BUNTAIN Senior Staff Writer The United States should adopt a phased policy of de-escalation to bring the Vietnam war to a close. Sen. George McGovern told the opening Vietnam Week session Monday. . Speaking to 300 students and faculty members, the South Dakota Democrat called for a "de-fusing of the military conflict where ver possible accompanied by an increased effort to negotiate for peace." McGovern's speech came on the opening day of a week-long series of Viet nam discussions. The ser ies will be concluded by a University referendum on Vietnam next Monday. McGovern termed the Vietnam issue, "one of the most complex and painful problems that has ever faced the American peo ple." He countered the basic assumptions behind Ameri can policy in offering his own alternative to the pres ent U.S. stance. PROPOSED SOLUTIOX McGovern"s proposed so lution is based on a plan outlined by Gen. James Gavin in 1965. It calls for a halt in bombing attacks on Rent Assistance . . . Marrie(1 Smhnls Gaill Help From City Housing Authority Lincoln's Housing Author ity has entered into a con tract with the Housine Assis tance Administration which provides rent assistance for full-time married students, according to Herbert Ham ilton, director of leased housing. Monthly rental for two and three bedroom dwell ing units are $70 and $80 per month, respectively. Rents include utilities ex cept telephone. The Authority has 11 two bedroom, unfurnished dwel ling units in a duplex com plex near 1920 North Cot ner Blvd., which win be available Nov. 1. The units are near churches, shopping centers, library, and bus service. Married students may reside in their present two or three bedroom dwellings under Authority rates, if the landlord will lease his property to the Housing Ljsl&SL ..... . W..r-r mmmmfMm I i (or single diamond) was set in six high prongs -came into vogue more than half a century ago. As much in favor now as it was m 1 900, the round prong setting (either four or six) i the traditional engagement ring and is worn, as then, with a simple gold wedding band. Four or six-prong solitaires $350 U'edding ring $15 Illustrations th'sbtly enltrgei r , yy 1129 0" Serving Lincoln using the North, coupled by a re duction of the Army search-and-destroy operations. The Senator said "we have already paid an enor mous price far beyond any cost it has brought to North Vietnam" in the bombing operations. He cited a statement by Robert S. McNamara. Sec retary of Defense, who said the present North Vietna mese troop levels in the South are just as high as they would have been with out the bombing. McGovern said the search-and-destroy opera tions should be replaced with a defensive posture, "utilizing our manpower to provide the maximum amount of security in the cities of the South." DE-ESCALATION This military de-escalation should be accompanied by an escalation of dip lomatic activity to bring a negotiated settlement, he said. Diplomats should state their desire to com municate with Viet Cong leaders. Because the South Viet namese now have their own elected government, this regime should carry an in creasing burden of defense as U.S. commitments are Authority under its budget limitations. Married students must have the following qualifi cations to be eligible for the Housing Authority resi dences: minimum of 12 hours per semester. married students with one or more children or married and spouse expect ing. net income for three person family $3,500 per year or less. additives of $300 per year for each additional family member. liquid assets not in ex cess of $5,000. Read Nebraskan Want Ads anianrv STREET Since 2905 A rnie lessened, McGovern said. McGovern challenged the argument that the "U.S. is fighting for freedom that this represents the same kind of conflict we have fought in the past." He said the South Vietna mese leaders we have sup ported are not generally as sociated with democracy. "Many of the most enlight ened figures in South Viet nam were driven to France or to the sidelines" by vari ous South Vietnamese re gimes. "It is very difficult to identify oneself with the cause of freedom in South been so little effort to pro v i d e democratic pro grams he pointed out. SELF-DETERMINATION He countered the idea that it is a war for self-determination, saying, "the steady escalation of the war has been accompanied not by a greater show of re sponsibility by South Viet nam's leaders but by the turning over more of the burden to American mili tary leaders. "In recent months more American military person nel have been killed in Viet nam than are being drafted in South Vietnam." He added, "even the pa term of lease, mini mum of one year. To arrive at the net an nual income, Hamilton said students should deduct 10 from gross family income. A further deduction of a maximum of $15 per week is allowed for baby sitters, if the spouse is employed. Students who are interest ed in the program may call 432-6589 or contact the Housing Authority Office at 229 So. 13th St G an 8oo words a minute? 9 Read your entire textbook the first week O Use a well planned approach to difficult O Read three extra books for each course? O Enjoy some of the current novels? O And still have time for extra activities? find out how you can leorn to do these end more ot free velyn Wood Reading Dynamics demonstrations: THURS.-OCT. 26 READING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE H01 P STREET 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. For a complete schedule of our Foil classes or tion mail the coupon Evelyn Vccd READIU6 DYNAMICS INSTITUTE 1681 P Street Lincoln, Nefar. d Conflict cification operation is be ing bungled by the South Vietnamese.'! Looking at the argument that Americans are resist ing aggression, McGovern said the war is a civil con flict that must be resolved by the competing forces or referred to the internation al community. "Chinese and Russian aid to the North in the last ten years does not equal what we are pumping into the South every month." CHINESE STRATEGIES The U.S. is "playing right into the hands of the most militant Chinese stra t e g i e s," McGovern charged, by spending $30 billion a year and the lives of 1000 men a month on the war. He said the North Viet namese are being driven into a tighter alliance with Peking, when they probab ly would function as an in DcDc 4. i PLAYBOY Magazine's MISS AUGUST i i . ! Appearing IN PERSON OCTOBER 27 k 28 AT U9r NORTH study you SUN. -OCT. 29 OPEN HOUSE Reading Dynamics Institute 1601 P Street 1:00 To 5:00 p.m. below or call : f" j MAIL r: wood COUPON frd" Tyamk IWrtute TODAY LincxJa, r, 6SS08 Pieate send At-hcriplhe folder. I understand I am tinder no obligation and no calevmaj) will calL NAME STREET CITY. dependent buffer if left alone. Ho Chi Minh has shown he is "far more interested in what he wants for North Vietnam" than in what Russia or China want, McGovern pointed out. The United States should be encouraging strong, vi able regimes and depend on "the force of nationalism against the the force of Chi nese communism." McGovern said the time has come for Americans to re-examine the contention that accelerating the war will bring the U.S. closer to victory. "I see no way that we could increase troop com mitments to where we could achieve victory with out involving China and Russia." The Vietnam conflict "could very well lead to nuclear catastrophe" if the present escalation is con tinued, he said. 1; Liild A fi .1 Mth STREET at of class? material? one of the following for more informa ZIP, N-25 K J if -X -.. h i . i M 1 S t V r ' 1 1 - 9l X'- V r.' -' : t ?