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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1967)
;7 ,p V V I t S f 'H h I' U n is r raw n s r k w (. AAV Att 1AM Monday, October 23, 1967 University of Nebraska Vol. 91, No. 24 yfefory Defeat; So Close. !j II II II ... I im II $ 1 'I i v A vA : I i ':" - " i Iwawit v lb." . " The UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU I Regents Approve In Registration Reorganization of the Col lege of Business Administra tion and revision in some reg istration fees were approved by the University Board of Regents at Friday's meeting. Due to increased enroll ment in the Business College, Dean Charles Miller request ed the changes in the college. Departments of accounting, marketing and finance man agement will be created for use starting the summer ses sion of 1968. ADMINISTRATOR Also, a graduate work ad ministrator will be selected to oversee that program. The Regents also revised the schedule of fees for late registration and class chang es. The revised schedule, it was felt, is needed to cover the in creased cost of processing and to encourage students to meet the published deadlines. Under the schedule, a ser vice fee of $5 will be charged for (1) each class add or drop processed at other than ' the free add-drop periods; (2) application for admission after the deadline; (3) pro cessing an application for registration after deadline; (4) processing registration af ter the deadline and (5) fail ure to return completed reg istration form by deadline. SERVICE FEE In addition, a service fee of $10 will be assessed for reinstating a cancelled regis tration. -' . The University will retain the policy of suspending these lees in extenuating circum stances, the Regents indicat ed. . The Regents also made a number of full time faculty appointments. In addition to Dr. Philippe Shubik, Thomas W. Hurt, was named assistant professor of preventive medicine and pub lic health at the College of Medicine. Hurt has been assistant professor at East Tennessee State University from 1960 through 1967. Other full time appoint ments were in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Fear Robert M. Scriven and Stanley C. Haas were named as assistant extension ag riculturalists. Scriven will al so serve as the assistant county agent in Scotts Bluff County. Haas will work in Dawson County. IDA To Consider Freshman Dorms An Inter-Dormitory Associ ation committee will explore the advantages and disad vantages of all-f reshman women residence halls as op posed to integrating fresh men with upper classmen, according to Andy Corrigan, committee chairman. "The committee will study the present situation frcm a phsychological, scholastic and governmental aspect," she said. Miss Corrigan introduced a motion to the IDA Council last spring that IDA recom mend to the housing office that freshmen women's resi dence halls be integrated. Dave S h o n k a made an amendment to this motion to set up a committee to study the situation, she said. IDA President Brian Ride nour also appointed John Ffyar and Nancy McDonald to the committee. Miss Corrigan said that a president of one of the WRH dorms, an IDA representative from WRH and an education phsychology faculty member cr graduate student will be included on the committee. Part of the study will in clude a comparison of ques tionnaires to be given to dorm residents from all freshmen and integrated dorms, she said. The questionnaire, hopeful ly to be formulated by a counseling service, will con cern personal feelings of the dorm residents, said the chairman. This sample of opinions will help to decide If an all-freshman dorm is beneficial. r " a V H r , m ii i Ulll.WV The Change I Policy j Marlene M. Hinrichs was appointed to an extension as sistantship in home eco nomics. In other action the Regents appointed a number of as sociates and assistants for part-time or temporary work. Although Miss Corrigan in troduced a motion to recom mend that WRH be integrated, she said, "The committee will strive for total objectivity." "Our purpose is not neces sarily to recommend that WRH be integrated," said Miss Corrigan, "but to find which system seems to work best and is most beneficial." Novelist To Speak Author of the best selling novel Up the Down Staircase, Bel Kaufman, will speak in the Nebraska Union Ballroom Thursday at 7 p.m. in con junction with the Union Speaker-Artist series. Bel Kaufman spent her childhood abroad and did not learn English until the age of 12. Her grandfather was the noted Yiddish humorist, Sho lom Aleichem. - 1 She graduated Magna Cum and Phi Betta Kappa from Hunter College and holds a Masters Degree with high honors from Columbia Uni versity. She has taughti English for 15 years in New' York City high schools. Up the Down Staircase, hnr first novel, portrays a high school Eng lish teacher in New York City. She has also published many short storif in nation al magazines anl has writ ten lyrics for several musicals. 1 1 Flight Senator McGovern To Open Discussions, Debate and Talks As Vietnam Programs Begin By EDICENOGLE Senior Staff Writer Sen. George McGovern will initiate Vietnam Week at the University when he speaks Monday on "the most tragic diplomatic and moral failure in our national experience." This is what McGovern, a Democrat from South Dakota, who was elected to the Sen ate in 1962, has termed the United States' deepening in volvement in Vietnam. FOUR STATEMENTS McGovern will speak on the four statements contained in ASUN's War in Vietnam Referendum scheduled for Oct. 30, according to Student Senator Al Spangler, chair man of the Vietnam Week Committee. . Appearing at 2 p.m. Mon day in the Union Ballroom, Spangler said, the U.S. Sena tor will conduct his remarks towards the alternatives listed on the referendum ballot: (1) The U.S. should employ all necessary military force to achieve a military victory; (2) In return for reciprocal de-escalation from the North Vietnamese, the U.S. should end the bombing of the North in preparation for n e g o t i a tions (present policy) ; (3) The U.S. should uncon ditionally end its bombing of the North and recognize the National Liberation Front in order to achieve negotiations; -or- '!' - (4) The U.S. should with draw its troops and end the . " bombing to terminate mili tary intervention in Vietnam. Students voting in the ref erendum will be asked to se lect one of these alternatives. DISCUSSION The referendum will cap a week of discussion on Viet nam sponsored by the ASUN. McGovern's speech will start the week-long program. "Our policy makers have inadvertently placed Ameri can power in opposition to basic, historical forces, Includ If I r -J I . 7CA' The ing the currents of revolu tionary nationalism and so cial ferment convulsing much of Asia, McGovern has said in The Progressive magazine. The Senator, who has writ ten several books and ar ticles for national magazines, holds a doctorate in history and government from North western University. "The mightiest nation in history ..." McGovern said in the magazine article, "is, with allegedly good motives, devastating an impoverished little state and ravishing the people whose freedom we would protect." CHARGES McGovern leveled nine charges at the present ad ministration's policy in Viet nam in the magazine article entitled "The Lessons of Viet nam": Vietnam policy makers have distorted history to jus tify the intervention in a civil conflict. The policy . makers are AUF Sets Drive Theme: Share A Little Happiness ' The annual All-University Fund drive begins Monday accoding to Leslie -Walt, AUF publicity chairman. The kick off of the drive will be at an All-Sorority Convocation at 7:00 p.m. in the Union Ball room this evening. Dr. Curtis Elliot, professor of eco nomics, will speak. "Share a Little Happiness" is the theme of AUF's money making endeavor on behalf of the American Cancer So city, United Service Organi zation, LARC School, Mental Health Association, and the Multiple Sclerosis Associa And Ye H Finale it unwittingly advai&ing the cause of Communism. U.S. military practice is being conducted in such a fashion as to foreclose nego tiations. The American public has been misled by the policy makers, causing a credibility gap between the public and the U.S. government. Human and material re sources needed for the U.S. are being wasted. Foreign policy interests, including improvement in East-West relations, are in danger. The U.S. all but bypassed the United Nations. America's moral position and idealism are being weak ened. A climate of intimidation designed to silence dissent . and meaningful discussion of policy is being created in America. "We seem bent upon sav ing the Vietnamese from Ho .Chi Minn," McGovern said in the May, 1967, The Progres tion. ' ' AUF is" the only organiza . tion on campus authorized to solicit for charities. SIX GROUPS AUF has subdivided Uni versity students into six groups: independent women, independent men, sororities, fraternities, Lincoln students, and East Campus. Methods of collection for thje' different groups are varied but Greek pledge classes will be utilized in ree of the campaigns. I LINCOLN STUDENTS 1'Pledga classes and as 11000 Photos By Mike Baymia The Frustration sive, "even if we have to kill them and demolish their coun try to do it." PANEL Tuesday Vietnam Week will continue with a panel of three faculty members who will also discuss the alternatives on the referendum ballot. The discussion, scheduled in the lounge area of the Union at 3 p.m., will be con ducted by Ivan Volgyes, as sistant professor of political science, Phil Scribner, assis tant professor of philosophy, and Larry Poston, assistant professor of English. A Hyde Park, including a question and answer period for the panel, will follow the discussion. Tuesday evening a docu mentary film produced by the British Broadcasting Com pany on the situation in Viet nam will be shown. "Viet nam: The War and The Peo ple" will be shown without charge in the Union as part of the Vietnam Week pro gram. many independents as possk ble will be collecting from - Lincoln students on Oc tober 29," said Starr Hirsch bach, Lincoln drive commit tee chairman. According to Miss Hirsch bach the pledge classes and independents will be oriented : the 29th and will have the rest of the day to solicit con- vtributions from Lincoln stu dents. Pledge classes will also be -used in the sorority and fra Mernity drives, according to Jean Hoeman, sorority drive chairman, 4 t 1 r In V' V', f ! i '.TP -A ' , -. : y i V r xV- v.v-i $ I V