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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1967)
r-ia-'W--ay''ji,tiiii'ega-3iav.j 1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Comedy Opera The University of Nebras ka Theatre and the music department will present two one-act operas, "Rita" and "Gianni Schicci" Thursday to Saturday start ing at 8 p.m. each evening in Howell Memorial Thea tre. Both operas are comed ies. The story of "Rita" by Gaetano Donizetti centers around the mistress of an inn who suddenly discovers she has two husbands when her former husband, whom she had thought dead, turns up at her inn. The shrewish Rita will be played by Sally Jane Arcn son, her henpecked second husband Beppo by Gary Lamb and Wilmar Wall, her reappearing first husband Gasparo by James Taylor, and the servant Barole by Paul Surface. "Gianni Schicci" by Gia como Puccini is the story of a wily peasant who, through clever manipula tions, manages to name himself heir to a large sum of money. When the relatives of the wealthy Florentine learned that his estate had been willed to a monastery, they summoned Schicci's help in recovering the inheritance for themselves, and were quite unsettled to learn what Schicci had actually done. Gianni Schicci will be played by Dale McClellan, Lauretta by Lorraine Mor ris Gibb, Zita by Jean Lem mon, and Rinuccio by Wil- AWS Schedules Last Senior Key Orientation A senior key orientation meeting will be held Fri day, according to a report submitted by Carol Bischoff to the AWS Board Tues day. This meeting will be the only orientation this semes ter so all students wishing to have key privileges must attend. In addition. Miss Bischoff reported that she had received parental per mission letters from those attending the first orienta tion meeting. She stated that the living units had been informed about the meeting. She sug gested that members of the AWS board attend the ori entation if possible. Alpha Xi Delta has re ceived permission to have senior keys bringing the to tal of organized living units with permission to 14, Al Before you decide on the job thafs to start you on your professional career, it's good to ask a few point blank questions . . . likei ' Will this Job let me rub shoulders with engineers doing things that haven't been done before, In all phases of engineering? . Will I be woiking for an engineering oriented management whose only standard Is excellence? Will I have access to experts In fields other than my own to help me solve problems and stimulate professional growth? Will I be working with the widest range of professional competence and technological facilities in the U. S.I Are engineering careers with this company stable ... or do they depend upon proposals and market fluctuations? Why not ask these questions about Bendix Kansas City when Mr. R. E. Cox visits the BENDIX KANSAS CITY Excellence the l raj A EL M 8 J I'iMaM REAPPEARING HUSBAND, . . . Gasparo, played by James Taylor, posses problems for Rita, Sally Jane Arenson, who has taken another husband in the opera, "Rita." mar Wall and Kendal Gun licks. Gherardo will be played by Roy Cram, Nella by Sandra Polheumus, Ghera dino by Julie Norskoy, Bet to by Wayne Stoeber, and pha Omicron Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Xi Delta are the only living units with permission to use keys which have not re ceived their keys. Barb Beckmann, judicial vice president, said there had been no major prob lems with the AWS bonus night. Steph Tinan said she had had some complaints from journalism majors who had been unable to take ad vantage of their bonus night because of journalism field trips. She suggested a mors flexible system might be possible in the future. Mrs. Jan Hazlett, resi dence director of Sandoz, said' there had been no dif ficulties at Sandoz but spreading the bonuses out over a whole semester would probably create difficulties. inhere does an engineer intern? University of Nebraska campus February 8 fir 9, 1967 Or you may write Mr. Cox at Box 303 Mtt, Kansas City, Mo. 64131 PRIME CONTRACTOR FOR THE AEC Bendix Kansas City, prime con tractor of the Atomic Energy Commission and equal opportunity employer, produces and procures electrical and mechanical non-nuclear components and assemblies for bombs, missile warheads and experimental weapon devices. Staged Simone by Russel Thomp son. Others in the cast include Dean Tschetter, Kurtis Horn and Frank Schultz, Janet Payne, Paul Surface, and Steven Shanahan. The operas are under the direction of John Zei and musical direction of Rich ard Grace. Both are music faculty members at the Uni versity. The settings for "Rita" and "Gianni Schicci" were designed by Robert Hall, who last year won the Uni versity Theatre's award for the best scene design. Reservations for "Rita" and "Gianni ichicci" may be made at the University Theatre box office, 12th & R Sts. or by phoning 477-8711, Extension 2072. Red Cross Holds Inter views Feb, 4 Interviews for Red Cross committee chairmanships and assistants will be held in room 232 of the Nebras ka Union Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Applications can be picked up in the Union and must be turned in to the interviewing board by 5:00 p.m. Friday. world depends on Agate Springs Display Expanded At Museum The Agate Springs dis play featuring skeletons of animals that roamed Ne braska 15 million years ago is being expanded at the University of Nebraska State Museum. Dr. C. Bertrand Schultz, Museum director, said two more skeletons have been added to the Agate Springs display, the largest of its kind devoted to this world famous locality. Plans also are being made to improve and ex pand the Agate Springs dis play at the University's Trailside Museum at Fort Robinson in line with grow ing interest in the national park. "Agate Springs, located about 25 miles south and west of the Fort, is the only national park dedicat ed to fossil mammals," Dr. Schultz pointed out. "In re cent months there has been considerable interestin Agate Springs in Nebraska and around the nation." The new additions to the State Museum display in clude a rhinocerous, Dicer atherium cooki. About the size of a Shetland pony, the animal was light-limbed and had two horns on the skull. It replaces a speci men shipped from the Mu seum in Lincoln to the Uni versity of Nebraska Trail side Museum at Fort Rob inson. The second animal on 0 ME CHECKMARK takes. It'i that simple to get your tax refund in the form of a United States Savings Bond which you can tuck away to be part of a down payment on a home, or the beginning of an educational fund, or a bit of extra security when an emer gency comes along. And, you know, Savings Bonds pay you back $1 for every J3 invested in only seven years, so you'll have the satisfac tion of watching your money grow. What's more, every Pond dollar backs up our men in Viet nam and helps to keep our country strong. display is Promerycochoer us, a pig-like creature about the size of a modern barn yard pig. it was not re constructed, but left ex actly as it was found in the original sand. The skeleton is next to the world's larg est hog. 'Bridle Club' Contest Set There will be a short meeting Friday at the Horse Barn for persons inter ested in the annual Show manship Contest of the Un iversity Block and Bridle Club to be held on Feb. 11. The contest competition is divided between beef, swine and sheep showman ship with contestants com peting for honors in these divisions. An overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Showman will be chosen. In addition there will be many trophies and ribbons. Contestants will draw for animals in the division that they wish to compete a week prior to the show. They will then groom and work with their animal pri or to the contest. Further information can be obtained from Steve England at Farm House. r ? .S H&Di4fTitmtrnit)!l!9'rtfJlwl) r a,tteticftict,Ma'SWt V Emei the nArtie ai.-t fldrt.ts, ;jrrt on your m,,ru toi 1)6-: (II the srfniu ..(w wntu 'S.uiie'v give fBj.wt. .11 fJwnit" tram .cpj.jle to H,H or joint t separate retains, ante. 195 lames rmtt Vow' employ. Wire s piem employer .mc .irtir. it (oint Filing Status ci-kK only one: . . : : i. .. .. 1 D Single. lb O Married filing joint return Oven If only one had income) le Q Married filing separately. If your, husband or wife :: is also filing a if turn give his Dt Iter litu name and social security number. . ... . . Id 0 Unmarried Head of Household ; ' in Q Saryiymj; widowfet) it!i dependrnt child '' If i0jlT return 5 : """' f OT . . . ' IS ' ' ftthpr inrmnt Ifrnm intrude alt 6 Otner income (from i . Incomeof ' total (add lines 5 end 6) . . . . ; both husband 9 Adiustments (from page 2, Part 111, line 5) . i and wife 9 Total incomp (subtract line 8 from line 71 Fiffure U by 10 : wwng eirhet Uar 11 - Tax Table tai I 11 T, fr it credi ited Apply to: wrn, Including -v-.-.muw.i 12 Tex ( 13 ' Tota,' crcdrts i 14a Incem tax (subttacflirK 1 3 from'it.wfc Mb Tafroti nKrrxrtin8Ptiuryeafinvstmentcrtit(attac, Credits Payments IS Totaitax (a 'dimes 17 Total federal Income -.' :',:. ::. : jg : rg Cstimate. tt payments Ci'icludeDt.Syvr'piJ'liitn'i'ioirnnifailja. ,19 rWMFXCATjtitJiit6ia(twoormrjreemplV5t-eea3ieSolirei) 21 Total (add Wsl7,'18, 19, and 3)) , . . .... ' , SO : ' t l I I tl l llll 2. 23 " Payments (tine . .... m ,, amount ot line a a suutiact line 21 hot lnot. pPjtMi'itt W Wfim, I lint I utn sign . herd H (O'lt leiom, BOTH HUtUANO AND Sran htttt Sif na!u! et P'tpartr littter Ulan How to save your tax refund . . . and make it grow on Line 25 of your tax return U. S. SAVINGS BONDS Tht V.8. aovmment dot not pay or thh advtrtittmtnt. ft I pmtnted u ""to i cooperation with tht Treiuwy Degartimt Hi TIM Aivntiting .MuitiMiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiifriiiiiiiiiitiiMriiiiiiiiiiiririifiifiiiiiiiiiiiijieiiiijiiniiiiiiMfrjiitiiiiifririiiitft t ut rriiiiiiiiif Varied Tasks Performed By Student Faculty Senate j The student members of Faculty Senate committees, perform varied roles with in their committees. Jim Shreck is a student member of the subcommit tee of s t u d e n t organlza which is a division of the committee on student af fairs. He said that h i s main job, along with that of the committee's has been to go over the constitutions of student organizations that have been approved by the Student Senate. Faculty members ask stu dent members on the com mittee their opinions of various student organiza tions that come before the committee since the s t u dents are more likely to be familiar with the actions of the organization. , "We meet on a s o m e what irregualr basis, the frequency of the meetings being determined by t h e amount of work we have to do," Shreck sxplained. "In addition, the entire committee on student af fairs has been meeting to discuss the Student Bill of Rights and the student members have heen asked to offer suggestions." Dick Schulze, who is al so on the committee on stu dent affairs, serving on the subcommittee on s t u- U.S. Individual IncomeTax Return .'Apt th ycf January J-Ocf.eytw U )9M,.at ftlmUttf tnt btganti -l nhrm Exemption), Regular z Youtwif . a 2b W.fe. . , o 3 first names of your ' ; you . . . i 3i Number of otter dependents (fom pase 2, Cert I, fine )) Totaf1 exemptions claimed . . : . . . . ft e,c shown on attached Forms tu? .-.ttach mm. ? Oa.. II tti :: : : . . pate 2, part II, tine 8) i if Sh tax (line 16), to 1967 Estimated Tax U.S. Savings Bonds, with excess refunded accompanying schedules and statements, and , au uu on iriwrmauon or wnicn he fta TiVpfilc 14a, lib, and 15) ;.!.,..;! (ax withheld (atuch rornis W-21 . . 11 II II II 11 1 1 . l f TnilMf I) III llll I 1) Iitt than tax (Una 16), ntervpent you tn credited to 1967 Estimated Tax . . '.f.rJ n-,.j yt ir.clud.ii (Kuaipontici uiiodtflei ni lpnfitl. t wire MUST Lxoarer. is all it 23.1 Apply tot U.S. iwil Btnds, ltn itteil refnnderf B; llehird ante j ! . - ; '.. t "Sar, r" ... 1 . . At4-tn . . .a-n-iwM'" . f dent social affairs and ac tivites, said that his main duty on the committee has also been taking part in the discussions on the Bill of Rights with the student con duct committee of ASUN. Both Shreek and Schulze agreed that the faculty was very willing and receptive on any student suggestions. "Being a member on a faculty committee provides a good opportunity for the student to voice his opinion and for the faculty to listen, Schulze stated. Ron Psota, who serves on the committee with Schulze, suid that the facul ty members are receptive to what the students have to say and are willing to work fairly closely with the stu dents. "Though they like to work with students," Psota stres sed, "they also like to try to mold the student to their way of thinking. They are not willing to give in that much." "Concerning the Student Bill of Rights, it is my opin ion that they like to drag things out. I believe they will approve the Bill of Rights in some form, but probably in the Spring when it will be too late to do any thing about it," Psota con cluded. Charlie Baxter and Bruce 166 rgr mill security number, (tiMm;', it jelnt return, It ixxt. lilcd. i Wth'SflttiiwtiM aedr.iseii. ,1 65orovet Blind a a Q 1 tnter . iw"Sf ' '. i of ttxtmptittiv O I .nei.urt a- dependent children who fftred wlfh . . explanation- i -. b.OOO, find your 1 - r ti online 17. J Ij I . J ., .t; ::. . . j - - rl- '''iaTT'' m w1 . ',' i 1 So think it over when you ask fof your refund this year. Taking it in Saving Bonds is some of the easiest saving youH ever do and the most important for your country. Bond Facts: Savings Bonds pay you back $4 for every $3 in only seven years . , . are replaced free if lost, destroyed or stolen . . . have special tax advantages . . . can be redeemed whenever the need arises. fmbWt eemtH. . t iiiifiiiiiiiiJiiMfiiriitf iiiif iiiitrt iiiiiiitif tiiistujf iimiiu Jensen serve on the cal e n d a r and examinations committee. Both stated that as far as they knew, the committee had not met. However, they expressed the belief that the committee would begin m e e t i n g in February. Baxter said that he had been contacted in regard to the change in Christmas vacation. "Apparently they are interested in receiving the student's opinion," Bax ter commented. The committee on schol ar ships and financial aids is apparently similar to the previous one. The two stu dent members, Dave Cum mins and Robin Stickney, both stated that as of yet they "haven't done a thing." Dianne Loennig is a stu dent member of the honors convocation committee. She stated that the committee had only met once so far, but that she understood they would meet frequently nearer the time of convo cations. The student member on the commencement com mittee is Judi Brecka. She explained that the faculty members have consulted her as to what the seniors want in regard to arrange ments for commencement. 7rm-