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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1966)
tjNfftftSirv Vote Next Spring . . . iS - ft u m H0V161853 i 1 Lx. SCHULZE . . . definition of "total education.' Wednesday, November Key To Viet War Is Infrastructure EDITOR'S NOTE: Howard Moffett, 1956-66 editor of the Yale Daily News, is a full time correspondent in South Viet Nam for the Collegiate Press Service. His reports will appear in the Daily Ne braskan. In this article, the first in a two-part series, Moffett de scribes the social context in which the war in Viet Nam is being fought. SAIGON (CPS)-Last year at this time I was writing edi torials calling the American war in Viet Nam unjust, il legal and anti-democratic. I could still make a case for the last two (it occurred to me since that a just war is a contradiction in terms). But after a month in Viet Nam, I am clear on one thing: nothing here U that simple, nothing is that black-and-white. Those who talk about Viet Nam in those terms, and on the other hand those who mouth cliches about defend ing democracy and freedom against Communist aggres sion, have reduced one of the most complicated and agon izing situations in modern his tory to shibboleths. Worse, they have succeeded in imk in these shibboleths virtual ly the only terms of the pub lic debate on Viet Nam. Frame Of Reference The following analysis is quasi-sociological. It may strike some as an intellectual game, I see it rattier as an at tempt to step back a bit and establish a frame ol reference against which further analys is and interpretation may be measured. It may also sug gest some of the nazards in volved in basing value judg ments either on deadline press reports or on personal political preferences. It is based on three assump tions: (1) what is happening here is as important a) what should be happening here; (2) What Is happening may In the course of time affect what should happen, i.e., the use of power and the objec tive conditions to which it gives rise may cither under mine or create a mor&l pre rogative: morality, like pow er, is not static, and must sometimes be measured in relative terms; (3) Neither what is happening here nor what should be happening here are very adequately un derstood by most Americans. There is a struggle going on in South Viet Nam between two groups of people, eacn of them numbering several mil lions. In effect, they are two separate societies, co-existing within the same geographical boundaries. Each is trying to organize, strengthen and sanction itself while weaken ing or destroying the other. Though each group num bers millions, they are ioth led by relatively small elites which have developed their own traditions, their own so cial values, and their own irorai intwect. Thfl majori 16, 1966 ty in each group are people who, through varying degrees of sophistication, are influ enced by the traditions and values of their elite but stake little in its vested in terests. Interest! Living They are people like civil servants, interested in salar ies and a modicum of cul ture, personal freedom a opportunity for advancement; or merchants, interested in the free flow of trade and economic stability; or sol diers, interested in winning without getting killed, recog nition for bravery, and home leave; or farmers, interested in the weather, the market for pigs, owning their own land and being left alone. These people have been at war for over 20 years; almost all of them are interested in staying alive. This is not to say that the majority in each group do not participate in the culture of their elites they do, and often by choice. But it seems likely that in a showdown, many in either group would be willing to dis sociate themselves from their own elite and exchange its culture for that of the other, so long as their own popular and private interests were not seriously threatened. In other words, the ideo logical and material interests of the two elites are not quite so important to their respec tive sub-groups, except where -expert and intense propagan da has taken effect over long periods of time (as it has in some areas on both sides). This means that fundamen tally at issue within South Viet Nam are the traditions, social values and vested in terests of two opposing elites, fighting to destroy each oth er's control over substantial portions of the population. 'Ha Tang Co So' In such situations, the dis tinction between being sup ported by and exercising con trol over different elements of the population is, at best, a hazy one. The question Is illustrated by the importance that both sides attach to the concept of "infrastructure" or its equivalent in Vietnam ese, "ha tang co so." Broadly speaking, an in frastructure is any system of organized authority. Implicit in the concept is the idea that an infrastructure whether at the hamlet or national lev el cannot exercise control over people without having their support in substantial degree. Conversely, if control can be established, support may be developed over time through popular administra tion. The personnel of tneir re spective Infrastructures are the primary weapons in tne power struggle going on here at every level between the government and the Vict Cong. Major elements of each infrastructure are devoted to font. On P(f. 4. Col. 7 By RANDY IREY Senior Staff Writer A rough draft of a student bill of rights is scheduled to be completed by Sunday afternoon, according to Dick Schulze, chairman of the ASUN Student Conduct com mittee. He explained that at last Sunday's committee meeting, the members began drafting this first rough copy of a bill of rights. At this time, the work on a statement or de finition of "total education. "We need a statement of total e d u c a t i o n," Schulze stressed, "so we can relate our bill of rights to total edu cation since it is the basis on which a student bill of rights would have to be de veloped. "Following completion of the first rough draft, the com mittee will probably approve the statement of total educa tion and the bill of rights at s;V I, j jf ""'" '""" minimi la i "v - ' IT ' - MV ' I i 7 ' f iy- I ' t j t " t" ' Wfr-"-iiWiiiwM,iiM,ir.';i ninliiiii'i!,',,, kitilmM iii'Atj''1'- i ' ' ' Iinniiiiiiiii.iii MARRIAGE . . . Peace Corps style is recommended by Bill and Jan Owens Peace Corps Test Results In Pair's Jamaican Service By Toni Victor Senior Staff Writer Eight days after their mar riage ceremony, Bill and Jan Owens took a Peace Corps test that led them to two years of service in Jamaica. The Owens' are part of the recruiting team on campus this week to sign up Peace Corps volunteers. Their story of marriage, Peace Corps style, is similar to the ten per cent of wedded volun teers who enter training for the corps. Within a year after training the number of couples increases to 20 per cent. "I wouldn't hesitate to re commend a Peace Corps mar riage for anyone," Bill smiled. A former California school teacher, Bill stated that he and Jan shared a mutual en thusiasm for living abroad and curiosity about foreign people and customs. After the training period, they were sent to the village in Jamaica. They lived for two years in a five-room block house, complete wiih cold water plumbing and electricity, as they carried on their Peace Corps w o r k as school teach ers. "I developed tremendous respect for my wife because of what she's been through and because she was able to adjust," Bill declared. As a Peace Corps housewife and volunteer, Jan admitted that she did have to make some adjustments, as far as general living conditions were concerned. Because there was little American food, she ate and prepared such native dishes as boiled green bana nas and codfish. The number of insects In the tropics ne cessitated a mosquito net at night and constant surveil lance by day. Bill's work in the village in cluded teaching woodworking and acting as night watch man at the local school. Jan Of Right our next meeting on Dec. 4," he said. Need Comments In projecting a proposed timetable for the bill of rights, Schulze said that in Decem ber, the committee will be gin visiting living units. "Copies of the bill will be sent to the living units several days before we plan to meet with them. This will give them a chance to talk about the bill so they can present their ideas to us," Schulze continued. "The purpose of going to the living units is to draft a bill of rights. The students will, in reality be drafting the bill by showing us in their comments what they want," he explained. Toward the end of Febru ary, Schulze hopes for a peak in activity with a possibility of a rally with discussion of the final copy of the bill of rights by students, adminis The Daily Nebraskan set up a home economics center in the school and taught courses there. Both husband and wife held liter acy classes at night. Bill said that being an or dinary school teacher and housewife raising children in U.S. suburbia is not nearly as interesting as living in a foreign country. Jan explained the Peace Corps as a "safe way to do something dangerous." Both felt that they had gained more than they had given by serving in the corps. While noting the marital disadvantage of "over-expo-cure a 24-hour existence to gether," Bill listed the many advantages in Peace Corp marriage and service In gen eral. "You get to know each other as thoroughly as if you'd been married 15 years," he stated. Other advantages, accord ing to Bill, are the factor of double pay, vacations togeth er, and the respect the couple receives from the host coun try and American peers. He said that being married in Competitors Seek Government Jobs Students interested in summer jobs covered by a nationwide competitive of fice and science assistant examinations may apply to take the test on or before two filing dates Dec. 9, 1966 and Jan. 9, 1967. This examination, which includes a written test, is for summer jobs at grades GS-1 through 4 with salaries ranging from $69 to $92 a week. The test will be given in more than 1,000 cities throughout the country on Nov. 26, 1966; Jan. 9, 1967 and Feb. 4, 1967. s Nears Completion tration and faculty members. "However, this will not be the only discussion. To pro vide constant dialogue be tween the students, adminis tration and the faculty is an important purpose of our com mittee," Schulze declared. "This is necessary so that when we go through the channels for approval of the bill, we won't be hitting any one in the face with cold water. They will be familiar with all aspects of the bill." The committee believes that a bill of rights should be en acted as amendments to the present ASUN consitution, ac cording to Schulze. To be in accordance with the rules concerning amendments, the bill would have to be sub mitted 27 days before the spring election, when the amendments are ratified to the constitution. Schulze said that the proce dure which would probably the Peace Corps gives a per son someone to turn to in an otherwise lonely situation. The Peace Corps accepts both engaged and married couples for training and ser vice. In some countries, they will allow the couple to have a child at the government's ex pense. According to Bill, however, the corps frowns upon volun teer marriages to nationals in host countries because of the vast cultural differences. The Owens and Dick Con nerely, a bachelor who served in Kenya, will be manning the Peace Corps booth in the Nebraska Union throughout the week. Films depicting life in host countries will be shown Wednesday through Friday and tests for applicants wiil be held until Saturday. 'Star Of Wonder' Starts At Mueller One of the most famous astronomical events in his tory, the Star that led the three wise men to Bethle hem, is featured in a new sky show in the University Planetarium. Entitled "Star of Won der," the show examines the scientific and superna tural explanations of the phenomenon that announced the birth of the Christ Child. The new show will begin Wednesday with showings at 8 p.m. Wednesdays, 2:45 p.m. Saturdays and at 2:30 and 3:45 p.m. Sundays. In addition, public shows will be given Monday through Friday at 2:45 p.m. the week preceding and the week following Christmas. The show will run through Jan. 2, with no showings on Christmas and New Year's Day. be utilized in getting the amendments on the ballot would be through Student Senate initiation. The Senate must approve by a two-thirds vote to initiate a measure such as this. Follow What Channels? "The student body would have to approve the bill by a majority of 30 of the stu dents voting: or by approval of 15 per cent of the students if the former couldn't be met," Schulze explained. "The question of where the bill of rights would go after it receives student approval is difficult to determine," he emphasized. "It would most likely follow the path that the ASUN constitution did in ob taining approval." "The constitution went to the Faculty Senate and then to the Board of Regents for approval. It is my personal feeling that this would be a good way to have it done," Registration To Begin For Spring Semester Early registration for sec ond semester classes will be conducted from Nov. 18 to Dec. 9, according to Lee Chat field, Associate Dean of Stu dent Affairs. Students must return com pleted schedule worksheets and a $50 class reservation deposit to the Bursar's Office before 5 p.m. Dec. 9 or they will be required to wait until general registration Jan. 26 to 28. Class schedule books, trip licate copies of worksheets and fee cards will be avail able Nov. 18-22 from 207 Ag. Hall, the Nebraska Union and in campus residtnce halls. The materials may aiso be obtained from the Regis trar counter in the Adminis tration building. Priority for choice of course will be established on the bas is of seniority and the time the worksheet and $50 deposit are received in the Office of the Bursar. Students with 89 or in o r e credit hours at the end of the summer session will receive top priority if their work sheets are received by 5 p.m. Nov. 22. Receiving second priority will be students with 53-f.8 credit hours, if their work sheets are received between Nov. 18 and 30. The worksheets of students with 27-52 hours will be proc essed next if their worksheets are received between Nov. 18 and Dec. 5. Freshmen worksheets will receive priority if they are received between Nov. 18 and Dec. 9. Chatfield said the $50 class reservation deposit serves two purposes, as an advance payment on fees and as a method for estimating the number of students who will be returning next semester. Chatfield added that 95 per cent of the students who paid a $50 deposit last spring re turned to classes this fall and of the five per cent .vho did not return, almost four per cent asked for refunds. The pass-fail privilege, passed by the ASUN last spring, will become effective next semester. Students ho have attained a junior stand ing may participate in the Borchers Named Permanent Head The new chairman of the department of biochemistry and nutirition is Dr. Ray mond Borchers. Borchers, who has been acting chairman, was named to the post by the Board of Regents Saturday. He joined the University staff in 1945 after serving as instructor and acting chairman of biochemistry at . Creighton Medical School in Omaha. The Regents also named Dr. Robert B'lorell state leader of studies and train ing in the University Ex tension Division. Florell has been program coordinator at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. Schulze stated. "I would like to see all the groups students, adminis tration, and faculty approve these amendments. This, I feel, is necessary, since we are all equal members in a community. But I do not know at this time whether this will be the channels the bill will follow." Schulze feels that it is his committee's responsibility to work with administration. "It is our duty to feel things out and know adminis tration's attitudes. It is up to the students to decide, if the administration opposes a part of the bill, if the cost would be worth obtaining the right," he commented. "However, I do feel It the duty of the committee to meet the problems head on. If the authors evade the issue, there is no purpose in writing a bill Cont. On Pg. 4, Col. 1 Vol. 90, No. -36 system and should signify this on their worksheets. A student may take a max imum of four classes, not to exceed a maximum of 12 hours on this system. Stu dents may not take more than two courses in any one department on a pass-fail ba sis. An "F" will be given under the existing system for com puting grades for a failure. A "pass" will count as the specified number of hours earned but will not be tabu lated in determining the ac cumulative average. Students who take courses on a pass-fail basis have the option to convert to a graded basis, or vice versa, during the published add period at the beginning of the semes ter. Journalist To Speak Thursday Herb Kaplow, veteran Na tional Broadcasting Company news correspondent, will speak at an all-East Campus convocation in the Student Activities building at 4 p.m. Thursday. Kaplow is a graduate of Queen's College In New York City. He subsequently earned a master's degree In journal ism at Northwestern Univer sity in Chicago. Kaplow joined NBC in 1951. Since then he has covered three national political cam paigns and every space shot. (He spent Monday and Tues day of this week on the air craft carrier Wasp as part of NBC's Gemeni-12coverage.) Kapalow has always been in the cente of politics. He was the first newsman to in terview Vice President Nixon after he was stoned by mob in Venezuela. It was Kaplow who man aged to corner Nixon on a fire escape at the end of the 1960 campaign, just befort Nixon entered the hall where he was to make his conces sion speech. Less alert news men were Inside the conven tion hall waiting for Nixon. Kaplow's speech is entitled "View from the Top." 1: f W i Kaplow