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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1966)
Monday, November 14, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Farmer: Civil Rights Movement Altering By Mick Lowell . Junior Staff Writer The problem areas of the civil rights movement are changing, according to James Farmer, founder of the Congress of Racial Equality. A graduate of Howard University, Farmer studied theology in the Southern Methodist Church, but re fused ordination because of discrimination within the church. Farmer has long been prominent In the civil rights movement, particularly In New York City during the World's Fair demonstra tion controversy. He has been jailed numerous times throughout the South for his participation civil rights activities. Farmer was in Lincoln Friday and Saturday to tour the Lincoln Job Corps Cen ter at the old Lincoln Air Force Base. He has re signed his position as leader of CORE to work for the Office of Economic Oppor tunity. In an interview Friday night, Farmer summarized the progress of the civu rights movement and the areas where changes are still needed. In delineating the phases of the civil rights move ment, Farmer stated that political equality, (i.e., the right to vote), has to a great extent been achieved. "There are still areas in the South where It is an act of great courage for a Negro to register to vote," said Farmer. But Farmer predicted that these areas will soon be reformed. "Examples of the power of the Negro vote, and the failure of white backlash to materialize can be seen in Georgia, where Lester Ufl3E333D BOOKS CANDY". Th Novel that they tried to ban if her. Lincoln'! NEWEST book store. XX No. 13th. (South oi Mr. Lutx's) (Prudes and Philistine! tear my Store, but those living in the Modern World Love It.) Lincoln' NEWEST book store, 320 No. 13th. LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST" by KazanUaloa (paperback) Wfe off. NEW EST bookstore. 330 No. 13th. "ART OF LOVE." famooi Wide to aex nal happiness (paperback). Lincoln's NEWEST bookstore. 320 No. 13th. sociology. Education. History. Science, Religion. Philosophy. English, Drama, paperbacks. 10 off. NEWEST book store. 320 No. 13th. Book sale in progress. New books only up to Wo discount. University Bookstore. EMPLOYMENT Excellent part time lob. Car Call 432-4640 anytime. I FOR SALE Kuppenbeimer tuxedo and white dinner Jacket. Like newt Sire 42-short. $31 Hollywood Cleaners. 4234963. 10'xSl' DetroHer Deluxe Mobile Home. Ideal for married college students. Lo cated at Skyview Trailer Ranch, 1030 No. 48tn. Vm Ducatt. 250 Monza. 1125 and take over payments. After I call 466446 Bf.3 Fairian 500. J -door hard top. VI. stick. Call 466-3359. after 4. lfr.I Chevy Impala. 4-door, hardtop, V4, automatic Good condition. (790. 434462S. Fender Jazzmaster Guitar (Black). Fen der Batsman Amplifier (used three months). 49 So. 14th. FOR RENT Spares available: Rainbow Trailer Court, half-way between East and City cam pus. U01 Adam. 439-3417. Large furnished apartment. East Campus. Second floor, parking. Couple or two men. (60 per month. 477-M0S days. Four lovely furnished roms. Air com tioned. Couple. 21" Frost-free rain eralor. 432-2401. Oo So 17th, Sunny I rooms, snotty fur- aithrd. Couple preferred. 432- 166. Rent free, utilities included, furnished apartment in exchange for help for disabled man. Morning t"i hours. Eve nings is minutes. Available now. Call 46-2857. LOST AND FOUND to the person who removed Milton: Cam P'Me Forms aad Maier Preso from Carrel 721 on Monday morning. I need the book Immediately beeaus of the marginal Bote. 1 will play yon mors than yon can get for rewlllng It. Con tad me la care of the Rag. FOUND) Girl light brown classes la brown caa with gold trim. la front of Andrews. Call 412-OuM. MISCELLANEOUS "ftuarantea handsom pries for Oanr ColMnsIMck Bulkus irturesi S'-ad-ard Football Contest) WSK. DONL'TS 15 varieties. Raised cake-rolls-bismarks. Owa Tuesday-Sunder a.m. to 10 p m. (J g DONUT SHOP. (32 No. 27lh. 1'dtrs to Chicago area. Thanksgiving. Leaving Tuesday, Nov. 22. 466-6 i0. Atk fur Don. Upper class engineer wsnti apartment by November 1. CsU Carrol Nast. 477-2461. COINS & STAMPS Of ALL Countries At Lmcoln t Only Pull Tim Stamp O Com Dtxilrt Specialists in Coins, Stamps 2 Out St. 477-UM Unco Nsbr. UM Maddox may have been defeated, and in Maryland where George Mahoney was defeated," Farmer observ ed. "The white backlash failed to snap," stressed Farmer. "California would have elected Reagan with out Watts or the San Fran cisco riots. You must re member that California is the state that elected a song-and-dance man to the United States Senate in 1964." The lack of economic equality ig "one of the most difficult problems the civil rights movement must face," according to Farmer. The question now is one of "employment and em ploy ability," Farmer stated. The way to elimi nate poverty, according to Farmer, is to train the un employed as the Job Corps is doing, not relief. The next problem the civil rights movement must face is the right of the Negro to spend money, once he has it. The best example of the question in this area is closed housing. Farmer said that he can not foresee an open-housing bill coming out of the 90th Congress. The black power move ment Is one solution to the Negro dilemma, according to many racial leaders. Farmer said that the black power movement has been "widely misinterpreted. Many people take black power to mean hatred of whites. That's not what it means to me .The Negro now needs to develop group pride," said Farmer. Concerning Negro mili tancy Farmer said, "I con sider myself militant. I think we'd all agree that the Underground Railway and the Boston Tea Party were militant. History has proved that the best way for a minority group to gain recognition is some sort of militant action. Monday PLACEMENT Office, 12:30 p.m., Nebraska Union, PANHELLENIC, 3:30 p.m Nebraska Union. UNION Film 3:45 p.m., Nebraska Union. TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., Nf braska Union. PI LAMBDA THETA, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. BUILDERS First Glance, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. DELTA ZETA, 5:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., Ne braxka Union. DELTA KAPPA GAM MA, 6 p.m., Nebraska Union. TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m., Nebraska Union. DELTA ZETA, 6 p.m., Nebraska Union. DELTA ZETA, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. UNICORNS, 7 p.m., Ne braska Union. DELTA ZETA, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. TAU KAPPA EPSILON, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. ABEL Hall Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. PHI MU, 7 p.m. Nebraska Union. PHI MU, 7:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. ENGINEERING Wives, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. MATH Counselors, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. TUESDAY HOME ECONOMICS Education Association, 4 p.m., Food and Nutrition. ACE, 4:30 p.m., Teachers College. EL Ed, Majors Register Nov. 19 Elementary e d u c ation majors must re-register on Saturday, Nov. 19. Times for pre-registration are as follows: seniors, 9 a.m.; juniors, 9:30 a.m.; sophomores, 10:30 a.m.; and freshmen, 11 a.m. Meetings room schedules will be posted in Teachers College. Keyed-up at Sheraton ... and save money KJ San with weekend discountsl Send for your Jrtt Sheraton ID card today! It entitle you , to room discounts at nearly all Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns. Good over Thanks- j giving and Christmas holidays, summer vacation, weekends all year round. SEND FOR YOUR FREE ID CARD! COLLEGE RELATIONS DIRECTOR co Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C 20008 Please rush me a free Sheraton Student ID Card (or a free Fac ulty Guest Card). I understand it entitles me to generous dis counts all year long at most Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns. Kama I Address StttfcntO Teacher 1J Sheraton Hotels Motor Inns AT CI 1 J' 11 0 In J Ci wf --- mm CASH & CARRY 16fh & P Sfs. Just South of Campus VE NEVER CLOSE Home Test Of Diabetes Distributed Alpha Phi Omega, nation al service fraternity, In con nection with the Public Health and Safety Depart ment of Student Health, has distributed Diabetes Test Dreypak envelopes on cam pus. The Dreypak test Is a simple home test for dia betes. An hour or so after eating a heavy meal the subject dips the test paper into a urine specimen. After letting the paper dry over night the subject mails it in the envelope pro vided. The results will be mailed to him free of charge. Those people most likely to develop diabetes are rela tives of diabetes, those over 40 or overweight. Students desiring further information about the test should contact the Alpha Phi Omega office on the third floor of the Nebraska Union or Dr. Fred Sills at the Public Health and Safe ty Department at Student Health. YOUR FIRST STEP AS AN ENGINEER IS VITAL! BE SURE ... CONSIDER CESSNA Cessna is the world's leading manufacturer of business, pleasure, and utility aircraft. Cessna helps you grow professionally with these worthwhile advantages! Responsibility to work on total protects with a minimum of red tapeopportunity to follow a design through development, tool ing, and production to the customerdiversity of assignments and the avoidance of specializationthe excitement of designing for people, with the added pleasure of flying what you designmid west location, with a progressive, eulturd-minded community home of two universities and on collegeopportunity to pursue advance degrees. Learn the complete Cessna story from the Cessna personnel rep resentative who will bo on campus for interviews on November 16; 1966. Contact your placement office for interview schedule. essna &gsi AIRCRAFT COMPANY Wichita, Kama An Eaual Opportunity Employer f . ' ', id ' . tit . Mai i lZlli 1 I A THE MIDWESTS OLDEST AND MOST MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE FACILITY Courses offered in: Vr Professional accounting if Private Secretarial jr; Business Administration ic Executive Secretarial ic Accounting ic Stenographic if General Business TWO GREAT SCHOOLS COMBINED IN ONE NEW BUADIN8 LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE & IIBI 1821 "K" STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 432-5315 After graduation, what? Mil you begin your career as an engineer or scientist or return to school for an advanced degree? ft ' V fL ? IbucandobothatN' 0L n Zmt 1 wr If you are an engineer in the top third of your class or a scientist in the top quarter of your class, NOL offers you the opportunity to begin your career in one of the world's great laboratories and, at the same time, go ahead with your plans for graduate study. mam 1 ,M . " f ff mm-. NOL is a laboratory in the true meaning of the word, and one of the largest and best-equipped laboratories in the world. It is the nation's leading R&D establishment for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), the Navy's principal high speed aeroballistics activity, and a leader in the develop ment of new air and surface weapons. The spectrum of research at NOL ranges from nuclear effects to acoustics to explosives and materials. At NOL, weapons development is carried through from inception to design to prototype test and development Since 1950, NOL has completed 209 new weapons and devices such as SUBROC, nuclear depth bombs, mines, projectile fuzes, underwater detection sys tems, and components and design data for POLARIS, TARTAR, TALOS, TERRIER, ATLAS and TITAN missiles. A civilian staff of over 3,000 people includes more than 1,000 professional engineers and scientists experts with na tional and International reputations. Extensive and unique facilities embrace wind tunnels operating to Mach 17, hypervelocity ballistic ranges, the world's most exceptional hydrobailistic facility, shock tunnels, 330g centrifuge . . . multi-million-dollar experimental facilities. Kens is your opportunity. Each year, NOL interviews out standing engineering and science graduating students. Selects the handful that seems to be really creative. Takes them to its beautiful 875 acre "campus" (the front yard is a goif course) in the rolling hills of Maryland near the Nation's Capital. Puts them through an optional one-year professional development course with rotational assign ments to various areas within the Laboratory to prepare them for permanent assignments. From the very beginning, new staff members have an oppor tunity to contribute directly to significant projects ... to be part of an organization where groups are small and emphasis is on the individual. NOL offers yon i graduate study program that is one of the largest and most productive programs in the country. Each year members of our professional staff receive M.SS or Ph.D.'s through this program. NOL has a significant ad vantage in its proximity to the University of Maryland. Many NOL staff members hold permanent part-time positions on the Maryland faculty, and graduate level courses are taught at NOL every semester. Maryland also offers many courses on its own campus only minutes away at times which are convenient to and keyed to the special requirements of NOL NOL ACADEMIC sile systems, instrumentation for weapons evaluation and aeroballistics research, and performance of new concept feasibility experiments. Chemical Engineers and Chemists for research and devel opment pertaining to high-energy propellants and explo sives; high polymers; molecular and crystal structures; electrochemistry; high-temperature, high-pressure chemical equilibrium studies; and the thermodynamics of high energy reactions. Engineering Physicists and Physicists theoretical and ex perimental research in a wide range of areas including signal processing, infrared radiation, acoustics, magnetic and semi-conductive materials, and detonation physics; plus weapon systems development and studies. STUDY PROGRAMS PROGRAM COMPETITION ADMITTANCE SUPPORT Part-time Open to all Approval by Refund of tuition and fees if Graduate Study qualified line management course grade is "B" or employees. better . . . approx. time plus travel time for attendance. Graduate Recent college graduates Selected by Personnel Full salary, tuition, books & Work-Study in certain engineering & Officer ... admission to fees ... 2 days each week scientific fielSs. local graduate school devoted to study and classes for US. for 2 years maximum. Intermediate Recent college graduates Selected by Personnel Full tuition, books, fees, Graduate in certain engineering & Officer . . . admission travel per diem & V2 GS-7 Study scientific fields. graduate school... ar. salary... (over $3800)... honors program. 2 semesters full-time. Advanced Scientists & Selected by NOL Full tuition, books, Graduate Engineers, grade Training fees, travel, per Study GS-11 and above. Committee. diem, & full salary for 2 semesters. NOL NEEDS: Aerospace Engineers or Hydrodynamlclsts design studies of high-speed, high-performance re-entry systems, basic problems in theoretical and experimental aerothermody namics, aeroballistics and hydroballistics; and aerodynamic design and development of hypervelocity wind tunnels and ballistic ranges. Mechanical Engineers conceptual design and development of warhead sating, arming and target-detecting devices for tactical and strategic missiles, underwater weapons, vehicle structures, and mechanical or electromechanical time and motion-sensing mechanisms. Electronic Engineers design, development and evaluation of underwater communications and detection systems, weapons guidance systems, influence fuzing, air-borne mis- An NOL representative will be on campus . . . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 Contact your Placement Office for interview. Summer Professional Employment ... for outstanding graduate students and graduating seniors. U. O. NAVAL ORDNANCE LABORATORY WHITK OAK, MARYLAND MDL i