The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, November 3, 1966
The Dally Nebraskan
Pago 5
Congressional Elections .
Cunningham Opposes Fellman f. , 5
The Second Congressional District
race matches incumbent Republican
Glenn Cunningham against Omaha law
yer and former newspaperman Rich
ard Fellman.
Cunningham, a 10-year veteran of the
House of Representatives, has been active
In efforts to prevent the delivery of ob
scene literature through the U.S. mail.
He opposed the 1966 Civil Rights bill
and voted against the 1966 foreign aid bill.
In the past Congressional session Cun
ningham also:
--Supported a measure to require
auto manufacturers to follow certain safe
ty standards for cars.
Voted for a bill to provide money
for research on highway safety.
Supported raising the minimum
wage for non-farm workers from (1.25 to
(1.60 per hour.
Voted against appropriations for the
War on Poverty.
Fellman said that if elected he will
take an active hand In resolving the pollu
tion problem of the Missouri River and
support flood control plans for the water
shed of the Papio Creek in Omaha.
Fellman is a graduate of the Univer
sity, a former Innocent and editor of the
Daily Nebraskan. He said he supports
open housing legislation and will vote for
education programs if elected.
Fellman said he would favor Intensi
fying U.S. social welfare works to help
the people of Viet Nam and added that
the war is the 1966 model of the fight
against Communism that has been contin
uing since 1946.
The Democrat blamed Inflation on
high federal spending and said that the
country has never before had such a high
gross national product or such a low level
of unemployment. He said the nation's
problem is how to deal with an expand
ing economy.
Cunningham said he opposes the Dem
onstration Cities Act while Fellman sup
ports the measure.
If enacted, the bill would provide
that certain cities, designated demonstra
tion cities, would receive large amounts
of anti-poverty funds In connection with
the War on Poverty program. Omaha
hopes to be designated one such city.
Cunningham is a member of the House
Post Office and Civil Service Committee
and the Interior and Insular Affairs Com
mittee. A native of Omaha, Cunningham was
a graduate of the University of Omaha, a
member of the Omaha Board of Educa
tion, former Omaha Fire Commissioner
and a former mayor of the city.
Fellman, also a native Omahan, grad
uated from the University Law School
and has practiced law in Omaha.
The Second District includes metro
politan Omaha and surrounding areas.
Budget Plight Confronts
Lincoln, Omaha Regents
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Martin Runs For Fourth Term t.
Incumbent David Martin, runntig for
his fourth term, will oppose the Demo
cratic candidate John Homan in Nebras
ka's Third Congressional District race.
Martin, 58, was born in Kearney and
attended Keanrey High School and Dart
mouth College. He operates a retail lum
ber business in Kearney.
His political background includes serv
ing as Buffalo County Republican Chair
man for four years; Republican State Ex
ecutive Committee for eight years, Re
publican State Chairman for five years,
and two years as a member of the Re
publican National Committee.
Homan, 67, was born in David City.
He is a farmer and rancher near Cedar
Rapids, and owns and operates a grain
Martin contends that the three main
issues in the campaign are the excess of
government spending which is causing in
flation, t he President's handling of the
Viet Nam situation, and civil disobedi
ence. He says that a cut back on govern
ment spending in areas of highway bean
tification, education, the War on Poverty
and foreign aid is the remedy for in
flation. Martin feels that Head Start is the
only major poverty program that has been
fairly successful. He charged the Presi
dent with "complete inefficiency of oper
ation" in most programs.
Supporting American activities in
Viet Nam because they are against Com
munism, Martin feels that if we were to
pull out Red China would soon dominate
the area.
Martin added that we are currently
pursuing a no-win policy, however, and
urges the Air Force bombing of all areas
In Viet Nam and the blockading and min
ing of the port of Haiphong by the U.S.
Opposed to government farm pro
grams, Martin said he would like to see
the government remove artificial controls,
and allow the farmers to operate on his
The Midstate irrigation program and
the twin loops irrigation program are con
servation and reclamation projects that
Martin is supporting.
Martin feels that his membership on
the House Rules Committee gives him a
strong voice for Nebraskans in govern
ment. John Homan, the Democratic candi
date, favors government incentives to in
crease production and reduce unemploy
ment. He advocates caution that domestic
spending in lieu of the Viet Nam war does
not overburden the economy with result
ing inflation.
Homan agrees with the Eisenhower,
Kennedy, and Johnson foreign policy of
honoring our commitments abroad and
attempting to stem the flow of commu
nism. U.S. policies should be more distinct,
Homan says, to avoid confusion at home
and abroad as to our intentions in for
eign matters.
He also feels that the federal govern
ment should Involve itself in urban af
fairs as well as in other phases of Ameri
can society. Federal government action is
needed in those areas where state or lo
cal governments or private individuals
cannot effectively operate, he says.
Nebraska's Third Congressional dis
trict covers the Western part of the state,
and is the largest district in area, al
though it is smaller than the other areas
in population.
State Election Ballot
Candidates appearing on the Nov. 8
General Election ballot include:
U.S. Senator
Frank B. Morrison, Democrat
Carl T. Curtis, Republican
Philip C. Sorensen, Democrat
Norbert T. Tiemann, Republican
Lt. Governor
Ross R. Rasmussen, Democrat
John E. Everroad, Republican
Secretary of State
George A. Meister, Democrat
Frank Marsh, Republican
Auditor of Public Accounts
Arthur Case, Democrat
Ray C. Johnson, Republican
State Treasurer
Fred Sorensen, Democrat
Wayne R. Swanson, Republican
Attorney General
David J. Thomas, Democrat
Clarence Meyer, Republican
Railway Commissioner, Second District
James F. Munnelly, Democrat
Harry 0. Taylor, Republican
Representative in Congress, First District
Clair A. Callan, Democrat
Robert V. Denney, Republican
Representative in Congress,
Second District
Richard M. Fellman, Democrat
Glenn Cunningham, Republican
Representative in Congress, Third District
John Homan, Democrat
Dave Martin, Republican
..Regent of University of Nebraska,
First District
Clarence E. Swanson
Edward Schwartzkopf
Regent of University of Nebraska,
Second District
Dick Herman
Robert E. Johnson, Jr.
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Amendments Would Update,
(Broaden Existing Tax Base j
Of the 16 proposed con
stitutional amendments on
the Nov. 8 ballot, six deal
with the tax structure and
possible revisons from its
current form.
Proposed amendments
five, eight, ten, fourteen,
fifteen and sixteen are those
dealing with tax issues.
Number 16 is the Farm
Bureau referendum amend
ment that would constitu
tionally prohibit the state
from levying a property tax
for state purpose.
The other proposed amend
ments, as explained by Bill
Peters, chief of the legal di
vision of the State Tax Com
missioner's office, would
provide for measures ran
ging from technicalities con
cerning an income tax law
to points involved in a state
property tax.
The following is a brief
look at each of these amend
ments and what they would
Amendment Five would
provide that a different real
estate valuation for proper
ty tax purposes could be
used on land devoted to agri
culture or horticultural uses
than would be used on nor
mal real estate.
Ammendment Eight propo
ses to allow the state to
adopt an income tax law
based on the Federal income
tax law.
Amendment ten provides
that the state could cancel
unpaid taxes on real estate
owned or acquired by the
state or its subdivisions.
Peters said the amend
ment is mainly a technical
one that is intended to clari
fy the situation of unpaid
taxes on state lands. The
state, he said, cannot pay
taxes to itself and it must
be provided that the taxes
could be cancelled.
Amendment fourteen con
tains two provisions: one to
prohibit the state from levy
ing a property tax except for
state capital building im
provements and one to re
quire the state to allocate
not less than 20 per cent of
tax proceeds to public
schools when and if a sales
tax, income tax or a com
bination of the two is en
acted. Amendment fifteen would
permit the state to exempt
life insurance annuity con
tracts and pension and re
tirement payments from in
tangible property taxes.
The amendment would,
Peters said, allow individ
uals to receive pension pay
ments and life insurance
benefits without having to
pay taxes on these funds.
- "Ti .
NEBRASKA CAPITOL . . . represents pinnacle of
candidates hopes.
By Cheryl Tritt
Junior Staff Writer
Two of the six positions
on the University Board of
Regents will be in conten
tion in the Nov. 8 elections.
Regents are elected on a
non-partisan ballot and
serve six-year terms.
The board, which meets
on the average of 20 to 25
times a year, is charged
with the general operation
and government of the Uni
versity. Running for southeast Ne
braska's First District Re
gent are incumbent Clar
ence E. Swanson and Ed
ward Schwartzkopf, both of
Swanson garnered the top
number of votes in the pri
mary race and Schwartz
kopf upset State Senator Hal
Bauer of Lincoln to win a
place on the November bal
lot. 'Resignations Normal
Swanson, 63, president of
a Lincoln clothing store,
presently serves as presi
dent of the Board of Re
gents, and is past president
of the NU Alumni Associa
tion. He obtained a B.S. degree
from the University and has
been a member of the
Board for twelve consecu
tive years.
Citing his long years of
experinece and close con
tact with the University as
his most important qualifi
cations for re-election,
Swanson said the years im
mediately ahead will be crit
ical ones for the University
and will require competent
Swanson added that the
University is making pre
parations for an expected
enrollment of 20 thousand
students by 1970, and that
successful enactment of
these plans will center
around the budget.
In spite of the numerous
Instructor resignations last
year, Swanson expressed
the opinion that the overall
quality of the faculty has
"Resignations Involving
up to ten per cent of the
faculty is normal," Swan
son said. .
Higher Salaries?
Schwartzkopf, 47, is co
ordinator of industrial arts
and education for the Lin
coln public schools. He for
merly had been a teach
er, coach and administra
tor in the Lincoln school
Having obtained B.S. and
masters degrees from the
University of Nebraska,
Schwartzkopf has been ac
tive in alumni organiza
tions. He has also worked
in close association with the
University of Nebraska Stu
dent Education Association.
Schwartzkopf stressed the
Importance of maintaining
the quality of education at
the University and lncreas
ng the budget if higher fac
ulty and administrative sal
aries are the solution to this
In agreement with Swan
son, Schwartzkopf said that
a certain percentage of fac
ulty resignations was nor
mal. Schwartzkopf added that
the state must also develop
Candidates From 23 Districts
Appear On November 8 Ballot
By Lynn Ptacek
Legislative candi
dates from 23 districts will
appear on the Nov. 8 bal
lot. Two districts, the 44th
and 48th, will have candi
dates running unopposed.
Some districts will have
particularly significant and
controversial elections, ac
cording to a state house
Races which may prove
controversial or of special
interest include those in the
Fourth, Tenth, 14th, 18th,
38th and 40th Districts.
The Fourth District can
didates Henry Pederson, .
and Mike Russillo are both
past senators. Pederson, an
Omaha attorney, is a
Creighton University gradu
ate. He is a member of the
Douglas County Republican
party and is a former Re
publican chairman for Doug
las county.
In the Unicameral, Peder
son supported flood control,
school bus safety for chil
dren and highway safety.
Pederson, who advocates
civil rights, said "no legis
lature can help those who
won't help themselves."
If re-elected, Pederson
said he would try to help
farmers by "supporting a
bill that will tax farms as
farms, not speculative in
terests." Pederson criticized lobby
groups on the grounds that
"people deserve good rep
resentation and shouldn't
have to go through pres
sure groups to get it."
Mike Russillo, who served
as an Omaha senator from
1959-1965, served as a lobby
ist in the 1965 legislature.
Russillo is a graduate of
the U.S. Naval Academy,
and is a retired Read Ad
miral. He has also served as
executive vice president and
secretary of the Nebraska
Consumer Credit Associa
tion. Russillo is opposed to the
income tax, but advocates
the sales tax. He is also
an advocate of public trans
portation for parochial
school students.
Candidates from the tenth
district are Clifton B. Bat
chelder, and Allen I.
Batchelder, who is presi
dent of the United States
Check Book Company, was
elected to his first term in
the Unicameral in 1964.
He served on the Budget
committee. Members of this
Important committee meet
five days a week, and be
long to no other committee.
Pirsch has been asso
ciated with the First Na
tional Bank of Omaha for
ten years. He was an un
successful candidate for
the legislature in 1962 and
1964. Pirsch is opposed to
the sales and the income
Commenting on the elec
tion, Pirsch said, "I think
it's a toss-up. I have the
support of the AFL-CIO,
and educational groups,
This race is significant
because of Batchelder's po
sition on the budget com
mittee, and because these
two candidates opposed
each other in previous Uni
cameral elections. Results
of the primary were: Bat
chelder, 3,770; Pirsch,
2,472; and others, 1,381.
Frank Cada and W. H.
Hasebroock are the Uni
cameral candidates from
the 18th district.
Cada, a Clarkson farmer
and cattle feeder, is a
member of the Farmer Un
ion and Farm Bureau, and
has been a member of the
Colfax County Fair Board
for 25 years.
Hasebroock is from West
Point, and is seeking his
fourth term in the legisla
ture. He has been mayor
of West Point for 17 years,
and is past president of
the West Point Chamber
of Commerce. He is Chair
man of the Legislative
Peter H. Claussen, who
was the incumbent, and was
defeated in the primary, is
from Coufax county.
According to a state
house source, it is possible
that the 1,398 votes Claus
sen received in the pri
mary, might go to a can
didate from Coufax founty.
The 14th district candi
dates are Florence B. Rey
nolds and Joseph O'Connor.
Miss Reynolds is a retired
elementary school teacher,
while O'Connor is the mana
ger of the life insurance
department of Harry A.
Koch, Inc.
O'Connor was an unsuc
cessful candidate for the
legislature in 1960 and 1962.
Douglas county has never
elected a woman to the
legislature, however, Miss
Reynolds led the primary
race. She received 952 votes
compared to 715 for O'Con
nor. Other candidates in the
primary race received a
total of 2,456 votes, which
is enough to substantially
change the trend of the
The two candidates in the
38th district are both In
cumbents. Lester Harsh
and Ralph Lancaster were
thrown into the same dis
trict during the re-districting
process. Harsh was the
leader in the primary race,
In the 40th district, the
incumbent is Joe Brewster
from Stuart. His opponent,
William Wylie is from El
gin, and he may draw the
votes from the district of
defeated primary candidate
John DeCamp of Neligh.
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BEYOND THE UNICAMERAL DOORS . . . remains the 'uture of issues and decisions of soon-to-be-elected legislators.
its industrial activities to
encourage graduate stu
dents to spend their talents
in the state, rather than
seeking out-of-state employ
Swanson and Schwartz
kopf declined comment on
the proposed Student Bill of
Rights stating they hadn't
sufficient information to
form definite opinions.
Omaha Candidates
Robert E. Johnson Jr., at-.
torney and bank trust offi
cer, and Dick Hermaiv
transportation executivTT
are con renders from tna
Omaha area's Second Dis-
trict. The winner will fill the '
Regents' seat vacated by J,
Leroy Welsh of Omaha.
Herman, 45, who is pres-; .
ident of an Omaha trans-
port company, collected the
most voters in a nine-man
primary race. Past presi
dent of the Nebraska Mo
tor Carriers and the State
Chamber of Commerce,
Herman also was co-chairman
of the state income tax
referendum petition drive.
"I feel that education is
of the utmost value In in-"
creasing industrial devel
opment, agricultural and.
cultural development in the
state," Herman stated.
Because he had no part
in planning the Regents' $98
million proposed budget,
Herman said he could not
"affirm or negate" the.
Board's position.
Herman added that the
budget should be looked at
"from the standpoint of ed
ucation, welfare and re
search instead of one large
sum of money."
Johnson, 38, who is a trust
officer for the First Nation
al Bank of Omaha, received
B.S. and L.L.B. degrees:
from the University of Ne
braska. Johnson participates each
year in the University's
"Bridge the Gap" program
whose purpose is to
acquaint new law graduates
with the different aspects of
law practice. The Regents
candidate is also vice pres
ident of the Trust Division
of the Nebraska Bankers
Association. iu .
Stating that non-partisan"'
chip is one of the most im
portant characteristics of
the Board of Regents, Her
man said his election would
insure the continuance of
the non-political role of the
Johnson added that the
proposed University budget'
and statements made by
the Regents both indicate;
the need for much work in
certain areas to maintain
the University's education
al status.
"Whether the state can
meet the budget demands
depends on the tax base we
have and the tax status "of
the stat e," Johnson ex
plained. Both Omaha candidate
stated they lacked the nec
essary information to com
ment on University student
issues such as the Student
Bill of Rights.
The following is a
list of candidates running
for state Legislative
17nleun0ml Iim
Stoond Dtitrlct Wo Budd
CaMn R. Ctrotwl 1
Fourth District Hnrr Pederaon
Mike Ruwillo
Sixth DtJtrtct Harold Mortal
George ThomM
Ethth District P4 MouHon
Clwenct Hurlbut
Tooth Dtatrlct Clifton BttoMdor
Allen L. Plraoh
Twolflit Dtotrict-Rlchort Prow!'
DoooM Bastomoyor
Fourteeohi Oiitrict rToronoo Reyn
old Joumh O'Connor
Sixteenth District Prancta Bauson
C. W. Holmqulat
Bfhteenth DtrtrU W. H. Rtae-
Frank Cede
Twentieth DUuV -Olene Goodrich
Bin Bloom
Twenty -Second Wetrlot Herb Nore
Kenneth Torczon
Twenty-fourth District WtmnOtto
Stanley Mntrice'
Twenty -eirtti DUtrtot Rudolph D,
John E. Knleht
Twenty -eilfhht Dtatrlot Roland
Jamee Weaver
Thirtieth DMriot Fred Ortteiu
Joseph ghalla
Thirty-Second District-Brio Rae-
Max Nell
Tblrty-FmtrUi DUtrkx-rtini Pen.
Maurice Kremer
Thirty-fifth District Don El rod
Arch Jarrell
Tilrty-Slirth District Leetie Rob.
Ralph Lancaster
Tbtrty-EUhth Dutriot Lester
H. C. CrndH
rortiem Dit.Hnt-Jo Bresntsr "
nillWill Tt.TiJW
rertar-second Pisulot Chester Pm
J J amas Waldraa
rorty-rooru DWrtot-Mmey T
forty-FWh DWrlofr-Rnbert E. "
Oamb (to fin tmexukred trm"
ftlMMl VlrmaifW -
Forty-.'Hxtii Diettlct-Chariee A
Hurt ild Simpson
Porty-Elirtirh 1;j riot Terry Car
penter Inoumbenta