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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1966)
The Summer Nebraskan Tuesday, July 26, 1966 evolution Yoking Place 0 urnett SMall Labs Page 2 it I' if Srajf n H t i; ' . v -i; s " 'I ' l ) s ' t.'i a' li .? ' V " .Vt J . ? t 1 if 1 EDITOR'S NOTED: The fol lowing formula was received by the Summer Nebraskan from a contributing party sitmcd, Anonymous, Am bitious Student. A.A. Student indicated that the formula originally appeared on a Colorado Campus. 1. Bring the professor news paper clippings dealing with his subject. Demonstrates fiery interest and gives him timely items to mention to the class. If you can't find clip pings dealing with his sub ject,! bring any clippings at random. He thinks everything deals with his subject. 2. Look alert. Take notes eagerly. If you look at your watch, don't stare at it unbe lievingly and shake it. 3. Nod frequently and mur mur "How true!" To you this seems exaggerated. To him, it's quite objective. 4. Sit in front, near him. (Applies only if you intend to stay awake.) If you're going to all the trouble of making a good impression, you might as well let him know you are, especially in a large class. 5. Laugh at his jokes. You CAN tell. If he looks up from his notes and smiles expect antly, he has told a joke. 6. Ask for outside reading. You don't have to read it. Just 7. IF YOU MUST SLEEP, ARRANGE TO BE CALLED AT THE END OF TOE HOUR. It creates an unfavorable im pression if the rest of the class has left and you sit there alone, dozing. 8. Be sure the book you read during the lecture looks like a book from the course. If you do math in psychology class and psychology in rrtath class, match the books for size and color. Religion School Requested (Con't from Page 1) serious action wrould be tak en. Legal Issue Professor of law at the Uni versity of Wisconsin, Wilbur G. Katz has made some state ments recently on the legal is sue of instituting a depart ment of religion into a state university. "In view of the recent Su preme Court decisions, there should no longer he any sub stantial doubts as to the legal ity of academic study of re ligion in state universities. "The justices emphasized the distinction between incul cation of religious beliefs and habits (through devotional ex ercises) and objective study of religion," Katz said. Recent Decisions "I think we can see in the most recent decisions a con cern about the danger ot in culcating 'secularism.' It is this concern," Katz said, "that has led to Justice Clark's explicit affirmation of the legality and appropriate ness of teaching about reli gion in an objective way." Philosophy professor Charles H. Patterson noted, "Nebraska people always have been afraid that there will be an attempt to prosely tize." He said, "I always felt it was a sound position to in tegrate the study of religion with other fields of study, but I am not so sure this is best now." Important Elements Patterson feels that religion is one of the most important elements in human ex perience. He would not be op posed to a new department of religion. For many years he has taught courses in religious philosophy within the philoso phy department. "The state university is an ideal place for religion to be s t u d i e d." Patterson said. "There is more academic freedom there." Several years ago the Uni versity entered into an agree ment with the Cotner School of Religion to offer courses necessary for their students to complete a degree require ment. In turn the facilities of the Cotner School were made available to the University for students to take courses in re ligion for elective credit, according to Vice Chancellor Adam C. Breckenridge. Satisfactory Arrangement Breckenridge said that this arrangement with Cotner has been satisfactory. However In recent years there have been some institutions which have said, "Nothing would be finer than for the University to take over the function of the Cot- Reserved Phone 477 - 9. Ask any questions you think he can answer. Con v e r s e 1 y, avoid announcing that you have found the an swer to a question he COULDN'T answer, and in your younger brother's second-grade reader at that. 10. Call attention to his writings. Produce an ex quisitely pleasant experience connected with you. If you now he's written a book or an article, ask in class if he wrote it. As to whether or not you want to do some work, in addition to all this, well, it' controversial and up to the individual student. From Robert Tyson, Depart' ment of Psychology and Philosophy, Hunter Col lege, New York. Photo Grant Given School A $200 grant to the photogra phy development fund has been made to the School of Journalism at the University of Nebraska by the Central Nebraska District Press As sociation. At their annual convention held this year at Johnson Lake, members of the associ ation added their contribution to those already made by two other districts of the Nebraska Press Association. "Contributions like this one and those of individual mem bars just help prove one very important point," said Neal Copple, Director of the School of Journalism. "They prove that the state's press is sup porting its School of Journal ism perhaps better than the press of any other state in the country." ner School, establishing its own department. "As long as there has been a facility available across the street," Breckenridge said, "to add a religion department for the convenience of some made no sense." Outside Funds There have been some in stitutions w h i ch have said that they would raise funds for a Chair to be established, or to pay salaries, Brecken ridge said. Most recent of all has been the resolution presented to the Board of Regents, he noted. "I have no notion what the Regents will do with the re quest, or what they will do if the Legislature were to accept the idea." Breckenridge said e man i Know now nigh on the priority list the request might appear. Opposition Breckenridge said, "I think some of the campus pastors feel that I, the Chancellor, and Dean Militzer are opposed to the teaching of religion. This is unfounded, unwanted and untrue." "We have been advised that we are omitting from the curriculum the study of an essential part of mankind's civilization, but to say that re ligion is ignored in the Uni versity is unfounded," Breck enridge said. "In the study of English, history, political science, public opinion and propaganda you can't ignore the place of religion," he ex plained. Definite Interest Ransom said, "I think there is a definite interest in the student body. There is a lot of interest in religion. It is a prominent topic of discussion in the fraternities an ! soror ities," he noted. If there was a department of religion, Ransom is sure it would be filled. Ransom explained that the main interest of the Coun cil on Religion is to keep the idea alive long enough unto something happens. He said there is support needed from the denominations of the state, the Legislature, and prominent people. Hardin said, "Nothing is go ing to happen immediately; 'however, it may be discussed before the fall semester by the Board of Regents". Spaces AvaNobU RAINBOW TRAILER COURT Halfway between Ag and City campuits. 1101 Adami 435-3417 Seats $1.00 - 8711 Ext. 2072 if ff By GLENN FRIENDT Before the SS Centennial left for New Orleans, La., the editor of the Summer Ne braskan requested that I send back some articles on the ex periences of four college stu dents who take a raft down the Missouri-Mississippi Riv er. The only thing that has changed is that the raft has become the first ship in the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska. We are still on the Missouri River headed for New Orleans and I'm still try ing to find a good answer to the question: What's it like when four students take a "ship" down the Missouri Mississippi River? The trip Is similar to neo politan ice cream; it has something for different tastes in the same package. Each day as the crew, Rich Gal lentine, Mark Hansen, Tom Moderow and myself, is on the river we find that time floats by as we do and we can relax. Yet each day as the Junior Representatives of Nebraska we have scheduled port calls where we meet dig nitaries, greet the people and advertise the Nebraska Cen tennial. This time schedule and our activities ashore leave us tense and tired. The current helps us meet our schedule and most of the time the river accepts us as a fellow wanderer. We ride on the crest of the river's natur al power in a smooth quiet glide. At other times when 600 Degrees To Be Received Approximately 600 degrees will be conferred at com mencement, Aug. 5. The graduation ceremony will be gin at 7:30 p.m. at the Persh ing Municipal Auditorium. Dr. J. Ford Forsyth, pas tor of the First Plymouth Con gregational Church of Lincoln will be the chaplain. Soloist is Dale McClellan, accom panied by Milford Myhre, vis iting professor of organ. Quwrr NtnoNM A f!P Pass Go and CoMcct $200 Well, it isn't all that easy it's a very special game and you will collect more than that every time your turn comes up. The first step toward GO is a phone call Take that step Find out what this game is all about. Call DAVE GEIER 435-3296 QUALITY NATIONAL ASSURANCE CO. The - nAr 9f Zi ImWSkJ . nil I Siit, , V " A I : 1 Si 22 ani 4 tt 1 NU Admirals sail the first Mississippi the wind comes up against the current or we pass a barge the SS Centennial car ries us through treacherous channels and w a v e s up to three feet. After four days we had ex perienced these characteris tics of the river. We've learned how to handle certain situations and how to avoid others. In this period of riv er education the excitement has been provided by the riv er while the problems have been our own creation. Our first emergency came with the first day that we cruised alone. On a calm stretch of the Missouri River between Nebraska City and Rulo, Nebraska the crew of the SS Centennial decided it would be helpful to practice dropping anchor. With all hands at their stations we cut the engines and heaved the stern anchor into the channel. We were complimenting each other on the smoothness of the operation when the anchor caught hold. As the current sucked the stern down, water began flooding into the wheel house. We realized that we assurance co. University of Nebraska startling tragi comedy it' rjv TTn hi' Mill 4 nf 3- U;-tHj lv I linn THE PHYSICISTS tola Blinds Nebraska River. did not have enough line and that we were supposed to drop the bow anchor first. Fine time to remember!' Everyone was too surprised to speak. We hurriedly put on our life jackets and as some of the crew worked to start the flooded engines the oth ers attempted to regain the anchor. With a choice be twee, indoor plumbing aboard the snip or one less anchor, we left the anchor as a souvenir for the Missouri River. CAMELIA PRICES ship down the Summer Theatre Presents of tfie Atomic Age 1 A revolution of major pro portions is presently occur ring In the ancient confines of Burnett Hall. While it isn't a social or political disruption, ilt will nevertheless have a dis tinct bearing on students en roling in the Romance Language Department in the upcoming semester. The Romance Language Laboratory, located in room 322 has been undergoing drastic revisions 6ince the conclusion of the spring se mester. Although a casual ob server may peer into the room, which i completely barren except for a few secluded chairs, and claim no work has been undertaken, a significant degree of revi Churchmen Commission The Great Plains Inter-Religious Commission will be in auguratedto churchmen from ten states at a 3-day constituting meeting which began yesterday at the Ne braska Center. The Commission will seek to assist people living in the Great Plains Region to meet their religious, social, educa tional, and economic inter ests. Discussion of Needs It will also "discuss prob lems, needs and interests which churches in the region have in common and unify efforts, the Commission being a cooperative venture on the part of participating congre gations," according to Dr. Otto G. Hoiberg, head of com munity Development Exten sion Division. The Great Plains Region is composed of Colorado, Kan sas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North and South Da kota, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming. Sub-Committee Origins The Commission originated as a suD-oommittee, neaaea by the Rev. Harold Huff, of the Division of Town and Country Church, National Council of Churches In con junction with the Great Plains Agricultural Society. About 50 clerical and lay church leaders will partici pate in the meeting, accord' ing to Dr. Carroll H. Lemon, executive secretary of the Na tional Council oi Churches n Lincoln. These leaders will represent both churches and inter-church agencies. Voluntary Membership Dr. Hoiberg said that mem bership in the Commission will be on a voluntary basis. Denominations invited to the DRUMSTICK: Anything from Filet Mignon to egg sandwich . . . and it's air-conditioned I FRIED CHICKEN BREAKFASTS PANCAKES STEAKS SEAFOODS Open 7 cm. to 9 p.m. every day, 547 North 48th . -ft. PROM 100 TO ftlOOO sion has already occurred. New lighting fixtures, a sound proof ceiling a n d a fresh painting have given the once drab surroundings a hint of the progress that will hope fully follow In time for the laboratory to begin operations in the fall. The Romance Language Laboratory, which is em ployed by the French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, will be similar In certain respects and different in oUhens to the operation last semester. Rather than two rooms se parated by a wall, there will be one spacious room where the instructor will operate the master switchboard on an ele- Attending Meeting participate include: American Baptist Convention, Southern Baptist Convention, Church of the Brethren, Assembly of God, Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ, Church of God, Episcopal Church, Evangeli cal United Brethren, Friends, and General Conference of Mennonites. Also invited are: Cumber land Protestant Church, Lu theran Church of America, American Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church-Missouri Sy nod, Methodist Church, United Presbyterian Church, South ern Presbyterian Church, Re formed C h u r c h of America, Roman Catholic Church, and Seventh Day Baptist Church. Thesis Baits Rats Rats! Kent Anger, a graduate student at the University of Wyoming, is doing his mas ter's thesis on maze-running rats and their reactions to re ceiving rewards. According to a wire service story, he ob tained 48 white rats to use in his experiments. Then he discovered too late - he's allergic to rats. Sport Shirts! Sport Shirts! Sport Sliirts! Shirts! pFtt SEiuiirtts! V f 0 ) NOW Choose from a wide selection of our famous label Sport Shirts now! Famous Brand Walk Shorts Vz OFF hi (Main'? tffalh I UNIVIMITY or MIMAUA-LIMCOLN 1127 August Howell vated platform overlook ing the entire class. The for! mer individual student booths have been removed and the modern equipment will be in. stalled in this renovating pro. cess. By means of he main switchboard, the student wir be able to listen to various tapes, which consist of native speakers reading repetitious pattern drills, on his ear. phones. As many as 12 dif ferent tapes can be channeled from the switchboard at a given time, giving the lab additional flexibility. Until this program becomes a reality, however, summer instructors, who are faced with the obstacle of aiding students in their pronun- ciation without the benefit of the lab, are tackling their problem in several ways. Marcia Oummings, Spanish instructor, stated, "I have tried to emphasize oral pro- nunciation in class. I pav special attention to get through the exercises in the textbook that deal with lab- oratory work. It would have been easier to use the lab as the nature of the tapes helps the student improve his con versational skills. He's not getting as much opportunity to improve as if the lab was in operation." R. W. Tyler, Professor of Romance Languages, commented that the lack of a lab has not made too much of a difference "although it's harder to get around to even,'- one in a classroom of 50 than in a lab of 20-25 persons . . . We'd rather operate as near peak performance as we pos sibly can." The professor's enthusiasm for the lab is apparently not reflected by the students. One student stated, "It's not geared to be interesting and the time would be better spent in additional classroom in struction." Regardless of one's views of the effectiveness of the lab, the f o r t h c o m i n g re modeled lab will be a further step in the University's con stant strive towards improve ment. OFF R Street 1 and 2 Theatre Friedrich Durrenmoft Air-Conditioned f ;V.