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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1965)
Wednesday, July 8, 1965 The Summer Nebraskan Page 3 Alumni Association Members Strive For Strong University The University Alumni As sociation has the responsibil ity for maintaining complete biographical records on all former students of the Uni versity as well as maintaining the membership of the Associ ation. The Association is also re sponsible for publishing the Nebraska Alumnus. The Alumnus appears six times a year in a magazine format and twice a year in a news paper format. The magazine is sent to all members of the Association, while the news paper is sent to every 'good' address for former students. 'Good' addresses include 55, 000 names. A total of 11,000 members wake up the Association, with 80 chapters around the coun try. The Association services these chapters through pro viding them with speakers for Founder's Day ceremonies, which are held on or around February 15th each year. Graduate Founders The Alumni Association was Started in 1874 by the first five graduates of the University. James Stuart Dales, William Snell, Frank Hurd, Uriah Ma lick and Wallace Stevenson met June 24, 1874 and "duly organized themselves into an alumni association, for pur poses of mutual social im provement and the advance L A"V. 1 F ill '' - N712 C i J me active caniornia aium group now makes it an annual event to return to the IY I For Eating Fun 4601 1 489-4601 4601 0 S? Pizza Hut :oxxxroooo - Bob's Barber Shop RAZOR CUTS-IVY LEAGUE-FLAT TOPS OUR SPECIALTY Call for appointment or come in Roy Wittrob Frank James Dick Olson 1315 P St. 435-2000 g1" This magazine is a "must" for every Ncbraslcan. Produced by the School of Journalism Depth Reporting Project, it tells the story of Nebraska's beauty. Fifteen pages of full color. Twelve exciting stories about the magnificent beauty of Nebraska. A treasure chest In stories and pictures. Read it enjoy it Send to: I'leav tend me oopirt of Tniri Farad m" Depth Report No. 3 J fc , J School of Joumallim ; Name University of Nebraika J Addrei. , ONLY $1.00 PER COPY n.. ......... ....r...... .......... ment of the interest of the University, whose memories and benefits they wish to per petuate." Their stated purpose was "to promote in every proper way the interest of our State University, and to foster among its graduates a senti ment of regard for each oth er, and of our attachment for our alma mater." The five men decided that the meetings of the group would be annually on the day preceding commencement. The membership grew from the five men in 1874 to 27 in 1879. At that time Dales said, "We have already n ached a point where the Alumni Association becomes something more than . a name, and henceforth it is destined to become a factor in the history of the Univer sity." Interest Increases By 1897 the Regents report ed that alumni were showing more interest in their organi zations. Class reunions had been planned, and arrange ments had been started for having a joint meeting of alumni of various colleges. In 1904 the University Jour nal was started in the "in terests of alumni and second soooooo - 3oooofl mm CJGBE1ASEI Af csiisi Prairio Paradox and! its Dcauty CJorj n Sale! ary education in Nebraska." At the June meeting in 1905, more than 400 alumni met together on the East Campus, then known as Ag campus. The Nebraska Alumnus magazine came into being in October, 1913. At that time, the Alumnus announced that three days would be especial ly celebrated each year Homecoming, Charter Day and Alumni Day at commencement. Roundup Held In June of 1922, the first alumni "Roundup" was held. It was announced at that time, that the Association had un dertaken the project of sta dium construction. In November of the same year a ten-year program was announced. It included a dor mitory system, stadium, gymnasium, library, muse um, a million-dollar fund for loans and scholarships and "'provision for the declining years of those who have giv en their lives to the Univer sity." In 1923 the Regents agreed to pay $5,000 a year toward upkeep of the Association in return for the maintenance of a complete list of graduates and ex-students, together with address and occupation. J-School Head Named To Study With Committee Dr. William E. Hall, direc tor of the School of Journalism at the University was recently named to a committee de signed to strengthen the co operation between news papers and journalism schools. Gene Robb, president of the American Newspaper Publish ers Association and Edward Barrett, president of the Asso ciation for Education in Jour nalism, in a joint statement said, "There is both need and opportunity for joint un dertakings by newspapers and journalism education in the development of outstanding professional person nel. in journalistic research and in other areas." Hall is a member of an As sociation for Education in Journalism committee. He will be working on a team with Nelson Poynter of St. Petersburg, Florida, who is working with an American Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation committee. l'ost-War Boom After the war years Assoc! ation membership, Rounduj and Homecoming luncheon attendance and club activities all reached new peaks. The Association started a Big Red athletic fund drive in 1954 to try to provide monej for athletic scholarships, ac cording to George Bastian. present executive secretary of the Association. The next big project for the Association was the Distin guished Teaching Fund. Now called the Regents' Professorship Program, and administered by the Univer sity Foundation, there are 12 professors involved in this program. To be a part of the pro gram, a professor must be a full professor and must be teaching rather than research ing. The outstanding profes sors meeting such qualifica tions are selected by the chan cellor and the Senate, accord ing to Bastian. Stay At University They then receive $3,750 stipends above their regular state salary, he said. The purpose of this program is to encourage outstanding profes sors to stay at the Universi ty rather than leaving for r University for Homecoming. SNCC Goal Set For Slimmer The summer program goal for the Student Non-Violence Coordinating Committee (SNCC) has been set at $1,300, according to John Schreckin ger, treasurer. SNCC, a nationwide civil rights organization, was or ganized at the University last November. The organization is concerned with the cause of the southern Negro, and supports community a c t i on programs. Three University graduates are assisting in voter registra tion, community center activi ties and supplementary educa tion of adults and children in Gulfport, Missippi, this sum mer. Contributions may be made to any member of S.N'CC or at a SNCC booth appearing per iodically in the Student Union. Student Teacher Musi Apply Now Elementary Education ma jors who wish to student teach during the summer session of 1906 must make application before July 30, 1965. Applications can be secured in room 202 Teachers College. WVAVWA'.W.'AV.V.V Summer Nebraskan VMur . rn.. Hii Mulllm .... Mur '. Inforuullw for rubllr.lloa ma. k lurnrd It) I II Nrir. Hall or 1114 I. al 4V-tnn. rtl. tU r Oi. Tk IH MWKK NBKA'iKVN la pub U"4 ''. Toraa. tvrlnf Uu fern. anr AVaaluna, SPECIAL IHSCOUXT TO STL'IEJTS FACULTY KAUFMAN'S Jewelers 1332 O For tMcktff who want mtro Money, more MngewM location or teoclel mtiftonco in mooting Mrticolor itvotion, contact: THE DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 501 Stuart Building Lincoln, Nebraika Phone: 432-4954 "Our arvl cav.n the cnNr Unit' ftoUt" Nt Itta or chorea ontll ran have receive acceptable eervlce. "AVENUE OFJYEARSl mmfoMttsAitor. '" ii mwiiiii i iniiiiiiiiiiii mJ The Alumni Roundup, which was begun in 1922, is now which many alumni return to the University for a visit. other higher-paying jobs. Bastian said that the Asso ciation would like to see the program increased to include about 30 professors. "We want to keep the good ones here," he said. "With the rapid increase in enrollment, we have to have a hard-core of instructors to build upon and attract other outstanding professors," Bas tian said. The purpose of the Alumnus magazine is to act as the offi cial journal of the University, according to Bastian. "There is no other publication which tells the story of the Univer sity as the Alumnus does," he said. "We try to keep our alum ni informed of enrollment trends, building and distin guished professors." he add ed. The present editor of the Alumnus, Mrs. Harriet Coble, is "retiring" in her own words to become a homemaker. She will be replaced September 1st by Miss Sally White. "Nothing Greater" According to Mrs. Coble, one of the most exciting ; around the Homecoming foot things about her job as editor i ball game. Next October, in You're A Nebraskan? Wharfs A- Nebraskan? EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol lowing story was written by i Peggy Speece, a June grad- uate of the School of Journal ism. Miss Speece, who was j sports editor of the Daily Ne I braskan, was the first woman to be allowed in the press 1 box to cover football games i at the University. She is pre i sently working for the Kan sas City Star. By Peggy Speece You're from Where? It's a small town about fifty miles west of Lincoln . . . Lincoln? If they are Missouri or Kan you know, the state sas U n 1 v e r s Ity graduates, i you've got 'em. Just casual Yeah, capital? Seems like I should know It's about 50 west of Omaha . miles south- j Oh sure. My wife has a cousin living in Omaha. Well, I come from a small town about 100 miles west of there Place called York. York, Nebraska. You know, I was in Nebras ka once . . . And for some reason, there by always hangs a tale that is sure to be nothing but derogatory. Even if the guy's dog got sick in Nebraska, somehow he blames the fact on the state. Whv the name Nebraska always brings a smile or a disbelieving look to the face of a non-native is mystifying. It isn't as though Kansas or Oklahoma were a whole lot different except Nebraska must have a funny sound to it. Even telephone operators act as though they never heard of Nebraska. Just try going to Kansas City, Al ii u q it e r que, or Minneapolis and placing a call to some where, anywhere In Nebras- is "the alumni. They're so vonderful and gracious." She said that returning from the football bowl games, she got the feeling that "There's nothing greater than Nebras ka alums." The annual Alumni Round- ups which are held in connec tion with commencement have had from 400 to 600 peo ple returning to participate, according to Bastian. The structure of the Associ ation today is built around its goal: to build a strong Uni versity. The Association's programs are financed by an nual dues and life member ships. Alumni College The Association sponsored the first annual Alumni Col lege four years ago. Held prior to commencement, this program gives alumni an op portunity to continue their education by returning to the campus to hear faculty mem bers discuss various topics of current interest. The major fall events for the alumni are centered ka. If you want to get ahold of someone in Wahoo, Nebras ka, you might as well give up. They never believe that one. And saying you were grad uated from the University of Nebraska is like admitting you once tried to climb Mt. Everest. People snicker. Thev i are convinced you only took j courses in Nebraska history, I j Nebraska geography and how to plant corn on a hillside. I I've found only one way to keep so-you're-from-Nebraska hecklers from gettine nastv. ly mention that there is a lit- 41- Lli . . ue on oi looioau piaycd in I V,.l...l. anna. It does wonders. jjou are (Dream to a Saturday afternoon, July 10, at 2:00 o'clock, Gold's fourth floor auditorium. Rocoption following. 03L an annual event during addition to the traditional Homecoming luncheon f o r alumni prior to the game, the various departments on the Lincoln campus will hold morning coffees for alumni. The return to Homecoming jhas become so popular that California alumni return an nually xor tne weeKena on a special plane. Promote Interest The 50 chapters of the As sociation play a major role in promoting continuing interest in the University and its Alumni Association. As the alumni have more leisure time (and the football team greater success), the Association stepped in with planes for European tours and flights to regular and post season football games. The Association provides special mailings to alumni to inform them of bowl game activities. The Association is open to any graduate or person who has attended the University for two semesters. "It (the Association) pro vides the means for appreci ative alumni to help insure that young people following them will have the same or bet ter opportuniies than they did," according to former As sociation Secretary James Pit tenger. 2 LOCATIONS 865 NO. 27th 5305 "O" ST. look For The Golden Arches Pure Beef Hamburger 15c Tasty Cheeseburger 20c Triple-Thick Shakes 20c Golden French Fries 1 0c Thirst-Quenching Coke 10c Delightful Root Beer 10c Steaming Hot Coffee 10c Delicious Orange Drink 10c Refreshing Cold Milk 12c OPEN ALL YEAR J invite (Bride weddi ma t