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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1964)
0 Thursday, January 9, 1964 'AN 18 STATE:' A Chance Student Council distributed its drinking opinion polls two days ago, and surprisingly, enough students were fill ing them out many seriously, some candidly, we hope truthfully. A random sampling of Hie polls shows that an over whelming majority of students both over and under 21 drink heartily and frequently. Although, they feel that Council is some kind of a Simon LaGree for even thinking abont attempting a study. What is important about the poll? The heading asks for age. The first question is: Do you drink? If the head ing says 17, 18, 19, or 20, and the first question is answered yes, then there is a problem. Students are not heeding the law. The question asking whether Council should "investi gate" the drinking problem does not imply that they think that drinking to excess is a problem. It means (and it should have been explained further): Do you think that students are violating the law in excess? Residents of Nebraska and consequently the papers of Nebraska are interested in this story, and if students are serious about trying to get the legislature to switch to an "18 state," support may be there. GARY LACEY UMUiaiiuMinriniiiiiiiiiiuniimiiiii iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiii laiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiia i The Bad Seed Over vacation, I bred a darling thought in the warm crevices of my brain. Having read "Happiness is a Warm Puppy." and a slightly smuttier version, I was entranced at the possibilities. Since I attend such a Happy and Gay University, it wasn't difficult to discover some of them. HAPPINESS IS . . . A Delt with binoculars the day the Alpha Chi's wash their windows. A smart girl with sloping shoulders in front of you during Botany tests. Not having a basketball ticket. Long knee socks when you didn't shave your legs. A skirt the same color as your mohair sweater. Dean Snyder not knowing your name. Burning your Business Law book, your Business Law notes, and your Business Law Professor. Two six packs. Gary Lacey printing editorials about the poor school ing for northern whites. Arnie Garson inheriting the campus book stores. Knowing you have enough hair spray. A deaf professor. A warning ticket A date with an apartment girl, Lincoln girl, sorority girl, or donn girl, In that order. Three pairs of clean shorts on Friday. A professor with legible handwriting. 1 High blood pressure during your army physical. All 10 o'clocks. Edible crib notes. A housemother who used to work with Gypsy Rose Lee. -Oimpusing all girls on the AWS board for late min utes with no excuse. The chemistry problem of the teacher's which exploded. itheinhardt teaching Criminology once more. So, count your blessings, multiply by your student I.D. number, and divide by the 42 yard line in Miami, remem r, Happiness is Jimmy Sidle with a hernia. EDITOR'S NOTE: Happiness is a good columnist N.S. ' BE A BETTHc ift WHM.rK 60QP mJt her should 'wit- i.f. i m ri I . . . - The uHfase of his sister or sisters should always be one of his chief concerns, he should 6 honest, thrifty and sincere... LliJiJ A DISH ..,V, OF CE OJBLL, 7U AN VOCLVOOfeE Gill, i " 11 - - Au. right i'd be 6lm to. A 600P WOTMER SHOULD BE KIND AND CONSIDERATE.. And Tpjcnwc a ur caiturm AND CQURfi&QQS AND SOLD ANp; rAI ItN I ANP bENCKuUS AND. imimi IT TO W IN ORDER THAT YOUR STAY HERE ON EARTH MI6HT BE MORE PLEASANT HAPPINESS IS A COMPLIMENT FROM VOUR SISTER I No Victory Story Dear Editor: I am writing in regard to yesterday's issue of the pa per in which there was no story at all on the 1964 Orange Bowl victory. I think this is drastically wrong since Nebraska Uni versity had not won a ma jor bowl victory ever. Of course, we won last year but remember this game was a much bigger deal. And also we had lost in the Rose Bowl game of 1941 and the Orange Bow! in 1955. Furthermore we had cTrV1 w" Otfir. i Cthol's - jounce cni wSw i 1! ,ook ;?2t m sod of yf ws I U These coh ere f lt . ' . U f M wool reinforced wY J fl M 1 1 sixes 9 through a to0 I I ifS S58SfW OPEN THURSDAY ife f 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. m ME'S AAV BOY. " good teams then but not the great team and coaching staff that we have today. Even though the game was one week ago today, re member everyone does not get a big town paper or Mi ami paper. Students always like to read about what their University has to say about their school and team. For this reason I feel that it was wrong not to have had any main story on our victory in the 1964 Orange Bowl. So, congratulations to the 1963 football team. Snowball The Daily Nebraska!. JOHN MORRIS, managing wiitnr: SIT! HOV1K. news editor; SUSAN SMITHRERBEH, GRANT PETER SON, FRANK PARTSCH. senior staff writers; LARRY ASM AN. MARV McNEFF, JERRI O'NEtLX. JERRY HOFKERRER, junior staff writers; PATTY KNAPP, ARNIE GARSON. CAY LEITSCHl'CK. copy editors; HAL FOSTER, photographer: MICK ROOD, tports editor; MIKE JEF FREY, circulation manager; JIM DICK. subscription manager; BILL Sl'NLICKS. BOB CUNNINGHAM. PETE LAGE, business assistant. Subscription rates 12 per semester or S.S per year. Entered as second class matter at :ne post office in Lincoln, Nebraska, under the act of August 4, 1912. The Daily Nebraskan is published at room M, Student Union, on Mon day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday by University of Nebraska students under the jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall be free from cen sorship by the Subcommittee or any person outside the University. Mem bers of the Nebraskan are responsible for what they cause to be printed. Read Nebraskan Want Ads By Bob Weaver What does it take to corner a group of people about a particular subject? Ade quate propaganda, emphasis by its leadership, or must the subject be inherently visible to each individual? Any of these choices might be a possible answer. It can be suggested that a combina tion of the above factors coupled with the spark of crisis, would be sufficient to concern a community about most problems. The Student Council is in the process of deciding if there is a drinking problem on campus and whether or not it warrants further in vestigation if it exists. Cer tainly, there is an underly ing crisis in this area which concerns not just this campus but the American society. However, state law precludes any effective action to deal with this problem in the university community alone. A further investigation might be war ranted if this were not true. What, as university stu dents, can we concern our selves with as being within our scope of problem solv ing? The answer to this question might be that we are generally flunking our intellectual and promotional report cards of conern f; the University of Nebraska. Intellectual concern goes beyond getting good grades and studying. It includes an interest in those seven lively arts. Energies are channeled into living unit and campus activities, social life, and athletics. This is certainly not to say that these are not a part of one's univer sity career; each is a ne cessary factor. But there is a lack of concern for scho Oil Campus 1964: YEAR OF DECISION Well sir, here we go into 1964, which shows e very sipi of bring quite a distinguished year. First off, it is the only year sine 1964 which ends with the Figure 4. Of course., when it comes to Figure 4's, 1964, though distinguished, can hardly compare with 1444 which, most people agree, had not just one, not just two, but three Figure 4's! This, I'll wager, is a record that will stand for at least a thousand years! 1444 was, incidentally, notable for many other things. It was, for example, the year in which the New York Giants played the Philadelphia Athletics in the World Series. As w all know, the New York Giants Jiave since moved to San Fran cisco and the Philadelphia Athletics to Kansas City. There is a movement afoot at present to move Chicago to Phoenix the city, not the baseball team. Plwenix, in turn, would of course move to Chicago. It is felt that the change would b broadening for residents of both cities. Many Chicago folks, fv example, have never seen an iguana. Many Phoenix folks, on the other hand, have never seen a frost! lite. ft There are, of course, certain difficulties connected with municipal shift of this size. For instance, to move Chicugo) you also have to move Lake Michigan. This, in itself, present no great problem, wliat with modern scientific advances like electronics and the French cuff. But if you will look at your map, you will find Lake Michigan is attached to all the other Great Lakes, which in turn are attached to the St. Lawrem Seaway, which in turn is attached to the Atlantic Ocean. You start dragging Lake Michigan to Phoenix and, willy-nilly, you'll Vie dragging all that other stuff too. This would make our British allies terribly cross, and I can't say as I blame them. Put yourself in their place. What if, for example, you were a British costermoiiger who had leen saving and scrimping all year for a summer holiday at Brighton B!ch, and then when you got to Brighton Beach there wasn't any ocean? There you'd be with your inner tube and anorkel and nothing to do all day but dance the Lambeth Walk. This, you must agree, would not tielp make you NATO-minded ! 1 appeal most earnestly to the residents of Chicago and Phoenix to reconsider. 1 know it' no bowl of cherries going through life without ever seeing an iguana or a frostbite, but I ask you Chicagoans, Phoenicians is it too big a price to pay for preserving the unity of the free world? 1 feel sure that if you search your hearte, you will make tha right decision, for all of us whether we live in frog&ittea Chicago, iguana-infested Phoenix, or narrow-lapelled New llaveu are first and foremost Americans! But I digress. We were speaking of 1964, our new year. And new it is! There is, for one thing, new pleasure in MarllKtra Cigarettes. How, you ask, can there lie new pleasure in Marlboros when that fine flavorful blend of tobaccos, that clean efficient Selectrate filter, have not been altered? The answer is simple: each time you light a Marlboro, it is like the first time. The flavor is such that age cannot wither nor custom stale. Marlboro never palls, never jades, never dwindles into dull routine. Each puff, each cigarette, each pack, eh carton, makes you glad all over again that you are a Marlboro smoker! Therefore, Marlloro in hand, let us march confidently into 1964. May good fortune attend our ventures! May serenity reign! May Chicago and Phoenix soon recover from their dis appointment and join our bright cavalcade into a brave to morrow 1 imm MSI StlUlRMS) ' We, the maker of Marlboro, available in toft pack or Hip. top box In all Mty etatet of the Union, with to join Old Man in extending good withe for a happy and peaceful 1964. lastic and cultural excel lence at the university. Contrary to Dr. Freeman B. Decker's o p 1 n I o n, the University should have as its primary goal to stimu late the student to think, examine his own life, consider,- and become involved with society and its prob lems in order to become a useful citizen. And then secondly, it should provide the necessary occupational education to make it possi ble for each student to be come an employed rather than an unemployed mem ber of society. The University communi ty is composed of the facul ty, ministration and stu dent body. If a university is to stimulate studentsto learn, these three groups must not just tolerate each other, but must establish close communication and working relationships espe cially at the undergraduate level. It Is generally accept ed that faculty student working communication Is nearly non-existent. Few professors take time to contribute to the Daily Nebraskan or few students desire after class seminar discussions. Student activi ties generally are certainly not geared to this goal. The faculty (and administration) is as guilty of this climate of non-engagement as is the student body. This is not to say that there are not some few no table exceptions such as the history club and Dr. Knapp's recent newspaper article. Possibly the Student Council could consider pro moting a few more excep tions. with ArUtor of Rally Bound tl Flag, Boysr and "Barefoot Boy With Cheek.")