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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1964)
RanhgJIenic Proposes New Plan Officers' Councils To Meet Bimonthly Panhellenic Council recom mended a form of reorganiza tion in its Monday meeting, The plan was taken to soror ity houses Monday night and the votes will be reported back to the Council at the next meeting. The plan calls for the addi tion of officers' councils to meet twice a month. There would be six new councils, one each for the presidents, standards chairmen, pledge trainers, scholarship chair men, rush chairmen and for the activities and social chair' men. The activities and social chairmen would alternate meetings. The purpose of these coun cjls would be to discuss mu tual problems and to make recommendations to the Pan' hellenic Council. The plan is intended to make the Panhellenic more of a uni fyine group, according to Susie Walburn, president. The Panhellenic Council will remain unchanged. Chair men of the officers' council would be Panhellenic dele gates appointed according to interest and experience. Dele' gates not serving as chair men of councils would com' prise the regular Panhellenic committees. An alternate plan would pro' vide 'for the chairmen of the council elected from the coun cils with Panhellenic dele gates serving as advisors. It was pointed out that if the councils did not feel that meetings needed to be held that frequently, they could set up meetings as often as they felt was necessary. The plan would go into ef fect with the new officers. Moot Court Victors Told Winners of the Law College sophomore round moot court held in the three weeks be fore Christmas vacation have been announced. The six pairs of winners are the following: Richard Schmeling and David Shep hard, Vincent Dowding and Jerome Hoffman, Gregory Brady and Thomas Henley, Kenneth Keens and Byron Sal lesen, John Masselman and Lloyd Hoppner, and Arlen Beam and Larry Carstenson. Beam and Carstenson won the whole sophomore round. The Law College's moot court consists of pairs of stu dents arguing before a pre tend supreme court. They wite their own briefs and argue for a half hour before a panel of three judges. All Law College sophomores are required to take part in this court. The winners were selected out of 42 students. There are two moot courts held in the sophomore year and a final one held in the senior year. Winners of the first two courts may take part in later ones. Interviews Frank HaHgren, director of University Placement Service, has announced the following on-campus interview schedule for senior students during the remainder of this week and the week of January 13. Interviews will be held at the Placement Office 340 Stu dent Union. WEDNESDAY. JAN. General Union Corp., Hudenti recehr. Ins all degree level In Ch.E., M E. E E., I.E., emir, eel., ebem, math and physlca Omaha Public Power District, tudesta recelvlnc B.S In E.E., and M.E. THURSDAY, JAN. General Motors Corp., students recelv tnc BS. and St. A. In accounting, manu Growth and accomplish ments of the University came into sharp focus dur ing 1963, but there were sobering implications for wie immediate future of higher education in the state. Most spectacular was the all-time record enrollment of 11,450 students for the fall semester o v e r 1,000 more than a year ago and over 2,000 more than in the fall of 1961. At this rate, the University's enroll ment could approach the 20, 000 mark in the early 70's. Along with enrollment, the University building program provided visual evidence of steady growth In the physi cal plant. Buildings com Vol. 77, No. 44 If q ri .3 ' t "' J ' ksv (J -v.- I if ., f ?- " wiwi 1 """ -n-H.n,. M.MM..,J ' - Bowl Win Stirs Cheers, Celebration HUSKER HCTORY DANCE Happy Jean Barber and Sally Jones led the Ne braska Cheerleaders and Pom Pom Girls in a rousing sideline victory dance after the Husker's dropped Auburn, 13-7, in the New Year's Day Orange Bowl classic in Mi ami. It was Nebraska's first Orange Bowl win. Hardin Congratulates Nebraskans In Miami Chancellory Clifford Hardin Tuesday issued this statement concerning the showing of NU students at the Orange Bowl in Miami. "Congratulations, not only to the members of the 1963 Big Eight Conference Champion Cornhuskers and their coach es, but also to all of the Uni versity of Nebraska represent atives who were such excel lent ambassadors of our Uni versity and State at the Or ange Bowl. Every participant the football team members, the members of the first-place relay team, the bandsmen, Miss Burns, the pompom girls, cheerleaders every one earned a special 'thank you' from Nebraska. A special congratulation is due Gil Gebo who was se lected for one of three ma jor individual awards present ed to outstanding performers at the Orange Bowl track meet where teams from 14 universities and colleges com peted. to be Held facturing and Bus. Ad. FEIDAY, JAN. 1 International Harvester Co., students re ceiving B.S., M S. In Ag. E., C.E.. E. M ME and chem U.S. Naval Research Laboratory stu dents receiving all degree levels in chem., math., physics. E E., C.E.. M.E. MONDAY, JAN U Continental Oil Co., students receiving B.S. hi Bus. Ad. TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Metropolitan Utililtes District, students receiving B.S., M.S." In EE., C.E. and E. 1 Pittsburgh Plate Class Co., to be an nounced. WEDNESDAY, JAN. U Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., to be an nounced. Beckman Instruments, Inc., students re ceiving B.S. In E.E. and life science for technical marketing; M.S. In biomedi cal electronics; Ph.D in biophysics, bi ochemistry and physiology. J.l. Case Co., students receiving BA in M.E. E. I.E. pleted during the year in cluded: Dormitories housing 967 students named in honor of two famous Nebraskans Louise Pound and Willa Cather. Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery which attracted 65, 000 persons during the first six months of operation. The Gallery is located at the site of the old chemistry build ing and near the former ad ministration building which housed seven chancellors. Poultry complex at the College of Agriculture and Home Economics which pro vides facilities for research under controlled conditions. Construction Is proceeding on the new Behlen Physics Council Poll To Determine Campus Drinking Situation The Student Council public opinion poll booth will be open all day today in the Student Union for anyone who wishes to fill out a questionnaire for the Student Council's drink ing survey, according to Mike Barton, public relations chair man for Student Council. Barton said that about 1300 of the forms, which include questions on students' drink ing habits and opinions, have been distributed to all living units on campus. Anyone not receiving one of these polls may clip the form from to day's DAILY NEBRASKAN and turn it in to either the booth in the Union or the Stu dent Council office. No report on the content of the forms will be made at this weeks meeting, said Bar ton, due to the time required to process and evaluate the information therein. He added that he has read some of the opinions already returned and most were "forthright and se rious, or at least candid." Following the general poll the Council will conduct a random sample consisting of 100 of the forms mailed to representatives of various liv ing units distributed accord ing to what percentage the unit makes up of the total sudent body. 'The random sample will be a validity check," said building, an agricultural li brary and bids were let for another student dormitory. Workmen are remodeling Nebraska HaH and adding to the power plant. Other University high lights of 1963: Nebraska's football team won the Big 8 cham pionship and received an in vitation to play Auburn in the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. E. W. Janike was named dean of Extension in addi tion to director of the Ag cultural Extension Service. Dr. Knute O. Broady, veter an director of the Extension Division, retired during the year. T h Department of The Daily Nebraskan Barton. "If it correlates with the general poll it would tend to validate the results of the general poll as representa tives of the entire student body." Barton explained that ap proximately one half of the forms in the random sample will go to unaffiliated Lincoln students, who make up about half of the student body. In explaining the roll of the Council in the drinking prob lem, Barton said, "This sur vey is not intended to be a conclusive, definitive study of college drinking habits, worthy of publcation in a so ciological journal. Junior Panhell Sock Collection Termed Success The Junior Panhellenic Council collected 620 pairs of socks just before Christmas to give to the Lincoln Com munity Emergency Fund, ac cording to Sally Morrow, pub licity chairman. The Fund is for underpriv ileged families. "We felt that the drive was very successful," Miss Mor row said. "I think it would have been even better how ever if it had occurred at a time other than Christmas." Home Economics was ele vated to a School of Home Economics and the title of the College of Agriculture was changed to include Home Economics. The Eppley Institute for research on cancer and al lied diseases was dedicated at the College of Medicine in Omaha. More than $5 million in research and training grants were received by the Uni versity in fiscal 1962-63. A new method of teach ing English to small chil dren developed at the Eng lish Curriculum Center drew praise from educators throughout the nation. Through cooperation of ffmds in)GeOlldl; Because of lack of federal funds, the University's re search projects in the Ag Re' search Program will be dis continued, according to Pearle Finniflan, state director of Ag riculture. Finniean stated that $89,000 will be withheld by the fed' eral government. This sum is the death blow that is being dealt to the research projects, he added. Editors Alter Award Policy The Daily Nebraskan will not present its outstanding Nebraskan Awards this se mester, according to editor Gary Lacey. In the past, outstanding stu dents, teachers and adminis trators were chosen from nominations at the end of each semester to be honored at an awards luncheon. "A vote of the editors of this semester's Daily Nebras kan revealed that they feel that the award should be given on a yearly basis in stead of being given every semester; the winners will now be announced in the spring," said Lacey. "Our study Is more partiu lar,more specific. We are at tempting to summarize the opinions of Nebraska students relating to the drinking sta tutes and the roll of the Stu dent Council in evaluating these statutes. "A n d finally, we are espe cially interested in collecting student suggestions concern ing the solution of the drink ing problem. As far as I am concerned, the problem is the gap between the law and the reality of the situation. "The problem is not neces sarily students drinking or senators legislating; it is the dissonance between these two factions and that is what we hope to alleviate." Student Council Opinion Poll Age Sex 1. TM von drink alcoholic beverages tn any form? (Yon may explain thia ai regards to how often ana now mucn.j 2. Present Nebraska State Law reads: (according to posters in liquor stores) "Warning to minors: You are subject to a fine up to $250, W days In iuil, or both; if a minor and you purchase or attempt to purchase, or have in your possession alcoholic liquor. Imprisonment for not less than three days nor more than five days and a fine of not leas than S100 and not more than (290 will be enforced if a minor using false or altered identification. Warning to adults: $500 fine and 15 days in jail if over 21 and you purchase alcoholic liquor for a minor." Do you think this law if too severe, too lenient, or adequate? t. Ito you think the drinking (11081100 on this campus warrants Investigation by the Student Council? 4. What solutions and -or action would you suggest to solve the problem of stu dent urinking. If the problem warrants consideration? a research team, the depart ,ment of electrical engineer ing and the College of Med icine, progress was made in recording heart activity to aid diagnosis of heart ail ments. Agronomists continued work on hybrid wheat after obtaining the basic genetic tools a year ago. Other sci entists continued the battle against corn rootworms and Dutch Elm disease which is spreading across the State. More than LS million persons attended meetings conducted by University Ex tension specialists and coun ty agents throughout the State. A livestock judging Ml ark Flnnigan said, "We have given the University a six month notice in advance to July 1, 1964. This is to prevent the University from starting any new research projects and then having to discontinue them in the middle." Financial aid will continue until that date, Finnigan added. He said that he first re ceived notice of the cancel lation of federal funds in a letter from Orville Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture. The letter was dated Dec. 1. Dr. Herbert Kramer, direc tor of University experimental stations, said "This means we must close the projects out completely. We have no other alternative. We shall attempt to publish what information is available at this stage of research, and will place our plants in cold storage with hopes that financial support can be secured before we lose the seed." Kramer yesterday refused to comment further on the sit uation or to divulge any names of those researchers NU Seeks Property For Music Building The University has asked the City of Lincoln to vacate a half block of Uth street south of the campus between R and the alley north of Q street; for construction of a Uni versity music building. University Business Manager Carl Donaldson said the request is made contingent upon the University's acquisi tion of three lots facing 11th street west of the present music building. The 1963 Legislature appropriated $1.5 million toward the construction and equipment of a new University music facility. If the city will permit 11th street to be closed as re quested. Donaldson said the University would pursue ne gotiations for purchase of property on the west side of 11th and develop plans to place the new building in that area and the present music building site. The University now owns about a half block on the east side of 11th where the present music building, constructed in 1896, is now located. This area, however, is considered too limited for a new structure, Donaldson said. Donaldson said he made the University request for vacation of 11th street in a letter to Mayor Dean H, Peter sen under date of December 31. Junior IFC To Interview For Ball Queen Finalists Interviews for the Junior Interfraternity Council (Jr. IFC) Queen will be held in the south party room of the Student Union tonight and tomorrow evening. Five finalists will be chosen by the Jr. IFC executive and social committees and will be presented at the Jr. IFC Ball. The candidates, their sor orities, the fraternities they represent and their interview times are : Wednesday: Barb Atkinson, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 7:10; Kay Johnson, Kappa Alpha Theta, Chi Phi, 7:20; Diana Focht, Pi Beta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, 7:30; Kathy Benslnger, Alpha Xi Delta, Beta Sigma Psi, Jane Miller, Kappa Alpha team won the contest at the American Royal in Kansas City for the first time since' 1938. A new 1410 IBM com puter was installed at the Computing Center to meet the needs of professors and studentit in nearly every col lege. Enrollment at the Col lege of Agriculture and Home Economics increased IS per cent the largest per centage increase of any sim ilar college in the nation. The University inaugur ated an exchange program with El Colegio de Mexico. Several Nebraska students took part in the exchange program this year. Wednesday, January 8r 1964 who are involved. He did say, however, that the researchers will be placed in new positions on the staff. The Ag Research Program which has attracted nation wide interest figured highly in Governor Morrison's last cam paign program. He made na mention of it at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Omaha, when he announced his plans for the next election. Finnigan made no statement concerning the status of ex tensive research projects un der contract with Midwest Re search Institute, Kansas City, Mo., Foster D. Snell, Inc. of New York, or other research programs in progress. Worksheets Due Soon For Junior Division Junior Division students must have their worksheets turned in tomorrow if they want to register early, accord ing to Dr. F. W. Hoover, reg istrar. He said that failure to turn in worksheets means that these students must wait until Feb. 7 to register. Theta, Alpha Gamma Sigma, 7:50; Pam Wilson, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Triangle, 8 p.m.; Kathy Glade, Delta Gamma, Theta Xi, 8:10; Di ana Heckman, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Gamma Rho, 8:20; Diane Smith, Alpha Phi, Delta Upsilon, 8:30; Barb Smith, Kappa Alpha Theta, Beta Theta Pi, 8:40; Carolyn Rankin, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Sigma, 8:50. Thursday: Mary Lynn Al berding, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, 7:10; Jan Schmadeke, Delta Gamma, Sigma Chi, 7:20; Regina Mil ner. Pi Beta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, 7:30; Joanne Renier, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Nu, 7:40; Claudia Ostwinkle, Delia Gamma, Acacia, 7:50; Bea Baxter, Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Alpha Mu, 8 p.m.; Bonnie Sattorie, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Tau Delta, 8:10; Donna Staberg, Zeta Tau Alpha, Sigma Phi Ep silon, 8:20; Nancy Hoffman, Kappa Alpha Theta, Farm House, 8:30; Carol Johnson, Alpha Omicron Pi, Pi Kapoa Phi, 8:40; Susan Cunningham, Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Delta Theta, 8:50. Firemen Fight Blaze Near Love Library A cigarette thrown into the steam tunnel north of Love Memorial Library might have been the cause of yesterday's fire there, according to Camp us Police and the Lincoln Fire Department The Lincoln Fire Depart ment fought the blaze wita two fire engines and a truck for approximately 25 minutes before extinguishmg the fire.