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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1961)
J W.Q i nnn g "H 8 1961 unces JL Sy By Sue Hovlk "In an attempt to carry out the purposes of the AWS point system in a more sat isfactory way. the AWS board has recently thoroughly reJ vised the program." accord ing Irs Nancy "Tederman, chairman of the AWS point system. The AWS point system pro posed for 1861 is defined by this general statement: "No woman student at the Univer sity may be a member of more than three organiza tions, two of which she may be a chairman, officer, "or board member. Honoraries and professional organizations do not count." The general rules are: (1) No woman may hold more than one presidency with the exception of hon oraries and professional groups. (2) No woman may be a member of more than two boards. Boards include ex ecutive officers, regular boards (such as AWS Board, and IWA Board) and spe cial cases depending on the organization. (3) No woman may hold more than two chairman ships. (4 No woman may hold member of more than three activities with the excep tion of honoraries and pro fessional organizations. The following are consid ered boards: Ag Exec board, Ag Student Union, AUF board, AWS board, Builders board, IWA board, Student Union board (program council mem bers) for city and ag cam puses, Tassels junior board, WAA board, Ag YWCA board, YWCA executive board, Red Cross board, the pledge trainer of the sorority. Student Council officers and holdover senior members, Panhellenic president and vice president, Cornhusker managing editor, section edi tor, panel editor, assistant business managers and the Daily Nebraskan junior and senior staff writers, copy edi tors and assistant business managers. The following are consid ered as memberships: Aqua- quettes, Orchesis, debate team, Huskerettes, Cadence Countesses, cheerleaders, Mu dent Tribunal. Student Coun cil, presidents of professional groups, presidents of Honor aries, assistants to chairmen of any activity and the schol arship chairman, social chair man, treasurer and standards board chairman of sororities. The exception to the treas urers are those of Chi Omega, Sigma Kappa and Love Me morial Hall. Presidencies include the fol lowing: presidents of all or ganizations with the exception of honorariesNHtd-arotfissional ! campus organizations bv nro- groups, presidents of sororfcrftdiiig 4&ejnjirith officers who ties and dorms, the editor, associate editors, and b u s i ness manager of the Corn husker, and the editor, man aging editor, news editor, and business manager of the Daily Nebraskan. Miss Tederman said that this new point system will be in effect for the women students in the forthcoming elections and thus should be considered very seriously. The purpose of the po i n t system is three-fold: 1) To increase efficiency of will have sufficient time to devot to the proper execution of their duties. 2) To benefit the individual student, protecting her health and assuring her time to ful fill satisfactorily her scholas tic requirements by guiding her selection of the number of extra-curricular activities in which she can participate. 3) To benefit the campus as a whole by distributing activ ity offices among the many students capable of assuming responsibility. In order to more success fully carry out this purpose the AWS Board has decided to drop the previous sytem for pointing activities, which was based on a total of eight points. Miss Tederman said that the new simplified sys tem categorizes the various activities and offices in these activities rather than pointing them. If a woman student feels she is over-pointed, she may appeal to the point court. If the rules are violated, the court can make the girl drop an activity. Larly Registration Fee Paying Set For Exam Period J HC Plans hae been made for early registra tion and fee paying for the second semester by a Student Council committee working in con junction with the registrar. On Jan. 17, 18, 19, students will pick up appointment cards for paying fees in the Pan American room of the Student Union. Each student will choose the day and half hour in which he wishes to pay fees, provided that there are still cards available for that day and half hour. The days for paying fees are Jan. 29, 30 and 31 in tne r nysicai edu cation building. Fees were formerly paid during semes ter break and students were just assigned a time. Early registration and fee paying stresses the responsi bility of the individual stu dent to carry his share of the load in order to make the process a smooth one. The individual student will be responsible for 1) obtain ing the necessary early regi stration materials from the appropriate place; 2) seeing his adviser during the advis ing period; 3) turning in his own worksheet at the proper time and location; 4) picking up his own appointment card n one of the three designat ed day; 5) keeping his ap pointment for paying fees. The appointment system re duces the time spent paying fees to approximately 15 min utes. Since the days for pay ing fees are the last three days of the final examination period, each student should be sure that the time he chooses does not conflict with his final examinations. It is strongly recommended that each student have several time preferencts in mind in case his first preference is not available. ' This system is not merely an administrative conveni ence to regulate the flow of students. Rather, it is an ef fort to accommodate the stu dent, whose appointment card the PA If itxn wmm Vol. 75, No. 43 The Nebraskan Friday, December 8, 1961 hers Stay- in Neb literally "stands in line" for him, thus enabling him fo pays his fees in a few min utes during the busy final ex amination period. Students who fail to turn in work sheets or fail to keep their appointments for fee paying will be forced to go through registration proced ures the hard way. Transfer students and former students returning to school will have precedence over the students who have failed to fulfill their responsibilities, v Registration materials will be available today at the fol lowing places, 207 Agriculture Hall for Agriculture College students; 210 Social Science Building for Business Admin istration students; the Regis trar's Office (208 Administra tion) for the rest of the stu dents. - - - -. December 11-22 and Janu ary 8-12 are the days for ap pointments with advisers. Students should contact their adviser to see when he will be available during this pe riod. Work sheets are to be turned in January 9-12 at the following locations: (1 Arts and Sciences Col lege at the Registrar's Office. (2 Agriculture College at 207 Agriculture Hall. (i Business Administration College at 210 Social Science Building. (4 Teachers College stu dents should consult their ad viser for further information. (5 College of Engineering and Architecture at the reg istrar's office. Nebraska schools attracted 60 per cent of the teachers graduated from the Umver sity last year according to the annual teachers placement report released today. This percentage indicates that perhaps University trained teachers are becom ing more reluctant to leave the state for other parts of the country. The annual report of the University's Teacher College placement division, covering activities of the 1960-61 school year, shows that the division Art Galleries Show Bronze Sculpture Thirty-two pieces of bronze sculpture created by Univer sity art professor David W. Seyler are on display now in the Morrill Hall art galleries. These pieces represent the work which Prof. Seyler has produced since 1958. Many of them were done while he was on a year's leave of absence from the University to Italy. The sculptures were pro duced by the "lost wax cast ing art" during 1959-60 in Florence, Italy. A grant from the Woods Charitable Founda tion permitted Prof. Seyler to study in Europe. The exclusive Tornabuoni dealers' art gallery in Flor ence, held a one-man exhibi tion of Prof. Seyler's work. The same show as is on dis play in Morrill Hall also was displayed in Vienna and the American House in Munich. Prof. Seyler joined the Uni versity in 1948 and has taught subjects in painting, composi tion, design, ceramics, letter ing, drawing and sculpture. The bronze display will be on exhibit until January 1. was able to place a teacher for every 14 requests it re ceived in Nebraska. However, the division placed only one teacher for every 110 requests from out side of the state. The total number of re quests, for teachers was 23,' 785, or 12 per cent more than the previous year. Despite this increased demand, only 571 teachers, or six fewer than Couples Attending Ball To Dance In 7th Heaven Couples will literally be dancing in seventh heaven during the 1961 Military Ball at Pershing auditorium Fri day. Air Force ROTC is spon soring the formal social sea son opener and is creating a variety of "Out of This World" decorations for the event. ; - On the east wall, the moon will be seen rising over the horizon. The big dipper prop erly oriented, and displays of lesser star formations will also be on the walls. Hanging from the ceiling will be various heavenly bodies. The center of the Mill 'ary Ball's solar system will be Jupiter. The largest planet in our solar system, it will be banded by clouds and sur rounded by its four moons. Two moons will orbit Mars, which will be red with other colors marking canals, seas, NIA Show Will Feature Culture, Customs, Talent "Culture on Campus" will be the theme of the Nebraska International A s s o c ia tion (NIA) talent and style show to be presented Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. The show, according to Mehrdad Rassekh, MA publi city chairman, is designed to acquaint American students, faculty and Lincoln residents with the customs and fashions of the countries represented at the University. Jagjit Singh will serve as master of ceremonies for the show and Mrs. Olga Steele will narrate for the fashion show. The Culture on Campus show will include a Japanese Tea ceremony and nine talent acts. The acts include a Ven ezuelan singer, a United States singer, the Selleck Quadrangle Quartet, a group of singers from Turkey and an Indian singer. In addition to the tinging talent the show mill feature a Japanese har monic player, a Debka dance which Is an Arabian dance, a flaminco guitar and castinets and a La Cruca which is a Bolivian dance. The show is presented free of charge. ft , , -1 ) . - , ! W f., i i ' rt4: 5 CREAM OF CULTURES Preparing for the NIA "Culture on Campus" presen tation Sunday evening are, from the left, Christy Frosch hueser, Youscf Meshiea from Lib j la, and Victor Brooks from Jamaica. Wenke Fund Establishes Law Grant The University of Nebraska Foundation announced today a $5,000 trust agreement to es tablish the "Judge Adolph E. Wenke Memorial Scholarship Fund" for scholarships in the University's College of Law. The $5,000 donation, which will be made in installments of $500 annually for ten years, was given by Robert A. Wenke of Long Beach, Calif., and William F. Wenke of San ta Ana, Calif. Both are sons of the late Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Adolph E. Wenke." Perry W. Branch, director- secretary of the Foundation, said the scholarship fund will "commemorate the outstand ing legal ability and fine cit izenship of Adolph E. Wenke." The scholarship committee of the College of Law will se lect the recipients of the scholarships and decide how many will be given In an ac ademic year. Applicants for the Wenke scholarship should be s t u- dents in the College of Law who are worthy of financial aid and who show leadership abilities. They must also be graduates of accredited Ne braska high schools, and pre ference will be given to resi dents of the Third Supreme Court District of the state. and polar caps. Multi-colored rings will surround Saturn, which will have bluish polar caps and five satellites. Neptune Neptune, Pluto and Mer cury will be a little distance away from these major plan ets. A fifteen-Toot mock Atlas missile will occupy the cen ter of the dance floor. On the walls of the auditorium and on the stage, there will be numerous other models of our nation's latest guided missiles and rocket ships. Completing the solar effect will be a' suspended space station and rocket ship. The Glenn Miller Orchestra, directed by and featuring Ray McKinley, will provide the dancing music. Highlights of the evening include the Grand March, and the crowning of the Honorary Commandant and the service queens. Pictures for the Military Ball will be taken in the northwest corner of the Audi torium. Sponsored by the Ar nold Air Society, the pictures, 3x5 inches in size, are priced at two for $3 which is payable at the time they are being taken. The pictures will be mailed to the students. Among the guests who will be attending the Ball are Gov ernor and Mrs. Frank A. Morrison, Major General and Mr. Lyle A. Welch, Chan cellor and Mrs. Clifford M. Hardin, and Dean and Mrs. J. P. Colbert. last year, accepted new posi tions. Dr. Wesley C. Meierhenry, director of the placement di vision, said that Nebraska schools seem to be doing a better job in holding their teachers. This has been no ticeable in the division's re port for the past two years, he added. He noted that Nebraska schools made 2,494 requests, 172 more than last year, and was able to attract 60 per cent of the teachers who ac cepted new positions. Dr. Meierhenry also pointed out that California submitted 4,328 requests, 77 more than the previous year, but only 42 Nebraskans accepted posi tions five less than the pre vious year. Colorado Colorado received the sec ond highest number of Ne braska teachers, 34, with Iowa hiring 24; Illinois, 16, Kansas, 13, Washington, 11; and less than 10 each for 30 other states. Dr. Meierhenry said, "As incredible as it may seem, the total number of requests received in lOjO 11 years ago was 3,185, while the in- Correction The Student Council has expressed a wish to clarify their action on the com mencement location change. Monday's issue of the Daily Nebraskan stated that "Student Council members favored changing the loca tion of spring commence ment exercises to Pershing Auditorium by a vote of 16 to 15." However, there was no of ficial vote, Council mem bers merely expressed pref erence by a straw vote of 16 to 15 concerning change of location for the February commencement only. raska crease alone last year over the previous year was 2,732. In other words, the increase in one year was almost equal to the total number of re quests received in 1950." He also reported that of the graduating seniors last June, 185 of them signed contracts in Nebraska, while 82 took po sitions out of the state. Requests were received from 93 Nebraska counties and placements were made in 65 of the counties. The report also shows that the biggest shortage is in ele mentary schools, which sub mitted 11,170 requests for teachers. High schools offered 8,010 positions; juriior highs, l,699f colleges, 2,345; and jun ior colleges, 230. For public school administration posi tions, 331 requests. were sub mitted, of which 143 were filled. Union Ski Trip Promises w Parties, Fun, Rides in Snow HURRY I u ) until vacation Skiing, sleigh riding and in formal parties will be a part of the fun during this year's semester break for all going on the Union Ski Trip to Win ter Park, Colo. Due to the popularity of this year's trip the original limit of seventy-five has been re moved and no limit has been set. Eighty six have signed up in the Student Union pro gram office and more are expected by the Dec. 15 dead line. The trip's co is $80, which includes for the four dayt: transportation, lodging, food, ski equipment, ski lessons, and insurance. On Monday (Dec. 11) all those going or interested in the trip will meet In the Union Auditorium at 4 p.m. A film of last year's trip, which will show what can be ex pected of the coming trip will be run. At this meet ing further information will be given along with a chance to ask questions and pay the ten dollar deposit. A leaflet has been put out by the Union recreation com mittee which is sponsoring Uie trip. It gives an idea of what to take and suggests some exercises to develop skiing muscles and balance. Eager skiers are advised to wear their ski clothes on the train so they will be ready to go when they arrive. The group and chaperons which will consist of Univer sity people leaves Lincoln by train at midnight, Febr. 1 and arrives at Winter Park about 10:52 a.m. the same day.. Accomodations, have been made at two inns in or der to handle the large group. At 1:11 p.m., Febr. 4 the students will start their jour ney back arriving in Lincoln at midnight. Nebraska is not the only campus to sponsor ski trips. Kansas University will be in Winter Park during their semester break which is a week before the Nebraska group arrives. Singers Present Carol Program The University Singers will present a Christmas Carol concert Sunday afternoon in the Student Union ballroom. There will be two perform ances at 3 and 4:30 p.m. The Singers will present a group of carols and will be accompanied by a string quartet which will also play "Sinfonia" and "Fantasy on Polish Carols." Tickets are free and may be obtained at the Student Union main desk. PBK Elects 12 New Members Nine seniors and three med ical students were announced last night as newly elected members of the University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, top scholastic honorary soci ety for liberal art students. Speaker for the annual win ter meeting was Bemice Slote, associate professor of English, whose address was "In England, Now." The seniors were: Nancy Carroll, a French major; Fred Forss, psycholo gy major; Harvey Hartman, political science; Alan Plum mer, chemistry; Fred Rick ers, mathematics; Jim Samples, political sci ence; Richard Schmoker, po litical science; Darrell Shep ard, philosophy; Sharyn Wat son, political science. Medical college students who were graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences in June are: Wayne Phillips, Shirley Simmons and Carl White. Group Seeks Nominations For Dean Nominations for a new dean of student affairs are being sought from University staff members by the Chancellor's advisory committee on the se lection of a new dean of Stu dent Affairs. Chairman Dean A. C. Breck enridge said nominations in writing may be submitted to any member of the commit tee. He explained that names offered may be those of Uni versity faculty members or of staffs of other institutions. Besides Dean Breckenridge, other members of the com mittee are: Lyle E. Young, associate professor of engi neering mechanics; Dr. E. Roger Washburn, chairman of the department of chemistry; Mrs. Marion Nickerson, as sistant professor of business teacher education; and Dr. Lavon J. Sumption, assistant professor of animal husban dry. The committee was formed to assist Chancellor C. M. Hardin in the selection of a new dean of student affairs upon the retirement next July of Dean J. P. Colbert. FRL, DEC. 8 $3.75 Couple 9:0012:00 Lu d LJ Lzj LI LI Za LiA u r"" n n PERSHiliG AUDITORIUM GLENN FILLER ORCHESTRA v t u if t ' u Cy Vi A f iv ft 'f'i ' n H H 'A S V i1 ft ft n i? ft: V;