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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1961)
DNIVCRSTY OF NEBR; LIBRARY M A e Pf A A I An Open Letter 1 7b Dr. Hardin r r n n n a If tr jv Vol . W5Jo,4Zi w X The" Nebraskan Meierhenry Edits Publication Learning Wednesday, December 6, 1961 1 Explaining Use of Audiovisual Theories, Material A special national publica tion edited by .Wesley C. Meierhenry, assistant dean of the Teachers' College, is now being circulated across the U.S., and in foreign countries. The special' issue of the "Audiovisual Communication Review" is a collection of au thoritative papers on what the different theories of learning are, and the applications of these theories to instruction, and the use of audiovisual materials. The U.S. State Department is sponsoring the circulation of this special edition abroad. At a Thursday noon meet ing of the Secondary Educa tion Doctoral Club, composed of the staff in Teachers' Col- Assistant Dean Will Help Form Audiovisual Guides W. C. Meierhenry, assistant t System Development Corpo- dean of Teachers College and a member-of the dept. of au diovisual instruction board of directors, will spend this weekend in Los Angeles, Calif. He will work with the eight other members of the nation al Joint Committee on Auto instructional Programs and Devices formed to solve prob lems in the assessment and utilization of self-instructional programs and devices such as teaching machines by school systems. ration, a research and opera tional company. "Our purpose is to provide guidlines and criteria for manufacturers and producers of teaching machines and for the consumers," explained Meierhenry. The group will concentrate on developing technical stand ards to be applied to teaching machines, the preparation of materials for the teaching machines, and the program of text books for the ma chines, he pointed out, In their first cooperative ef- lege and doctoral students in s e c o n dary education, Dr. Meierhenry will present back ground material on the publi cation, the reasons for it, and how it was organized. Meierhenry began work on the publication in Dec, 1960. In Oct., 1961, he completed work on the outline of the edi tion with James Deese, profes- "We are finally going to do j forts, the joint committee set the job for which we were really created," said Meier henry. "That is to develop techni cal standards to be applied to the self-instruction mate rials developed by produc ers." The joint committee will spend one day at the Univer sity of California at Los An geles, and two days at the up guidelines for the con sumer. Their second goal was a guide for the allocation of re search funds which was sent to the U.S. Office of Educa tion and such major founda tions as Ford and Carnegie. The guide pointed oat which particular areas of research in the field should be sap- ported Panel of Students Speak Boldly For, Against State "The greatest attraction for a youth to remain in Nebras ka is its challenge for him to begin on the ground floor and write up his own future," said Tom Kotouc, Chairman of the Nebraska Council of Youth. In the first of a T.V. series called "Operation Exodus" broadcast each Thursday at 8 p.m. over KUON-TV, Chan nel 12, six University youth spoke out strongly for and against Nebraska and her op portunities. The students were Marsh Knhr, senior in Kg; Vickey Cullen, junior in Teachers; Steve Gage,' senior in engi neering Arts and Sciences; Tom Kotouc, sophomore In Arts and Sciences; Jim Sam ples, senior' In Arts and Sci ences and Paul Spilker, at tending the Midwest Confer ence for Young Adults. "You can't expect a college graduate to wait in Nebraska for 10 years until he is able to find an opening to match his specialized education," said Gage. Eat, Live "It's a matter of being able to eat and live," added Gage, who will leave Nebraska to find an opening in the East for his training in scientific tech nical writing. I Vickey Cullen said, "Out of curiosity's sake, 1 took a poll at supper of the girls sitting at my table. Only one of sev en are staying. They, say they would like to see the U.S.A. before they decide on where they will spend the rest of their lives," Miss Cullen added. "A the same time," Kotouc pointed out, "a student need not decide that he win defi nitely leave Nebraska until he has seen the other side. Poke Fun 'Many Califomians and New Yorkers, although they poke fun at Nebraska for its conservatism and lack of cul ture which they often fail to take advantage of (so they say), do not appreciate our positive approach to life and our relaxed, friendly inter change among individuls un til they escape from their own confusion and tension," said Kotouc. "The opportunity for a man to build the educational insti tution he desires for his chil dren, to program the recrea tional facilities he will use 10 or 20 years from now with out being crowded out by ov erpopulation and to live in a stable society where men still give a day's labor for a day's pay has led me to decide to live in Nebraska," added Marsh Kurh. "And the chaDenge of ed ucation is certainly great there," added Samples. Sponsored by the Nebraska Council of Youth, a group ap pointed in July by the gover nor to study and solve this migration problem, Thurs day's Dec. 7 television show will feature Dr. Floyd Miller, department of education; Dave Osterhaut, director of the Ne braska Resource's Division; and Dale Bree, state game commission. KUON-TV To Present Play Series A Shakespeare "first" will be seen with the KUON-TV production of a fifteen pro gram series, An Age of Kings, starting this Friday at 8:30 p.m. and repeated each Thursday at 9 p.m. The series presents eight Shakespearean plays which outline the rise and fall of seven British monarchs from Richard II to Richard III. Produced with emphasis on continuity and history-come- to-hfe, this series will be a television "first" as well as a Shakespeare "first." Shakespeare himself never saw these' plays given in his torical sequence. The com plete cycle was last presented at Stratford on Avon in 1905. Although not written in chro nological order, all eight plays are bound into a co hesive unity. Peter Dews, the producer, has used a permanent cast to allow characters to develop as the series progresses. Al though relatively anonymous, the British cast contributes fine performances with Tom Fleming as Henry IV, David W:"liams as Richard II, Frank Pettingell as Falstaff, Robert Hardy as Prince Hal and Sean Connery as Hotspiit. The British Guild of Tele vision Producers has awarded Dews the top award for dra matic production in this ser ies. Michael Hayes is director and Dr. Frank Baxter is com mentator. The Humble Oil & Refining Company is under writing this first nation-wida presentation which has al sor of psychology at John Hop kins University. According to Warren R. Bailer, professor of educa tional psychology at the Uni versity, the publication "deals with a problem of growing concern to educators: the question of finding such inter pretation of learning theory as will afford a workable basis for the ordering of learning experiences and the selection and use of appropriate in structional procedures." . Bailer also cited the caliber of the persons contributing to the publication "each of these writers is not only a psycholo gist of recognized compe- Group Polls 36 Of Solons Dear Chancellor Hardin: Within the next few months you are going to be asked to either give your consent to moving the gradua- tion exercises from the Coliseum to Pershing Auditorium June 9 or to veto such a move. The faculty sub-commit- tee on Commencements, led by Dr. David Olive, has already asked the Student Council to support such a I move. We spoke with Dr. Olive Tuesday afternoon to obtain his committee's reasons for proposing such a change. 1 They are: I ready gained acclaim in Eng-jtors (DA VI) Meierhenry tence, but also an able pro ponent of a particular learn ing theory.' The motto behind audiovis ual research, according to Leo Postman, professor of psy chology and chairman of the Center for Human Learning at the University of California, Berkeley, Calif., is that the analysis of the process of such research "does not call for formulation of special prin ciples; it calls for the applica tion and elaboration of the general laws of human learn ing." Postman is one of the six psychologists contributing to the publication. Meierhenry is a long-time member of the "Audiovisual Communication Review" Edi torial Board, and a member -f the Dept. of Audiovisiual instruction Board of Direc land. New York Washington, D C. City, and Registration Forms Students intending to at tend the University during the spring semester should pick up registration forms Friday in the Registrar's Office, 208 Administration, 207 Ag HaQ, and 210 So cial Sciences. Watch for the Friday story in the Daily Nebras kan giving full information on registration procedure. For two years Meierhenry was chariman of the DAVI Research Committee. Blood Typing Students who signed up for the Walking Blood Bank will have their last oppor tunity today to have their blood typed at Student Health. The hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. If yon are unable to come at these times, aa appointment may be made. 1) Comfort. Pershing Auditorium is air conditioned. the Coliseum is not. 2) Acoustics. The committee feels the speaking dur- IrlOSt Senators I inS e graduation exercise can be heard clearer in the auditorium. Reply Negative Convenience. The committee feels people would 7 c? better be able to reach the auditorium and later more Think and Act Inc of conveniently reach the downtown part of Lincoln. Grand Island reported in S 4' More room tor marshalling the candidates for broadcast yesterday that thei graduation. This is a problem which occurrs only in majority of state senators case of ad weather, according to Dr. Olive, who answered a poll on the! University's Tax Institute! These factors will be judged at the mid-term gradu were opposed to the project I aon slated for the auditorium "Feb. 3, Dr. Olive said. However, less than a majority! ' Dr. ve furtner stated that his committee attempted of the senators answered the! lo Sain faculty opinion In their request to the CounciL poll. a He also granted that student opinion should be of the Only 36 per cent of the sen-i highest importance, ators took a stand on the is- s our pin'ons that the graduation exercise should sue. Of this number, 80 perl remain in the coliseum for the June, the largest, gradu cent answered negatively, to tion. the two questions on the in- stitute, according to t h el The Student Council was asked to sound out student broadcast. 1 opinion. In last week's meeting, ,the issue ended in a tie The questions were whetherl vote- We would PrPse Council take another or not tax money budgeted to! vote- . . . ' . . . . . . the University should be used! ln tms case no decisive opinion could be forwarded to conduct public, off-campusl yur office for consideration. Often times the public workshops on such controver t Pulse is difficult to judge. A little extra effort on the sial issues as taxes, and! Part of the Council may render a decision favoring, or whether or not the individual! vetoing the move. legislators feel a need fori guidance on tax matters from! In rebuttal of the Commencement committee's rea- the University faculty. sons we offer the following: We believe that the an-i 1) Comfort. The entire commencement exercise does swers received to our ques-1 nt extend over two hours at the very most. Although tionnaire sent to all the state! tne Coliseum may not be air conditioned, parents, candi senators justifies our posi- dates and visitors are not put to any extreme discomfort tion," said Bill Moore, presi-I for this short period of time. dent of Think and Act. ? 2) Acoustics. We feel there is little difference in the "We are convinced that thei acoustics between the two buildings for such an event. University ... as one of the ' ) Convenience. It is hard for us to see how the largest tax' spending bureaus! Peopk attending the exercise could gain by going to in the state, which is openly! Pershing Auditorium rather than the Coliseum. The very on record as desiring federal! PPsite would seem to be true. The campus is only a aid to education and increased! few blocks from the downtown area. Parking would seem state appropriations, cannotl to be less of a problem on campus, unbiasedly present seminars! 4) Room for marshalling the candidates. Dr. Olive on the good or evil involved! himself said the Coliseum had sufficient facilities for in the present tax structure! marsnalling inside during the bad weather; Pershing . . . or possible alternatives! would only offer additional room. This point is not of great to it. importance since the weather is rarely poor for gradua te are convinced that this! tion. is the line that must be drawn ,. . . . , between education and in-l we realize, as Dr. Olive pointed out, that future doctrination. "We are not pro-l graduations may be "multiple" affairs as the size of posing or opposing sales! graduating classes increase and the auditorium may be andor income tax. We are! necessary. - ... not opposing free and open! However, Dr. Olive also agrees with our argument discussion on the Nebraska! that a long standing tradition is at stake here also. He tax system. ! noted that tradition was "intangible" but a factor. We "But if these seminars are! feel the loss of tradition is not worth the net gain in conducted, they should also in-l changing locations. elude experts supplied by! We urge you to reject the proposal(s) to move the such organizations as the As-! commencement exercises away from campus. Help pre sociation of Nebraska Tax-! serve this long standing tradition, payers, Inc," Moore said, i Sincerely, 1 : 3 Editorial Staff Roiitlomr Tolk I DaOy Nebraskan Postponed, News was received by the University yesterday that Gerald Bentley, the scholar in Renaissance literature who was scheduled to pre sent the Montgomery 1 e c ture on Monday will be un able to visit the campus at this time. Bentley's topic for the lec ture was to be "Shake speare's Plays and Shake speare's Theater." According to the Univer sity's public relations de partment the lecturer is un able to visit the University at this time due to an ill ness in the family. aufflifflHiKiNWi!iiiii(iH;HiMiiiHii;iii:.HiH The World in Focus Radio Free Europe Penetrates Iron Curtain University Produces Gift Cheeses "Our cheese is just as good ?" .v a''" as Wisconsin s, but Wiscon sin's is just as good as ours," K. M. Nilson, instructor in charge of dairy plant, commented about the Uni versity cheese production. Cheddar cheese, six- varie ties in all Aged New York, Aged Smoked, Aged Garlic, Aged Sage and Mild Wiscon sinis the specialty of the University dairy department. These varieties of Cheddar along with Blue and Husker cheese are being sold in spe cial Christmas packages as has been done in past years, according to Nilson. Last year over 1,300 boxes of cheese were sold during the Christmas season by the dairy department. Eight hun dred of these were the four pound box containing all eight varieties. Cheese making at the Uni- LMiM'MwwMii verslty involves a two-year period for certain types of the cheddar and as little as six weeks for the Husker cheese. I . 4 l A ' ' 1 ' ' t ' ' , , " " 1 ; 1 - ( i ' - J ' v i I X f t . ' ' s- i i BIG CHEESE University student Jerry Howe, manager of the Col lege of Agriculture's Dairy plant, examlns one of the Christmas gift packages of cheese produced in the plant. Husker cheese, a light, mild brick cheese, is a variety made and developed by the University dairy department which won't age, Nilson said. All the types of cheese with the exception of the Blue Cheese are cultured, corded, cheddared, pressed and aged by the University in the dairy building. The blue cheese is bought to provide a variety for Christmas boxes. "The cheese boxes can be purchased in either a four pound or a two-pound variety containing either two, four or eight varieties of Univer sity cheese. The four-pound cheese box is $3.75 and the two-pflund box is $2.15 and can be shipped to any destination at the regular postal rate by giving the name and address of the person to whom the package is being sent, Nilson ex plained. . "Anyone wishing to order cheese should contact the Dairy Husbandry Depart ment," Nilson said. Presenting world news be hind the Iron Curtain poses many problems for Radio Free Europe (RFE), but con vincing the people that Com munism is bad is not one of them. "Iron Curtain peoples al ready know that Communism is bad. The job of RFE is to tell what is happening," said Edmund Lazar, a graduate student in political science who worked with RFE for six years prior to the Hungarian Revolution. Lazar told of his greatest scoop: The day a refugee es caped from a super-secret concentration camp in Hun gary and related names and news of 1,200 prisoners who had been given up for dead by their families. The excitement of compe tition with the Communist press was not lost either. Stalin's Death Lazar mentioned the death of Stalin which was withheld by the Communist press for 6-8 hours. However, a small black flag waving from the top of a government building indicated that the news had already been heard ott RFE. A typical day's program diet would include news on the hour, political commen tary, music (mainly popular, some classic), special broad casts for farmers, workers, students and women; "visits" to the West, world press re view and specific programs on European events as well as e o d e d messages to rela tives from both sides of the Iron Curtain. of "authenticating" programs during his first assignment with RFE in Vienna, Austria, in 1950. Communist Life His job was to find the re fugees in this town only 60 miles from the Iron Curtain, and interview them thoroughly on every detail of life under the Communists. "This really was effective. The Communists were con vinced we actually had agents behind the Iron C u r t a i n," Lazar said. He told of professionals who made it their job to guide refugees through the barbed wire and mine fields of the "Curtain." "Often refugees would be deposited in my office still wearing guns under their coat," Lazar said. In 1953 Lazar was trans ferred to the Munich head quarters of RFE where he worked on the news desk and received his "first real ex perience with journalism." Ten Minute News "We had to prepare the ten-mmute news broadcasts within a short time from stacks of news releases and stories, and make accurate decisions on the spur of the moment," he said. Complete broadcasts were prepared each day in six dif ferent languages: Hungarian, Polish, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Slovak and Czech. He left Europe in 1956 be fore the revolution broke out in Hungary. ' During the revolution he worked with the Voice of America broadcasting pro Lazar learned the process gram in Washington, D.C. FRI., DEC. 8 $3.75 Coupl 9:0012:00 mm pn LfULJ , u n a n n PERSH1IIQ AUDITORIUM GLEKN MILLER ORCHESTRA