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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1960)
Friday, Oct. 7, 1960 The Nebroskan Page 3 Pharmacy Week Pledges 'Better Community Health' Nearly 100 University phar macy and pre-pharmacy stu dents have celebrated the NOW SHOWING FLUS THIS EXTRA TREAT 1hcHHKXSH. Children past M'eek as National Phar-j working in community and roacy Week Today at 1 p.m. in Lyman Hall the students will hear a discussion of the American Pharmaceutical Convention which two students attended this summer in Washington, DC. Better Health The slogan for the week long observance is "Y our Pharmacist Works for Better Community Health." The oal is to inform others of the opportunities in pharma cy and of the duties of a pharmacist. "The opportunities for jobs are very good, especially nere in Nebraska," student Pat Wells explained. Besides I V Free parkin after 6 p.m.! ' t I nXt.fkirX BOORS OPEN 12:15 X If OUiCUU 140 N 13th HE 2-1465 U STARTS 1 f 'U I TODAY! I f O jf'' ft rfri(I I O it' V I ilf - tftlHwtrU i I O ft?' ff,f 1m m ' I I q HrpU I IZj B. H Uwrence't SCrtW1. EaaWfea j - - a ii I TKVOI MM HlHtH KHT ME4THR HOWARD - STOCK WELL - HILLER - URF - SEARS jrl Free.parkinj: after 8 p.m.? f I 2H1L DOORS OPEV 12:45 LUiCtful 1227 "N" KE 2-3097 Snxtionat Ivif A I 86S-d.y pursuit WMk J?!; I 1 Hip Atlantis , jl?ylfy I - torpedoes iiniinliaViiii I m VW CHARLES f m porklnf for STUART and LINCOLN ttwafre otwiw after p.m. at: Stoti SawiHn fait Park, 1JJO N; Car Park fiaraaa, IJHi 4 M; Auto Park, Utfc Q hospital pharmacies,' gradu ate pharmacists work for drug wholesalers, in the lab oratories and manufacturing plants of pharmaceutical in dustry, as teachers and in government service. Here at the University, a degree in Pharmacy: takes two vears of pre-pharmacy, three years of pharmacy, and one year of internship under the supervision of a regis tered pharmacist. To be licensed, the phar macist must pass an exami nation given by the State Board of Pharmacy. This year there are stu dents from Latvia, India, Formosa and Texas d oing graduate study. Specialist About 90 per cent of the pharmacists in this country are professionally engaged in 54.C00 community pharma cies The pharmacist is bas ically a specialist in the sci ence ol drugs and medicines. He has an understanding of the composition and uses of drugs and is required to dispense them according to rigid federal and state laws. He provides a major deter rent against the unauthorized use and distribution of drugs that could impain public health. At this time there are over 12,500 men and women enrolled in colleges of phar macy in their final three years About 4,000 pharmacy graduates are required each year to maintain and improve the effectiveness of retail pharmacies and pharmaceu tical research. iff SyJmMs . w I 7 y Student Teachers Need Application Elementary Education ma jors who wish to do student teaching during the second semester of the 1960-61 school year must make application to do so. The application forms are available in the Elementary Education office, 202 Teach ers College. The completed forms are to be returned to Room 202 Teachers College not later than November 1, I960. LIKE, WAY OUT MAN Man, like dig these razy "Beats". They're so cool they're cold. But for being far out, no Joe. Right over at Howell Theater is their bistro, for these cats are Masquers, preparing their talent show for like 9 p.m. Sunday. The honorary theatre group will "cue in" students and public at a theater open house from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided and leave your scratch (money) at home, it's all free. BEST SOUND AROUND' Residences to Receive KNUS From Musac KNITS, the University's ra dio station, goes on the air Monday with a new program format designed to make it the "Best Sound Around." Newest feature this year will be that the station's pro grams will be piped into the dorm and the fraternities and sororities bv the facilities of Musac, Lincoln's program service. A request program with Speech 75 students as an nouncers starts the dav's broadcast and goes until 8 p.m. At 10 p.m. the program resumes with more requests. Students wishine to reauest numbers should call the Uni versity extension 3268. Th e format for the show is to al ternate a song from an LP album with a popular record. From 8 to 10 p.m. each week night KNUS will feature their five top disc jockeys, Rog Dodson, Vera Killioit, Dennis Larson, Bruce Mc Grath, and another not yet selected, in a program of the top 40 popular records. ' These four have all had previous radio experience at LUCKY STRIKE PRESENTS: A. DR. ntOOO'I THOUGHT fOU TH DAY: I m uvuvi w wi-cu, j and lost than to have spent the whole weekend studying. 'Z Dear Dr. Frood: My roommate is a good guy, but there s one thing about him I can't stand. He wears button-down collars but never buttons the little lapel buttons. Why is this? Clolhet Con r win DEAR CLOTHES: Don't let this worry you. It's just that his thumbs are too bi". Dear Dr. Frood: The other day my roommate and I had an argument about the difference between tradi tional art and modern art. What, in your opinion, is the basic difference between these two forms? Art Major DEAR ART: The examples above should settle your argument The portrait at left is traditional. The artist has drawn Lincoln as he actually appeared. The por trait at right is modern. As you can see, the modern artist has drawn Lincoln's great-great-grandson.' Dear Dr. Frood: Once and for all is it right or wrong for a man to marry a girl for her money? Righteoui DEAR RIGHTEOUS: Nowadays this isn't simply a matter of right or wrong. There are the tax angles to consider. is Dear Dr. Frood: My favorite brand is Lucky Strike. But unfortunately I am left-handed. Why doesn't Lucky Strike come out with cigarettes for left-handed people? Lefty Dear Dr. Frood: I don't understand my boy friend. When we are all alone and the moon is full, he tells me he worships me. But during the day, he crosses the street when he sees me coming. What ' ronS7 lovelorn, DEAR LOVELORN: Did it ever occur to you that he nay ta a werewolf? , DEAR LEFTY: Left-handed Luckies are available. Simply ask for "Left-handed Luckies." They come in a white pack with a red bull's-eye. The only difference be tween these and ordinary Luckies is that you must always smoke them while facing a mirror. SM25''. i?v" " ' ' ' " ' '"""f"'" "LUCKIES ARE BETTER THAN MONEY," says Dr. Frood (who gets paid ih Luckies). It's a fact that college students smoke more Luckies than any other regular. This cigarette is all cigarette-the cigarette that still tastes great. Try a pack today-it's ttte only thing you and Dr. Frood will ever have in common. A-piik f-W. wl il I t It cr""r ' lets a ( t r t I CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change! product of Udnuian Jv&wur&nyta' $(saceo- hour middle name . commercial stations. Killion is an engineer at KLIN, Dod son worked for KXCY, Ne braska City, Larson for KOGA, Ogallala. and Mc Grath at KHAS, Hastings. This year, KNUS is broad casting all home games.'With Gary D'Angelo and Ken Fouts at the microphone, broad casts start with a pre-game warmup at 1:50. KNUS, which was the first intercollegiate station in the nation, is completely run and operated by University stu dents. Larry Roderick is the general manager, Jim Rhea, station manager, and Ken Fouts is the program director. Read Nebraskan Want Ads Cheerleader Yell Clime To Host 420 Cheerleaders from Nebras ka high schools will converge on campus this Saturday for a cheerleader clinic spon sored by NlTs Yell Squad. Registration for the ex pected 420 cheerleaders from across the state will start at 9 a.m. After registering, the higa school cheerieaders will watch an exhibition of Corn husker yells and the use of the spring board in the indoor track of the East Stadium. A group discussion, which will include information on how the Yell Squad is selected, is also scheduled. At 11:30 the group will be taken on a tour of the cam pus ending at the Student Un ion for a luncheon hosted by the Yell Squad. Chancellor Clifford Hardin will be the featured speaker. Main Feature Oock State: "The Hound Thet Thought He Was a Raccoon." 1:00, 3:06, 5:12. 7:18, 8:24. "Jungle Cat," 1:48, 3:54, 6:00, 8:06, 10:12. Varsity: "Ocean's iy l:4fl, 4:12, 6:44, 8:16. Nebraska: "Once More With Love," 1:05, 5:20, 9:30. -"Home From the Hill," 2:40, 6:50. Lincoln: "Under Ten Flags," 1:35, 3:35, 5:40, 7:40, 9:40. UE1 i : : 2 - 7 f.T in.. fi"r"-l I f Unfit I t- II M I rcTT leM W' TECHNICOUCir PMMMSION a RICHARD CONTE-CESARROMERO-PfRICEVA'MORE-JOEY BISHOP HENRY 3LVfc 1 uumm nm i New Clinical Research Proves You Can Almost Doubl Muscle Endurance WARM-UP-the Pre-ExerciseRub that Mates Muscle IbwerLast Longer Now, people who participate in sports or exercise can make their muscle power last longer by using Absorbine Jr. Warm-up the invigorating rub you use before ex ercisenow available at all drugstores. Over a year of clinical research proved the application of WARM-UP before exercise almost doubles the endurance and stamina of the muscle. In a recent report to top scientists, the results of research conducted with the Electromyograph electronics' newest medical tool revealed the time required to fatigue a m usele which had been treated by an application of Waem-up is almost double that of an equivalent untreated muscle. Get more out of your muscles No matter what sport you like; football, basketball, bowling, handball, track, hockey, volleyball, you can increase the stamina and endurance of j'our muscles by rubbing them with Warm-up before you start. Even if you just want to do more work like snow shoveling, house painting, paper Electronics' newest medical tool, the Electro myograph, was used to prove how much longer muscle power would kst after an application of Warm-it. Case after cane revealed the muscles treated with Wakm-UP took almost twice m long to fatigue ax untreated muscles. hanging, yard work, you can start out feeling in top shape and keep going longer if you rub on Warm-up before you start. Prove it yourself Try Warm-up on the muscles you'll be using most before you start a game or exercise. See for yourself if your muscle power doesn't last longer if you don't do better in sports because you don't tire out as fast. For overexertion Also revealed in the research on "Muscle Power and Fatigue" was the fact that the application of Warm-up to sore, tired muscles can bring them back twice as fast as nature can. Don't put up with tired, a. hing muscles rub on Warm-up and see how fast it makes them feel better. Warm-up actually dilates peripheral blood vessel walls and speeds up local blood flow it helps you get better faster than when nature takes its course. ,Ask your physician: Since scientific data on this Electromyographic Research has been sent to physicians, trainers, coaches, they are familiar with the clinical findings that show how Warm-up increases muscle endur ance and fights fatigue. Absorbine Jr. Warm-Up . . . Best friend muscles ever had AVAILABLE AT ALL DRUGSTORES Ian :: niMN-ui)ii mum A J