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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1960)
lVti.,lTY OF NEBR. Prompts Due to the Love Library fire Tuesday night, the second in two years in the Ameri can Literature reading room, the following notice was post ed by Frank Lundy, Library director. "Smokers have twice set this room on fire. Smoking in the Library reading rooms is prohibited. This fine Li brary and its one million books, periodicals, pamph lets, microfilms and maps are yours, assembled here for your education and en joyment. Generations of Students "You should use the build ing and its contents thought fully, keeping in mind that many generations of students will follow you and that they too will rieed this building and its books. "We cannot undertake to police the building, nor do we want to. We must rely upon your understanding of the problem and upon your cooperation. In the last anal ysis you must govern your own habits and this building as well." Lundy explained that it was not only because of fire dan ger that smoking is pro hibited in the reading rooms but also because of the effect which smoke has on book bindings. Chicago Library He cited a Chicago library as an example where much money is spent each year for air filter and isolation proc esses which clear book areas from smoke filled air of in dustry which would otherwise deteriorate books YR's Cancel Plans for Convention Will Invite Nixon To Speak Instead Young Republicans have dropped their plans for a mock political nominating convention in favor of invit ing Vice President Richard Nixon to speak on the campus Gary Rodgers, chairman of the convention, issued the following statement: "Governor Nelson Rocke feller's withdrawal from the race for the Republican presi dential nomination has put the limelight more on Vice President Richard Nixon than on the nominating convention. Therefore, the University Young Republicans have dropped the idea of holding a mock convention and will concentrate now on arranging a peronal appearance of the Vice President on campus. "It is speculated that Mr. Nixon might accept an in vitation to address the entire student body on the occasion of his visit to Lincoln and Nebraska on Founders Day March 28. "The Young Republicans are presently working out de tails with state party officials for his possible appearance at the University. "Even though he has not yet announced his intention to run for the Presidency, po litical observers class him as a shoo-in for the nomination and as having a better than 50-50 chance for election. "University students will undoubtedly welcome the op portunity to hear and see this person so likely to shape much of our nation's future." The Young Republicans had previously planned to hold a mock convention at the same time as the Young Demo crats' proposed convention. Both conventions were to have been promoted NUCWA. by Convocation Is Saturday For Kennedy A public convocation fea turing former Senate Labor counsel Robert Kennedy will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. Sponsored by the Univer sity Young Democrats, Ken nedy will speak on "The Role of Congressional Investigat ing Committees." Kennedy is writing a book based on his experiences with the McClellan Commit tee. The convocation address will be followed by a lunch eon address at a general meeting of the "Nebraskans for Kennedy", an organiza tion formed to promote Sen. John Kennedy's campaign for the Democratic nomination for president. Notice I "I know students are proud of this Library as in the past years when other buildings and furnishing in campus buildings have been marred or destroyed, the Library has never been bothered," Lundy said. "But," he continued, "there are a few that get out of line as in society in general, and these are the ones that do the damage. "If the cigarette which dropped through the screen to the register and on down to the birchwood veneer pan el would have been dropped in the evening rather than the afternoon, a big fire during the night might have been the result," the Library head said. Room Not Fireproof The Library itself is fire proof with the exception of a few rooms. The American Literature Room is one which isn't. Birchwood veneer cov ers the plaster which is over two by four framing. , The room was furnished by Dr. II. Winett Orr, a Lincoln surgeon and book collector. The alphabet drapes alone COSt $800. An estimate of the value of the room or the Library is difficult to make. The collec tion is put together book by book with "a lot of thought," Lundy said. He also pointed out that each $5 book pur- cnase represents a $15 invest ment by the time it reaches the shelf. Lundy said Library officials do not. want to . police the area but that they would be overlooking a responsibility to present users and the next generation if something was not done. Lundy said he believed the reason that so many ciga rettes were put in the grating covering the registers is that people know that smoking there is prohibited. When they realize that it is out of order, they put them into the registers to get them out of the way, not realizing the danger. ine nre two years ao which destroyed more of the paneling started in the same way. AUF Total Estimated At $3,750 Some Groups Over Last Year's Drive The All University Fund total has been estimated at $3,750, according to president Sue Carkoski. The figure is $1,750 below the $5,550 goal AUF originally set. Some groups have not yet turned in all the funds prom ised by their members, how ever, Miss Carkoski said. The faculty drive also will help to boost the total to the goal if not beyond it, Miss Carkoski predicted. The first $1,000 or part of that amount collected over $5,500 will go to Dr. Thomas Dooley, known for his medical work in Laos. Four of the seven divisions of the drive have reported collections above last year. Selleck Quadrangle more than doubled its contribution. Ag campus, organized houses and grad and married student drives also have Jieted totals in excess of the last drive. However, organization, soririty and fraternity con tributions are presently be hind, those made in 1958, Miss Carkoski n o t e d. Several houses have not yet collected all their funds. AUF officials commented they were "very pleased" with the present totals. Chancellor. Chancellor Clifford Hardin and two students have been nominated for the two titles of "Outstanding Nebraskan." Chancellor Hardin was nominated for the faculty award while DickflJasoco and Dean Jenkins were nominated for the student title. The Chancellor was cited as being instrumental in both getting the Kellogg Center for the University and convincing the Legislature that the bud get should be increased. "He has worked tirelessly in every way possible to pro mote the University at all times," the letter said. Honors Received Mention of the honors he has received this year also was made. These included being one of 18 educational leaders selected to the Edi torial Advisory Board of the magazine "Overview;" being elected president of the Amer ican Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Uni Vol. 34, No. 52 Council Request Gets Response; ours By Mike Milroy v -Library hours will be ex tended. In response to a request from Student Council, Love Library will operate on a new schedule providing an addi tional 10 hours of evening study a week. The new sched ule begins Monday. New Hours New hours are: Monday through Thursdays, open Dollies H J - f . k I - -4. i J KAPPA DELTAS REHEARSE With Coed Follies tryouts Tuesday night, Kappa Delta members are putting the finishing touches on their skit, "Funf Minuten Bren nen Studenten," or Five Minutes Burn Student. The skit takes place in Hades where several university professors find themselves. In the front row, Sharon Rogers (left), tells scriptdirector Roberta Coed Follies Tryouts Are Tuesday Eve Auditions for Coed Follies will be held in the Student Union Ballroom from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday. Skitmasters must have an alphabetically typed list of their entire casts using legal names, not nicknames. They must also bring colored sketches of the planned cos tumes and scenery. Groups trying out and their times are Alpha Chi Omega, 6:30; Alpha Omicron Pi, 6:45; Alpha Phi, 7; Alpha Xi Delta, 7:15; Chi Omega, 7:30; Delta Delta Delta, 7:45; Delta Gam ma, 8. Gamma Phi Beta, 8:15; Kappa Alpha Theta, 8:30; Kappa Delta, 8:45; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 9; Pi Beta Phi, 9:15; Sigma Kappa, 9:30; Zeta Tau Alpha, 9:45; and Residence Hall, 10. 'Outstanding Nebraskan' Contest Two Students Eyed versities . and being quoted editorially in the Ladies Home Journal about college educations. He is also chairman of the Committee on Institutional Projects. Abroad, a commit tee of the American Council on Education. The letter nominating Basoco remarked that "he had been an outstanding Ne braskan in every sense of the word since first entering the University. 'Worked for Betterment' "As president of Builders, associate editor of the Corn husker and in his other ac tivities, he has constantly worked for the betterment of the school and the' students." Basoco i s also vice presi dent of Sigma Delta Chi, pro fessional journalistic, frater nity, past secretary of Theta Xi fraternity and a member of the Young Democrats ex ecutive board. "During his time as a Daily Will Be Extended in Love 7:50 a.m. to 10:50 p.m.; Fri days and Saturdays, open 7:50 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.; Sun days, open 1:30 p.m. to 10:50 p.m. The move to get an exten sion of Library hours began during October when Fran Spoeneman, chairman of the Library committee, asked the Council to consider proposals for an extension of the pre sent hours. Prepare for Larry Kilstrup Named President of Builders Three Coeds Get F.P. Positions Larry Kilstrup, junior in Business Administration, is the newly elected president of Builders. ' Public relations vice presi dent is Sylvia Bathe, ingrid Leder is vice president in charge of publications and Mary Anne Weber is Ag vice president. Donald Epp is secretary and Julianne Kay will serve as treasurer. Kilstrup is a member of Student Council, the IFC po litical committee, vice presi- Orchesis Show Orchesis members will be featured on a half -hour show over KUON-TV Friday at 8! p.m. An explanation of dance techniques also will be given. Nebraskan columnist, he fear lessly disclosed all things det rimental to campus life and suggested courageous solu tions to problems." The letter concluded that Basoco had "done all this without thought of personal gain or achievement." Outstandingly Average' Jenkins' letter said that Jenkins should receive the award because "he is so un disputably outstandingly av erage." "Jenkins is not a high schol argrade point wise," the letter said, because he "gave up grades long ago, and de cided to settle for learning something instead." The letter continued saying that the outstanding award should be given because "of the way an individual ,is a student because he is a stu dent, even although without great scholastic accomplish ment, or civic conquer or ac-' tivity ambition " LINCOLN, NEBRASKA At that time, it was stated that extended hours would necessitate additional police patrol at the Library since the downtown position of the Library would draw "drift ers." It also would have entailed pushing the opening hours up to a later time in the morning since funds were not avail able to maintain the same opening hours and extend the Follies Rock, "Any grade you can give, I can give lower," while chorus lines dance in the background. In the second row, left to right, are Laura Prokop, Shari Fangman and Mary Ann Kilanoski, and in the back row, left to right, are Connie Clark, Nancy Hollingshead and Joyce Tonniges. The Follies show will be presented in Pershing Auditorium Feb. 26, sponsored by AWS. dent of NUCWA, vice presi dent of the Business Admin istration Executive Council and Young Republicans. He also belongs to Alpha Kappa Psi professional fraternity, Pi Sigma Alpha honorary and Phi Gamma Delta. . Miss Bathe, a junior in Teachers, is a member of the debate squad, Student Union, Pi Lambda Theta honorary and is scholarship chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta. Miss Leder's activities in clude secretary of the Student Tribunal, Theta Sigma Phi professional Journalism f r a ternity, Daily Nebraskan columnist, Pi Sigma Alpha honorary, Young Democrats and scholarship chairman of Alpha Xi Delta. She is a junior in Arts and Sciences. Miss Weber, a junior in Agriculture, is treasurer of Home Ec. Club, librarian of Phi Upsilon Omicron honor ary and social chairman of Alpha Xi Delta. Epp's activities include Kos met Klub, Student Council, Ag Economics Club and Alpha Zeta honorary. He is a junior in Agriculture and a member of FarmHouse. Miss Kay, a junior in Teach ers, is chairman of the music committee of the Student Un ion and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta honorary. She is also a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Dick Basoco was 1959 Build ers president. Other officers the past year have been Dor othy Hall, vice president of publications ; Sally Downs, vice president of public rela tions ; Angie Holbert, Ag vice president; Karen Schuster, secretary; and Gretchen Sae ger, treasurer. Installation of the new of ficers will be Wednesday. Grad Club Coffee The Graduate Club will have a coffee hour today at j 4 p.m. in the Student Union. closing hours. Sunday hours also were sought. In November the Council reported that a similar ex: tension of hours was sought last year. The extension was then promised by the Library as soon as funds could be found to finance the extension. Student Poll This report of the Library was the result of a student poll which was placed in Love. The poll reached more than 700 students and showed almost all students polled in favor of an extension. In December, Council re presentatives gathered s t u dent opinion from thier re spective colleges and organi zations in an attempt to form a valid argument for hours extension. IFC, AWS, YWCA, RAM Council, Tassels and several Ag organizations were a few of the reporting groups whose members favored the pro posed extension. Students polled by their college repre sentatives also were strongly in favor of the extension. Frank Lundy, director of University libraries, s u b mitted a report to the Council after receipt of all gathered evidence supporting the pro posed extension. This report stated, in part, that "if funds can be found for the purpose we should be pleased to put the plan into effect for the spring semes ter." The extension was reported to cost $1,890 on the Library budget, plus police and cus Order of Finals Also Discussed The order of final examina tions came before fire at the regular Wednesday Student Council meeting. It was mentioned that eight, nine and 10 a.m. classes held their' finals on successive days. Chuck Wilson said that the majority of classes are held in the morning and this present arrangement is not the most desirable. Done Purposely Don Gable, chairman of the finals committee, reported that the Registrar's office had done this purposely to dis courage too many students from registering at tnese hours. In this manner, the University may insure almost maximum use of its facilities. J. B. Fournier said that this method of deterrent is not so successful since most students don't know this when they register for classes and the arrangement of classes they choose is probably what they consider most .desir able. John Hoeraer said that the arrangement of finals is a sort of punishment that hits one at the last of the semes ter. He also asked if the Registrar's o ffice had any statistics to prove the effi ciency of this type of dis couragement and if, when confronted by a better meth od, they would be willing to change it. Gable was asked' to look further into the matter and report back to the Council next meeting. Big Eight Convention The Council then heard re ports from the six members who attended the Big Eight Student Council Convention in Kansas City, Mo., during the holidays. Bob Krohn, who attended the discussion group con cerned with various aspects of student government, ' re ported that many topics were brought before that group. He said that the student governments of the different schools are widely varied, having from 13-40 members. Some student governments, he said, allocated money to the different campus organi zations. At the University, however, the Student Council allows organizations to maintain their own treasuries and merely levy a fee upon these for funds to operate the Coun cil. Migration Housing Furnishing housing for cheerleaders and rally space for the opponents during mi- grations also was discussed. With this subject, the ex- Friday, January 8, I960 todial costs for the spring. se mester. An additional cost of $472 would be , necessary for preparation for the first se mester student examinations, it said. Valid Point The report further stated that "It is the opinion of those who are responsible for Library administration that the students have a valid point in criticizing the' eve ning closing hour. "The Library's Public Serv ice Committee would propose to divide the evening schedule at 9 p.m. with respect to type of service offered. Profes sional service would be avail able until 9 p.m. From 9 11 p.m. selected students would be in charge. "Documents, social studies, education and reserve would remain open on the third floor and humanities, science and the stairway control desk would remain open on the second floor. Borrowing priv ileges would continue from the loan desk, reserve desk and the control desk." . This report concerning the extension of hours by Lundy, a report of opinion collected by the Council and a recom mendation by the Council that hours be extended was submitted to Administration. Before Christmas vacation, Miss Spoeneman received a letter from James Pittenger, assistant to the Chancellor, informing her and the Coun cil that police patrol costs and possibilities were b e i n g looked into. change of student athletic tickets was also discussed. This exchange would offer opposing universities tickets at rates which students could afford. Also mentioned was a Stu dent Council editorial in the school newspaper o nee a week. This editorial would deal with some aspect of the Council's work. It was said that at other schools this had been tried with good success. Dick Newman, who partici pated in the discussion deal ing with "A p a t h y in Activ ities," stated in his report that many factors affect lack of participation in activities. Freshmen Activities It was pointed out in the discussion that freshmen couldn't handle activities and still maintain acceptable grades during their first se mester. It was also stated that of some campus activity polls, less than 25 per cent of the entire enrollent was in activities. Some solutions offered were: simplify and publicize the ways and methods of en t e r i n g different activities hold activity forums; check against discrimination in groups which select their per sonnel through interviews; and have members of honor aries visit different houses to explain activities and induce more students to join. The use of faculty members to in fluence and encourage fresh men in their second semester also was mentioned. It was said that activities could be made better on the whole by publicizing the ones that made an active contri bution to University life and discontinue those which have no contribution to make. Newman also was made the Big Eight Coordinator for Nebraska. He will have as his duty the task of sending copies of solutions to various school problems to other Big Eight schools and the Big Eight schools will also msui tain a Central File. Teacher Evaluations Winston Wade, who was a member of the discussion on "University Needs," reported that finances occupied the spotlight there. Also discussed were teach er evaluations which other Big Eight schools now have. They are in the form of a standardized sheet which is distributed to the students. They then evaluate their instructors. The sheets go. to the heads of the departments' anH aro caiH tn rarru nnncii- erable weight. Compulsory ROTC also was discussed