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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1960)
Two Giet Support For Rag Award Karl Shapiro and Karen Petersen are the latest nomi nees for the OuttUtnding Ne- Draskan Aware. A Pulitzer Prize winner, Shapiro year published a collection of his work under the title "Poems of a Jew. Hood of Mail Last fall' he reviewed a volume of Marianne Moore's ?oetry for the New York imes and received such a flood of mail that he was asked by the Times to write a long article expressing his Haumont HomeEc President Rosemary Kuhl Is Vice President iwaage Haumont. junior In Home Ec, has been elected president of Home Econom ics Club. Rosemary Kuhl was chosen r vice presi- ' ' A ; dent, Gladys R 0 I f 8- meyer, sec retary; Vir ginia Sage horn, treas urer; Gayle Blank, his t o r i a n- social chair man ; Vera Miss Haumont Egger, p u b licity chairman; and Karma Anderson, membership chair man. Miss Haumont is the past secretary of Home Ec Club, IWA Junior Board member; VHEA program chairman and secretary of Fedde Hall. "Miss Kuhl, a junior, is vice president of VHEA,' vice president of the Ag Execu tive Board and a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, student chairman of a Hospitality Day committee, Newman Club and Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Miss Rolfsmeyer is past publicity chairman and his torian of Home Ec Club and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. She is an Ag YWCA cabi net member, a member of VHEA and was an attendant to the AUF Activities Queen. She is a member of Love Memorial Hall and a sopho more in Home Ec. Miss Sagehorn is a sopho more IWA board member, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Ag YWCA, and schol arship chairman of Fedde Hall. Miss Egger is a sophomore from Love Memorial Hall. Miss Blank, a freshman, and Miss Anderson, a sopho more, are from Fedde Hall. Chairmen, Assistants Revealed a - Fifteen chairmen and 19 as sistants have been chosen to head Builders Committees for the coming year. ' They were chosen by the newly elected executive board and those stepping out of offices. "The competition for as sistantships this year' was especially keen," said Dick Basoco, retiring president. "There were at least a dozen people who would have ad vanced in other years that were not moved up this year, but I hope these people re main as workers because they all have chairmanship potential," he continued. Basoco reported that this year's freshmen class has more potential leaders than has been shown in Builders for the past four years. Installation of officers and chairmen will be held Wednesday night. Assistants should also be present. Those selected for the posi tions were: , Office m.n.r- Mrr Kt. All! Onuc, p,, r-hairman. Herb- Nore. Kap pa Alpha TKeU, nt i PfbltellT. Sylvia McNaUv. Gamm PM r.i JlT chairman. Stev. Hanwo. Phi G'mma rlta. Linda Jwca, Alpha " J" tee Holbfrt. Dell Gamma, aaaiatanta. Kaon Kappa Gamma, chairman T Sm iih PI Bet. PM. i-r.. Franc. Crn, K. AlpJ. Thata. chairman. Pt McOatrk. Dell w beuT chairmaa and Jndy Marshall. P. tiSaTSawveU, Delta Delta Delta. Jff.nd Su" ChrWiamen. Delta nSnwi. Sand7 Whltmore. Dili. N.TbuC Zet. Tan AlPhfc a-M- ,ng'ti.l Ealtlaa. Gratcbea Shelibar.. SffJSSflSW tSe. ."ta' a.Stet Uyi Mather, r"armHoi, " . .rbon Bander, FarmHonie, ES5S jTsi.di.'cU. AlPh. Phi. WOT.r. KPP "Ur lt4 i views on contemporary poet ty and criticism. Originally Shapiro w a t brought to the campus to take over the editorship of the Prafne Schooner. The letter of nomination stated,', "He has brought an appreciation of literature to many thousands in the Lin coln area by appearing on television. , Guest Lecturer . . Last spring Shapiro was a guest lecturer for eight weeks at the University of Cincin nati. V "His classic are cmonf the most popular on campus," the letter stated," and many have remarked that everyone should be required to take .a course under Shapiro' "Mr. Shapiro brings na tional attention to the Uni versity by his presence here; more important, he adds greatly to the intellectual de velopment of the student body by his very nature," the let ter concluded. Many Memberships Miss Pet ersen is a senior in Teach- ers College and presi dent of Mor tar Board, Student Union Board and AWS Board. Petersen She is a member of Pi Lambda Theta, teachers honorary, Alpha Lambda Delta, scholastic hon orary, and recently was se lected for Phi Beta Kappa, Arts and Sciences scholastic honorary. She was instrumental in the Hungarian Student Project and has been associated with a number of other campus or ganizations. She also was se lected as the 1959 Ideal Ne braska Coed. No Interference However, the letter pointed out she has never let partici pation in activities interfere with her scholastic ideals. The letter stated, "Her gen uine interest in the Univer sity and those with whom she works has proven her sincer ity, good will and capabili ties." More Time Made for Y Applications Tuesday jVoon Set For Arte Deadline Applications for YWCA cab inet positions may be turned into the Y office until noon Tuesday. The extension of the dead line was made because the office was closed last week. making it impossible to pick up the application forms. Twelve people will be se lected for positions. Two will act as membership chair men, one as Student Chris tian Council representative, one as publicity chairman. one as worship chairman and seven as group leaders. Group leaders are needed for the following committees: I. Community Service This committee will organize a clearing house of volunteer service in the community. 2. Love and Marriage It will organize all-campus meetings on topics for pinned and engaged couples as well as lead weekly groups. 3. Faculty Firesides Ar rangements will be made with faculty members to lead informal evening fireside dis cussions. 4., World Community It will brine foreien students in to- involvement in Y pro grams and concentrate on World Refuge year. 5. Public Affairs News topics of present concern and political activities will be the essence of projects and dis cussions. S. Projects The commit tee will take charge of plan ning the Easter Egg, hunt, May Morning breakfast and financial projects. 7. Religion This is an open field which could in volve Bible study, skeptics, militant .non-Christian faiths or Protestant faiths. Sophomores or above are eligible to apply., Loaned Pictures Due Back Friday Pictures loaned to students and faculty members from the Student Union art lend ing service must be returned to the Union by Friday. A penalty charge of 50 cents a day will be assessed on tardy return!!. LJ Vol. 34, No. 53 AH U EduQ&lMh. Plus Responsibility Is Lab? KENNEDY GREETED Robert Kennedy, before he spoke to an audience in the Stu- counsel for the U. S. Senate labor hear- " dent Union Ballroom. With Kennedy are- ings, and brother of Sen. John Kennedy, (fronleft) Karen Long, Ann Moyer, Dave met University students Saturday morning Godbey, Bob Hans and Herb Probasco. Regpnts Elect Elliott President, Plan NU Boundary Extension University Regents took care of many areas of busi ness Saturday, all with unani mous voting. ; They elected J. G. Elliott of Scottsbluff the new presi dent, made plans to extend the University property south ward and decided to increase the summer school budget by $38,550. Acquire Title In cooperation with Bank ers Life of Nebraska, the University will acquire title of the old Grand Hotel, at the northwest corner of 12th and Q Sts. Plans are to con vert the corner to a parking lot until building can be fi nanced. t Bankers Life purchased the corner for $50,000 from a Texas realty company and the University will have an -'i. i ill -rrrf, "iff 1 ; 'M'ri St ft FUTURE PARKING LOT The Grand Hotel at 12th and Q St pictured above, may become a University parking lot within the next year, accomodating approximately 40 cars. The building will be leased to .the University from Bankers Life of Nebraska for a 25-year term, leaving the University an option to buy the property at any time during the term for the amount Bankers Life will Invest. Huskers Lose Again See Page 3 Golka Picked ASAE Head Robert Golka was elected president of the student branch of the American So ciety of Agricultural , Engi neers last Wednesday evening.- Other new officers for sec ond semester are Arlen Za ruba, vice president; Kenneth Cheney, secretary; and Keith Sazton, treasurer. . 1 Lloyd Hurlbut, professor of agricultural enginee ring, talked about the ASAE ' na tional convention in Chicago, 111., last December. He also discussed many : of the new ideas presented at the conven tion and the Society's plans to co-ordinate thinki(ngx and ideas. I960'; -Problem. Solution nil J ; r -- , option to purchase it at any time during the 25-year term of the lease for the amount invested in the property by the insurance company. Comptroller Joseph Soshnik said the rental payments by! the Uiiversity will total $2,250 a year plus taxes. ! The University will razei the building within the next year for the parking lot. Business Manager Carl Don aldson estimated the 110 byi 86 foot lot would park 40 cars. Work Coincidence He said timing of the pro ject will probably coincide with Sheldon Art Gallery work and Woods Art Building, so that dirt from those two sites will be used to fill in the parking lot. J. Leroy Welsh of Omaha, although absent Saturday, Ag YW, YMCA Elect Officers Lorraine Hadley and Gafy Vehciil have been chosen to head Ag College YWCA and YMCA groups. . Miss Hadley is a junior from Love Hall8and Vencill, a junior is a member of Farm House. Other Ag YWCA officers in clude Joann Jacobsen, vice president, a junior from Love Hall; Gaylean Wells, secretary-treasurer, s o p h o more from Fedde Hall f and Sandi Clark, district representative, a freshman and member of Alpha Phi. The Ag YMCA officers In clude Bob McNeff, vice presi dent, junior; Rich Bringelsom, secretary-treasurer, s o p h o more, and Wes Milby, district representative, junior. All are members of Farm House fraternity. : . a HlVT let LINCOLN, NEBRASKA was elected vice-president of the Board. Clarence Swanson is retiring president. Budget for the 1960 sum mer sessions increased to $358,276 mainly due to salary adjustments. Director Frank E. Sorenson said other fac tors causing the increase in clude a change in the ani mal husbandry program from a four to an eight week course and additional courses in anthropology. More Pay Hardin pointed out that a previous maximum summer pay of $1,500 for summer pro fessors made it difficult to obtain outside professors and that the new maximum would be $1,700. He also noted that more and more students are attend ing school the year -round and said, "This should have the effect of lessening peak of enrollment and using fa cilities to the utmost." Dean of Faculties Adam Breckenridge also noted re cent figures which show more summer school students are completing work on degrees rather than working to ful fill teaching certificates. Fellowship Increase Regents also took action Saturday to increase their Graduate Fellowships from $1,500 to $2,000. Chancellor Hardin, who pointed out that the additional funds will come from endow ment funds of the University such as the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and not from taxes, told Regents, "With the old rate we couldn't get top students to apply. They could get more elsewhere." He pointed out that the new sum would make the fellowships the .best that the University has to offer gradu ates, but "behind what many other institutions have." McMaster Resigns In other action, the Board approved the resignation of Howard M. McMaster, part time associate professor, de partment of civil engineering. Hardin said, "McMaster feels he can no longer afford to give us part-time service." NU Receives J 26 Defense Scholarships The University will receive 26 National Fellowships in six graduate areas this year, an increase of 16 over those re ceived last year. The 16 additional fellow ships are valued at more titan $100,000. According to Dean John Weaver of the CJraduate College, such a fellowship is normally a three-yearawsrd. The department which re ceived the grants are eco nomics, political science, 'en tomology, physics and busi ness organization. Dean Weaver, advises all persons interested in applying for a fellowship to obtain their application forms as soon as possible. The University, he said, must submit its nomina tions for the Fellowships to the U.S. Office of Education by March 5. K By Jacque Janecek Educated persons with a sense of responsibility, not legislation, are the real an swer to problems in labor un ions, according to Robert Kennedy. The 32-yearold brother of Democratic presidential hope ful Sen. Jack Kennedy of Massachusetts and former counsel for the McClellan la bor investigations committee told students and adults at a session in the Union Ballroom Saturday morning: "You have an obligation to take an interest in schools, laws and corruption. You cant leave it to George. That kind of people (he cited criminal and gangster rates in Teamsters Union echelons) will run the coun try if you don't assume re sponsibility. And you can be- Primary Win Could Help Nationwide A successful try in the Ne braska primary could help Sen. Jack Kennedy's bid for the presidency throughout the whole Midwest, his younger brother thinks. "A win here would speak for more than Nebraska," he said. Robert Kennedy told a Daily Nebraskan reporter Sat urday, "I'm terribly im pressed with the enthusiasm here and I'm sure my brother will seriously consider enter ing the primary in April." The younger Kennedy added that enthusiasm he found here is "gratifying, since we're coming from the East." He said his brother plans to enter five or six primaries. Bob Gets YD Card Bob Kennedy was made a lifetime member of the Uni versity" Young Democrats at the Kennedy for President meeting Saturday afternoon. Don Geis made the presen tation which was the same type as presented to presi dential candidate John Ken nedy earlier this year. A membership drive for Young Democrats will begin second semester. Louise Hol bert and Carol Langhauser were elected co-chairmen for the drive. Memberships will be $1 a semester. Joe Dasovic was elected convention chairman for the spring convention which is tentatively being planned. Bev Heyne Will Head Red Cross Bev Heyne, a junior in the College of Agriculture, is the new executive president of Red Cross. Other executive of ficers are Sue S chriebr, vice presi dent; J o n i Reeves, sec retary; and Linda R o h- wedder, trea surers , Miss Heyne is a member Miss Heyne of Phi Upsilon Omicron hon orary, secretary1 of the Luth eran. Student House Choir and rush thairman of Alpha Omi cron Pi. - Mrs. Schreiber, a junior in Arts and Sciences and Teach ers, is Vice president of Tas sels, vice' president of Sigma Alpha Eta honorary and vice president of Sigma Delta Tau. Miss Reeves is a member of A.C.E., Pi Lambda Theta and is scholarship chairman of Alpha Chi Omega, She is a junior in Teachers College. Miss Rohwedder, a junior in Arts and Sciences, is 'a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Sigma Iota hon oraries, managing editor of the Cornhusker and activities chairman of Kappa Kappa Gamma. . .it- ' Monday, January II, 1960 dy enne cause vou are the croup 'with the advantages of educa tion." Hoffa To Fan? The young lawyer, who also made headlines when he ao Jimmy Hoffa of gangsterism on the Jack Paar television show this falL said he ex pects Hoffa to be "out" in the next three months. Later asked to qualify hi statement, Kennedy added, "It is my belief that If he is not out in a year, at least major swps iu dc uiruciwj to oust him from the Team sters' Union." Kennedy also said he ex pects much corruption in tha Hoffa union to fall, once he is out of office. He noted that the head of the transportation union has more than 300 attorneys "who do nothing more than try t keep Hoffa in office", and that any move to oust him -H 1 J PFl U wiu oe aiincuu. 'Law Breakdown' So far no jury has been unable to convict him and Kennedy blames a "b r e a k down in much local law en forcement and politics." Kennedy also cited tha "lack of democratic proce dures" and instances of "or ganized crime" in the Team sters Union. He said many officials in the Union are elected in il legal elections and by un qualified voters. The graduate of Harvard and Virgin: law school told how his committee found con victed . criminals in high Teamsters positions. Second Rank Kennedy maintained that the Teamsters rank second, only to the-Federal govern ment in influence in this country due to their control over transportation. "'Because of this great pr-nnnmir control. Teamsters have attracted gangsters and hoodlums," he said. He said the McClellan com mittee proved 15 top officials in Detroit had records for armed robbery, arson and other major crimes. Some had been charged with mur der. 'No Regard' "These criminals have no regard for the Union, but work so that employers will give business to their (the criminals') friends." he said. He noted arson, pickets and other violences instigated by the "gangsters and hood lums." Kennedy also accused man agement of much corruption in labor today. "Ninety per cent of the deals wouldn't have been pos sible without their coopera tion," he said. He charged that they often make deals to gain economic advantages over other competition. Later, answering a Ques tion why management had not been called to explain their relations, the boyish looking investigator blamed news media. . , Little Attention He said his committee studied illegal deals made by firms, but that this phase of their work received "little at tention from the press." v No Bar Association even' management itself has tried to remedy the situation, Kennedy said. He commended the AFL-CIO for its efforts to stop management deals. Kennedy also commented on the inrant L.anarum-uru- fin labor bill and told listen ers he thought it would prove itself better in a year. No 'End-All' He noted the bill had hail a 9Q-day provision and had actually been in operation only a little over two months. "I will not say it is the end-all of all labor bills. Kennedy concluded. Don Geis, president of uni versity Young Democrats, in troduced the younger brother of the presidential candidate who had said earlier his pri mary reason for visrang Ne braska was to" obtain a re port on the outlook for a suc cessful Kennedy bid in the April primaries. 1 Sen. Kennedv already has announced he will enter, the New Hampshire prraary this month. He plans to visit Nebraska Jan. 27 and is expected to announce his decision whe ther to run here then. He vember.