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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1959)
,?- Monday, March 9, 1959 The Daily Nebraskar. Page 3 Huskers Travel to Kansas State For Season Finale; Hester Sick - 1 ,'v' - i .- 4. - , ' -Vs " -i 1 ?;.z t"Ir .J GORDON COLLETT, Oklahoma sophomore, breaks the water as he finishes the 100 yard breaststroke. Collett, who is originally from Belmont, California, swam the distance in 1:04.8. This is under the NCAA record of 1:05 set by Frank Medine of Michigan State. However, the time will not go down into the record books because it was not set during the NCAA championships. Sooners Win Eighth Straight Swim Title; Nebraska Fifth By Hal Brown The Nebraska Cornhuskers will wind up their 1958-59 bas ketball season against Kansas State at Manhattan tonight. The Huskers need a win to finish above .500 for the sea son. They are currently 5-8 in the conference and 12-12 over all. Nebraska dropped a 65-54 Daily Nebraskan Sports By Tom Davies The University of Oklahoma breezed to its eighth straight Big Eight swimming title Sat urday in the Coliseum Pool. The Sooners amassed more points in the final round than the five teams were able to i score throughout the entire! meet. The Sooners racked up 198 points, ten more points than all the other teams combined. Iowa State was second with 61; Kansas had 50; Kansas State scored 33; Nebraska had Nebraskan Want Ads FOR SALE Or? units won Ivy lpriKin! sport rout, 4'J long Freeman black shnes. 12B For Ml Bookrsss dsk, chut-of-ilroiri. mlireellanooun furniture. 3-X3."7. For naif: Vm old Magnavox HI-FI t. Cull Howard Koopar --SAM 2-31 20. FOR RENT Typewriter, nrlrtlnic m.ichlnej fir rent ur eiile. BLOOMS. 323 No. 13. 2-8!i68. TV'i rented. H12.60 vrr month Everv l hint' lurnlihed. Kollar'i Appliance. 2-2744 WANTED PART TIME SALESMEN I neeii iwo manied men with cart, who will work 3 to o hour a niRht for ahove average earning. Work bv appointment only, no cunvaniiinK. Call 3-771.V between 1-4 P.M., Mon day thru Friday. Best Pizza In Town . . . 'S P1ZZARIA 8 varieties oi PIZZA 3 Sizes $2.00, 1.50. 75c Dining Room Service 5 P.M. -2 Stores - e.. 44. 889 No- 27 Oprn fry af ceP Tum. 4811 Holdrere tAM 44-1 Fh. 8-2304 STOr l Opm wery day uxcept Mon. 29; and Colorado was last with 25. Missouri and Oklahoma State did not compete. OU Minus Two Oklahoma copped all but two of the first places. Dallas Chestnut of Kansas State edged Lome Hale of Okla homa in the 1-meter diving and Jerry Petkus of Iowa State won the 100-yard free style. The bicirest factor in the Sooner win was their individu al stars. Larry Lermo, Gor den Collet, Chuck Lechner, and Jack Saari grabbed nine of the 14 Sooner first places. Lermo was the outstanding performer of the meet. He captured three firsts and bet tered one record. He won the 1,500-meter freestyle, the 220 yard freestyle, and set a new pool record in the 440-yard freestyle. Sophomore flash, Gorden Collet copped the 200-yard breaststroke and posted a new Big Eight record in the 100 yard breaststroke. Jack Saari broke Big Eight records in both the 100 and 200-yard but terfly, and Chuck Lechner won the 100-yard backstroke and broke the pool record in the 200-yard back. Break Medley Record In addition to these records, the Sooner medley relay team shaved 5.6 seconds off the Big Eight 400-yard med ley relay record. ' Coaches Clinic To Be Held A one-dav football coaching clinic will be held for all Ne braska and area coaches Sat urday, April 18, Coach Bill Jennines announced. This comes about midway in the Husker spring drills. The Cornhusker coaching staff will handle the instruc tional phases. This same type clinic was held a year ago and was greeted with a big turnout of high school coaches. Nebraska bettered their last place finish of the past few years, but were unable to move higher than fourth place throughout the meet. Kansas State barely edged the Husk ers 33-29 for fourth place. Ne braska had beaten the Wild cats twice in dual meets ear lier this year, but the Huskers were unable to match the points that the Wildcats scored in the two diving events. Dal las Chestnut scored a win in the 1-meter diving and a sec ond in the 3-meter. "Huskers that scored in the meet were: Joe Stocker, fourth in the 100-yard breast stroke and fifth in the 200 yard breast; Branch Walton, fifth in the 3-meter diving and a sixth in the 1-meter; Dale Voss, fifth in both the 1,500-meter and the 220-yard freestyle; Frank Tomson, fifth in the 200-yard back stroke and a sixth in the 100 yard back; Larry McClean, fourth in the 200-yard but terfly : Joe Gaucusana, fifth in the 50-yard freestyle; and Ron Bucklin, sixth in the 220-yard individual medley. The Husker medley relay team copped fourth and the freestyle relay team iook sixth. decision to Oklahoma in their last outing as Herschell Turn er broke the Nebraska season scoring record. Turner pumped in 21 points to sur pass, by 12, the old record of 400 set by Jim Buchanan in 1952. Hester Doubtful The Huskers Wayne Hester may see only limited action in the season's finale. Hester came down with the flu fol lowing the Oklahoma game and spent the weekend in the Student Health Center This will be the final sched uled game for the Wildcats from "Kansas State. Coach Tex Winter's cagers will enter NCAA competition March 13 and 14 when they go against Big Eight Swim Results The summaries: 100-irard kaUerMr 1, Jack Saari CO); 1. Dave Drake (IS); S, John Janovy (O); 4. John Jeffrey IK): S. Jon Poort iKI: 6, Jerry Fitzterald (KS). T 1:00.5 (bettera Btf a Championship record art by 'mat cher. OU. 19S7: bettera NU Dool record mt by Larry McClean, N and Janovy, lM-yard frreityle 1, Jerry Petkai, OS); 2, D. Hinderliter, (KS); 3, Douf Brown. (0); 4, John Shearer (IS); 5. Ron Begs (IS): 6. Alan Wilcox (O). T ;M,2, 2lKI-rrd bruit troke 1. Gordon Collett (O); 2. Carlyn Cruzan (O); I, Jim Laid law (K); 4. Jim Wise (C); 5, Joe Stocker (N)l 8, Jared Piety (K). T 2:27.5. 100-yard backatroke 1, Chuck Lechner (0); 2, Don Jobson (0)1 1. Dave Ewart (IS); 4. George Ickea (C); 5, Bill Man- cheater (IS); 6. Frank Toroaoa (N). T 1:01.3. 440-rard freaitrle 1. Larry Lermo (OI; 2. Bob Conner (O); J, Ron jonnaon (O); 4. Ron Hosner (0); 5, Mike Cassidy (K); 6, Al Gawthrop (C). T 4:44.0 (bet. ten NTJ pool record oi 4:46.0 Mt by John ion, OU, 19S2). 2-Meter Dlvlnr 1. Lorn, n.le (O): 2. Dallas Chestnut (KS); 3, Harry Klua (Oi: 4. Don Echelberier (IS); 5. Branch Wal ton IN); 6. Dave Noblitt (KS). Pta.- 378.30. 400-yard medley relay 1. Oklahoma (Lechner, Collett, Saari. Drowatzky); 2, Iowa State (Ewart, Graham, Drake, Shearer); 3. Kansaa (Herlocker. Laid law. J. Poort, E. Pnort); 4, Nebraska (Tomson. Stocker, McClean, Gacusanai; 5. Colorado (Ickes. Wise, Mills. Fowles); 6. Kansas State (Leavenxood, Rader, Fitz gerald, McNeal). T 4:03.1 (bettera Bic I Championship record of 4:05.7 set by Oklahoma, 1957). 1500 meter freestyle 1, Lermo (0); 2. Bob Connor (O); 3, Don Johnson (0); 4, Ron Hosner (O); 5, Dale Voss (N); 6, Mike Cassidy (K). T 19:21.1. 200 yard butterfly 1. Jack Saari (O); 2 John Jeffrey (K); 3. Jon Poort (K); 4, McClean (N; 5, Jerry Fttzfer ald (KS); , David Drake (IS). T 2:20.1. (Betters Bit 8 Championship rec ord of 2:21.3, set by Mike LeMair. Iowa State in 1955. Betters Nebraska pool rec ord of 2:22.6, set by Saari in afternoon preliminaries). SO yard freestyle 1. Ernie Drowatzky (0); 2, Petkus (K); 3. Alan Wilcox (O); , D. Hinderliter (KS); 5, Joe Gaucusana (N); 6, Ron Besg (IS). T :2J.4. SM yard freestyle 1, Lermo (0)! , Connor (O); 3, Dou Brown (0); 4. Brad Keeler (K); 5. Voss (N)i 6. Torn Goblentz (KS). T 2:13.2. 200 yard backstroke 1, Chuck Lechner (O); 2, Don Jobson (0); 3, George Ickes tOr 4, Dave Ewert (IS)! S.Tank Tomsen (N); 6, Dave Manchester IS). Time 2:15.2. (Betters Nebraska Pool record of 2:15.8. set by Loren Brought Iowa State, in 1955). 100 yard breaststroke 1, Collett (O); 2. Cruzan (O); 3. Jim Laid law (K); 4, Stocker (N); 5, Jim Wise (C); 6. Mike Graham (IS). T 104.8. (Betters Big S Championship record of 1:05.2. set by Collett in pre liminaries). One-meter dlvlnr 1. Chestnut (KSH 2, Lorna Hala (O): 3. Paul Ander son (C); 4, Don Echelbereer IS); 5, Harry Kluc (0); S, Branch Walton (N). P 340.15. 230 yard Individual medley 1, Jobson (0): 2. Hosner (O); i. John Janovy 0); 4, Jared Piety K); 5. Jeffrey (0); 6, Ron Bucklin (N). T-2:21.2. (Ties Big 8 Championship record set by Dal Lucas, Iowa State, in 1956. Betters Nebraska pool record of 2:24.1, set by Jobson In preliminaries). 400 yard freestyle relay 1, Oklahoma ruilm. Johnson. Drowatsky and Brown); 1. Iowa Stale; 3. Kansas; 4, Kansas State: 5, Colorado; t, Nebraska. T- 3.36.8 Intramural Basketball Results ATO-A 46 Beta Sig-A 37 Sigma Nu-A 42 Delta Sig-A 24 GnsII-A 42 Selleck-A 38 Ilitchcock-A 45 Seaton-A 42 ATO-B 31 Sigma Nu-B 29 Phi Gamma-B 23 Sisma Nu-B 54 Chemists 45 Scholars 28 PEK 57 Dents 33 SAE-C 38 DU-C 50 State Tourney Pairings Told Incomplete pairings in the 4ith annual State Basketball Championship tournament to be held Thursday, iriaay, and Saturday in the Coliseum have been announced. Four spots are still to be decided in district playoffs. The pairings: CLAM AA ton Prep-O. South winner, Friday, 1:30. Lincoln mgn v. bcdhbihw". ' :30. Finals Saturday. :S0 P.m. Al! game on Varsity court. CLASS A Roldrege t. Omaha Holy Nam, Fri day, noon. . Beatrice-Creta winner T. Ogallaln, Friday, 7:00. Finals Saturday. 7:00 p.m. All games on Varsity court CLASS B Syracuse v Wayne. Thursday. 7:00. lira V, wnnurn iiim'"' Finals Saturdov 2:30 p.m. AU games on varsity chh CLASS C Bancroft-Emerson winner r. Loulf ville. Friday. 7:00. , Lodsepole v. Hastings St. Cecelia. Frirtay. 8:30 p m. First round nw-s on freshman court Finals on Varsity court, Saturday. 1:00 p.m. CLASS invder v. Red Willow. Friday, noon. Shickley v Beaver Crossing. Friday, 1 ' 30 Finals Katurdcv. 1130 a m. First round games on freshman court. Finals on Varsity court. CLASS E Prague v. Tobias, Thursday. 7:00 Mamuette v. Wllsonvllle. Thursday. ''First "round gam on freshman court Fin-Is on Varsity court, Saturday. 10:00 a.m. either Portland or Depaul in first round play of the Mid west Regional at the Univer sity of Kansas Fieldhouse. This is the third time in the last four seasons that the Wildcats have represented the Big Eight in the NCAA play offs. The Wildcats with an overal record of 23-1 are ranked number one and number tw i respectively in the weekly United Press and Associated Press polls. Kansas State is 13-0 in Big Eight conference play and needs a win over Ne braska to finish the Confer ence season undefeated. After Upset Kansas State was ranked number one a year ago and had a ten game conterence win string going when the Huskers upset them at Lin coln. Kansas State tied their own Big Eight record of most nnints scored in a single game when they defeated Missouri 108 to 69 Saturday afternoon in a regionally televised game, Kansas State set the record against Nebraska in 1953. The score in that game was 108-80. Bob Boozer and Ced Price led the onslaught against Mis souri with 32 and 20 points re spectively. Boozer scored 21 of h:s points in the first half and saw only limited duty the sec ond half as Tex Winter cleared the Wildcat bench. This will be the final gam for Husker seniors George Swank and Jerry McKay. 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