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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1959)
... ... UN'jvr w mm Vol. 33, No. 78 Trie Doily Nebroskon Tuesday, March 10, 1959 New Union Cafeteria Slated For Opening During Vacation Crib May Appear by May I, Lake Says 'Parties Off -Limits If Not Registered' Colbert, Snyder Clarify Procedure For Holding Functions, List Violations By Sandra Whalen Students will return from Easter vacation to find a new cafeteria opened in the Union. "Our whole theme of the cafeteria is that institutional food service doesn't have to be institutional," Duane Lake, managing director of the Un ion, said. "We're going to be as uptown as anyone." 132 Seats The cafeteria, which will seat 192, will have turquoise walls, brown formica table tops and turquoise and gold upholstery. The tray rail of the cafe teria line will be of formica with raised stainless steel bands. "The cafeteria line will be entirely hien from view of the dining area by a wood screen," Lake said. "We'll also have one dining area which will be able to be closed off by draperies." He explained that groups would be able to reserve this area for meetings. "By using this area they avoid the expense of having their food served because they can simply go through the line, pick out what they want, and then sit in the reserved area," he said. Innovations Lake listed several innova tions of the cafeteria, among them a rotating glass lazy susan, three banks high, to be used for salad display. The salad display will be located at the beginning of the line, with the sandwich coun ter. Students can watch their steaks or shrimp prepared at to be opened "sometime around the first part of May." The present Crib will not be closed until the new one is a built-in broiler behind glass. I No booths will be located The broiler station will prob- in the cafeteria. Seating will ably offer four items at noon be banquet style and tables, and night, according to Lake. Lake explained that the seat- The line will also include a ing in the back of the present actually opened. , Workmen hot foods section and a soda Round Up Room is banquet started to put in the Crib fountain with premixed serve-1 style. walls yesterday. Lake said, yourself drinks obtained from ! Modern captains chairs will j The Pan American Ball a dispenser. !be used, with upholstered ! room will be opened shortly "Because of the conveni- backs and seats. I after the Crib, ence of the kitchen area, we'll "For lighting, we're using i "We'd like to give the grad be able to do many things big dome fixtures with candle j uating seniors a shot at some with food that we can't do j chandeliers," he said. of these areas before they get now," Lake said. The new Crib is expected out of here," Lake concluded. I I "Any unregistered party is off-limits even if it is in Ply mouth Congregational Church basement," J. Philip Colbert, dean of the Division of Stu dent Affairs, said. He and Helen Snyder, asso ciate dean for women, cited and interpreted some Uni versity regulations regarding registration of social func tions. Social Guide A booklet, "A Guide for So cial Events," prepared by the Faculty Senate subcommittee on student social affairs and! activities lays the basic rules governing social events. This booklet is distributed to the president or social chairman of campus organ izations. University parties must be registered and chaperoned. When groups want to have functions at what Dean Sny der called the "usual places," permission is granted by the Student Affairs office. Off-Limiti Examples of the "usual places" were cited as the Cornhusker Hotel, Cotner Ter race, Lincoln Hotel and simi lar places. Places not listed in the office of the Division of Stu dent Affairs are not off-limits for University parties. Dean Colbert said. Permission for holding par ties at other than the "usual' places must be obtained from the Faculty Senate subcom mittee on social affairs, ac cording to the booklet issued by that committee. Registration Question Whenever the office of Stu question about registration of dent Affairs feels there is any - ' T 1 1 initr-' ii Mnim-lmWiW niiii ,i nnwir"" ii ........... r& -v',; ' """i i, mp iiw intri ARTISTS CONCEPTION of the completed Union addition nears a reality as the building approaches completion. With the opening of the new cafeteria after Easter vacation, the addition will begin taking its place in Union activities. 'Taming of Shrew' Planned by Theatre Carnival Winners Announced Sharon Sterner, Lorraine Haggart and Ag Men's Club were winners in the costume and booth divisions of the an nual Estes Carnival held Fri day at the Ag Activities Build ing. - Miss Sterner and Miss Hag gart won the women's cos tume division dressed as "Meet the Press" reporters. Winner of the men's division was Don Johnston, wearing a young lady's costume. Ag Men's Club won the booth award with "The Hang ing Tree." Honorable mention went to Fedde Hall with "Hoop It Up in Nebraska," and Love Hall's "Lovely Weather." The theme for the Ag YW YWCA sponsored carnival was "There Is No Place Like Nebraska." Don't Slosh; Use Dry Cars Three University coeds have discovered one way to beat the melting slush which makes small, but dangerous rivers near all sidewalks and curbs. One of the coeds was unable to reach the curb in front of the Union. She started walk ing up and down R Street try ing to find a dry spot. Two ingenious coeds, sitting in a parked car, jumped out to let her slide through and reach the sidewalk safe, sound and dry. With one more snowstorm accompanied by a rapid thaw, such a trick may mean the. difference between dry feet and drowning. Farm Station Money Asked The Northeast Nebraska Experimental Farm Associa tion has asked the University to participate in a program to raise money for facilities at an experiment station. The Association has launch ed a program to raise $25,000 towards construction of an ad ministration building and other facilities at the North east Nebraska Experiment Station at Concord. The Association plans to sell memberships to raise the $25, 000. C. D. Haskell, Laurel, has offered to match this amount. Members of the Association have asked the University to match the $50,000. "Taming of the Shrew" will be the University Theatre's contribution to the Lincoln Centennial cultural week pro gram in x.lay. Tryouts for the Shakespeare comedy will be held this week beginning tonight. The comedy will be shown in an especially constructed "street theatre." Jerry Carlson, instructor in speech, will direct the show. "Taming of the Shrew" will Summer Schedule Brimming Special interest clinics, convocations and conferences and regular academic classes make up the program for the University summer ses sions. The summer program of studies and activities has been expanded this year. j Forty-five of the 250 in- i f tractors on the summer sessions faculty will be guest lecturers in the aca demic and professional fields In addition, about 30 spec ialists will assist with con ferences, institutes and clinics. Eight, six, four and three week sessions are offered. The student may earn up to nine hours of credit. Features of the program are a Student Union Fine Arts Series, a Public Affairs Previews, All-State pro grams. University Art Gal lery Displays, Ralph Mueller Planetarium, Presentations and State Historical Society Exhibits. be repeated as the first play of the summer session, both in Howell Theatre and at Pine wood Bowl. Tryouts for "Ah, Wilder ness," will be held jointly with the tryouts for "Taming of the Shrew." "Ah, Wilderness," is the fourth production of the Uni versity ineaire regular sea son, to be seen in Howell The atre in May. Tryouts will be held in Rm. 201, Temple, at the following times: Tuesday, 7-10 p.m.; Wed nesday, 3-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.; Thursday, 4-6 p.m.; and Friday 3-5 p.m. Sandra Ellis Wins Title Barnard Opens Drama School The Barnard College Dra ma Workshop and Summer Theatre will open a summer school and stock company at Broadway and 19th St. in New York in July. Designed to give ybung act ing students training in the techniques of the theatre, the school will have a full profes sional staff of 12 actors and actresses. The enrollment will be 34 students, 17 men and 17 women. The school will be under the direction of Mildred Dunnock, actress and teacher of drama tic art. KUON Series Return Planned Channel 12's series, "Back yard Farmer," will return March 23. The 45-minute sessions, be ginning at 8 p.m., are con cerned with gardening and lawn problems. The series is produced in cooperation with the Agricultural Extension Service. "Outdoor Living" Gets Camera, Hi-Fi Sandra Ellis, University junior in Teachers, won the "Miss Outdoor Living" title at the 1959 Lincoln Sports, Va cation and Outdoor Living Show this weekend. Miss Ellis was chosen by vote of all the persons who attended the show. She was one of several University stu dents nominated as "Sports Show Princesses," contestants for the title. She won a camera' and six pieces of luggage for herself and a Hi-Fi set for her so rority, Alpha Phi. Other University contestants for the title were: Reba Kinne, Anne Nord- quist, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Pat Gorman, Ginny Gessner, Sandra Johnson, Margaret Timn and Mary Webster. Hike One, Ttvo, Three Shift! The Union lounge has been transferred from its past site to the halls. Lack of space was named as the reason for the couches, overstuffed chairs and lamps now adorning the corridors. "We Jast don't have any place to put them and the contractor; are working in the lounge now," Duane Lake, managing director of the Union, said. "IUwever, we will be using the Round Up Room as a lounge when the cafeteria opens and then we will put them in there." Union Will Hold Applicant Party A Get Acquainted Party for all Union board applicants will be hl-J tonight from 7:30 to 8:30 in the Faculty Lounge. The party is for all students who apply for Union chair man, assistant and board pos itions. Refreshments will be served. Applications are due today for chairmen and assistants. Applicants may sign up for an interview for Sunday in Bob Handy'g office. Tickle My Whiskers It's Gay 90's Time The Theatre Rv Rill Tillinehast atmosphere of the Gay 90's will invade Howell when the comedy-farce, "The Matchmaker", is nresented Wednesday through Friday. From scene one the audience is carried back into the days of the mutton chop whiskers and feather plume hats. No Niceties The first scene does not reflect the niceties of life, how ever, but Horace Vandergelder's lack of them. "The room is done in a horrible yellowish green with tables, chairs, a desk, a barrel and a trapdoor" through which the characters enter, according to technical director Dr. Charles Lown. In contrast to this, Miss Molloy's Hat Shop, in act two, is done in blue wallpaper with a showcase of painted hats and several feathery chapeaux. Like Gunsmoke Act three takes place in Harmonia Gardens, a restau rant typical of the period with its plaster inserts and swing ing doors much like those found in "Gunsmoke's" Long branch Saloon. The play ends happily in the Victorian living room f Miss Van Huysen. Technically, "The Matchmaker" is done in a the atrical style four acts with "wing and drop" scenery. This scenery is composed of partitions jutting from the edge of the stage to give an effect of depth and several ex panses of canvas which are lowered when necessary. A special act cttrtain was built for the play. Painted in a light paste, it pictures an antique train chugging across a bridge. Rhoades to Speak At Agronomy Meet Dr. Harold Rhoades, pro fessor of agronomy, spoke at an Agronomy Seminar at Colo rado State University this month on the subject of zinc as a plant nutrient element. Debators Win Nine At Tourneys University debate teams totaled a score of nine wins in the tournament this weekend at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Ind. Nancy Copeland and Sara Jones Gadeken won four and lost two matches. The team defeated Ohio State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Brooklyn College and Butler University. They lost to Army and Lake Forest College. Two other teams attended the Northwest Tournament at St. Thomas College in St. Paul, Minn. Dick Nelson and Gary Hill won four and lost four match es, while Renny Ashelman and Don Epp won one ana lost seven. 1 Ex-Student To Appear With Como Jim Peterson, former Uni versity student, will appear with the Ja-Da quartet on the Perry Como show March 14. It will be the quartet's sec ond appearance on the show. Peterson plays the banjo with the group. Peterson is a member of Phi Delta Theta. The other members of the quartet are Don Roger and Gorden Elling- er. who were members of Beta Theta Pi at the Univer sity of Colorado. Margaret Ann Peterson, Jim's sister, is the vocalist with the group. Their record, "Good Time Charlie," was recently re leased by Warner Brothers and their album will be re leased in April. They will ap pear April 7 on the Gary Moore show. Epstein to Speak At Physics Meet Professor Saul Epstein, as sociated professor of physics, will speak at a physics collo quim Thursday at 4:15 p.m. in 212 Brace Laboratory. Professor Epstein will dis cuss "Toward a universal Fermi Interaction." The meeting is open to the public. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. KK to Meet Kosmet Klub will meet to night at 7:30 in Union 305. A Kosmet Klub workers meeting will be held at 8:30 in 304. Coed Stag Off The Coed Stag scheduled for this Wednesday has been called off, according to Karen Peterson, Union board member. Aspen Movies Movies of th Aspen ski trip will be shown Thursday at 8 p.m. in Union Parlor X. Apiece 82,400 Cornhusker Skeleton Exposed With 'Spicf Section of Yore By Gretchen Sides With the final Cornhusker deadline drawing nearer each day, stories are emerging that show that even the Univer sity yearbook has a skeleton in its closet. William Harper, director of University services, a man with an inexhaustible sup ply of antedotes about campus life, told the following story: Student Life The Cornhusker, a number of years ago, had a special Student Life section. The section contained snaps, take-offs and jokes on prominent campus groups and individuals. But in 1921 the section, which was termed "spicy," went too far for even the roaring twenties. The book was printed and several copies had been delivered when the Student Life section came to the attention of the au thorities. Oops Distribution was promptly stopped and the book went back to the printers where the offending section was lifted and the book was rebound. Pictures on one page compared the legs of an active campus coed to the pil lars on a wharf in San Francisco. On an other page the copy with a picture was considered risque. Several snaps of sorority houses taken during a night serenade revealed girls in their bathrobes, showing their legs above the knees. Real Shecker But the real shocker was-a picture of two coeds in their "teddies." There was some talk of a slander suit but it never materialized. Another practice about that time was the custom of dividing all money left over after expenses had been paid between the business manager and the editor. This amount had never been very large until 1923 when the business manager, a salesman from start to finish, decided to capitalize on the publicity surrounding the 1921 "scandal." Little news stories were laced in the Ne braskan about the content of the various Cornhusker sections. Hints The stories hinted that the Student Life section was going to be even more risque than the 1921 edition. The section was 'ctually very ordinary, but the gullible public bought 2800 copies of the book. Up until then, sales usually totaled about 1400 copies. Business manager and editor received an unexpected windfall $2400 apiece. It never happened again. Different regu lations regarding the use of extra money were put into effect the next year. a party, it is referred to the subcommittee. "Most (groups) ask for places we approve," Dean Snyder said. Some places, such as the' Italian Village, have been ap proved by talking to the man agement. If they are willing to cooperate with the Univers ity and accept the responsi bility of having a function there, they are approved, Dean Snyder said. In the case of the Italian Village, parties are allowed if the group is small enough to use the private room. Judging whether or not a business establishment may be the scene of a registered University function is largely a matter of discretion, accord ing to Dean Snyder. Good Taste' "It can't be pinpointed,' she said. "It is a matter of good taste, good judgement, good citizenship and good ed ucation." Unregistered parties may lead to social and activity probation of an organized group, Dean Colbert said. A group on such probation may have no social events or extra-curricular activities. Organized houses may b put on probation for "conduct unacceptable to the Univers ity," Dean Colbert said. Conduct Violations Such conduct could ba un registered parties, parties without a chaperone, parties with alcoholic beverages, parties held after closing hours for women, pledge sneaks that interfere with the authorized instructional pro gram at the University, ex cessive hazing, vandalism or similar conduct, according to the dean. Currently three groups are on social and activity probation. One group was put on pro bation for a pledge sneak which interfered with the Uni versity's instructional pro gram. The group's pledges interrupted classes in session and kidnapped an upperclass man, preventing mm from taking an "important" exam ination the following day. "They d been warned the year before, Dean Colbert commented. An unregistered party at an unauthorized location after closing hours for women stu dents caused a second group to be put on probation. 'Detrimental Procedures' The third group's pledge training caused their proba tion. "Hell-week procedures that were detrimental to the scholastic progress, the health and the dignity of the pledges" caused this group's probation, the dean said. Dean Colbert is responsible for the decision of placing a group on probation, he saidl Investigation of complaints preceeds such a decision, he added. Navy Info Team Here This Week A Naval Officer Informa tion Team will be on campus Wednesday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the lobby of the Student Union. The team offers informa tion on the various naval fields, such as line, supply, aviation, engineering, medi cine and others. Service Tests Set April 30 Applications for the April 30 administration of the Col lege Qualification Test are now available at Selective Service local boards. Eligible students who in tend to take this test should apply at once to the nearest Selective Service local board. The results of these tests will be reported to the stu dents Selective Service local board of jurisdiction for use in considering his deferment as a student. UNSEA Meeting The University of Nebraska Student Education Association will meet today at 7 p.m. in Union 316. Dean Beggs will be the guest speaker. Cosmo Club Has Panel Today A panel discussion will be featured at the Cosomopolitan Club meeting Wednesday in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Both faculty and students will par ticipate in the discussion. - r:-' 4 4M