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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1958)
.in m turn ! rp f""l UL Hosts I UN!TRS1 Polygamy Idol i It AP ii mm , . .a- .- i- ft,1MMIt,,w nnn inamwiMMi iw 'in i iiMMMiMw.Mliii liiiiajuiijj nardout Gets the Ave Chancellor Cliff Hardout is given an are from an fefced represen tative of an alumnae group. The gift was presented, the unidentified woman said, as aa indication of bigger things to come. Students Now Play Grab-bag With Profs Senate Accepts Faculty Evaluation Plan In a surprise meeting dur ing Spring vacation, the Fac ulty Senate voted 349 to 1 to accept the Student Council approved Teacher evaluation program. Only one revision to the Council-proposed plan was added. The Senate amended the proposal so that students will have the final say in' whether or not faculty mem bers will receive renewed contracts every semester. Some discussion on whether the contracts should go be fore the students every se mester "was raised but a nar row majority defeated the proposal. Student's Decision 'We feel that since the Uni versity is solely for the bene fit of the students, they and 'j3y4hey should decide wTio iheir instructors should be,'" commented Felix Fumbler, associate professor of astrol ogy. 'Hrrrmph,'' comment ed Dim Fizzle, professor of hypnotic suggestion. Prof. Fizzle, who cast the sole negative vote at the Senate gathering, said that faculty contracts had always been made by the lottery method, and that was how they should always be awarded. The Faculty Senate made the historic decision during an unscheduled meeting after the annual Faculty Ice Cream Social. Helen Girley Student Coun cil president, said the ' " a. 1 - J ' 1 ' It 1 I ' sr - I"! r w. m m I'o. &rrm it .w as SHARE SCARE A University Young Republican emphati cally denies any present "economic crisis" as she talks be fore the group. Young Democrats failed to voice dissension to the Molid politico. Council is planning other programs for presentation to the Faculty Senate. "There are many other projects the Council coo Id undertake this year," Miss Girly commented. The Council will present these proposals to the Senate May 4, date of the annual NU Bored Regents End Parking, Problem Solons Appropriate Many $ For Fund The Univesity parking prob-'l lem has been solved! The University Bored Re gents came to a decision about the parking problem after a heated seven minute debate Monday. Regent Sore Feet suggested that automobile parking be abolished completely. In place of cars, all students will be permitted to peddle bi cycles to class. The state legislature bas allotted $1,777,993.03 for the setting up of bicycle stands. The University police are co-operating with the plan by allowing new bicycle permits cost of $10. Fraternities and to be obtained at the bargain sororities may purchase blocks of permits for $175. The Selleck Quadrangle parking lot will be closed to students. That area win be JR. & I- MX.. S ' I II -vr--: i Faculty trek to Kansas. ""This marks a sew era ia University life,1" commented Henry HardernnaOs, assistant professor of coffeebreak psy chology, 'From now on, H the stu dents have to do is ask. We will go along with them,'" he added. sodded and transformed into a practice football field for girls, according to Feet. The new rule will yot go Into affect until February SI of the coming year. "This w1D allow the stu dents time to sell then- cars and invest ia bicycles," said Feet. "'Our new plan win allow professors to drive motorcy cles to school, provided they reside more than 2 blocks away," Feet continued. Students with a nine aver age or above will be provided with a Rolls Royce in rec ognition of their high achieve ment. The cost of the Rolls Royces will be paid by Chancenor Clifford Hardout. Gas money wfll be provided by the Red Dots. Many students nave ex pressed approval of the bi cycles idea. Speedy Schwin commented, I think it is a grand plan. So does my father. He says his store win be open 24 hours a day until the rush is over." H a r 1 e y Davidson men tioned, "The faculty has got ten a good deal. Discounts on motor cycles are to be given to professors who trade in cars older man ihh models." Winston Church, of Stars-on-Alabama, England, proved the most delighted. "Maybe bicycle racing win get a foot hold in this country yet," he declared. CatwalUs Honor Now Restored The Daily Nebraskan wishes to publicly apoligize for the outdated picture run 5T Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star Thea Now of IMC president Gary Cad walk. A more recent photo graph appears above. The erring picture was falsely obtained from the Hysterical Society instead of the correct files. Cadwalk was elected presi dent of the inter maternity council last week. He is rest ing quietly. AH Khann, ( pronounced ale aan) is a last minute re placement for Rodriquex Ioe creme Choen as speaker for the United Utchens conver ence to be held here this week. Khann, delegate from Pu kistia, should be an effective speaker, commented Spin Withberger, conference chair man. This is because of Khann's great experience in affairs dear to the heart of inn! T Vol. 32, No. 90 Barf: Casey's Cops Popular Bar Survey Title Casey's came out first in the recent campus survey taken to determine the most popular local bar frequented by University students, ac cording to a Pub Board member. i Tony's Happy Corner and the Royal Grove finished wen behind the winner in a second place tie, and the Grin was disappointed with third. The Bismark and Rocky's put on a spirited battle and emerged in a tie for the fourth spot. Determinants of the sur vey, recorded, on Univac, were total consumption by University customers, best hostesses, best shuffleboard and other recreational gim micks, and best restroom fa cilities. Casey's scored another tri umph when their hostess, Men Helm, emerged as winner in that part of the competition. It was a real honor to be chosen as top hostess by the University students," Nell said. "And Tm doubly happy to hear Casey's was the fa vorite bar. We nope we can live op to the honors be stowed cn us." Disgruntled losers yeDed foul", when survey results were made known, but Dean Colburn, survey chairman, assured them that the survey was conducted impartiaEy. Casey's was chosen '"Best Bar in Town" in the recent Pink Rag campus survey. Tony's Happy Corner and the Royal Grove fought to the wire for a second place tie. The Grfll disappointed with third and the Bismark and Rocky's tied for fourth. Several bars claimed 'foul" after results were made known, but Dean Colburn as sured the bars that the sur vey was impartial and was conducted on Univac. Merger Joins Teachers, AS Pencil Sharpener Expenses Cited Shortage of funds has caused one more compromise on the University campus. Latest in the series of "m a k e-do" arrangements caused by overexpenditures of University funds on pencfl sharpeners is the consolida tion of Teachers College and .irts and Sciences. "During the Summer Ses sions we win be able to iron out any possible difficulties," commented J." B. Poof, newly named dean of the combined coUeges. "This has been my fondest hope during the years 1 served as dean of Teachers CoUege," were the departing words of Flank Heinrik. "I have always dreamed of joining the two colleges, since their ideals and goals are so homogeneous," commented Wallace Milkner, ex-dean of the CoUege of Arts and Sci ences. Chancellor Clifmerc Hard up said the name of the com bined CoHeges has not yet been decided upon. Enrollment Up James Bittenger revealed today that Dean A. C. Dreck enridge disclosed yesterday that ChanceUor Clifford Gard in said Sunday that there are stffl "three or four" vacancies for 1958-59 enrollment in Teachers CoUege. "An other departments and schools seem fined up," the spokesman for the spokesman said. very University student, she continued. Choea Ice creme Choen, undersec retary of the Untrustworthy Council of the United litch ens, was unable to attend the conference here because of a recent South American Rev olution. Cbeea is m longer a mem ber of his country's represen tatives since be lost his bead daring the revolution. D Ni Sly Council Elects Tribunal To Undermine Student Vote J I- I i p! c) I f J I WHO SAID HE WAS REAL Proody Tomorrow puffs on her pipe as she emphaticany denies rumors to the effect that her controversial friend "Buck" Eiklebergg "doesn't have a head on his shoulders." Warmakings Enter Advanced Training Special to the Rag M N High officials in the University school of warmakiug (ROTC) re leased today the lists of basic cadets planning to ga into the advanced corps. They are: William Wonght Army) I v a a Kordovevk'h t Air Force) Edward Jaypea NavjJ Loose 'n Tight Loose in the middle and tight around the bottom that's how one fashion-wise Cornhasker described the "dress without a waist." Or, if that definition does n't suit, there's another stu dent's remark that the dress is a swinging thing that fits in the right places and loose in the wrong ones." 1' tf'J ' " Six o'clock classes wfll be dismissed ten minutes early Sunday so the entire student body wfll have the opportunity to hear the distinguished Elizabethan comedy star, J. Pier- pont Suckettash. Dr. Suckettash, a native ot tne LKraine, wui spean on the topic, "Are toadstools necessary to make the diet of owls unbalanced?" Khann will discuss the fin er points of fast horses and women as well as other im portant international prob lems facing the United Litch ens today. Polygamy Other points to be covered in his talk will be of similar interest to University stu dents, many of whom consid er Khann their idol, comment ed Miss Withberger. II Lincoln, Nebraska Greeks Provide Recession Aid; Move To Dorm An fraternities and soror ities wfll be disbanded next year, Lyle Handsome, Inde pendent, said. The move was taken in light of the recent economic crisis, Handsome said. "jew dormitories to hold an the old and new students wfll have to be built and aU the fraternity and sorority houses will have to be torn down. Think of an the jobs it wfll create," he said. Elwin Hecldeberry and Gary Catwalk could not be reached for possible divergent statements. ' t ' Researcher At Khann plans U give his iews on existing social ta boo and local prejudices, such as the one in this coun try which frowns on polyg amy. "This is one of those blue laws that is keeping the Unit ed Mates so underpopulated," Khann remarked at a recent meeting of the United litch er.s. Improved Morale 'The morale of the Ameri- Shady Characters Dominate Choices The Student Council, meeting in secret Sunday afterawsn at a southern suburb of Lincoln, selected the members of the student tribunal The Tribunal, which was approved by the Regents last week, will settle all matters of conduct involving students in the University. Council President Helen Girley stated that the ded-' sions were tough ones to make but the council came through the ordeal in great shape, i Members of the Tribunal' are: Bob Scotland, junior in Arts and Sciences who wfll handle, all briefs and cases pertaining la the liquor) situation on the campus ... Melvyn Eikelberrg, sopho more in the Teachers College who win handle cases involv ing fraternity men. Said the new member of the tribunal in .special interview with the Pink Rag, "I wUI exercise my; usual fairness with those Greek nitwits." j Trombone Hardingstrasser fink, who wfll handle an cases pertaining to traffic charges. Hardingstrasservlnk is a sen ior at University High and has a motorcycle and a matching cap so that he wfll efficiently race after aH of fenders. DeWitt Clinton, graduate in Canal Engineering, who wfll oversee the board. A secret courier told mem bers of the Pink Rag staff that Bruce Bruggwoman win return to the Lincoln campus from a brief heigera in the East to handle afl charges brought by members of the faculty to the tribunaL Council president Girley declined to say who the faculty members on the tri bunal wfll be, but a reliable sources on the third floor of the adniinistration building said that Bruce Candle, friend of the miserable student, would take over one of the jobs from his carrel in t h e Jost-iTn Memorial GaUery in Omaha. Candle is reported to have a short wave radio in the carrel with which he can keep in touch with things on the Lincoln campus. The final faculty member, reports have it, wfll be Bob Skylark, who has accepted a job as assistant to the assist ant dean of student affairs for the coming year. Here are some of the com ments emminent council members had to make about the appointments: Dave Keeny, holdover mem Work Researching An authority on the subject, Dr. Suckettash has re cently returned from ten years study of toadstools on the island of Tahiti According to him, the work was quite diffi cult due to other attractions on the island which kept get ting his attention. The above picture shows Dr. Suckettash doing some re search work for Sunday's lecture. kan man would be greatly stimulated by removing this outdated restriction on his freedom," added Khann. Delegations to the United Utchens conference must be registered by Wednesday , Miss Withberger stated. "We already have over 10 said. Registration fees are $1 and two tootsie roll wrappers for an entire delegation. Tuesday, April 8, 1953 ber for the last few years: "This tribunal is really great. man. We've done a let of work. you know. Yes sir, this was a great idea of mine." Proody Tomorrow, ag stu dent: "Who me say some thing? . . ." Dave Roads: "I just hope the meetings wfll be held ia the Library. I cant get out of the place and want to bear what's going on." Kem Freer, council agitator and close friend of the ad ministration: rs a pleasure to see the faculty and the stu dents working together. I hope all the meetings will be codi- Shara Jone, debater and friend of the conformist: "If only we could have given C. Sried MilcheTs case to the tribunal . . ." Very few other comments were understandable over the din of the meeting room. Seven Die In ROTC Mishap Seven Army ROTC stntowf were killed Monday when a sopnomore croppeff a shefl in a mortar. The mortar, located in B-5 M & N, was being used as an instruction aid in the MS class, when Egbert Trowel who wanted "to see bow the mortar would function in fir ing." dropped the shell which he had bought at a local drug store, into the barrel. The mortar sheH burst through the ceiling and killed the students who were having a session on military discip line on the first floor. The students were taken to Student Health where afl died. Administration officials ex pressed "shock" at hearing that no University Army pers onnel were injured. The class instructor, Sgt. Hawston, laughed it off as a "childish prank" and said that he was sure that Trowel "meant no harm." List of the dead and injured has been withheld pending notification of housemothers. ' " s. lir '7: A m