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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1958)
Wednesday, January 15, Book Pool Helps Dollar Shy Pupils The philosophy of the planned student book exchange, which helps money-hungry students to save through cooperation, has been explained by Tom Neff, chairman of the Student Council committee in charge of coordinat ing the exchange. Neff said: At the present time, the book store operating on campus buys used books under the present plan "Regents Book Store will buy tised books from students at 50 per cent of the new retail price if, 1) the book is in good condition, (2) It is the latest or current addition, and (S) if the book is scheduled to be used in a course next semester. 'The bookstore then takes these hooks and sets a used price on them of 70 per cent of the original new retail price value. This means that a book that costs $5 new could be sold to the book store in a nsed condition for $2.50 if it fulfills the above three criteria. "Then the bookstore puts this book on its shelves as a used book with a $3.50 price tag. This 20 per cent markup, or $1 markup in this case, doesn't allow the bookstore a profit because no matter how carefully they buy used books, some of them left on hand are not used by instructors the next semester. "The 20 per cent markup by the bookstore is used only to cover the loss the bookstore suffers when it is left 'holding the books. The bookstore, therefore, does not plan to make money when it buys or sells used books. The 20 per cent margin is necessary to cover the gamble the store taken when it tries to never have any used books on hand when an instructor changes the text for his course. "The book exchange, which will be operated by Alpha Phi Omega Modern Crisis: Expert Claims Television Heeded To Aid Education "This is madness." That's how a New York Uni versity professor of education de scribes America's attempt to run its affairs in an electronic age with 51 per cent of its high schools not teaching physics. Dr. Charles Siepmann said, "Sputnik hit at the worst possible tima. The demand for educational facilities and for teachers has made for a crisis in itself, without being aggravated by keeping pace with scientific achievements." The head of the New York Uni versity's department of commun ications is visiting the University of Nebraska's educational televi sion programs as a consultant for the Fund for Advancement of Ed ucation. The Fund finances the tel evising of courses over KUON-TV to 26 high schools in the surround ing area. "Russian schools teach students five years of physics even though they don't enter a scientific field." "The situation is critical. Even if we didn't believe in educational television, we would have to use it in the teaching of our children. We haven't the luxury of time to experiment with other methods to catch up." The British-born educator said that television alone cannot only solve the school crisis but can raise the level of education gen erally. As related to the immediate cri sis in education, he said the merit of television can be summed up as follows: "While bulging enrollments and shortage of teachers combine to create appalling difficulties, they do not constitute the heart of our problem the increasing prev alence of bad teaching. Adding more poor teachers will net help. "But television makes possible the spread of good teaching as never before. By using TV to ex ploit the skills of our best lec turers we release other teachers to display their variant talents in other directions." He explained that "one fact of nature has retarded education as long as teaching has gone on. A great teacher is confined by the range of his voice and by the square footage of his classroom." Television removes this obstacle, Want Ads FOR SALE: 1SM Bmck SperlRl, Two rinor. Gray. ErnMt Fwier, 3-8532 Nlt, Ex. 7167 Daytlmt. D'Anmlo'a Pizza Chtrken Hm 2025 O" Phone 2-2182 Free Delivery. PREXTEVG Fraternity, Sorority & Organiza tion Letterheads . . . Letter . . News Bulletins . . . Booklets . . . Programs 312 North 12th. Ph. 2-2957 GRAVES PRINTING CO. Wanted: Student agent for greeting cards sell to store Commission. Write: Hand Print Cards 133 W. 19 St., N.T.C. 11 1958 service fraternity with Ken Tem pero as chairman, will save the students money by eliminating the necessary 20 per cent 'gambling' margin. The exchange will just handle the sale or exchange of the books for the students. It will never own the books. "The student, therefore, will put the 20 per cent or $1 in the case of a $5 book in his pocket. If a student sells four or five texts (the average for a semester) through the exchange, he may save $4 to $5. "The book exchange will be held in room S13 of the Union. It will be open to take students' books on Jan. 24, 27 and 28. "The first three days of second semester it will be open to sell the books. The exchange will ac cept late books on these days, but the chances of their being sold will be proportionally less. "February 10 and 11 are the days students may claim the money for books sold or reclaim their unsold books." Spring Day Spring Day committee appli cations are available in the Hn dcnt Council office until Satur day, according to John Kinnier, Student C a a c i 1 Nominating Committee chairman. Qualifications are that a stu dent must be a sophomore, jun ior or senior; must have at least a 5.7 average; must be interest ed in the event, and must pos sess leadership and organiza tional ability, be added. Interviews will be held at a later date, Kinnier said, so stu dents should sign op for the in terview at the time they apply. be said. Dr. Siepmann denied the opposition's criticism that TV is an ultimate instrument to replace the teacher. He added that the educational TV critics must admit that "where no teaching of essential subjects foreign languages, physics, and chemistry exists, some teaching, however slight, is obviously better than none at all." "The major obstacle to bring education abreast of these elec tronic times is not monetary. It is rather habitual and outworn practices and patterns of thought, false fears among teachers that TV will displace them, inflexible at titudes to the realities of educa tion. "The success of experiments in educational television suggests that experimentation has gone far enough, that we are now ready for a rapid extension in the practical uses of television in the schools across our lands." Dr. Siepmann has been a pro fessor of education at New York since 1946. Before coming to the United States, he was an execu tive of the British Broadcasting Company for 12 years, heading their school broadcasts and adult education division. Inter-Protestant Retreat Scheduled The all-campus Inter-Protestant Retreat will be held Jan. 28-30 at a camp near Dannebrog, Nebr., ac cording to Mai Seagren, chairman. The cost of the retreat will be $3 per student. ''Our Search for the Ultimate" har been chosen as the theme of the retreat. Based on the book, "Search For the Ultimate and Biblical Truth" by SPaul Tillich, the study will be led by Gustave Free from Cotner School of Re ligion. Transportation will be arranged by the local student houses. Inter ested students may contact either student house of their denomina tion or the Presbyterian-Congregational student house for addition al information. Peyton Place will the day Constance i and neither will you! . A. il Is JERRY WALD'S eyton ace from 20s CnturyFx color Koemxc . it. stmniii Students To Publish Two Out-state Papers Twenty-seven University journal ism students will put their ac quired skills to a rigid teat this week when they leave the class room to produce two out-state newspapers. The students will share assign ments with regular staff members of the Fremont Guide and Tribune and the Beatrice Sun on Thursday and then take full responsibility for the news pages of these two papers on Friday, according to Dr. William Hall, School of Journalism director. These two field trips will climax the fall semester's work for stu dents enrolled in advance report ing, news editing and photojour nalism classes. Dr. Hall said. Heading the student staffs will Nebraska Red Cross Unit Among Motion's Top Ten By SANDRA WHALEX Staff Writer Several times since its begin ning in 1948, the University Red Cross unit has been selected as one of the top ten college units in the United States. The Nebraska college unit be gan when a small group of stu dents decided they would like to continue their Red Cross work. By the end of its first year, a constitution had been drawn up, a membership meeting held and a slate of officers elected, with Eu gene Berg president. Today, Red Cross is one of the most active service organizations on the Nebraska campus. The service projects of the over 200 workers range from teaching swimming to handicapped children to administering first aid at foot ball games. ' The college unit is divided into 14 groups. These include Vets' Hos pital, Water Safety, Publicity, Lead ership, Membership and Entertain ment, State Hospital, Adult Activ ities, Orthopedic Hospital, Handi crafts and Production, Notifica tions, LARC School. Transportation, First Aid and Orphanages. When students work at the var ious hospitals most of their time is spent entertaining the patients. Entertaining may include playing cards or games, singing or merely ASAE Meeting To Feature Slides, Speakers, Election The regular ASAE meeting will be held Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. in the Agricultural Engineering Hall, Room 206, according to Emil Gade ken, chairman. All agricultural engineers are urged to attend as it will be the election of new officers. The program will include a dem onstration on the farm usage of concrete, by Larry Donegan, a representative of Portland Cement. This demonstration will consist of slides, a short talk, and illustra tions of construction by sample beam sections. Another highlight for the evening will be the presentation of the inside view of the Student Paper Award Contest by Lester Larson, Engineering Professor in charge of the tractor testing laboratory and chairman of the judging committee for the ASAE Student Paper Award Contest. j Refreshments will be served fol lowing the meeting. JtiAJm ml" mum MTmcii mh he b mm -mm wwiiim mm scon mrosw wmi r"?s cwnt DOORS OPEN AT S P.M. UAHUAIN H(H K 1 TILL 2 PM (Mhj ;miikotiu THr.'V XI. 5 CHILDREN :t never forget found love!... ,.ww" ft . w t tsi v I STARTS I The Daily Nebrcskan be Jack Pollock and Beverly Buck. Pollock will serve as managing editor of the Guide and Tribune; Miss Buck, of the Sun. Copy editors at Fremont will be Marilyn Heck, Barbara Erittin. and Joan Fleming. Those serving at Beatrice will be Mack Lund strom and Barbara Sharp. Fremont reporters will include: Jerry Petsche, Walter Patterson, Gerald Grimmond, Ann Hale, Marilyn Arvidson, Helen Bishop, Helen Pedley, Germaine Wright, and Marcia Ray. Photographers for the Fremont staff will be: Dick James, Eliza beth Smith, and Robert Blair. Beatrice photographers will be: Art Wilson, Del Hood, and Min nette Taylor. talking, depending upon the age of the patient. In some instances students may actually assist in the care of the patients. Adult Activities deals with sometimes forgotten segment of Lincoln, the old peoples' homes. A new committee this year is the Leadership Committee. The members of this group act as as sistant leaders for Brownie Scout troops in the Lincoln schools. Besides their regular duties, the college unit sometimes undertakes a special project. Last year a cam pus wide campaign for civil de fense was held. Red Cross president this year is Kay Krueger. She is assisted by Carolyn Novotny, secretary and Bev Ellis, treasurer, plus a board of 14 committee chairmen. Board Position On Study Group Given To Saylor Dr. J. Galen Saylor, professor and chairman of the Secondary Education department, has been j elected member ait large to the ' board of .directors of the Associa tion for Supervision and Curricu lum Development, it was an nounced. The Association far Supervision and Curriculum Devopment is a department of the N. nal Educa tion Association. Dr. Saylor, who joined the Uni versity staff in 1940, is a former teacher, principal, and superin tendent of schools. He recently was nominated for the post of treasurer of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. GOING WEST? There's one thing you can't ... . TT i j i oni i go witnoui. wasn-ana-wearcnaps.' onocK.- resistant Stetson? Foam-rubber saddle? Nope, nope and nope. What you need is plenty of Luckies! (Figured we'd say that, didn't you?) Luckies, you see, mark you as a man who really knows his brands. Have 'em handy, and you'll be considered a Shrewd Dude! Dubious distinction, may be but you've still got the cigarette that's light as they come! Luckies are made of naturally light, wonderfully good tasting tobacco, toasted to taste even better. Try 'em right now! (strike 1 Miiiswiiri mi BU2if:qBia mmaMtamaam l-ntmtixuu'r CIGARETTES LIGHT UP A . Social World: Pins, Rings cHrpM' . ,n TA 1 Ps h Omicron Pi senior m Teachers from Central Cuy, to Bill Alexan- der, a Sigma Phi Epsilcn senior from Lincoln. Ellen Rohrbangh, an Alpha Om icron Pi sophomore in Teachers from Hastings, to John Kendig. a Kappa Sigma alumnus from Has tings. Pat Mulligan, an Alpha Omicron Pi senior in Teachers from David City, to Red Downing from Falls City. Nancy Mehuron, an Alpha Omi cron Pi sophomore in Teachers from Lincoln, to Ben Gadd, an Alpha Tau Omega senior in Teach ers from Lincoln. Judy Lute, an Alpha Omicron Pi freshman in Home Ec from Lincoln, to Duane Stiffen from Lincoln. Doris Larson from Odebolt, Io wa, to Gary EngeL, a Pi Kappa Phi senior in Business Adminis tration from Bode, Iowa. Marriage Jeanne Cole, a Gamma Phi Beta junior in Arts and Sciences from Neligh, to Mike Smith, a Sigma Phi Epsilon junior in Arts and Sci ences from Lyons. yiARCH OF DIMES DR. BLOCH'S DIRECTORY OF MAGIGANS WORLD'S LARGEST DIRECTORY DR. MEYER BLOCK President Eastern Magical Society 240 Rhinpton Street New York 2, N.Y. Use Nebraskan Want Ads I STUDENTS! MAKE '25 Do you like to shirk work? Here's some easy money start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for very Stickler we print and for hundreds more that never pet used. Sticklera are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawinps.) Send -your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky. Box 67 A, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. WHAT 6 CANDY TESTER? josEm coLocet. Fudge Judge SIICHt8MI STATE Ugh t SMOKE -LIGHT UP A LUCKY! fashion Fellowship A feshi fellowship is being ofiered bv Tobe-Coburn School in ,T ' . .New crk to s?mor women grsd - uatin? in 1358. it was annouced to - , The fe,low ship fuJ1 tuition of ( . DIAMOND MYSTERY SOLVED SARTOR JEWELRY conducts a free clinic m you KNOW ihe real value of a diamond before you buy Terms to fit your jocket at Quality For Orer 50 Yearn 1200 "CP Street EIHXIS A PICTURE llnlltpsl IttitomMsl .Em inns llll!lllll!llIWl!llllllll 1 ih WHAT B A -FOOT KABSfT? mci TKomi. ftart Hare IOW STATE TEACHERS CO LI -WHAT IS A HAW HYPOTHESIS? mnaio coleman. Cheery Theory PLUS "TT IMT ZV(l3 ')t!5 'HAT 6 STVIN& GHOST? Si u tnovm. Count Haunt Hvductcf idnUai, ddaeeo-Coanp Uo&aco- our middle nam Page 3 Sunday Movie "'The Search," starring Mont- omer? CUft- w'a the Sund night Union movie, according to ; K3ther:ne Dov,e flJm : mmiu. Adnussion is free to Universitv students and facullv members wit h , indentiflcatiMl. ' 1 LCC'JT CCPE TRAFFIC! 2 WHAT S SEASICK MONARCH? LlOn THHtOlX. U OrAKIZOWA Green Queen WHAT 6 A PENNY-WM CHEF'S EYE SHADE? ICHARD WA8ENEW. UHLENIEPC Miter Vieor Mhs Map tas Hm msmmInji1 hum M lrae4 "starts i rut