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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1957)
Page 2 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, May 6, 1957 Daily Nebraskan Editorials: v 5 OLfc FAMILY IS GOIN6 IF I'M GOING TO CATCH ANYTHING, I'VE GOT ORDERS liffe, Bif Afof Late VACATION IN JULY. KTO CATCH IT NOU)! J a l friDO I LOOK UKS I f NO, I DON'T THINK Y THAT'S 1 I SO, CHARLIE BR0CM.J70O BAD.. ( MEASLES 01? . J "-rrrfi V MUMPS OR VV TH v . It! .trv W II , i 3 ! it t I - f Today University students will vote on a pro posal that could, if put into operation, give stu dents more active voice in their own affairs. This proposal, in the form of a tentative student tribunal charter, has been drawn up by the Student Council after a year of consultation and study. The Council went ahead with their work on the proposed charter after a vote in last spring's all-campus election showed a marked majority of those voting in favor of such further study. This could indicate two things: First, that students are interested in a tribunal and the extension of their power of self-government; or second, that they didn't really know or care about the tribunal, but wanted to see what would happen. At any rate, the charter has been prepared, based on studies of tribunals in operation at 20-odd colleges aud universities across the na tion. It has also been drafted with an eye toward approval by the University Board of Regents, without which it could never be put Into operation. The charter as proposed has faults, of course. It is a maiden effort, and entirely revolutionary on thus campus. The requirement that all cases for consideration by the tribunal must come from either the Office of Student Affairs or agencies of the Faculty Senate gives cause for reservations. The Office of Student Affairs and the Senate agencies could easily block the tribunal from considering serious cases. Thus, the tribunal could degenerate from an instrument of student government to another bottleneck in legislative channels. The Council, however, drafted this provision into the charter with the major assumption that "the Student Tribunal is proposed in a light of good faith." Council leaders feel the tribunal "by its own mature, considered recommendations can prove itself to be a worthy and respected ad junct to the Division of Student Affairs in matters of student discipline." Another provision of the charter stipulates that no member of the Council nor staff mem ber of the Daily Nebraskan shall be seated as a judge on the tribunal. Council members now sit on the parking board and the board of pub lications, both bodies whose membershop is appointed by the Council. By keeping Council members off the tribunal a major group of persons interested in campus affairs would be barred from a very important group. As a standing policy, the Daily Nebraskan has pushed for extension of student responsi bility in running student's affairs. A tribunal of students judging other students is by nature such a needed extension. The Daily Nebraskan believes a tribunal would fill a need for the assumption of student responsibility now exceed ingly lacking. As things stand now students transgressing University rules are judged and "sentenced" by the Office of Student Affairs. There is actually nothing wrong with this in theory. It is a necessary operation in the proper func tioning of a University. Where it fails is in the lack of understanding and free exchange between students and the Great God Administration. This results in irresponsibility on the part of students and a tendency for them to thwart authority instead of cooperating maturely. The Administration, on the other hand, can be observed to sometimes lack understanding and knowledge of student affairs. As a result, both forces are a little in the dark about one another, and in this darkness flourish the seeds of distrust. A tribunal would serve to lighten this dark ness and correlate administration-student rela tions. Students would be judged by their peers instead of a cloistered administrative hand. Administrators passing final approval or dis approval on decisions by the tribunal would be given the opportunity to have these decisions explained to them, and the details causing them. What is important for students voting today is whether this proposed charter will adequately fill the above-stated void. If it is adequate, then it should be given complete and enthusias tic approval. It it is not, it should be sent back and further revised. The Council believes that 't'he real signifi cance of the voting today will be to determine the feeling of the students towards the general plan." Disagreements can be adjusted next fall. What the student body needs is a tribunal with the power to represent its interests as fully as possible. This would mean considera tion of all cases of student transgression (out side of issues involving morality) and in the sending of decisions upward that would serve to recommend official administration action. The present tribunal does not provide for that. It would not be very much of a change in operation of -the plan, and would give it integ rity. Student responsibility would be definite, and not an auxiliary. But yet there is the feeling that something should be done now. This campus needs a tribunal, soon. It also needs one with some teeth in it. The present plan offers immediate action, but without the necessary teeth. But you have to start someplace. Council Elections find out from Council candidates how they felt on some vital issues. The RAM council listened to the candidates and endorsed those they felt were best suited for the job even crossing the Greek Line. For that gesture the RAM council should be given , kudos of the day. Students can pick a name on the ballot today and say that the name seems qualified for the job of running the all-important council. They may do that without fear of reprisal for the election is a closed one. When the chips are down, however, and some important decisions must be made con cerning the items the Daily Nebraskan listed last week only those candidates who know what they are doing; who are familiar with the coun cil and its properties can make intelligent judgments. We heartily endorse representative govern ment wherever and whenever it is practical. But when it loses the "representative" aspects it cannot be endorsed for it is no longer the government of or by the people but rather rule-by-a-minority. That must not be tolerated. We predict a heavy turnout at the council elections. And we predict that the students will judge wisely if for no other reason to get away from the "apathetic" label. Today's the day for voting in the Student Council Eelection and this is the day of decision for the University. No, not that the election will decide whether the University will continue to operate or will allow little Nebraskans to take on the yoke of a higher education. The elections are extremely important be cause the Student Council has its function the representing of the entire student body that's obvious. But in the past the council has been accused of representing only a small percentage of the students. And the accusers are often those who fail to exercise their right to vote. The situation goes even deeper than that, however. Charges float all over our country that we are an apathetic generation. That term doesn't really mean too much. It can be de fined as the devil may care attitude or the let George do it feeling. And both definitions are fairly accurate. But amidst the squabbling over the impor tance of apathy on the college campus' comes a responsibility to the future. A responsibility to the University and to ourselves. We can't be idealists unless we have some goal. And we can't be realists unless we realize that life is made up of a good many responsibilities. With these same ideas in mind the Daily Nebraskan suggested last week that students From The Editor's Desk: A word or two before you go . . By FRED DALY This leadership is not strong new people to congratulate... Editor ,n the Present legislature. trophies moving from one Tt al1 imfrtrtunntPlv be Where 14 wiU come from is not t another ... the "old ometta) after So 1 to diV- apparent" But thstudents people" are forgotten and can mSefor. the b?dwt for at the University wh must now concentrate on graduat missed before the budget tor be(jr th present weight of . the state is fmaUy approved, ,u andssmall and the University will know ppropriations do not become And as usual the weather Just how much money it will faint.hearted per. f'ne; fP receive (or cot receive). ,, . ,iff, . .,. weather on Ivy Day. Which The latent force of student hafps. a spark ' w " be. g means it will always rain on , . lac" .... , . nited which may build a fire o,, tw public opinion will be dissolved . ieeisiatUre Spnng Day by then for whatever good it unaer our 1laire- . . might have done in convincing it was heartening to see the After three months, what do our legislatures that a Univer- ifc reverse itself last week vou think of Peanuts? Char- sity is like an expanding busi- and making spiking illegal lie Brown is more than a uess and must operate on that again. Now all they have to comic strip character he is aupposition. do is to find some way to en- 'he little man that lives in But there is one thing that force it, a task never done everyone's soul, under all the must not be forgotten: in ord- thoroughly in the past. big front we put on to fool tr for this University to ex- Still, it is much better to try our friends and fool ourselves, pand la the future leadership and solve a problem than to Maybe that is why people must be exerted in a concerted forget about it and pretend it laugh at Charlie Brown it is movement to insure this insti- isn't there. an easy way to laugh at them- tution sufficient funds. Another Ivy Day is over. . selves. The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD EDITORIAL STAFF Member: Awociated Oolle-iate Pres. Intercollegiate Press Managing editor jack ro'ioca Representative: National Advertising Service, editorial rate Editor Die gnugru Incorporated New Editor Sara Jonea, Bob Ireland fnUished at: fioom 20, Student Union sport Editor Bob Martd : Lincoln, Nebraska Copy Editors . Ait B1aknon, Carol rrank ' 14th & R Ooono Moyer, Boa Warnoloiltl Ta Dally Webraekaa la puDU.hMl Monday. Tuetday, N'sht Nw Editor jack Pollock Wedneeaer and r rldejt during tho aehool year, except g Edltee . Walter Patteraon iarlRfi raeft-ttone and exam period, and one tflue 1 staff Photorrapner. .- Date Lewi aejbUsned dining angust, by Undent of the tnlyrnlty Ufftre secretary Julie Dowell f Mebraaka under to authorization of the Committee Society Editor , an Farrell mm Student Matr a an expr.lon ot 'indent opinion. Beperter Dlna Maxwell. Mary rtteron, - N,: RtLaVXj"!!?! Z iJ?rTl Em" Llmpe, Keith Bmlth. Bob a Student Publication anal! be free from editorial firtmmi u.m u.m j.-k r&riin auonnlp m the part of the Subcommittee or on th. MiTLoo.b iiJrrv Kem.o part t any member of the faculty of the Unlveclty. or Mlke U,,wn- 1 aa Mie nan i.f as porioa outside the University. The Staff Writer Cynthia Zsrhau, Bob Win, Gary anemhor of the "Nebraekan Mart m personally re- RodgMe, Stan Wldmaa. BIHHHilbla for what they ay, or do or canw la be BTTSTVTC9 fcTalTV yrlnted. February , IBSS. BIWHISS ol Air SuneeripHon rate are K.M per aemeiter or 14 for Hunlitee Manage George Madaea he areormie year. aenlitant Bulnea Manege re Larry Epstein Rntrreif fu terund rlsm matter at tfto poet off'ee hi Xwa NeH, Jerry sXletla LXocoia, Nebruka, under U act of Auguit 4, 191. Circulation "- f hi ayim,"" M'- '- J Aon pand on a . The Korean Consul General, Chu Young Han, who visited the Uni versity Thursday, said that it is up to the American people to finish the job they have started in Korea. Many American have questioned the advisability of the Korean War but many more knew that if the Communists were not checked they would spread throughout Southeastern Asia like nobody's business. f Americans would like to be un concerned with the problem be cause Korea seems so far off and the ideals and customs of the Korea people are so different from our own. They are used to being the slaves of other nations, some would sug gest. So why should American lives be shed to turn the cards? Well, ever since the United States decided to be a power in the free world and knew that for the safety of the homefront certain respon sibilities should be assumed, we have had to stick our M-l's out for the rest of the free world. And who can say that we haven't a responsibility to those nations which look to us for leadership? Now Korea, which would march into the Northern Section of that land at the drop of a helmet must be shown that the United States is a true friend. How we are to do this is a great problem. But the United States must re member in its responsibilities that action speak louder than words. A big surprise is in store for those of you who are construc tive thinkers; who would rather do something for the country than just sit around. Sounds intriguing; Full data will be available by next Friday. ' ft -d it 3 The problem of where to call "helping a student" "cheating" is racking the brains of many in structors at NU. I suppose the best definition of terms would be to say that cheating begins where Dick Shugrue an honest effort at a learning process ends. One history teacher mentioned that he would not tolerate cheat ing in any form, whether it be plagiarism sole scratchings or sign language. And we can't blame him. The old saws that one gets from school only what he puts into it and "it's what you learn that counts" just don't have a wooden, leg to stand on. Now look. If a student can cheat his way through a course and get a good grade he will eventually have a better-than-av-erage cumulative average. All right. So who gets the best jobs in today's competitive world? Those who have the best records. On the other hand those stu dents who ask a friend to help them and who learn from the friend more than they would ever learn from a teacher are to te commended for seeking the ad vise of one who knows. That does not mean that "sub dued" cheating can be tolerated. It must not be in a healthy uni versity. And whenever a student is caught he must be dealt with properly and promptly. This is sticking my neck out, I know. But from what I have heard it is the only road to Survival for the reputation of our school. it -it it ' Applications are available for thet editoriial posts on the Daily Nebraskan. This is an open ap peal for independents to apply for jobs on the Rag. After all, word has come that the Pub Board will be seeking to discover why more independents are not associated with the paper. The only honest answer we can give is that they don't apply. They don't come and work. They won't stay throughout a semester especially during the spring. Neither will many Greeks, but they say that they have their "house" to work for. That's the tale of the under manned staff. It's the truth, with malice toward none... As those of us who will soon leave the University community begin to count the days, there awakens in each future graduate's mind a questions as to what the future holds and how well pre pared we are to meet this future this unknown which is tomor row and the next day. Are we ever ready to do those things which we ought to do but know that we probably won't do. Are we capable of resisting the temptation of oar times which is security and mediocrity? Are we ready to continue to ask ques tions in order to know what life is or would we rather live the life of the laborer who finds solace in physical rest. Those of us who leave this place may well meet again . . . Friend of My youth, a last adieu! haply someday we shall meet again; Yet ne'er the selfsame man shall meet; the years shall make us other men. And when we meet, some of us will regret the meeting and the time ... Hardly we learn to . wield the blade before the wrist grows stiff and old: Hardly we learn to ply the pen ere the thought and fancy grow faint with cold. Some of us will be false content and others will be unjustifiably forlorn . . . All Faith is false; All Faith sam jensen is true; Truth is the shattered mirror stream In myriad bits; which each be lieves his little bit the whole to own. Some will be set in the ways of materialism and others in doctrine Indeed he knows not how to know who knows not also io un-know. A few will live on recognition, oth the flesh . . . What men are often pleased to call their souls was in the hog and dog begun. A few will ive on recognit.on, oth ers will live by faith . . . Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect ap plause; He noblest lives and noblest dies, who makes and keeps h s self-made laws. And even now we look beyond the future . . . Our hearts, affections, hopes shall ever crave. And some of us may go our way with a guide to lead us . . . Enough to thee the still small voice Aye, thundering in- thy inner ear (In my ramblings and quotations from Burton's Kasidah of Haji Abdu, I hope that I haven't in truded upon the Campus Green or departed from the ways of columnists.) LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick CJblei r LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler ttTIBV$JLMNI9zlte?t BEHIND HW Hjism! II 111 hvw lUFtltyM ' HHeMaaslBbT poiefjppie w!-ya jitf set a tfcPRpf vnfKf are tc Eppe 1 w GREEN To A Dead Airman The chief automaton in his safe little office Tells the young man to fly Faster, faster, faster, faster, Until, flying faster than sound, than light, Than life itself, he crashes on into endless oblivion, And returns no more Never, never, never, never. With a screaming swallow diva of death Out of tht clouds it cornea Down, down, down, down With funereal finality It hits the hard and hostile earth And breaks into a thousand, shattering fragment, Like a child's plastic toy Thrown onto the sidewalk in a fit of temper. Hungry tongues of yellow flame Devour the blistering, peeling paintwork, And curl around the twisted skeleton, Burning the crew cut stubb of last year's wheat, And singeing the bloody hair of the man within Where he lies in his magnificent, useless Funeral pyre of death. A modern Icarus who flew too near the sun And felt his strong bird-like wings give way beneath the heat. "We much regret" the cable said, What use is sorrow, pity or regret When death has struck a final, shattering blow And all is lost. There was no need for one so young to die, One who loved life with that hard passion Which only those who flirt with death can know. One more useless human sacrifice A burnt offering on the altar of that all-devouring god Progresa. Clare C. Cooper Silence After two the town was quieted Lights and sound gave way to rest And celebrations quickly sank To dozing states with tightened eyes. We left our post and drove on To join the hundreds of slumberers. Connie Leone OUR LAWLESS LANGUAGE The laws that govern plural words I think are strictly for the birds. If goose in plural cornea out geese Why are not two of moose then meeset If two of mouse cornea out as mice Should not the plural house be hicet If wo aay he, and his, and him Then why not she, add this, and shimt No wonder kids flunk out of schools . . . English doesn't follow rules! MOIALi The singularly plural pleasures ot cbestenteld King mako a man feel tall as a hue. So don't be a geesel Take your pleasure BIG. Take Chesterfield King. Big length . . . big flavor . , . the smoothest natural tobacco filter. Try 'em. Chesterfield King gives you more of what you're smoking fori City CoUtgt of S50 tr" Paid It. Snlonume, N. Y., for hi Chester Field poem. $50 for every philotophictd verae accepted for publi cation. Chesterfield, P. O. Box2I,New York 46.M. Y. O Unrtt M. m Tnlnem C. WW VWPS ... zf 1-1 9 ' I m. m reeMNl 111 iU ?.:: FT a . l