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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1956)
UNIVERSITY OF NEBft. LIBRARY Vol. 26, No. 95 IdhPhmed m m For Oocdoy Roger Albright, director of the Department ef Educational Serv ices of the Motion Picture Asso ciation, will be visiting the Uni versity next week. Monday noon fee win speak to a Phi Delta Kappa lunch eon at the "What Teach ing Materials School Be Available In Good School has I r4?. AJhrirM has f the Depart- Albright neat of Educational Services ainoe IMC when it was organized to co-ordinate and administer the various educational projects re lating to the progr am of the Motion Picture Association. Currently, his department Is Wing ia the support of a field consultation program administered by the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction of foe National Educa tion, and a similar program wponsored by the Coherence of Presidents of Regra Land Grant Colleges through which experi enced consultants are helping to reorganize and improve the audio-visual programs in the Negro colleges which are largely responsible for fee training of Negro teachers. j Doris Growccdc: 'Tempest' Sat, Masks tW5Uir Ui ilieSIS SiUOV Students who see the University Theater production of .The Tem pest" July 28 and 29, will be see ing, if they observe the settings, the final product of a graduate tudy. Doris Ann Growcock, for work on her thesis in dramatic work, designed the unusual set for tbe Sahkespearean play. Chancellor egins Tr ip For Turkey Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin and his wife left Wednesday after noon for Ankara, Turkey, where be will confer with Turkish officials on the first-year progress of the University contract with Turkey. Dr. Hardin said he Is scheduled to visit the site in Eastern Tiakey of the proposed At&turk University, which win be patterned after a U. S. land-grant college. At present, the University has a field staff of 14 people at Ankara, headed by Dr. Marvel Baker. The staff has two objectives, to assist in strengthening various depart ments t the University of Ankara and to advise in the construction from the ground up of the new At-, turk University. j Dr. Hardin expects to spend aj- proximately two weeks in Turkey returning to lincola July 22. "22;3 a.m. ' Convocation Speaker Dr. John Furbay, director of air world education for Trans World Air Lines, will speak at a convocation Friday instead of Thusrday "as previously an nounced hi the Summer Nebras kan. The convocation will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Love Library Auditoriunu "Global Hinds For a Global World" will be his topic. Furbay Is a syndicated news paper Columnist, recipient of the Brewer Aviation Trophy, lec turer at the World Seminar in Geneva, Switzerland, E d u c a tional Advisor to the XJberi&n Government, Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society of London, Educational Attache to U.S. Em bassies,, former college dean and delegate to numerous aviation conferences. Furbay will be at the University in connection with the Air Age Education Workshop until Tuesday. He will also visit classes. i r . FURBAY CourtM StmdT 3oamS mni Star Working closely with Max Whit taker, director for the production. Miss Growcock designed a model replica of the stage . setting. The setting represents a place on a faraway island, inhabited by fantastic inhuman creatures. Miss Growcock also designed and drew up the masks which will be used in the play. These are of a special design which will make them more mobile than the usual type of mask. Although only one setting is used for the play, its design is such as to give it a mobility of playing areas and through the use of lights it will be possible to vary the effects of tbe setting, Whjttaker explained. Miss Growcock has also been studying the possibility for tbe tise of a dance movement to project I the idea of the play. This would be through the use of -"laminated j - f .Aa A.r., v - German dramatist, which has Wd I much discussed out little used, at least in this country. The scale models and the masks for the pity win have a further use, Winilaker explained. They will be used is one of the televi sion movies produced by the speech and drama department. i Sports Seels j Sports Keels for July S include skiing, ice skatk&; hockey and sleding. Thev will fo chnara in W main lounge of the Union from 11:45 to V " LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesdays Thursday: eclcina, ilo n Common Two outstanding educators are taking part tn the Nebraska Com munity Education Project work shop being held at the University Wednesday and Thursday. They are Walter Cocking, editor of the School Executive, and O. H. Postponement The AQSammer SessUa Ptcak which was planned for Maaday has been pastpMted antO Jaly 23, ac- carding to the summer session ef fice. Roberts of Evansville, Xnd., direc tor of the Ford study on Respon sibility of the Board of Education in the Solution of Community Edu cation Problems. Approximately 25 board of edu cation members from Mullen, Syra cuse, Sidney and York are taking part in the workship which is de signed to aid the functioning of the project at the local level. Roberts spoke . in the Wednes day session. Re also is immediate Calendar Thursday: "Trends ia Today's Livlftg," Mrs. Carl Deitemeyer discussing the European home, 4 p.m., Urnon Parlors B and C AH-State Band and Orchestra concert, 7 p.m.. Union Ballroom. Craft Shop, Union, 7 to i p.m. All-State one-act plays, Howell Memorial Theater, t:39 p.m. Nebraska Community Education Workshop, Walter D Cocking, re porting on the White House Con ference, Union, 2 p.m. Friday: . AH-State musical comedy Good News,"" University High A di terrain, 7:30 p.m. Lecture by Dr. John Furbay,1 "Global Minds for a Global World,'" 11 a.m Love Library Aa-; ditorium. I Saturday: Ail-State final concert, starting in front of the Coliseum, t p.m. Sunday: Opening of Pioneer Abstract Art exhibition, Morrill Hall Galleries, all day. Buyer To Review Best Book Choices Books In General" wIU be the topic of Mrs. W. D. Douglases book review Monday at p.m. in the Union Book Nook. Mrs. Douglas as book buyer for a Lincoln department .store. . . etamA 4nform.. T Jniorma- T f T rf " v a Pfreshnjents will be furnished at &e beguuung U the review. Swimming Periods Set For Week ftecreational swimming periods are being field at Hie Coliseum for men and women. Men may swim ht 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tlie period for Women is Ml 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Mixed ' swimming is held at 1 p.m. Wedriesdays. ' ! Instruction in swimming wIU be available at the pool. A permit irom Scudeot Bealth is required. rfs Take Part OS ify past president of the National School Boards Association. Cocking will discuss "The Board of Education's Responsibility for Improvement of the Educational Program" at the Thursday morn ing session and will report on the recent White House Conference at the afternoon meeting. Cocking also will address other University classes and seminars during the coming week. Before assuming the editorship of the School Executive in 1945, he served as dean of the College of Education of the University of Georgia. From 1933 to 1937 he was Tennessee state commissioner of ecucation. Re was president of the Joint Council on Economic Education from 19SI to ' 1954 and president July 5: ' IHljjellfte F George Hjelte, general manager of the Les Angeles departrner ef recreation and parks, will be giving series of talks on recrea tional facilities t rthe University July 5 At noon he wul speak at a luncheon. Un ion Parlors XYZ, on -Com munity Park and Recreation Problems. Guests , will include mem bers of the city 1 council, school board, park iljelke and recreation board, council on juvenile problems, director of rec reation, director of public welfare and safety, tbe director of the Lincoln school system department of health and physical education and his administrative staff, and others interested in the problem. At 2 p.m. ia Room 107, Burnett, be will discuss 'Co-ordination of School Facilities and Personnel into a Community Program of Recreation." This is especially in- Forusn Panel To Spotlight Trouble Area The first of tw World Trouble Spot Forums will be held it 2 p.m. July S in Love Library Auditorium. Topic or fne forum is France s,nd North Africa. Members of tbe anel wlio will discuss tbe topic from various stamajKHnts are J. P. Colbert, dean of Student Affaur; C C Held, s sitariit professor f geography;; Wallace C Peterson, assistant pro- fessor of economk". and Dal mas H. Nelson, instructor in political science. - ; Moderator and coordinator w2 be Jack McBride, sitant direc tor of education television.. The forum wiU feature the latest adio-visual aids. The second of the .rums will be held JiOy IS. . . 1 Thursday, June 28, 1956 Workshop of the New York State Citizens Committee for the Public Schools from 1952 to 1954. During 1941 and 1942 he was executive director of the planning committee of the Federal Security Agency and was chief specialist in school administration for Presi dent Roosevelt's advisory commit tee on education in 1937. He was consultant to the Tennessee Valley Authority from 1934 to 1946 and a member of the science advisory committee of the National Re sources Planning Board from 1934 to 1939. Roberts spoke on" "The Role of Education in American Society: School-Community Relationships. and "The Broadening Concept of the Role of the Board of Education at the Local Level" Wednesday. fmik tended for summer school students and faculty members. Following his talk there will be a tjpestkxi and answer period led by Dr. Walter Beggs. 'Can There be Eoial Recrea tional Opportunities for AH? Co ordination of All Community Re sources for Recreatiin" will be his topic at t p.m. in Love Library Auditorium. PTA presidents, recre ation chairmen and physical edu cation teachers from the public schools have been especially in vited to this session. Hjeltehas just returned from the President's Confrnce of Phy sical Fitness of American Youth which was held June IS and 19. He has been with the Los Ange les department -since 1947. Previ ous to that be was perintendent of recreation for Westchester County, New York an3 for Berke ley, Calif. Before that be was aa instructor of physical education. A member of various profession al organizations ia the field of phj'sical education and recreation, Hjelte has served as Chairman of the Advisory Council of at Na tional Recreation Association, and has twice served as the president of that organization. In 1952 he m as the director of the National Rec reation Workshop. He is the author of "Adminis tration of Public Recreation.' a handbook in tbe field, and is co author of several other books. He has also contributed several arti cles to professional magazines. Union Plans Movie 'Lion In Streets' Sunday night, ait 7:38 p.m. in the Ballroom, the Union is pre senting the fJn, A Lion Is la the Streets'" starring James Cag- This is die powerful dramatiza tion of the best -selling novel which in many ways parallels the lie of.Huey Long of Louisiana. Stir ring ctioa nd . award winiBtg acting and direction recreate the rise and fall of a political derrt gogue ia a typical SoaUiera cot-torv-grfwirg state, Ho adsuKSion wH2 be chtrp&S.