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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1955)
I. Umiiioni IHlBTirs Tp Workers Committee Heads Named Diane Knotek, sophomore In the College of Arts and Sciences, re ceived the Student Union Distin guished Service Award "for out standing service to the Union" at the Union Awards Dessert Wed nesday evening. Yvonne Fowley, junior in the College of Agriculture, was named Outstanding Ag Worker and Karen Dryden, freshman in Teachers College, received the Outstanding Service Award and was cited for having done outstanding work on Union committees. v ' Junior Knobel, Agriculture sen ior, presided as master of cere' monies. He is vice president of the Union Board of Managers. Named as new secretary of the Union Board was Marilyn Staska sophomore in the College of Pharm acy. New chairmen of committees were announced. They are dance committee, Roy Boyd, freshman in the College of Engineering and Architecture; general entertain our uore Suspensions Made Public The number of University stu dents suspended since Tuesday noon as a result of last week's riot increased to 19 with the ad ditions of four more names to the list by University officials. Suspended recently are William Doleman, graduate student; Joel Samuelson, freshman in Ag Col lege; Monty Thompson, sophomore in Teachers, and Carl Krumel, freshman in Engineering. Doleman, Samuelson, Thompson and Don Fntson were arraigned Tuesday in County Court for dis turbing the peace and were fined. Pound Lecture Curtis Boic Scheduled To Speak ' , Curtis Bok, author of a legal opinion on censorship of books, will deliver the fourth annual Roa coe Pound Lecture at 8 p.m. Moo day, Tuesday and Wednesday In Love Library Auditorium. Bok, who is president judge of the Court of Common Pleas No. 6 in Philadelphia, will speak on the general theme of "Problems in Criminal Law." Judge Bok banded down a legal decision in March, 1949, protecting nine American novels against charges of obscenity. Among the books were some written by William Faulttner, James T. Farrell and Erskine Caldwell. Bok'i opinion clearing them of charges leveled against them was, in effect, sustained later by the Philadelphia Supreme Court. Science Group Plans Session Highlight of the 65th annual ses sion of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Friday will be an ad dress by Dr. George 0. Gey, au thority on cancer research. Dr. Gey will speak on tissue and cell culture at 11 a.m. Fri day in Love Library Auditorium. Sectional meetings of the Academy will be held on the campus through out the day. Collegiate 'division sessions will be held at Nebraska Wesleyan University. The Academy banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at the Union. Scholarship, Leadership ViA7 r m Ivy Day participants in the daisy and ivy chains have been selected by women'a organized houses. Participants in the chains are se lected on the basis of scholar ship, leadership and service to the University. Each organized house elects one member of each of the freshmen, sophomore and junior classes to represent them to the daisy chain. Members of the ivy chain consist of two seniors from each house. Mortar Eoard members will se lect leaders of the chains from the participants. Delores Garrett, Alpha Omicron Pi senior, will sing a solo. Participants are: Sigma Delta Tau: Lucy Levine and Helene Sherman, seniors; Renee Kohter, junior; Julie Pen sher, sophomore; Ruthann Chuda coff, freshman. Loom is Hall: Connie Von Essen and Marilyn Sheldon, seniors; Vir ginia Reeves, junior; Verna Searl, sophomore; Mary Fritts, fresh man. Terrace Hall: Donna Becken- V m, ..... . Jrn ment, Larry Hanson, pre-med sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences; special activities, Polly Downs, Business Administra tion sophomore; convocations, Dee Fangmeier, Teachers College soph omore; forum (previously seminar) Kay Williams, sophomore in Arts and Sciences; exhibits and diS' plays, Kay Christensen, Teachers sophomore; film, Lu Makepeace, sophomore in Teachers; recreation, Pat Brown, Arts and Sciences freshman; public relations, Karen Dryden, Teachers freshman; hos' pitality, Marilyn Heck, freshman Special Fund The Nebraskan Special Fund, started Tuesday to aid indi viduals who lost personal prop erty in last week's riot, to date has received contributions of $160. All contributions, both by in dividuals and by organizations, should be taken to Mr. Harpers office, Administration Hall Room 201. All checks should be made payable to The Nebraskan Special Fund. Claims and payments of money collected in this special drive will all be handled through the University Administration. Money received will help pay restitution for losses suffered and will ease the burden of those already re quired to pay part of the dam ages. Arts and Sciences; music, Sandra Mahaffey, sophomore in Teachers, and personnel, Janet Jo Boyd, sophomore inrts and Sciences. The following were announced as new secretaries of these commit tees: Dance, Diane Major, Teachers sophomore; general entertainment ment, Barbara Shull, Pharmacy freshman; special activities, Tom Keene, Business Administration freshman; convocations, Marlene Santin, Teachers freshman; forum, Vernon Hall, Teachers sophomore; exhibits and displays, Dee Dee Turner, Arts and Sciences sopho more; film, Myllicent McPheron, Arts and Sciences sophomore; rec reation, Janet Lidstrand, fresh man; public relations, Betty Hos fprd, Arts and Sciences sophomore; hospitality, Charlene Ferguson, Arts and Sciences freshman; mus ic, Gary Widman, Arts and Scienc es sophomore and personnel, Phyl lis Kapustka, Teachers freshman. Appointed chairman of Ag Union committees were dance, Dick Gru be; house, Genelle Jensen; general entertainment, Mary Keller; student-faculty, Charles Trumble and publicity Leo Damkroger. The new secretaries of the Ag Union committees are dance, Larry Voss; house. Bill Spilker; general entertainment, Mervyn Schliefert; student-faculty, Elaine Sackschwes ky, and personnel, Willa Waldo. Staff Members of the Ag Rag are Carolyn Johnson, editor; Dean Gloch, assistant editor; Katrina Thomsen, copy editor, and Ron Bath, business manager. Twenty-eight city Union commit tee members were presented with recognition awards "for out standing service during the past year in Union work." The Ag Union recognized 32 work ers. New membera of the city Union Board of Managers were also an nounced. They are seniors Shirley Jesse, Clare Hinman, Billie Croft and Marilyn Beideck, and juniors Tom Olson, Ray Keenan, Joyce Stratton and Diane Knotek. , Named members of the Ag Union Board were seniors Sharon Egger and Marx Petersen and juniors Bill DeWulf and Andy Waldo. BAEWTo Hold Annual Recognition Tea Sunday The BABW annual Recognition Tea will be Sunday in Ellen Smith Hall from 3 to S p.m. Independent women who have done outstanding work in scholar ship and activities during the year will be honored. 1 r fyiwn n hauer and Joyce Schabert, 'sen iors; Alice Hiatt, junior; Nancy Johnson, sophomore. Gamma Ehi Beta: Bernie Rosen quist and Gwen Uran, seniors; Sue Ramey, junior; Virginia Hud son, sophomore; Norma Bossard, freshman. Chi Omega: Jan Quinn and Barb Wiltse, seniors; Ardath Young, junior; Sarol Wiltse, sophomore; Kathleen McCullough, freshman. Alpha Omicron Pi: Kay Yeiter and Ann Workman, seniors; Vir ginia McPeck, junior; Marilyn Christenson, sophomore; Kay Krue ger, freshman. Kappa Alpha Theta: Judy Flans berg and Bridget Watson, seniors; Ellen Pickett, junior; Mary Lou Pittack, sophomore; Martha Dan ielson, freshman. Kappa Delta: Pat Graham and Mary Ellerbrock, seniors; Grace Harvey, junior; Sue Simmons, sophomore; Peggy Volzke, fresh man. Alpha Xi Delta: Barbara Med len and Jeannine Gutzmann, sen Vol. 55, No. 74 irr V v, m --- "-niiirir"-iiiiiiiriiiMiMiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiir-j aniiiiiimmiititMrTiniiiiiiiiiiiiiin-imTiT-iiiifii rirnw imm mim NU's 'Most Eligible' Nebraska's "Most Eligible Bachelors" are (1. to r.) Jack Skalla, Herb Meissner, Andy Smith, Bob MacDonald, Tom Eight Displays Engineering Week To Begin With Open House Thursday Engineers Week will open Thurs day with an open house from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the campus. The open house is designed to ac quaint the public with the phases of student engineering work with display from eight engineering de partments. "Engineering It's all around you" is the theme lor the demon stration, exhibits, and movies which are all part of the program. Howell Theater Group 'Hotel Universe' Friday A laboratory theater production of "Hotel Universe," a three-act play by Philip Barry, will be pre sented Friday at 8: TO p.m. in Howell Theater. There is no ad mission charge. The play revolves around six outwardly successful Americans, traveling on the continent. The six meet at the villa of Ann Field and her father, Stephen in Southern France. Each of the six have made at tempts to solve the riddle of ex istence and, in doing so, have lost all sense of security. The normal adjustment of the Field family has, made each of the six more dis satisfied with his own Way of life. The play reaches a climax as Stephen Field forces each into a self-revelation and gives them a renewed hope and courage to ac cept life for what it offers. The cast includes: Jack Parrls as Pat Farley; Ted Nittler, Tom Ames; Josephine Margolin, Hope Ames; Joyce Fangman, Lily Ma lone; Gloria Kollmorgan, Alice Kendall; Luanne Raun, Ann Field;' Bill Wagner, Norman Rose; Eu gene Peynux, Stephen Field, and Gene Densmore, Felix. On the production staff are: Bev- 001 IrA iors; Fauneil Gutzmann, junior; Robyn Ryder, seniors; Gail Dra jane Baskin, freshman. Delta Gamma: Lynn Holland and Robyn Ruder, seniors; Gail Dra hota, junior; Mary Hall, sopho more; Elaine Unterseher, fresh man. Love Memorial Hall: Jackie Cal vin and Helen Beth Hecht, seniors; Marie Gerdes, junior; Joan Hatha way, sophomore; Betty Eberhart, freshman. Alpha Phi: Cynthia Johnson and Barbara Jones, seniors; Judy Joyce, junior; Polly Downs, sopho more; Karen Rauch, freshman. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Nancy Hawkins and Ann Kokjer, seniors; Mary Knorr, junior; JoAnn Junge, sophomore; Marion Elder, fresh man. Delta Delta Delta: Martha Hill and Barbara Leigh, seniors; Clare Hinman, junior; Mary James, soph omore; Karen Dryden, freshman. Towne Club: Rita Dorn, senior; Jane Pierce, junior; Sally Gaughn, sophomore; Dona Yungblut, fresh Joplbl "mrl Olson and Joe Poynter. All five men were elected by University coeds at the all-women's elec tion held last month. The campus display route will be gin at Architectural Hal and will follow a specified route. Roger Whitmer and Edward Doll are stu dent chairmen. Presentation of the awards will be given April 29 at the banquet. The O. J. Ferguson award for the outstanding engineering senior will be awarded by Dean Green. Win ners of the window displays and open house displays will also be To Present erlee Englebrecht, production manager; Morrell Clute, manager, and Jean Weddle, light depart ment; Jim Copp, manager of the sound department. Jack Parris is manager of the stage crew and his co-workers in clude Ted Nittler, Josephine Mar golin, Joyce Fangman, Gloria Koll morgen, Luanne Raun, Bill Wag ner, Gene Densmore and Eugene Peyroux. The play Is directed by Dallas Williams, professor of speech and dramatic arts, and Max Whittaker, assistant professor of speech and dramatic arts. Union Plans Party For 17th Birthday "Good Old Days" is the theme of the Union's 17th birthday party to be held all day May 6. Featured events will include cut food prices in the Crib, free juke box music, singing waiters, can can girls, penny candy, old time movies and a concession stand. A street dance will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in front of the Union. Music will be provided by Cliff Dudley and his orchestra. man. Lincoln Women: Barbara Curry, JoAnn Heald and Sharon Hocker, freshman; Patricia McDougald, sophomore. Howard Hall: Mary Langemeier, sophomore; Joyce Roll, freshman. Residence Halls: Micky Snyder and Marjean Jensen, seniors; Do rothy Frand, junior; Shirley Jo Drown, sophomore; Janice Kraus, freshman. International House: Janet Rash McKee and Andonea Chronopulus seniors; Delores Erickson, sopho more; Gretchen DeVries, junior. Sigma Kappa: Terry Fitch and Lois Bramer, seniors; Ann Golds berry, junior; Charlotte Benson, sophomore. Pi Beta Phi: Marilyn Eaton and Marion Scott, seniors; Glenna Ber ry, junior; Jackie Stanton, sopho more; Dorothy Woods, freshman. Alpha Chi Omega: Beverly Da vis and Nancy Hegstrom, seniors; Martha Morrison, junior; Joan Marshall, sophomore; Kay Cun ningham, freshmari. n JVI lL0uuKc1J vr uil v University of Nebraska Tickets On Sale For Friday, Presentation of Nebraska's "Most Eligible Bachelors" high lighted Kosmet Klub's opening pre sentation of "Bloomer Girl," the annual Spring Show, Thursday evening at the Nebraska Theater. Revealed as the six "bachelors," were Jack Skalla, junior in Busi ness Administration and member of Delta Tau Delta; Herb Meiss ner, senior in Business Administra tion and member of Phi Delta Theta; Andy Smith, junior in Arts and Sciences and member of Beta Theta Pi. Bob MacDonald, sophomore in Teachers College and member of Delta Upsilon; Tom Olson, sopho more in Business Administration and member of Alpha Tau Omega, and Joe Poynter, junior in Arts and Sciences and member of Phi Gamma Delta. All six of the men were elected March 16 in the All-University Women's Election. At the Friday and Saturday performances of announced Various downtown stores will fea ture displays for Engineers Week. A small doll that performs acro batics without the aid of wires, strings, or mechanical supports will be shown at the Gas Com pany by the electrical engineers. At the Continental National Bank the display by the engineer ing mechanics will be an oscillat ing roller. A tractor that demonstrates power transmission through the air will be the display in Gold's by the agricultural engineers. The tractor will be run by a spark jump. Pogo and his friends will guide the spectators through the produc tion in a lemon drop factory in the window of Pennys by the chemi cal engineers. Showing models and plans of two bachelor residences will be the display by the archi tectural engineers at McGee's. Their theme is "Architecture is in dividual." A wheel that apparently moves by itself will be the display at Wells and Frost by the mechanic al engineers. The riddle is for the spectators to solve. Initiation Scheduled Sunday For 1955 Coed Counselors One hundred and forty-five new Coed Counselors will be initiated Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in parlors XYZ of the Union. Ginny Wilcox, senior board mem ber, is chairman of the initiation. Juniors to be initiated are: Syl via Barton, Carol Beattie, Betty Harrison, Marlene Hutchinson, Mary Ludi, Virginia McPeck, Shir ley Mead and Ruth West. Sophomores to be initiated in clude: Charlotte Benson, Georgia Britton, Marilyn Christenson, Cor rine Ekstrom, Delores Fangmeier, Carolyn Galley, Sue Hinkle, Betty Hosford, Pat Hurley, Barbara Jel gerhuis, Carolyn Johnson, Jo Ann Junge, Marj, : le Moon, Marilee Newell, Kay Perrin, Mary Lou Pittack, Trudy Scriven, Charlotte Sears, Lucigrace Switzer, Mary Thompson, Wanda Westerhoff and Rhe Yeiter. Those freshmen to be initiated as Coed Counselors are: Mary Appleget, Karen Banks, Barbara Barkmeier, Helen Barnett, Lora jane Baskin, Helen Bishop Anna bell Blincow, Frances Boellstorff, Rosemary Bredthayer, Anne Brooks, Jayne Brown, Pat Brown, Beverly Buck, Judy Bush, Janice Caldwell, Beverly Carskadon, Sally Carter, Grace Chudley, Veld a Clegg, Jane Conger, Kay Cunning ham, Barbara Curry, Martha Dan ielson, Janis Davidson Sue Dele hant. Mary DeMars Laurie Dempster, Anne Desmond, Charlotte Drishaus, Karen Dryden, Marian Elder, Clar yce Evans, Sharon Evans, Char lene Ferguson, Ruth Fisher. Mar lene Fleischmann, Joanne Fre richs, Jeanne Gartner, Janet Gates, Pat Gillespie, Joan Grass, Marlene Green, Sue Hardie, Mary Harri son, Carol Hentzen, Joan Heusner, Sharon Hocker, Barbara Holmes, Bobbie Holt, Shirley Hornby, Thel ma House, Ardith Hughes, Carol Hughes. Suzanne Hungate, Mary Huston, Charlotte Johnson, Jean Johnson, Betty Joy, Sandy Kadlecek, Phyl Kapustka, Carolyn Kelley, Sara Kirkman, Corrane Kolb, Kay Krue ger, Sally Laase, Janet Lidstrand, Judy Lundt, Marcia Mahn, Diane Major, Louise Meldrum, Carol Meyers, Marilyn McHargue, Mari-, "Bloomer Girl" the men will again be presented. Tickets for the Friday and Sat urday performances are still available although Kosmet Klub leaders say seats for both per formances are nearly all sold. Klub workers will be selling seats for each performance until 2 p.m. of the day of the show. Tickets will be sold both at the booth on the ' Kosmet Klub Production Splashes In Technicolor By BRUCE BRUGMANN The annual Kosmet Klub spring show, sprinkled with a dainty as sortment of bloomers, hoop skirts and bustles, spilled forth in the atrical technicolor Thursday eve ning in the Nebraskan Theater. Shrugging off typical opening night kinks and jitters in the first two scenes, "Bloomer Girl" moved slowly at first but, after a fine finish of the song "The Eagle and me" by Forrest Stith, the audience responded well and the cast caught the spirit of the performance. Cecilia TeSelle, playing the fem inine lead of the wayward daugh ter Ev&iina Applegate, gave one of the show's outstanding perform ances. Though her acting and movements were a bit unpolished, she sang well and ably character ized the spirited daughter of crusty old Horatio "Godspeed" Applegate. Marv Stromer, busily blustering about "guiding Cupid's darts" and the "brave captains of industry," played excellently the emotional trebles of the hoopskirt' tycoon. Monty McMahon as Jefferson Lightfoot Calhoun, Miss Evalina's imported suitor, looked the part of a southern ge.tlemen but did not effectively project himself to the audience, although his singing gained strength as the play prog ressed. Applegate's wife, portrayed by Ellie Guilliatt, typified the staunch wife of the Civil War days who was loyal to her husband. An important, though minor role, it was slightly overplayed. Daisy, the pert maid of the hoopskirt clan, who "doesn't want to be a liberal if she can't give anything away," provides many delightful interludes. Probably the most engaging character to the audience, the bouncy young miss does a fine job with "T" Morra but her subsequent dance routine is too long to be effective. With lyn Miller, Marilyn Miner, Pa McMillan. Pat Mulligan, Nancy Nagel, Nancy Nehe, Irene Nielson, Mar sha Nixon, Virginia Norsworthy, Betty Parks, Mary Phelps, Elea nor Pifer, Mary Prather, Mary Proffit, Donna Purbaugh, Karen Rauch, Jane Reed, Kay Reeves, Sherry Reimers Lois Ripa, Janet Roach, Jape Rowan, Elaine Sack schewsky, ancy Salter, Marlene Santin, Donna Sawvell, Pat Schal ler, Shelia Scott, Kathryn Sealock, Julie Seng, Barbara Sharp, Bar bara Shull, Janet Shuman, Alyce Ann Sides. Nadyne Snyder, Velda Stokke, Barbara Sullivan, Joanne Test, Marie Tsuchitani, Marilyn Waech ter, Joan Weerts Beverly West, Nancy Jo Woodling. This year's number was in creased slightly over last year's because of the expected increase in enrollment and the introduction of the new foreign student program. The Oufcide World - Chou Remains Silent By DICK Staff Writer Attempts of Prime Minister Nehru of India to promote an informal discussion of the Formosan crisis after hours at the Afro-Asian confer ence seem to have failed. Nehru arranged a private dinner between Gen. Carlos Romulo of the Philippines, one of the United States' strongest supporters in Asia, and Red Chinese Premier Chou En-lal Wednesday night. However, Romulo reported after the meeting that Premier Chou had avoided any discussion. Rumored reports are that this was India's last attempt to mediate the crisis and that Ceylon was ready to propose a neutralization of Formosa under Asian-African members of the United Nations, During the sessions Thursday, members of the Political Committee heard Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala of Ceylon denounce "Com munist colonialism" and demand that the conference declare itself against all forms of colonialism, including Communist domination of satellite states in central and eastern Europe. Premier Chou, obviously disturbed immediately demanded time to reply on Friday. Postal Pay Ratse Passed President Eisenhower suffered a rebuff at the hands of the House of Representatives when a bill was passed Wednesday which would grant an 8.2 per cent pay raise to some 500 thousand postal workers. Eisenhower had earlier called for a 7.6 per cent pay raise for the workers and is expected to veto any raise above that figure. The House bill now goes to the Senate, which has already passed a 10 per cent increase, and from there to a conference to compromise differ ences between the two bills. Friday, April 22, 1955 D"S Saturday main floor of the Union and at the box office of the Nebraska Theater. , A hit Broadway musical, "Bloom er Girl" portrays the problems a father has trying to get his last unmarried daughter attached to an eligible bachelor. Complicat ing the father's job is the influenct of woman sufferance agitators. a saucy cleverness and spontan eity, she livens many scenes. The crotchety Dolly Bloomer, the vigorous leader of the Bloomer movement, is well-played by Kath-1 leen O'Donnell who aims a con tinuous stream of sarcasm out of the corner of her mouth at her multitude of antagonists. The sheriff, a brusque chap with a charming bluster, was an im portant minor character and por trayed well by Skip Weatherford. Forrest Stith ,and Cecil Hatcher, two run-away slaves, combined to provoke the biggest audience re sponse of the evening in singing "I Got a Song." The dancing routines were quite good, though several of the dancers looked as if they were tense and their movements somewhat strain ed. The. dancing corps included Pat Harris, Allison Faulkner, Mary Mong, Myrna Olson,' Margot Du Teau, Sue Thomas, Hal Herman, Ruth Wittenberger, Ron Green, Chuck Marshall, Brien Hendrick son, and Don Grace. SC Resolves To Supper Special hud Student Council adopted a resolu tion Wednesday to support the Ne braskan Special Fund. Other Council business included the approval of amendments to and the tabling of the Residence Association for Men constitution until the next Council meeting. Objection was raised by Dan Rasdal to the clause in the RAM constitution which makes it com pulsory for all students living in the dorm to join the organization. He pointed out that while fraterni ty men could not be officers of the oiganization, they were required to belong to RAM. The motion to table consideration of the consti tution was approved by a 14-13 vote. Changes in the constitutions of Home Economics Club, AG YWCA Ag Economics Club and the Uni versity Rodeo Club were approved by voice votes. Rasdal, chairman of the elec tions committee, reported that be cause Barb Activities Board for Women does not have a junior woman willing to run for Council .presentative, BABW will not be represented next year. Phi Sigma lota Elects Glenna Berry President Glenna Berry recently was elect ed president of Phi Sigma Iota, romance languages honor society. Other new officers are Thelma Cox, vice president; Jeanne Beck, secretary-treasurer, and Dr. Boyd Carter, chairman of the romance languages department, correspon ding secretary. RALSTON r' i'i ? i 'd l: H it :m- , - ir s -A ' M - A. I ' S t KJ ' 1 tVV . J" t I - ( V 4 s