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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
.. w .............. . .4- ..... , Jl "' ' .-.-- -- "----. . . ... ... wm "hursday, April 1, 1954 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 mot fro. Loehir Li i - - - - - old II eainfi) J 5 Smith To Play C loehr Elopes To By 1.01T MOUTH Sports Staff Menace Well. Coach Bill Glassford re ceived one big blow Wednesday vhen he was informed that two of his ace footballers. Bob Smith ind Andy Loehr, would not be available for action with the 1954 cam. The dreary news came only a few days after the close if the annual spring football drills. Smith, who had hern counted to rcrry much of the load at lhc fullback position, announced 'Vodnesdatr that he was unable o remain out for football because 1 chess teammates were eotnr -f a conflict with his chess ac- through a brisk practice session in ivities. Smith simply said that! the northeast corner of the main V daily chess wnrknuts were i floor in the Student I'nion Build Just to rough for him to carry ing. Vrn'1 i Smith's With Him This distinguished gentleman is Henry McGulligan, coach of the Nebraska chess corps. McGul ligan expressed satisfaction with the announcement that one of his ace performers. Bob Smith, had dropped football to 4 Pittsburgh, Philadelphia 1 Baseball's Best Baseball is just around the corner and the current favorites o take it all in the National r,nd American Leagues are the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Phil adelphia Athletics. In fact they are nearly rated ''cinches to be opposite each other in the World Series next fall, The Pirates have a twod".ho(i ting crew, sporting tw hitters, and have two 20-game ! winners. They are currently ! riding an 18-game winning streak in Grapefruit Season! olav. Philadelphia has been re- ierred to as the "class of the American LeaEUe." They have pverything, according to the baseball experts. The lowly New York Yan kees are slated to be down in the basement of the American League, or at least close to it. logi aerra. me ianKee caicncr, ; .s considered to be one oi the vorst backstops in the league , nd the Yankee hilling, as usual, ' s of the weakest nature. 1 Welcome Back, An unidentified cheerleader rushes up to the ramp of the plane that brought Nebraska's Ted Connor back from the national diving championships at Iron Flats, Arkansas. Con nor took top honors on the i ''W'"" -" -ajil -tm: mm in i. 1 4 it 'KT'iV kr:, Yo-Yo Champ Challenges Men f Amibella Airedale, yo-yo cham lion of the women's physical ed i ication department, has chal enged any University male to a .. mat'-h this spring. "Women have been considered aid. "1 aim to prove that men , '-an eesily be out-yo-yoed. After iinu'es of practice, I have per il rie.d my Ftyle and am confident ' at I can beat any mere male." t'i'o-yo competition has been ne- h two sports at the same time. The Grand Island back told THE PINK RAG that "the rougher Ihe sport was, the better he liked it" so he decided to con centrate on the fame of chess. As Smith put it: "I have nothing against the game of football, but I would rather participate in a game which the play is rougher since I now have to make a choice." Today we found Smith busily at work on the sport he chose to keep. Sweat was pouring down his brow as he and his fellow concentrate on his chess activ ities. McGulligan admitted that it would have been difficult for Smith to divide his chores be tween the football and chess teams. Kuskers Get New Q-Back Prospect Coach Bill Glassford had a new earn date for the quarterback position on the Nebraska football team Wednesday. Del Harding, a smart, reliable T-formation s;pe cialist for Lincoln High several years ago, has announced that he will try for a position with the team when the fall drills begin in August. Big Bill Johnson jBean Bag Leader Bill Johnson flashed to an early lead in the All-University Bean Bag contest Thursday, Johnson, who tossed a two-ounce hag. passed the other contestants within the first few minutes of e same: Some doubt has arisen as to whether or not his hesitation pitch was more effective than his over hand backhand. Johnson said that the secret of his success was his overhand ! haokhand. "The toss is extremely djwk.ultv he saidi &nd must be practiced for years before it can be delivered with any degree of accuracy." Jchu.on "has trained for the match for i months. Ted 3-centimeter board which is considered his specialty. Shown with the Husker champion is Bill Schabacker, another contestant in the big event. glected in the University sports schedule, Miss Airedale feels. "'I hope the new athletic director will emphasize it," she said. She also indicated shyly that if prizes were awarded to official yo-yo champs, there might be more incentive to compete. - She suggested a four-year scholarship as a possible reward. J'If awarded a scholarship. 1 would even be willing to eat at the training table," she added. Only; Coach Henry McGulligan told us that Smith and the chess team will participate in ten meets next year. The current spring training practice will end at the close of the semester with the 1954 sched ule beginning in the latter of part of September, Included on the ten-game slate are matches in Moscow with the Russian Academy of Athletes which last year were upset by the Nebraska team. Another meet will send the squad for a two game series with the Texas State College for Women. I guess we can't blame Bob too much. The Loehr incident came as a shocker to the Husker coaches and to his many friends. No one really knew too much about the rugged end"s romantic life, but it was a complete surprise when his pal, Nick Adduci, informed Coacn Glassford that Loehr was in New York, happily married and unable to return to school. According to Adduci, who many believed palled the same stunt several years ago only to have I niversity officials find out that the Army got him, Loehr mar ried a miss rleulah Betindorter, a former coed at Slippery Kock 'leachers and up to Monday, a Elgin Watch C., employee. Loehr, a tough, glue-fingered end for the Husker football team the last few years, had been counted on heavily by Glassford. Glassford summed up the situa tion by stating: "We certainly can't let football interfere with Andy's married life. We wish him the best of luck." SORRY An article concerning Pitcher Bob Cerv's chance of winning 33 games tor the Baltimore entry in the American League this season was expected here. The article was to come from George "Peso" Paynieh, Mexican writer and former PINK RAG sports editor, who is currently vacalioning with his wife and four kids in Florida. ' "t ' Iff I LI h h You Guessed It Yes, these are the trophies that were recentlv won by Ted Con nor, Bill Holloran and Jerry Minnick in the recent Big Seven gymnastics meet. All three dis Bus Whitehead Back Again For Year With NU Cagers Coach Harry Good, thanks to a new Big Seven ruling, should have a pretty good basketball season next year. The Conference rules committee announced today that anv alumni of anv Big Seven school may play basketball at that school for another year if he so desires. Action m this was said to have occurred because of the reneral feeling throughout the conference that graduation losses mere jusl too heavy this rear. Most of the coaches, including Good, ap peared enthused over the new ruling. It was learned today that big Bus Whitehead, a former star center at Nebraska a few years ago. will take advantage of the ruling. Whitehead announced to day that he will re-enter the Husker institution for another year of basketball. Whitehead is reported to be in fine playing condition. Others expected to take advant age of the ofier at Nebraska are said to include Bill Johnson, Doa Weber, Fred Serer, Bob Pierce. Joe Good, Jim Buchanan, Bob Gates, Claude Retherford, Anton ' La wry and Rod Cox. There are others who also migrht return for another flinr at cohere basket-: ball. Nebraska won't be the only j Big Seven school benefitting from i the new ruling. Kansas released today that they expect Claude Holden To Swim English Channel Joan Holden, Phi Beta Kappa and president of Aquaquettes, recently announced she is train ing in the placid waters of Salt Creek preparing to swim the Tr.ti rite it thp winter of 1659 In an exclusive Pink Rag an- terview. Miss Holden blurted, "It will be cold." Although she will be cold." Although she be covered with oil, during swim, that is, Miss Holden ?cts to keen warm in her will the ew new electric swimming suit. Miss Holden may currently be seen studying her English very rabidly because she believes. "when in England do as the J English do." r wHds ' .. ... J, 1.., H 7 n hy o f C f $ f Iff -V5V ;1Ttv4' Concerned Over Andy Shown on the feltDhone in a conservation with Nick Adduci is Adam Rugalbee, an assistant athletic director recently ap pointed to aid Bill Orwig. Rugal bee is trying to collect details on the recent elopement of played fine-and-smooth form in winning their respective events. A1! 'h-ee will a1 so c jmne ie in the NCAA meet this weekend. Lovellotte, Charlie Black and Dean KeHey back for another sea son of college competition. Kansas State v " pti Gene Knosirnan back while Missouri and Okla homa expect a number of top flight cagers to return. Happy Harry Elated over the new Big. Seven rule that should strengthen the 3ii54 Husker basketball team is Coach Harry Good. Notice the grin. : SENIOR MEN kKD WOMEN A representative from Hallmark I Cards will t on Jh campu April 2 to interview young men end women for eoBitioni in Traioinf in EuineB admini- j ration- Secretarial nubjecta, . i J Art 'etailing and marketma. . j" "counting, mo-thematic., mar-; ! I k"' P1 management , I ''"no' P' management , e aui ond motion etudy may . j! aah 7 ter OB i'rhn, J Z P"- Please arrange ior an . jj R. M. Bourne, Chairman j Committee on Piacemente ! College of Business , ' ' Adminietrcrtion " I ' - II WWW i s i I I S ,'tT Andy Loehr which left the end corps on the Husker football team at a critical point. Loehr is apparently in New York ac cording to the word received by Eugalbee. NU Football Stock Could Be Booming I The Office of Admissions has announced the applications for transfer of a large bloc of Okla ', homa University students. I Among the requests for transfer ; were discovered the names of j both the first and second Okla i homa football teams. This ' prompted THE PINK RAG to : make several phone calls to the Oklahoma campus to verify these actions which have proved to be ! true. Because of these transfers an ; announcement has been received I from the Department of Intercol j legiate Athletics at Oklahoma U i announcing the participation the j remainder of the Oklahoma fool ball team in the intramural foot ball program next fall. These actions have caused great consternation in Big Seven schools. An announcement is ex pected momentarily, announcing a fall program of canasta tourna ments to replace football at all Big 7 schools. Head football coach at NU Bill Glassford, could not be reached at this tune for comment. Geier Signs Fact With Pittsburgh Dick Geier, promising left hander of the pitching corps of the Nebraska baseball squad, quit school Monday and signed a professional baseball contract with his long-time idol, the high-frying Pittsburgh Pirates. Geier was believed to have re ceived nearly $50,000 for inking the Pirate contract. The big Lincoln southpaw was : immediately inserted into the Buc lineup in a game with the New York Yankees Wednesday and he promptly silenced them on a lone base hit during his six inning stint. OTTltC WIDE AUTHORITY Of COCA COLA BOTTLING ' m rgslfd trod mini ugge Meads '5 Ted Connor, Bill Hard For NCAA By FOX SOREXTO Sports Something i irri wnicn are auacnea Intramural Director Ed Higgen- wards. botham has announced the new enlarged and expanded Intramu- Is familiar with then- , B , characteristics, which is some- Mi program for the school yearjjjmcs walking backwards to fool 1954-55. insect hunting vermin, he may Sports in which teams or indi viduals may enter are ball bounc ing, netless volleyball, crow shoot ing, parachute jumping, train de railing, hotrod racing, hog call ing, flea scratching, mud pie making creativeness hula dancing, konyak drinking, beet can bending, typing (speed u bar- re! rolling, pledge paddling, tele- after the event. The delay is to form, originality, creativeness phone book tearing, brick throw- allow the department to check i Quite a fund for new high ing, house pushing (Halloween all rosters and results in order bars. Connor, you know, has just eventi, tire changing, racketless tennis, tightwire walking, ring throwing, duck walking, tiger hunting, gorilla wrestling and ant tracking. Of all the events the ant track ing is probably the most difficult and requires a great deal of study prior to competition. The black ants are not so hard to LB SK A Send-Off For This is just part of the celebra tion that gave an agile Max Kitzelman a big send-off Wed nesday for the men's ballet championships to be held in Big Running Event Set For Saturday Coach Ed Weir announced to day that the annual cross-country-race will be held Saturday start ing at the Coliseum. The event, considered a snap by many, will cover eight miles over the Ne braska countryside. Weir also released the names of several top-flight individuals who are expected to take part in the big race. Expected to com pete are Bob Oberlin. Gary Ren zelman, Cal Bentz. Dick Lauer, Don Glantz. Willard Fagler. Don Hodge. Pat Mallette and Charley Bryant. Tttt COCOl COwr ft COMPANY OF LINCOLN 0 ISr'iS. ?tw Circa Coi9 Compon j jl A riT i racKing Intramurals Holloran, Jerry Minnick All Prepare Gymnastics Tournament This Weekend I track even though they are smal j ler. However, the red ants have think Ihcv have left their holes frontward when they have actu ally gnr.e down backward for their afternoon siesta. A tracker is also cautioned to lie alert for he may go where they have been and not where they are or about to be. Lead trophies will be awarded to the winning teams three years to make sure no one used trained ants, underweight gorillas, top heavy trains or fake grass skirts, etc. Over in the intercollegiate de partment of physical education gymnastics coach Jake Geier an nounced that three of his top gym nasts. Bill Holloran, Ted Conner and Jerry Minnick, have quaii- 4? Max Radio City. New York. Kitzel man, whose eloquent form and grad- whipped all comers at Nebraska, is a heavy favorite to dance to top honors at the Campus Wolf Looks Over Underwear Situation! 'UWI,W' DWaH l.liIMI,J l JIIIIIUIIIIIIUII..llII.Ul.ll.IIIJPU'll,IJniJI! ?l , mm. rfA . ' sm CRRKR!" says Lupo Leer, notorious roue and fa mous library lover. "Yes, GRReat is the word for those comfortable Jockey brand Shorts! Don't over look a good thing... get Jockey and comfort is in the books for vou!" Sescclle men choose Jozhy comfort Tm don't have to be a wolf to appreciate the snuf-fitting, tailored-to-fit comfort of JocJ;e brand Shorts! Jockey comfort gw fcr e.vtrybody, becauw? . . . 11 srpetwte centewed piece.-, aiv t.i .uily crafted into one emooth-fitting garment. Newtf-developerf heat resistant rubber in waistband outlasts other leading brand. KoeeH strip rubber in leg openings elimi ii8iep Rag or bind around the legs. UnisV iik front opening ill underwear grves, ytt 9tv yaw Mod on) ST fied to journey to the NCAA meet in their pet events. Holloran, who recently won the national tiddlywink contest, will perform in springboard bouncir. for height, an event in which he is undefeated for the current sea son. He will also compete in the hands and knee crawling, a rath er difficult event which is graded on beauty, form and speed. Conner will then team up with Holloran for the camel walk," a two-man effort as is the elephant walk in which Minnick and Con nor compete. Connor's pet event Is highbar bending, an event which requires returned from the national div ing contests where he took top honors on the 3 centimeter board. Minnick, who recently left his job modeling Maidenform bras, has returned to school in order to complete his degree in bu. ter ry catching and collecting. His pet event is mat chewing and turn eating in that succession. big event this weekenu. Ac companying Max is his coach. Mike Mulligan, a former great in his ballet davs. never gaps. vese but full cemf or! ! Jtickrc Strom Is ti I