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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1952)
, 3 7 " 7ZZZZII Pegs 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Mondoy, November 17, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGE It's Up To Us A movement finally has taken shape on this proposal suggests that all elections of student in University campus to rid our election systems of terest become All-University elections where their most erroneous function. The plan will voting requirement is a student identification card. undergo its first real battle tonight in the meetings or that in those cases where such an election of organized women's houses. From here it will appears impossible, the voting be done by qualified go to the Student Council where it might meet judges. more opposition than it will this evening. , Those persons sponsoring the entire proposal The Daily Nebraskan would like to put in its have had th; foresight and the Integrity to include plea from this moment on for complete and sincere a section in the letter which makes it vastly differ- approval of the entire plan. In essence the pln is this: to rid our Univer sity of those elections where balloting is done by ticket. The proposal took Its first form in a meeting during Tan-Hellenic week of the activity chairmen of the women's organised houses. It ent from the customary proposal that comes before Student Council. It is the one thing that gives the entire plan purpose and strength. The last section of the letter says that the proposal will go into effect Jan. 1, 1953. And how might this sort of proposal be pat into effect? It is stated that those organized houses signing the letter shall not pot up candidates after Jan. 1 for any title which is bestowed on the basis of ticket-balloting. The letter is being submitted to the Council for approval. Regardless of the decision of the Council, those organized houses that vote tonight in favor of the proposal, shall, in a word, boycott elections in the future where the amount of money a certain house can scrape up determines the win ner of a campus title. Crib Notes Union Workers Chili hed Jo Highlight Activities Shirley Murphy All Union workers will gather) tournament stage. A winner will together Tuesday for a chili feed in union Parlors A, B ana c The session is designed for orientation and J. P. Colbert. dean of student affairs, will speak to the workers. If a worker hasnt received a card about the feed at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, he should see Mareie Holde- man. Union ac- Murphy tivities director, in the activities office. Ping pong is in the round robin As I Sqq It By LARRY DUNNING Staff Writer This is the time of the year when everyone en the campus tsj Many organizations will speak loud and long against this proposal. They wall say that their elections are their own business and that Student'doing their little bit to further Council nor those houses signing the letter have 'the prestige of the University. In no right to interfere. They will say that they have 'the next two weeks the various no other method of raising money. They will say organizations will be attempting to that certain of their projects will fail without the erect or produce a passable Home incentive of ticket-balloting. coming display, a winning float. The fallacies inherent in our election-system nd n entertaining Kosmet Klub can best be found by listening to the words of ;skit- NEED MONBVF-SPOMSOR A Ul EN stands now, in Its completion, in the form of a letter which its sponsors hope to have signed by every woman's organised house this evening. The letter gives two objections to ticket-balloting: a false method of working up interest in a certain project of a certain organization by having those leaders and those members that shall speak out to Student Council members and to others so concerned in an effort to stop the plan. This writer feels, perhaps optimistically, that the letter will receive many house signatures this evening. Despite the numerical reception riven K tonight, we feel that there is enonrh support for the move to make the boycott a very effective one. soon be declared. Players should contact Stan Sipple for further in formation. Tuesday and Wednesday, as usual, have a full schedule of lessons. Donna McCandless' dance class will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom Bridge lessons are scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday in Union Room 318 directed oy James foner. Craft shoo will meet Tues day and Wednesday at the Union. Mrs. Charles Coleman instructs the class. Don't forcet dancing in the Round-up room Saturday. Wheth er we win or lose a game, every one can still enjoy dancing in the Union. Delores Carag is in charge of the dancing from 9 p.m. to mid night Ever win a jackpot? The Union Sundav night movie concerns a man wnose ionaesi wish is to win a jackpot. j Jimmv Stewart portrays tne man whose wish comes true. The movie titled "The Jackpot" shows all the problems his family and he have. This comedy begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom. If yon think we're busy now Yea should come la sometime, when It aint final week HeeSs And Hose tranless form! Leads 7952 formal Fashions All of these various activities are the highlights of the fall se mester. Each of them is a tremen dous job within itself, and yet. the Innocents and the Kosmet Klub have used their tremendous' Dowers of foresight and are hav-i ing both of these major functions for the December formal season. within a two week period. j Fashion stores have been advertising formal TYui. ............ AWWtAt V f f Homecoming is topmost in everyone's mind now. But it's not too early to make definite plans these two functions to be up to' for several weeks. Although their usual par? Undergraduate talent' shipments have a wide range, their favorite sefl- The proposal, if approved by Student Council, those attending and purchasing tickets, buy a will restore dignity to several of our campus titles.! for the KK skit is limited. Dances' lPA .,, -,,,, -vmimMitiK" nni,. titteist; and a wrong method for organizations to It will save the students pocketbooks. It will force hv to be learned; songs sung;j lirtM TMrfrV'tvf but &1 v tHprA are1 i7 ivc finance their various activities. the removal of those projects whose only possible .da5SeT that the undergraduate! Main advantage of the convertibles is to serve it men inter-house competition. It also will force must attend. It is a proven fact for occasions when cover-up prelude is essential The proposal asks the Student Council for organuatKms to reson to someuun r r - : ... n iv.. a.... ,4 six week neriod containing Home-- uiici-cicvuvu w luicLuuajLijr au(jp;ii nivu oiuvr, ; - - - formal ctvIA 1 not MviiI1v . . looming than any other one. This lormai sxyie is not especially ue5- !is ths time when the for 1952; nevertheless per- The Daily Nebraskan is vitally Interested to juate leaves studies for a weekona!ity fi8S fceon added through the future of this plan. We cannot urge enoorh serious consideration of Its Implications. We most heartily congratulate those who forma la ted It. To those residents of the women organised booses. The Nebraskan asks for unanimous approval of this plan tonight. Its success lies partly in presenting a vnited appeal to the Sta dent Council. We strongly nrge every member of an rr nixed noose to attend her respective approval which would mean that those organiza tions sponsoring such "paid-elections"' would be prohibited from this practice in the future. The To Kosmet Klub To Kosmet Klub its members, officers and ad visers, The Daily Nebraskan would like to direct this writing. Ia view of a meeting late this after noon at which tone the method for determining Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet wCl be decided The "Nebraskan would like to express its sentiments. The suggestion from Kosmet Klub that the objections to ticket-balloting be pacified by har ing the Mortar Boards, Innocents and KK execu tive committee choose Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet is perhaps a noble bet not a very ' practical one. The evils inherent in the ticket-balloting system can best be discarded through the use of a student ID. card as the only voting pre-requisile in cam meeting this evening to hear the letter nd to vote approval of one of the most piogrcsslvc and rational proposals we've beard In a long time, K.R. One Lord, One Faith, One World to help the University gain a lit tle prestige. . This year, not only does the student leave his studies for one week, bet in some cases, for two weeks in a row and who does not realise the significance of missing two weeks of classes or not having time to complete a eounta of assirnffleftts. Our In- 'he waistline . . . featuring the wandering waistline . . . high Directoire, low "middy, corselet 'and cummerbund or "wrapped look." Other major issues are the bustle effects attained by big sash or gathered fulness at the Bocenta society who are the lead ers of our campus and oar Kos met Klub who are the brains behind two of the year's bigrest entertainment features, tire Pall stevtew and the Spring Review, have not had enough foresight to get these two activities spaced so that they would have the maximum skill and the mini mum In lost student hours. f . Barnes back. In convertible jackets sleeves are de- Tcrry Barnes veloped rebtly, by pleating or folds or actual puffing. A favorite style In many new conver tible formals are cm mb -catch yokes often de signed In petal effects that Jut from a form-fit ting strapless body. Straplessness continues in a big way. with t cover-up jacket to match. The very newest for mals have a built-in, rather than attachable, cover up styled like fichu backs, slight sleeves, strapes or connected half-stoles. However, the most widely represented convertible is the strapless dress and carefully molded jacket. Yarn-dye taffeta and nylon net or tulle still are the favored fabrics. This year they are com bined with jewel color tones in broad ranges of ruby, emerald or sapphire hues. There art many pastels, too, of course. Convertible designs are only one of many IB53 formal significants; so, "last year's" promises to be just as stylish. A Student Views The News UfJ. Suicide Is A 0 emalh Bitter Political Campaign' Ann Griffis With everyone proposing the de- (The following Bible quotation and prayer are emphasis of athletics and the mm 1-tkri The mreestion in itself seems to being used during the YM-YWCA's Week of Prayer Reorganizing of fraternities, it has defeat Kosmet KkiVs constant attempts to pack and World Fellowship, Nov. 9 through 15, 1952. The a:'ays nel strange to me why, The recent presidential race has1 the American people responded 'be expected to cooperate with Ox their shews. In taking the voting right away from DaiJy Nebraskan will publish a quotation and a JfSrli A.!l? been accU!ed ct the most- to an outlet by sanctioning the investigation or get off of U. S. thow persons attending the show, Kcrrt Klub is prayer each day this week.) university a place to learn. It is vioieni smear mpaign in Amer- whe Xin ofTrecent war! noi wiinoui rea- defeatinf its own purpose. The Nebraskaa hopes that Kosmet Klub members, in meeting this afternoon, vote to have ballotiag at the door Thursday night as is tra ditional in the history of the fall show and then g m to reetUV those aspects of (he Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet election which bare drawn the most criticism from those very students that ssppert the rtrrities of Kosmet Kb' . K. The Fourth Estate This is one of those "it could only happen here stories. Newspapers aS over the country reoenUy car- tmw?v an initifiitinn vhw vmi ican history can learn if you are not nam-son. The immediate political conflict ried a slory about a. typist working for fee United of a3J nat5ws tave hear4 voice. Help me States delegation to the Un:td Nations mho gave . ., , . . . ... j .1 l k T j n .v; " " i u arc uwi "uu V - -7 pered by many activities. Most' heart, and with all thr SouL and with all thvur ni,r mivJk . Mn,ni' might" "And thou shall love thy neighbor as thy-' farce or, at least, are operated was 8 m 8 ot self.- Deut 6:4-5 and Lev. 39:18. j .thf7 'ere. And yet these caJ ' It was amid a catatrophic history, which iquire mn? hours a week which t'enty era world, that the Hebrew people turned their 'study. tragedy and hopelessness into one of the creative moments in world history. For them, God had In tervened. Iet us pray for all men who today are denying this God is history by their intellectual superiority; and for all nations that are blinded by materialism: O God, Thou are our God forever. As Lord of Israel Thou didst reveal Thyself in the burning bush. Thou didst lead Thy people Israel, that they might perce.'ve Tbee in Thy Son. Since the dawn the Immediate crisis of Korea, and the threat of a future war, the strain was bound to telL delegation to te Unr.ed Nations wno gave tn? her American citizenship for that of Russia. The Important feature of this story is the wide eoverare ft received and the important play gfrem it Yet, only in the freedom loving coun tries on thk side f the Iron Certain would newspapers even be allvwei to print the story. In fact, only on this side of the Iron Curtain would anyone be able to openly renounce bis cftizenstrln. Such, things 5osl haffpea ia Eirssia and her nteHftes. Freedom of the press is a Jong forgot tea term capitalist consense. Est free men kave long known that free dom of the press is more ha Jtwt ihe right to prhrt that someone feas changed her rftbrensbip. ft 3t freedom cf fbongM and freedom of ssSon freedom to communicate ideas. And wiMvt the s&exss for eommunfeton, ideas eves tbe best ooon die from their wn lack of momentum. Co this side of tie Iron Curtain, however, we to Prophets and through Thy Son, who became flesh: "I am the Lord thy God. Lend me Thy grace. Thy help and Thy strength, that I may love Tbee my Lord and ray God "with all my heart and soul and in all that I do and, through Tbee, my fellowmen. Amen. TTFTY-tTrXST fXAJt Member Associated CoQegfato Press Inter eof!eci to Press EDITORIAL STAFF year Demo- !the R e p u bli 'cans were pre pared for an all-out . cam paign and the .'Democrats an- I Aimougn many or tne emo 'Honal and political reactions from the campaign will not become' 1 evident until Elsenhower puts his program into effect, one sign of. ' peared. The hunt for American Com 'munists has spread to the U. N. So heads have fallen yet, but U. N, The tension was fnereaoed bv the suicide of Abraham Fellers, U. N. reneral counsel and not tng assistant secretary-reneral for legal affairs. Fellers bad been earrytng on extremely heavy load of work and had been close to a nervous break down for two weeks. Charge of Red activity disturbed kirn deeply and last Thursday, h leaped to his death from bis 12th floor apartment In Kan batten. Much of the rank and file of tbu Even If these activities are deemed useful, why can't tbe supposed "leaders" of these groups which sponsor such V. v . I , ZZ . iswered with no met Klub took fsr enough in ad- hold tarred ZZZLTt Mv tB,Baer Much of the Griffis trvfties. In tmng nesiae wear your kk pin noi rrom xne canaioaies mem-or ine u. iv. dux nas promisea a 'lame duck," is hampered by r jtnu roues; you worsen nro se.'ves, out rrom otiser otner party conunuauon in January, tne consciousness that a new gov ts ret where ye are, but the leaders. j Last Monday, Sen. Pat McCar-Jemment will begin next year, bash for your work was sup- Tbe spirit of the times had 'ran, chairman of the subeommit- Like many other measures, ac peved to be your leadership much to do with the tenor of ;tee and Willis Smith. Democratic tion will be postponed until next ability. If you are leaders, then tbe campaign. Tension had Senator from North Carolina an- year and Eisenhower! assumption continue to lead. I reached a breaking point, and nounced that the U. N. would 'of office. finrvar tn f1 Va .there is an air of threatened ex-UniJed States no longer trust nor Ipectancy. The Senate internal se-'supports the organization's work curity subcommittee 4ias recessed jers. A definite resolution of th Jits investigation of Communist in- charges should be made soon, but do seme- vicious speech-making came. fiwn te'mlSZ wear your KK pin 'not from the candidates them-of the U. X. but has promised a ."lame duck," is hampered by NU AT UN Nebrasfcons Endorse Lie's Quiff ing But See Problems V Cji 4m6aB ti n m Tttsrwrnst w TttCTF uPTBajfJ Am 4SuWS "I ffUTsWIaBSBftBsJ 9nmuAra said that the bomb was reported Jto have complelely destroyed a rnile-wide Pocific island. Some ":nm'm Viirlr 4hat h T7nif1 " -;States has unleashed its first H- CernbeM town, this news If tmm mn tt.m , mmi n mm m np' trtw wi mamrinr Tnot ajn a 'mZTZJZm.'ZZSZll little frtfhteninr. With tbe tmtmm rm mm mm, i world sHuatio m Its present " PITTSBURGH, Pa. Trygve Lie. "given immediate support to the the rotund Secretary General of UN action in Korea jd Just at jthe United Nations, astounded the immediately he lost any chanen worirt last woncay wrsen ne of- for Kussiaa support -na- CRESTON, Ia The news story predoee more advanced wean- shelp bring peace. j bamstrunr with the veto, and H-Bomb Release Creates ft, t mm ( fat jworirt last Monday wrsen ne Challenge To United Nations &3s!g- r-eWFT T- TV. . I - . a !haU noav- f S. '. mm m mtml rata - im. wm Tcu.-V thai worcg iieas ideas contrary to tbe win iTZTrmTfS "ESST tie people and to the best inlerests cf tbe Fwyt'ie'wia Kwi die cf their own weight They hsvt to b s-jppressel. OnJy a government fcterr2 la fee taippresrioa of freedom need con trol -i f 3-srth estate of ran," ITere ta Aiwrfcs we tend to take tbe free yrw to Erwrh fvr gTaste. This we cannot af Tsri to do. Freedom of tee press mtirt be more I'n'T cratr fhs an others. It b the kry is ir-f- t-p:iv.-., f ! fnhedosas. C.L 9fwmm t mttt iHn f mm eritieal stato, he knew that this ndvaneed type of weapon wns - r K4mr rmtwm tJtam ... i 4mm tmi Oman. Cm ttrm. mm CkwfM Ktmn, fist ... raft mto wot. -m mmuiuf w irv i ii uivujjv w"rj since tee vstefsi pvwen thh eontinsnl arms bvMd-srp. iments from every corner of the, wouldat setUe for anyone but la ?e recent brVa setntor- globe. Some obfrvers compiled: tnd the Commaniits lal race, Dwlrht Dell ana his ('hat Lie was only acting like the wouldn't accept him, the dls spporters thoutrht that this Is- t little toy who said he would runj -trtoa wu k deadloek. Some swe was Important enoudi to iaway from home only because he, thing needed to be done asd th ware a eamoairn on. It cer- wanted to be argued out of' it Security CovneH eouldat do tt, talely Is. If Dell had offered Others have expressed the opin-J 8 the affair was taken to th a more practical solution or If ;wn that Lie was right when he- General Assembly where thm he had been a more command- d that he would be more valu- veto dorsal bother progress. Al ine flrure, he mbrht have won. jable to world peace ty letting a though tbe charter didat to tend Unfortunately, there is n o Secretary Gwral mort acc!ptib!e t h ta he wrtrJ fkt wv simple so.'ut'on. If Dell or snv to all nations take over his posi-i th iwMt i.. Ttrr. Neverthelen. he smJ4 manBt the ansver to this tion. term a additional four year. he eouJd not help but wonder probJern, tSen let vt Iwpe th I This means that lie's claim to where this continual buffd-trp Jheworld recognizes that his plan A lcfc poll of the students jthe job bat a shaky legal basis, of -weapons for mass killings the answer. from Nebraskt ara voting to New lit is this what worries him. H would end. " n, ?e ofnlyi York for a YW-YMCA Vnftod i feels that someone with the full It was Armistice Dy. The drug- fl CtUmtH r mhV " PP.P1 Tont peace. Annifftice Dsv The druc- ?,sce fjPJ? mi n sr,1fW'r toBs seminar showed that It (support of all the nations remembered toe days ia .y - " V. Vi ZZZZ . TrV. m - ' " France whe?i be fought with the 7'n IxZZ 1 It, more vsju- American Expeditionary Forces "J "iVS 2 -? TT? " - Tmm mrM ... k , . in wodrfr IwW That or .7"' Tv .V" ""'m win tm cJ2r-ZLifTr -J b said, wa, tbe fbrt to use tetKLFSZ ZRl1"" t tL 3 UN feel thirt Lie's decte- As was mentioned earlier, most of the students on theJr way to I 1 If nm0 tro C"zrrel th?rt is tt least ty. I, i ti tr.j-s Cit irierferes tn&ies bv-km. -IT wrv.WL HkMtM. mmm W.HM f iit . tf Jtwm, ry rvH he added, it has steadily become tZ. "ZZZJ'7?Lr'.?!?r??LJu!?Tm .1more powerful until we hear of EUSiNESS ST AIT to ar.y great extent Since then,; explosions that destroy mile-wide islan-is. 1 This Is the way that war fc I rolng. Unfortusatety. there fsat . at ara T wmr let science pro- Wi JSrw r-fivsr . 'when tbe I TV stnrfArf Th K.o .i , . Tfoere H s ufaroHv optimNnt "tarv Genfmi tmvM inr i,atr ,., . , . . SUifLrL I" "d tt " P?n W,n 'ri' his Job wen, but because vlLlLVI l5:7 Courx:i, which there may be a man vo can do tnrT ZJtTL l .'21 he "rr Onrl that job as well tnd still have the JZ to JeI?ii!ftR7! TUh ? "W Corner', nippo ,l sJl the mtJens in 1 .Sm-r i Assembly, cooM cot agre on a volved. To The Nebraska!, this ZZ?J??Jl ti . 4 tuccessor to L4e. The would be a mfracle-ond tbe ' ,' ""'"'. V" wifw mm to syoceed chance tist tr.irrti mt n h u ch"n:j . -rlh taking , -! e wwders for vrtitmty Irr- the irtfrrest fa searching f-v solu- himJf but JJiia n hr fri"U 'h ,B lenOts not to Hyms is running highDJ. -couH.n't see it that w-.yLfe had 1-D.