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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1952)
(Urn- Campus Story On Page 4, Columns 6-7 u(su(Qi(uiv(sir (sir ir U Dean Replacements Committees have been ap pointed to investigate possible replacements for four Univer sity deans, who are retiring: or resigning. See story on page four. All Big Seven Team On today's sport page The Daily Nebraskan picks the All Big Seven conference basket ball team. Jim Buchanan is the only Nebraska player on the first five. -Voice of 6000 Cornhuskert- VOL. 51 No. 106 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Monday, March 17, 1952 rvnn n Coedls T CasH" Voltes Ty W SL . M TP Speak the rnD)MWIif sday Coed Counselor Slate Revealed - NANCI DEBORD J , ELIZABETH GASS k Election Procedure, Positions All University women may vote Tues- retary and treasurer, day between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. including the Barb Activities Board for Women pres noon hour. ident, vice president, two senior board mem- Coed Counselors will elect a new presi- bers, four junior board members and four dent, vice president, two senior board mem- sophomore board members may be voted bers, three unaffiliated junior and three un- upon by all unaffiliated women, affiliated sophomore board members, three Junior and senior women are eligible to affiliated junior and sophomore board vote for May Queen, members. All women are eligible to vote for Only women may vote. Identification these officers. cards must be presented at the polls. . Associated Women Students offices Voting will be conducted in gllen Smith open are president, vice president, five sen- hall and in the Ag Union, ior board members, five junior board mem- Mortar Board is in charge of the elec bers and five sophomore board members, tions and the Ag Exec board is conducting This election is open to all University the voting on Ag campus, women. Results will be announced Wednesday in Women's Athletic Association members The Daily Nebraskan. may' vote for president, vice president, sec- Sixteen University women will Counselors: ue electee 10 uuea counselor board positions Tuesday. Competing in the presidential race are Nana DeBora and Eliza beth Gass. Miss DeBord is in Teachers col lege and a member of Alpha Omi cron Pi, secretary of Coed Coun selors and of Student Council, Thirty -Two Coed Matties On MS Ballot; Loudon, Koehler Compete for President arey, Weaver Head Barb Slate Thirty-two names will appear on the slate for Tuesday's AWS elections. Competing for the office of president are Jean Loudon and i cicLicu ii u w ,hanfTLnCa0nAZCaS!candidat and activities arel major, member of Kappa Alpha ,s f 0iiows I ine'.H, voeu counselor uuaru, Home Ec club council and Farm ers Fair Board. Two unaffiliated girls will be elected to senior board positions. Candidates and their activities: Frances Anderson is in Teachers College and a member of Tassels, BABW board, YWCA and Coed fiaUtoL By DICK RALSTON Staff Writer The dean of women at a mid western college began an an nouncement to the student body as follows: "The president of the college and I have decided to stop necking on the campus." First coed "I don't like your boy friend." Second coed "Why not?" First coed "He whistles dirty songs." The weatherman our friend again has sud denly realized that the six weeks since the ground hog saw his shadow are ovf.T. He has predicted that Monday's tem peratures will Lincoln has seen for nearly two weeKs Spring is Warm Counselor Coedwith the second highest number Darlene' Podiesak is a member,f?tes wil1 be vice President, of Tassels, Coed Counselors and is I ,M,SS Ludon is a member of in Ag college. , Alpha Chi Omega, is a member Three affiliated and three un- of AWS Board, Union committee affiliated board members will be head and Aquaquettes. She is en elected from the junior slate. The rolled in Teachers college. Miss Koehler is a member of AWS Board anrf NT IP W A V Donna Folmer is a member of president. She is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega Coed Coun-Delta Gamma sorority and in selors, Bunders, YWCA, Union Teachers college Committee. AUF board and is in, ca-.a,. i Teachers college. UihW.68 r Semr bard P" Sue Gorton is in Arts and Scl-,suirnfllare-Pnrps col'f l'h. is memhpr of Kan J. Marl'yn Bamesberger, a mem- pa Kappa Gumma and Coed Coun-lbe.r, f Chi Omega sorority, is en selors and managing editor of The roUedm the College of Agricul Daily Nebraskan. .ture- Sne 15 Home Ec club vice Martha Lee Miller is in Teach-Pre;sldent. AWS Board secretary, ers collage and a member of AUF, I4"1 Club secretary and a member Coed Counselors, W.A.A. and 01 YWCA and Phi Upsilon Omi Kappa Alpha Theta. c"n. Sue Relnhardt is a member of Gertrude Cary, International Delta Gamma, Tassels, Coed House, is BABW Board secretary, Counselors board, Builders and is a member of AWS Board and on in Arts and Sciences college. the Religious Welfare council. Beth Rohwer is in Ag college Virginia Cooper is on the YWCA and is a member of YWCA, Coed cabinet and is Union music com Counsebrs, Builders, Home Ec mittee secretary. Miss Cooper is club and Chi Omega. affiliated with Pi Beta Phi soror- Kathleun Wilson is a member ity and enrolled in Teachers col of Kappa Delta, Coed Counselors, 'lege. YWCA, University Singers, Mul Mary Lou Ginn is a YWCA Phi Epsilon and is in Teachers council member, on the Union college. v house committee and treasurer of Joan Brenneman is In Teachers the Christian Student fellowship, college. i Miss Ginn is in Teachers college oauuia "'iJ o it " nnn a mpmhpr nf S oma Karma yvia Kraswe has worked on the ' GERTRUDE CAREY and Gamma Pi Beta treasurer. Miss Weir is in Arts and Sciences college. Candidates for iunor board po- Annual elections for Barb Ac sitions are as follows: jtivities Board for Women will be Diane Hinman is Union commit- held Tuesday, tee secretary, a Cornhusker sec- The slate includes: tion head, member of Builders,! Presidential candidates are Ger- Coed Counselors, Alpha Lambda ; trude Carey and Wilda Weaver, Delta and Delta Relta recording L 1 ' - -8 Vf I t 1 ; k secretary. She is in Teachers col lege. Sue Holmes is in Teachers col lege and a member of Kappa Al pha Theta. She is a Union com mittee chairman and AWS secretary. Phyllis Kort is in Arts and Sci- ""- Barbs. She UUdLU. Miss Carey is a junior in Arts and Sciences and BABW secretary. She is also vice president of Interna tional House and member of the Religious Welfare council and As- WILDA WEAVER cies and four candidates. Margaret Harmon is a junior in the College of Agriculture and member of Amikita, Home Econo mics c'!ub. Joan Mines is a senior in College of Agriculture and a member of Amikita. Darlcne Podleska is a junior and majoring in home economics and innvnalism Rho is a Tasspl and an sociated Women Students. I outstanding Coed Counselor. She Miss Weaver, the other presi-'is also a dorm counselor, dential candidate, is a junior in Fern VVilkerson is a junior in Arts and Sciences. She is BABW . College of Agriculture, house representative and editor of There are six candidates for four a publication of the junior board positions. belongs to KAM, Carol French. Teachers college l Un4-nrrnU.. 1 .. J i . ! 1 t. M i 1 T T 1 Shirley Ledingham is a member ""u" nyI u " so?" JS Friueru ot me um- VIRGINIA KOEHLER scheduled (!) to appear this week, Arts Sciences college and a member of Tassels,- Coed Counselors and Kappa Pni. ftiarjor.o triHsen is a mei nuerint.H ,,.,, c!,,m nit, to.. . 'iSarlenc'Cooddin is in Arts' J,?!! H?U: is. erJ" anH Sr.inr.n collse and a fflem-i u"ra. " uie couege or Agncui- AUF Board and is a member of Tassels and YWCA. She is affili- ber of Towne Cli'b, Kappa Phi, Coed Counselor board, and Tas sels. Marilyn Erwln, a home eco- ture. She is Home Ec council sec retary, a member of the Ag Ex ecutive board, YWCA, Lutheran Student association and social member of AWS Board. 1 "gyp ' 1 Jpfc jj JEAN LOUDON Alpha Builders. She is an Alpha Phi and in Arts and Science college. Elizabeth Miller is a member of Red Cross, YWCA, Tennis and Rifle clubs and president of Tri Sci club. She is in Arts and Sci ences college and affiliated with! Alpha Omicron Pi. Shirley Murphy is enrolled m Teachers college and a member of Sigma Kappa. She is Union pub licity chairman, Search Week publicity chairman, Husker Hand book editor and vice president of Gamma Alpha Chi. Neala O'Dell is a member of YWCA Representative council, Coed Counselors, Tassels and Red Cross. Miss O'Deill is a Kappa Delta and in Teachers college. Judy Pollock is affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma and in Teachers college. She is on the WAA Sports board, a Coed Coun selor and member of Alpha Lambda Delta. Barbara Spilker, Love Hall, is enrolled in the College of Agricul ture. She is a member of Soed Counselors and Home Ec club treasurer. Janet Steffen is a member of AWS Board, Daily Nebraskan The senior board has two vacan- Continued on Page 4. Esch, Mann To Compete For Presidency Of WAA Tassels Coed' Counselors and! Sallie Matteson is m Teachers and Phf Sigma Iota. (Delta. Miss Steffen is in Teachers Home Ed ClUb. (tuuec anu a niemuer oi iappa niurjcy auiiunucrg is on uie college ana a uaumia iil xjcia. Helen Jean Utterback is In Delta, she is a member of YWCA I YWCA Cabinet and a member of Teachers college and a member of and Red Cross. INUCWA and Tassels. She is en- Coed Counselors, YWCA, Univer- Hester Morrison is affiliated rolled in Teachers college and af sitv Sinners and treasurer of Delta with Chi Omega sorority and en so even a little hint of warm Omicron. roiiea in jeacners college. sne is weather will be indicative of bet-1 Six candidates, three unaffili- vice president of YWCA and a ter prospects. Saturday was the dividing line between winter and sprint let's hope. By late morning the clouds a steady companion for sometime began breaking up. By mid-afternoon the sun was almost in full glory, The world is rosy again! filiated with Delta Delta Delta. Nancy Weir is YWCA member ship chairman, on the Union Board ELAINE ESCH is in Teachers college. She is Continued on Page 4. Junior, Senior Women To Elect May Queen ated and three affiliated, will be elected for sophomore positions. The glrlj and their activities are:l MorliuH llamt la in Tnnriiprsi JlftMBIIJM . ... n,. ..-A A. til L ! college fciid a member of Delta " W vueen. win oe sen or. Gamma Builders, Red Cross and elected at the women's spring! Nancy Button, Teachers college UnIon ' (election Tuesday. Her identity will' senior. Joe Ann Johnson is a member, be revealed at Ivy Day on May 3.1 Sarah Fulton, Teachers college ine candidate receiving me sec- senir. ond highest number of votes will Mary Hubka, College of Arts Continued on Page 4. Names In The News- ADMIRAL WILLIAM SMITH, former chairman of the U.S. maritime commission, told congressional investigators thut his office evidently did not know all the fucts when it approved the sale of certain war surplus ships. Former Congressman Joseph E. Casey of Massachusetts realized a $450,000 return on a $1,000 investment. Admiral Smith said that uny indication that the group associated with Casey meant to use the ships for specul.'ve purposes would have disqualified the bid. The maritime commis sion, according to the testimony, got no such information, GEN. DWIGHT EISENHOWER, commander of NATO forces in Europe, made a hastv visit to Greece und Turkey, the two new members of the Atlantic treaty group. In Ankara, efter making a short glad-to-see yon statement in Turkish, the general con ferred with Turkish army bruss. He appeared pleused at the prospects of the 16 divisions of the Turkish army. In Athens the communists had leaflets out calling the general "butcher but the government seemed to have the situation in hand. ANTOINE I'INAY formed a new French cublnet following the fall of Edgar Kuure's government. The new premier is a con servative and succeeded In gaining the confidence of the rrench assembly through a fplit in General do Gaulle's rightist party. All the complications of French politics came into play when the small-town businessman, who never considered himself a likely choice us premier, began making the rounds of the many French parties to find ministers for his coalition cabinet. This cabinet includes neither socialists nor communists, nor members of deGauIle's RFP, The 27 RFP members who defied do Gaulle by supporting Piney's ministry illustrated a trend of despera tion in Frunce, which some reporters feel heralds a major crisis in French political thought. INFORMATION, a Danish newspaper, commented on the French political hodge-podge in a headline reading, "The general feeling prevailing in Tunis is that France Is not yet ripe for self-government." FULGENCIO BATISTA, former Cuban army sergeant and strong-man behind the Cuban governments from 1933-44, took over Hgain in an almost bloodless revolt. In 1944 Batista made the "mis.iike" of permitting such fair and free elections that the opposition candidate won. Bnstlsta said at that time he would "bow to the will of the people." Returning from exile to run in the forthcoming presidential election, Batista evidently became overanxious. BEVERLY MANN PP.rfnM;iir. T.nvp Wall anH Women's Athletic Assocition are; Miss Boyer, a junior In Teach- .rV"r;:" ch ,Z -'aie i-sch and Beverly Mann. 'org POllcco. is a member of WAA. Miss Esch, a junior in tthe Col- NUCWA and Kappa Kappa lege of Arts and Sciences, is a Gamma. member of Student Council and Miss Miller is a sophomore in Aquaquettes. She has served as Teachers college. She is an ln treasurer of WAA and treasurer trarr.urai representative and a of Delta Gamma. , member of WAA sports board, A junior in Teachers college, I AUF, Coed Counselors and Kappa n.: H T i l - Tir A A I ... 1 1 . miss itiaiui iius serveu as """ Alpha Theta. jsecretary. She is chairman of thei a junior in Teachers college, . Union house committee and vice- Miss Amos is treasurer of the president of Alpha Chi Omega. Iphysical education club, vice J Candidates for other offices are president of the tennis club and aniicaii JJUjci a lu iviai ma xju'c; all llllldJtlUI.ll I ciu La u VC UU college senior. Peggy Mutvaney, Teachers col lege senior. Joan Raun, College of Agricul ture senior. Jeanne Stockstill, Teachers col ; .. ij i i c icikii us iiimiu ui jiuiiur. uiiu OLiuiitcb &t--iuui. : Only junior and senior women Delores Irwin, Teachers college, fj" , ' , . iMiller, secretary; Rosemary Amos is also a NUCWA representative, are eligible to vote for May senior. Pat Wieaman, College of Arts arKj Mildred Yeakley, treasurer. Newman club vice president, 0.ueen. I Elizabeth Moodie, Teacher s,and Sciences senior. The candidate plaung second in member of WAA sports board and The 12 candidates are: college senior. Miriam wuiey, ieacners couegeitne presidential balloting will au- Anne Barger, Teachers college! Delores Lovegrove, Te a c h e rs, senior. Itomatically become vice prest-l Continued on Page 4. Anderson, Crosby To Explain Platforms Monday uepubiican gubernatorial can didates, Victor Anderson and Rob ert Crosby, will discuss their four point platforms at 2 p.m. Monday In thi Union ballroom. Anderson will argue that: 1. There should be no In crease In taxes. 2. Job opportunities should be created within the state so that Nebraska will not continue to suffer a loss In population. 3. Nebraska schools should be Peterson Sendoff , "Peterson for Senator" will receive its official sendoff on the University Campus with a speech In the Union ballroom Tuesday. The speech and a discussion period is slated to begin at 7:30 p.m. Nebraskan's governor, Val Peterson, who Is seeking the Republican nomination for U. S. senator, will be speaker of the evening. Three law fraternities Phi Delta Phi. Delta Theta Phi and Kappa Beta PI, woman's law fraternity will be sponsors of the session. The Petersons will be host at a coffee hour Saturday, March 23. The coffee hour will be held from 8 to 10 a.m. In the gov ernor's mansion. kent nt the richest nossibla level! be maintained. from all sections of the state. The! 3. Two-year plan for road re- and the standards of the schools 4. The highway commission governor would be the chairman, 'construction. Submit the plan to in the surrounding states should'should contain representatives and there would be one repre-the people of the state for their senative from each congressional approval and suggestions. . district. I 4. Emphasis on the cabinet svs Crosby will explain his platform tern with weekly meetings of the " " 1 " W,, 'J!-M 1 """ """" STUDENT POLITICIANS . . . University students organize to help Sen. Hugh Butler in his campaign for re-election. Now wear ing Butler buttons are (1. to r.) Beth Rohwer, Yolanda Davis, Irving Thode and Jim Munger. (Daily Nebra&kan Photo.) of: 1. A bill such as the Fair Employment Practices Act as a step toward breaking down racial prejudice. 2. Administrative reorgani zation, as a means of economiz ing. There has been no reor ganization since 1919. governor and departmental heads. Doris Carlson, YWCA presi dent will moderate the meeting sponsored by the Battle for Bal lots commission of the YWCA. Each candidate will give a 10 minute speech and tthe remainder of the time will be spent in a question and answer period. New Club To Greet Senator Kefauver Young Democrats for Ke fauver, newly organized campus group, announced Saturday that Sen. Estes Kefauver, president ial candidate from Tennessee, will visit the University March 31. Kefauver will speak on the campus sometime during his stay In Lincoln, club represent tives said. The club plans to campaign for Kefauver. A rally Is to be scheduled for the senator this month. A meeting for all Interested students will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday In parlor X, Union, according to Bob Relch enbach, charter member of the organization. Students Interested In the elub may also contact Larry Nordln, 2-7926. The club's charter members Include Reichenbach, Nordln, Gene Berr, Ed Berg, Ken Ry strom, lllle Goodrich and Ed Wills. lieichenbach said, "The Demo cratic organization In Lincoln la declining. We students feel we should band behind Kefauver because he is a prospective statesman." aj;i,W insi d Pjilftf l( ff V ' 1